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Harry Potter X: The Reunion - Game Thread Harry Potter X: The Reunion - Game Thread

07-29-2020 , 04:24 PM
Originally Posted by Onuzq
Doesn't make them village. MU anni wolves were making all the charts/claims/other.
oic, I just read it as helpful = towny but doesn't really clear them.
Harry Potter X: The Reunion - Game Thread Quote
07-29-2020 , 04:24 PM
Originally Posted by NeedMoreManasi
i'm literally calling the police on both of u

and jonny but i forgot to quote his
think you should call em on JKR

it's her dirty mind, not mine
Harry Potter X: The Reunion - Game Thread Quote
07-29-2020 , 04:25 PM
Originally Posted by Uglydelicious
oic, I just read it as helpful = towny but doesn't really clear them.
Think accobra has done it a few times as wolf too.
Harry Potter X: The Reunion - Game Thread Quote
07-29-2020 , 04:25 PM
Harry Potter X: The Reunion - Game Thread Quote
07-29-2020 , 04:25 PM
Originally Posted by Xkf
has crackedquads done anything villagery? no right
I incorrectly wolf read DMK but it was a legit read - I was on his ass d1 in hangleton if you want to take a look

I pushed chuckles on day one also but he got soft defended by gad and effen so I let it be

I defended villager vagos from a CFD on day one

Fanmail said he gave me an upgraded expeliarmus so I used it in the second ITA period on lissa yesterday who flipped wolf today

I think my fleshing out of what the village should do wrt to luckbox and his powers was pretty pro village yesterday
Harry Potter X: The Reunion - Game Thread Quote
07-29-2020 , 04:25 PM
Originally Posted by Uglydelicious
oic, I just read it as helpful = towny but doesn't really clear them.
it's called busywork, anyone can do it
Harry Potter X: The Reunion - Game Thread Quote
07-29-2020 , 04:26 PM
Votes from post 4984 to post 7302
Night in 4:36:09

12 ladd HUstylez (33), filthyvermin (39), chim17 (26), UpsideDownChuck (28), Luco (29), jonnyd (45), MFFNike (22), Kukraprout (51), shortline99 (54), Kelhus100 (39), JMurder3 (14), Xkf (124)
3 accobra_kid benneh (66), Effen (33), insanity31 (61)
2 KingWiggles RJwalsh (104), Adam33 (123)
2 Uglydelicious ladd (46), fanmail (17)
1 Sun Tzu aao (66)
1 Charry Onuzq (109)
1 insanity31 NeedMoreManasi (96)
1 biggerboat Zurvan (20)
1 benneh Uglydelicious (98)
1 Luco accobra_kid (19)
1 toedder Luckbox Inc (193)
9 not voting Booker Wolfbox (12), Charry (1), KingWiggles (115), mrs. jonnyd (15), Sun Tzu (28), TehVader (15), wahoopride (39), xander biscuits (53), younguns87 (63)
4 Error toedder (6), Chris Pine (42), biggerboat (87), crackedquads (8)
Harry Potter X: The Reunion - Game Thread Quote
07-29-2020 , 04:27 PM
kinda don't want to finish sun off now. also kinda want to shoot aao instead.
Harry Potter X: The Reunion - Game Thread Quote
07-29-2020 , 04:27 PM
Harry Potter X: The Reunion - Game Thread Quote
07-29-2020 , 04:28 PM
Originally Posted by insanity31
think you should call em on JKR

it's her dirty mind, not mine
the lot of ya


xkf is going crazy i think we might need to reign him in soon

also @wiggles same
Harry Potter X: The Reunion - Game Thread Quote
07-29-2020 , 04:28 PM
Originally Posted by accobra_kid
This is bleak, but I am not going to give up.

