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Harry Potter X: The Reunion - Game Thread Harry Potter X: The Reunion - Game Thread

07-29-2020 , 08:07 PM
Originally Posted by aao
Toedder has 6 posts today and is the only one below 10.

Does that mean he is auto dead from Luckbox tonight?
Only if I choose to kill him and I like Toedder and have no idea if he is adult wizard.
Harry Potter X: The Reunion - Game Thread Quote
07-29-2020 , 08:07 PM
Originally Posted by shortline99

claimed neutral with ability to kill at will and silentcast threatens villagers voting him that he will rand() their names for death, calls them bad and stupid

village elects him president and decides they don't need to see his tax returns
we're almost definitely killing him tomrorow if that makes you feel better
Harry Potter X: The Reunion - Game Thread Quote
07-29-2020 , 08:07 PM
Originally Posted by Uglydelicious
Does your role prevent you from choosing a side?
I'm my own side with my own win condition.
Harry Potter X: The Reunion - Game Thread Quote
07-29-2020 , 08:08 PM
Originally Posted by Effen
we're almost definitely killing him tomrorow if that makes you feel better
Ok. Well wolves. You're in luck because village is going full blown idiocy.
Harry Potter X: The Reunion - Game Thread Quote
07-29-2020 , 08:08 PM
Originally Posted by insanity31
look @ my joke on this page

and laugh
Harry Potter X: The Reunion - Game Thread Quote
07-29-2020 , 08:08 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
This is what is happening. And I'm even more villagery than you in this gamem
man you already know i'm a villager this game so you're clearly just screwing w me for fun

what is the % chance, in your opinion, that ladd actually dies today
Harry Potter X: The Reunion - Game Thread Quote
07-29-2020 , 08:08 PM
Thanks for list Adam.

Looking at it I am starting to think yuh are just a wolf.

But appreciate it helping me get my bearing regardless.
Harry Potter X: The Reunion - Game Thread Quote
07-29-2020 , 08:09 PM
Shortline can die. He engages with information in a way to suit his agenda and not people and it's not villagery.
Harry Potter X: The Reunion - Game Thread Quote
07-29-2020 , 08:09 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
I'm my own side with my own win condition.
It just seems like an unwinnable condition but what do I know. gl hf
Harry Potter X: The Reunion - Game Thread Quote
07-29-2020 , 08:09 PM
Lockbox. Don’t kill toeder please.
Harry Potter X: The Reunion - Game Thread Quote
07-29-2020 , 08:09 PM
villagers should stop poking luckbox. he's the only thing with a chance of keeping us in the game. we've killed 0 power off of the wolf team. we're way behind on parity after the days we should have been ahead. we've lost probably half of our best roles. the public watch+track item that should have been a huge boon hasn't been activated once. we've got nothing going for us. we're not killing a ****ing neutral
Harry Potter X: The Reunion - Game Thread Quote
07-29-2020 , 08:09 PM
Originally Posted by shortline99
man you already know i'm a villager this game so you're clearly just screwing w me for fun

what is the % chance, in your opinion, that ladd actually dies today
No idea
Harry Potter X: The Reunion - Game Thread Quote
07-29-2020 , 08:09 PM
With Adam and AAO wanting toedder dead, I want him alive.
Harry Potter X: The Reunion - Game Thread Quote
07-29-2020 , 08:10 PM
yooooooo anything happen in ita2/since? Im gonna go back to sleep if we're just lynching ladd. i'd like to keep my wiggles vanity vote for the day too if possible lmao
Harry Potter X: The Reunion - Game Thread Quote
07-29-2020 , 08:10 PM
Originally Posted by NeedMoreManasi
look @ my joke on this page

and laugh


is the joke that you don't use 50 ppp?
Harry Potter X: The Reunion - Game Thread Quote
07-29-2020 , 08:10 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
Ok. Well wolves. You're in luck because village is going full blown idiocy.
Do you know who the wolves are? How do you know they aren't stoking the flames to get you mad at us (villagers)?
Harry Potter X: The Reunion - Game Thread Quote
07-29-2020 , 08:11 PM
QB, i don't know what your issue with me is, but you need to move past it asap
Harry Potter X: The Reunion - Game Thread Quote
07-29-2020 , 08:11 PM
Originally Posted by Uglydelicious
Do you know who the wolves are? How do you know they aren't stoking the flames to get you mad at us (villagers)?
I don't know. But if people are voting me one of them can die.
Harry Potter X: The Reunion - Game Thread Quote
07-29-2020 , 08:11 PM
it's really simple. whichever team is behind wants a neutral with a lot of killpower. we are behind and luckbox is neutral with killpower.

wolves want to kill luckbox. village doesn't.
Harry Potter X: The Reunion - Game Thread Quote
07-29-2020 , 08:11 PM
Originally Posted by RJwalsh
yooooooo anything happen in ita2/since? Im gonna go back to sleep if we're just lynching ladd. i'd like to keep my wiggles vanity vote for the day too if possible lmao
I think sun tzu was the only flip as vanillager. People were shooting off Ladd for some reason.

Luco was vigged by the troll after phase ended.
Harry Potter X: The Reunion - Game Thread Quote
07-29-2020 , 08:12 PM
Originally Posted by shortline99

claimed neutral with ability to kill at will and silentcast threatens villagers voting him that he will rand() their names for death, calls them bad and stupid

village elects him president and decides they don't need to see his tax returns
Don't forget, he's also killed more villagers than wolves
Harry Potter X: The Reunion - Game Thread Quote
07-29-2020 , 08:12 PM
****kkkkkk rip luco
Harry Potter X: The Reunion - Game Thread Quote
07-29-2020 , 08:12 PM
Originally Posted by KingWiggles
Shortline can die. He engages with information in a way to suit his agenda and not people and it's not villagery.
what information? what agenda? what people?
Harry Potter X: The Reunion - Game Thread Quote
07-29-2020 , 08:12 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
I don't know. But if people are voting me one of them can die.
And you're targeting the confirmed adults (you have peeks?)? Sorry I haven't been able to understand your claim this entire time and just learned what slank means.
Harry Potter X: The Reunion - Game Thread Quote
07-29-2020 , 08:13 PM
ok i see it now

Harry Potter X: The Reunion - Game Thread Quote
