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Harry Potter X: The Reunion - Game Thread Harry Potter X: The Reunion - Game Thread

07-28-2020 , 05:52 PM
Originally Posted by Charry
wolfy ita timed pop-in

so I can crucio 3x.. thats the plan?

and I have an obliviate from sgtrj.. targets for that? 50% to roleblock the following night

who has the last spell from SGT RJ

we have monstr, ct, xkf, toedder, charry, +1

charry an odd choice but cool

rb lissa
Harry Potter X: The Reunion - Game Thread Quote
07-28-2020 , 05:52 PM
Originally Posted by wahoopride
I feel like we should just shoot the stupid troll.

Nothing else to do and maybe something bad happens if we just leave a troll to wander free
I'm killing the troll or myself. You guys worry about puttint crucios on wolves
Harry Potter X: The Reunion - Game Thread Quote
07-28-2020 , 05:52 PM
Originally Posted by Xkf
also read loosekanen who was like hard defending dmk which imo looks bad but he seems ok about it? low volume but villagery when there. idk
loosekanen dead village tracker/watcher or something. I thought his dmk defense was based on his role info but upon reread it doesnt appear so.
Harry Potter X: The Reunion - Game Thread Quote
07-28-2020 , 05:52 PM
Originally Posted by Kukraprout
I'd say not necessarily in this game, mainly because from the game designer perspective the weasley bodyguard role becomes more interesting if a weasley is a wolf.
hmm but I think he bodyguarded a villager earlier? I'm fuzzy on the details, need to have a notetaking system next time I play.
Harry Potter X: The Reunion - Game Thread Quote
07-28-2020 , 05:53 PM
DMK - somebody walk me through this

loosekanen comes into the thread spamming don't shoot DMK, he immediately gets day vigged, and now we're working under the assumption dmk isn't savagely SHC?
Harry Potter X: The Reunion - Game Thread Quote
07-28-2020 , 05:53 PM
accobra, you still here?
Harry Potter X: The Reunion - Game Thread Quote
07-28-2020 , 05:53 PM
we should make shady people shoot at the troll first
Harry Potter X: The Reunion - Game Thread Quote
07-28-2020 , 05:53 PM
Basically there is nothing useful to be done this ITA period due to lolsuperangelwolf.

Shoot the troll, shoot nothing, randomly disarm each other - really doesn't matter.
Harry Potter X: The Reunion - Game Thread Quote
07-28-2020 , 05:53 PM
Originally Posted by jonnyd
end of ita i xpost shot crucio with wahoo at chuckles when if chuckles survived he would have gotten another day vig
It's certainly something but I don't think that's super clearing. Crucio is just one of a few needed to hit to even get a kill, it'd probably miss anyways, your shots could be mechanically inept, and either way if you are a wolf you'd get points for it in retrospect

Your d1 is pretty bad in retrospect. I made a post about it
Harry Potter X: The Reunion - Game Thread Quote
07-28-2020 , 05:53 PM
Adam, you seemed pretty reactive to my push. interesting.

there is no need to stress, no shots today anyway. we talk more deeply tomorrow.
Harry Potter X: The Reunion - Game Thread Quote
07-28-2020 , 05:53 PM
Originally Posted by Xkf
chris pine

how dumb am i
I can see ~3/6 +/-1
Harry Potter X: The Reunion - Game Thread Quote
07-28-2020 , 05:53 PM
Originally Posted by toedder
Don't have time to read a lot. Ist Lissa still a wolf?
She came in and made a post saying she was sleeping and then had other stuff to do. So looks like we have to call the Lynch off.

Harry Potter X: The Reunion - Game Thread Quote
07-28-2020 , 05:53 PM
Back after making strawberry bars with the minis

I assume I missed nothing important
Harry Potter X: The Reunion - Game Thread Quote
07-28-2020 , 05:53 PM
Originally Posted by wahoopride
I feel like we should just shoot the stupid troll.

Nothing else to do and maybe something bad happens if we just leave a troll to wander free
Harry Potter X: The Reunion - Game Thread Quote
07-28-2020 , 05:54 PM
Here do to stuff and s***.
Harry Potter X: The Reunion - Game Thread Quote
07-28-2020 , 05:54 PM
Originally Posted by Kelhus100
Yeah, WTF should we be doing?

I can't be bothered to go back to page 1 and read what the other spells are.

Someone just tell me what to do.
  • Avada Kedavra - To instantly kill a player
  • Crucio - To slowly kill a player. A player hit with 3 Crucios will die. Crucios do not wear off
  • Expelliarmus - To disarm a player. That player cannot cast spells during that ITA period
  • Stupefy - To stun a player. That player cannot cast spells and has Agility=0 during that ITA period.


obliviate seems to be a 50% RB

priori incantatem can be used to find the last x spells used by a wand

i don't remember what legilimens is

someone else might have sectumsempra btu idk
Harry Potter X: The Reunion - Game Thread Quote
07-28-2020 , 05:54 PM
Originally Posted by Xkf
i'm still hoping shortline comes in and does well for the village
workday is over and i'm here again but 3600 posts in 10 hours feels so inconceivable

i genuinely want to be helpful but this is why i normally zone out for a bit in the cluster****y games. the new crop of players is even worse tho. can't even focus my eyes

i have said before that ITAs, votes, night actions in games like this are where it's at. you can fake tone, you can blend into crowds. you can't fake what you do. so i'm at least grateful for the ppl compiling ITA summaries so i have something to actually go over. and i am pretty sure someone called me a wolf at one point for talking too much about neutrals / actions / ITAs, which is just ass-backwards
Harry Potter X: The Reunion - Game Thread Quote
07-28-2020 , 05:54 PM
I defended fanmail yesterday largely because I thought his role would become clearer with time. He's definitely not trending in a good direction.
Harry Potter X: The Reunion - Game Thread Quote
07-28-2020 , 05:54 PM
Originally Posted by confirmedtroll
so I wasn't on your list of wolves and you shot me.

you won't live long I'm afraid.
Harry Potter X: The Reunion - Game Thread Quote
07-28-2020 , 05:54 PM
Xkf, feel free to let me know why Adam's a wolf in a way that deals with yesterday's vig shot and doesn't deal with event post punctuation
Harry Potter X: The Reunion - Game Thread Quote
07-28-2020 , 05:54 PM
Originally Posted by jonnyd
we should make shady people shoot at the troll first
luckbox said he's gonna
Harry Potter X: The Reunion - Game Thread Quote
07-28-2020 , 05:55 PM
Originally Posted by Adam33
DMK - somebody walk me through this

loosekanen comes into the thread spamming don't shoot DMK, he immediately gets day vigged, and now we're working under the assumption dmk isn't savagely SHC?
@confirmed troll @jaleb @anybody else saying DMK is a wolf and worth prioritizing
Harry Potter X: The Reunion - Game Thread Quote
07-28-2020 , 05:55 PM
I thought I saw a post of someone saying that loosekanen watched DMK, and no one visited him, thus he didn't think dmk was a wolf? Something along those lines. It's pretty weak for loose to clear DMK for that
Harry Potter X: The Reunion - Game Thread Quote
07-28-2020 , 05:55 PM
Luckbox is going to kill the troll, then I will personally resolve him tomorrow.
Harry Potter X: The Reunion - Game Thread Quote
07-28-2020 , 05:55 PM
Originally Posted by jonnyd
we should make shady people shoot at the troll first
That's me!
Harry Potter X: The Reunion - Game Thread Quote