I think we should leave BingoBago alone and focus on other targets. Use the lynch on him instead.
what does this mean?
Harry Potter X: The Reunion - Game Thread Quote
07-29-2020 , 04:29 PM
Originally Posted by crackedquads
I think my fleshing out of what the village should do wrt to luckbox and his powers was pretty pro village yesterday
Posted mechanically stuff about neutrals: lock clear!
Harry Potter X: The Reunion - Game Thread Quote
07-29-2020 , 04:29 PM
I guess we killed the main vote power but we will need a second wagon since ladd may be voldy and may have an unknown number of lives (not sure if it would go to second wagon or be absorbed)
Harry Potter X: The Reunion - Game Thread Quote
07-29-2020 , 04:29 PM
i will currently accept no scum reads on the following players itg:


thank u
Harry Potter X: The Reunion - Game Thread Quote
07-29-2020 , 04:29 PM
i wouldn't mind something like

accobra -> mrs. / fanmail
Harry Potter X: The Reunion - Game Thread Quote
07-29-2020 , 04:30 PM
Originally Posted by Xkf
has crackedquads done anything villagery? no right
Originally Posted by crackedquads
I incorrectly wolf read DMK but it was a legit read - I was on his ass d1 in hangleton if you want to take a look

I pushed chuckles on day one also but he got soft defended by gad and effen so I let it be

I defended villager vagos from a CFD on day one

Fanmail said he gave me an upgraded expeliarmus so I used it in the second ITA period on lissa yesterday who flipped wolf today

I think my fleshing out of what the village should do wrt to luckbox and his powers was pretty pro village yesterday
I also did a breakdown of my day one ITA's here:

Followed up with some day 2 stuff here:

Made D1 and D2 vote charts

I'm pretty sure I've done more than most for people paying attention
Harry Potter X: The Reunion - Game Thread Quote
07-29-2020 , 04:30 PM
Originally Posted by Kukraprout
what does this mean?
Level 0: hoping shots were directed off the bodyguard and we wasted a lunch on an obvious wolf?

Accobras a good shot in the next session
Harry Potter X: The Reunion - Game Thread Quote
07-29-2020 , 04:30 PM
Originally Posted by biggerboat
kinda don't want to finish sun off now. also kinda want to shoot aao instead.
remember the other late day dmk voters......

Originally Posted by aao
Happy to sponge on dmk here, been away since ITAs

Harry Potter X: The Reunion - Game Thread Quote
07-29-2020 , 04:30 PM
Originally Posted by Adam33
i wouldn't mind something like

accobra -> mrs. / fanmail
Do you not want to kill me or do you just not think anyone will bite?
Harry Potter X: The Reunion - Game Thread Quote
07-29-2020 , 04:30 PM
Originally Posted by Kukraprout
what does this mean?
honestly i didn't think about that much but that post is scummy af

the thing that gives me pause is the thought that accobra probably knows better than to post something like that when his partner has a non zero chance of dying?

sanity check?
Harry Potter X: The Reunion - Game Thread Quote
07-29-2020 , 04:31 PM
Originally Posted by KingWiggles
Do you not want to kill me or do you just not think anyone will bite?
Harry Potter X: The Reunion - Game Thread Quote
07-29-2020 , 04:32 PM
it is PEACH SZN and i am here for it
Harry Potter X: The Reunion - Game Thread Quote
07-29-2020 , 04:32 PM
Originally Posted by Adam33
i wouldn't mind something like

accobra -> mrs. / fanmail
Read-based, I would go:
fanmail >> accobra > mrs

But since RJwalsh hard defended fanmail using mysterious colored text I'd say:
accobra > mrs > fanmail
Harry Potter X: The Reunion - Game Thread Quote
07-29-2020 , 04:32 PM
i feel like despite how villagery i've been i'm gonna be in this game for the long haul

Harry Potter X: The Reunion - Game Thread Quote
07-29-2020 , 04:32 PM
Originally Posted by Uglydelicious
oic, I just read it as helpful = towny but doesn't really clear them.
MU people say: towny, town, scum, cop, etc..

poggers say : wolf, village, etc..

pog4lyfe!!!! represent!

you should be a pogger uglyd. i feel it in my bones that you are pog and not MU
Harry Potter X: The Reunion - Game Thread Quote
