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Harry Potter 6 Mishmash Game Thread Harry Potter 6 Mishmash Game Thread

06-05-2014 , 08:20 PM
Originally Posted by Rise from Ashes
euro keep posting please
legitimately have no idea wat this mean

sry mooch i was out of line there.

still, you're wrong and i'm not getting lynched today.
Harry Potter 6 Mishmash Game Thread Quote
06-05-2014 , 08:20 PM
Originally Posted by Gadarene
Then suggesting that he targets himself is +EV because it wastes a wolf roleblock action
Not really. If they don't know, the vig would kill him if done anyways.
Harry Potter 6 Mishmash Game Thread Quote
06-05-2014 , 08:20 PM
Votes from post 16782 to post 20776
Night in 0:39:48

16 dbmurph22 TH10 (189), Willi (180), Gamer Dude (41), Gadarene (147), fnord_too (101), mexineil (144), MFFNike (110), vyk07 (58), Tao1 (26), accobra_kid (52), PlzBeALevel (54), wangpirate (87), flytrap (88), rebonkulous (156), jonnyd (72), TeacupVelociraptor (171)
2 LeonardoDicaprio Duckburg (133), Larry Legend (92)
2 Rise from Ashes Aaronk56's Son (49), djarm67 (19)
2 jonnyd Eurotrash (137), Rise from Ashes (125)
2 Eurotrash LeonardoDicaprio (207), The Moochah (278)
2 wangpirate Kaze13 (29), ZomgHax (36)
2 Duckburg gambit8888 (195), HUstylez (102)
1 flytrap Effen (144)
1 vixticator pry (38)
6 not voting 72off (33), biggerboat (32), dkgojackets (5), master3004 (28), Slighted (9), Sun Tzu (15)
6 Error RiverFenix (102), dbmurph22 (22), Mor_Tilt4mePls (16), vixticator (73), UofU2010 (15), lenC (28)
Harry Potter 6 Mishmash Game Thread Quote
06-05-2014 , 08:20 PM
DUnno where to stay tonight

My options are High Street, Train Station, Dervish, or Wand Shop

Opinions welcome
Harry Potter 6 Mishmash Game Thread Quote
06-05-2014 , 08:21 PM
Originally Posted by Aaronk56's Son
I'm just saying that the wolves are never night killing me here unless they had peeked me. And who knows bigger could be lying.

Also my imperio on bigger worked. What do I do now?
use it on riverfenix
Harry Potter 6 Mishmash Game Thread Quote
06-05-2014 , 08:21 PM
Harry Potter 6 Mishmash Game Thread Quote
06-05-2014 , 08:21 PM
if pry or bigger are wolves and have NAs then they'll obviously be planning for it and the info will likely turn into a huge levelfest
Harry Potter 6 Mishmash Game Thread Quote
06-05-2014 , 08:22 PM
Originally Posted by Aaronk56's Son
I'm just saying that the wolves are never night killing me here unless they had peeked me. And who knows bigger could be lying.

Also my imperio on bigger worked. What do I do now?
I wouldn't announce it in the thread at all, if my imperio worked. Only let it known when the NA changes the odds of the allegiance of the player in question(like a watcher is highly likely to be a villager for example).
Harry Potter 6 Mishmash Game Thread Quote
06-05-2014 , 08:22 PM
Originally Posted by vyk07
does the fact that you hit confirm that they have a NA

or would it give you a "no effect" if it hit on someone with no powers
Not sure why Euro is lying here. He didn't hit with that anyway. I would think that if someone does hit with it, it would simply show Hit regardless as to whether they had a NA or not..
Harry Potter 6 Mishmash Game Thread Quote
06-05-2014 , 08:22 PM
Harry Potter 6 Mishmash Game Thread Quote
06-05-2014 , 08:23 PM
Originally Posted by TH10
Not really. If they don't know, the vig would kill him if done anyways.
Ok but vig is only a small part of any wolf range anyway

But w/e, it's gonna be WIFOM regardless and the people who have the imperios should just make the best judgment
Harry Potter 6 Mishmash Game Thread Quote
06-05-2014 , 08:23 PM
Originally Posted by Gamer Dude
gotta admit, t his sets off some serious alarm bells
Harry Potter 6 Mishmash Game Thread Quote
06-05-2014 , 08:23 PM
Originally Posted by lenC
I wouldn't announce it in the thread at all, if my imperio worked. Only let it known when the NA changes the odds of the allegiance of the player in question(like a watcher is highly likely to be a villager for example).
This is a little stupidly worded - you have to do that **** subtle.
Harry Potter 6 Mishmash Game Thread Quote
06-05-2014 , 08:24 PM
Originally Posted by Gadarene
Ok but vig is only a small part of any wolf range anyway

But w/e, it's gonna be WIFOM regardless and the people who have the imperios should just make the best judgment
True. Like I said these are potentially dangerous. Can target wolves with good actions, or villas with bad.
Harry Potter 6 Mishmash Game Thread Quote
06-05-2014 , 08:24 PM
jonnyd maybe?
Harry Potter 6 Mishmash Game Thread Quote
06-05-2014 , 08:24 PM
Originally Posted by Gadarene
Ok but vig is only a small part of any wolf range anyway

But w/e, it's gonna be WIFOM regardless and the people who have the imperios should just make the best judgment
what's WIFOM?
Harry Potter 6 Mishmash Game Thread Quote
06-05-2014 , 08:24 PM
Originally Posted by djarm67
Not sure why Euro is lying here. He didn't hit with that anyway. I would think that if someone does hit with it, it would simply show Hit regardless as to whether they had a NA or not..
you don't have a NA?
Harry Potter 6 Mishmash Game Thread Quote
06-05-2014 , 08:24 PM
Originally Posted by djarm67
Not sure why Euro is lying here. He didn't hit with that anyway. I would think that if someone does hit with it, it would simply show Hit regardless as to whether they had a NA or not..
good of you to show up.

i'm not lying about anything. the spell hit.
Harry Potter 6 Mishmash Game Thread Quote
06-05-2014 , 08:24 PM
Originally Posted by younguns87
Leo is actually a raging vagina, but still most likely a villager
Harry Potter 6 Mishmash Game Thread Quote
06-05-2014 , 08:25 PM
Originally Posted by HUstylez
what's WIFOM?
wine in front of me

(leveling, basically)
Harry Potter 6 Mishmash Game Thread Quote
06-05-2014 , 08:25 PM
Originally Posted by Effen
gotta admit, t his sets off some serious alarm bells
please elaborate. You already questioned me earlier and I answered.

And now this. So are you going to push my way or just drop in every hour and say I look suspicious?
Harry Potter 6 Mishmash Game Thread Quote
06-05-2014 , 08:25 PM
Originally Posted by Effen
gotta admit, t his sets off some serious alarm bells

Originally Posted by HUstylez
what's WIFOM?
Wine In Front Of Me. From Princess Bride. The same as levels.
Harry Potter 6 Mishmash Game Thread Quote
06-05-2014 , 08:25 PM
Harry Potter 6 Mishmash Game Thread Quote
06-05-2014 , 08:25 PM
Im also good with a Larry Legend2nd wagon
Harry Potter 6 Mishmash Game Thread Quote
