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Harry Potter 6 Mishmash Game Thread Harry Potter 6 Mishmash Game Thread

06-05-2014 , 01:25 PM

Leo thinks you are a wolf

Harry Potter 6 Mishmash Game Thread Quote
06-05-2014 , 01:25 PM
My gut is telling me HUStylez is a really good target right now, would like some input.
Harry Potter 6 Mishmash Game Thread Quote
06-05-2014 , 01:26 PM
Lol larry again
Harry Potter 6 Mishmash Game Thread Quote
06-05-2014 , 01:26 PM

LL thinks you are a wolf

Harry Potter 6 Mishmash Game Thread Quote
06-05-2014 , 01:26 PM
Was the yippee death method discussed?

What is going on with that? Seems like there has been one like that each day.
Harry Potter 6 Mishmash Game Thread Quote
06-05-2014 , 01:26 PM
Originally Posted by Larry Legend
stupefy youngguns
No effect
Harry Potter 6 Mishmash Game Thread Quote
06-05-2014 , 01:27 PM
Originally Posted by TH10
Was the yippee death method discussed?

What is going on with that? Seems like there has been one like that each day.
can you update and post death chart
Harry Potter 6 Mishmash Game Thread Quote
06-05-2014 , 01:27 PM
Originally Posted by TH10
Stupefy dbmurph22
No effect
Harry Potter 6 Mishmash Game Thread Quote
06-05-2014 , 01:27 PM
sure mooch, let me waste a bunch of time cataloguing the poasts that "clear me". ofc i'm going to do it but only because it's you that asked.

(wanna know what you're playin' for?)
Harry Potter 6 Mishmash Game Thread Quote
06-05-2014 , 01:28 PM
Originally Posted by Willi
can you update and post death chart
Sure, death chartz.

corycurrenvanillaMundungus Fletcherhuge blow on headd1685
insanity31vanillaFred Weasleyzdye event vigd12057
diskotequevanillaOliver Woodxkf event vigd14002
Godric GryffindorvanillaCho Changmodkilld14992
vayavanillaGarrick Ollivanderbeaten to a pulpd15080
rankavanillaBellatrix Lestrangemodkilld15773
425kidredirectorBarty Crouch Jr.lynchd16142
xkfvanillaLavender Brownnkn16150
UncleDynamitevanillaLuna Lovegoodbasiliskd26876
TheBrokenATM!vanillaAberforth Dumbledoreyg AKd27468
SGT RJvanillaLucius Malfoysilent AKd27740
VagosgodfatherNaginisilent AKd28150
iamnotawerewolfvanillaCormac McLaggenash sectumsemprad28344
Top Tier Tomteacher RBGilderoy Lockhartgiant fightd28399
cjkaltvanillaHannah Abbottmodkilld211249
Diggerthedogsilentcasting, apparitionAlbus Dumbledorelynchd211630
filthyverminteacherCuthbert Binnsnkn211632
grant2vanillaRowena Ravenclawnkn211632
SuqAta8night angelRon Weasleynkn211632
charryvanillaMadam Rosmertankn211632
El RatavanillaDedalus Digglebeaten to a pulpd312544
chuckleslovakianvanillaAugusta Longbottomleo cruciod312725
Shark SandwichtraitorMarietta Edgecomeash sectumsemprad313125
zdye724suicide bomber janitorInferiussuicided314354
Ashington??????zdye suicided314354
Chips AhoyvanillaPoppy Pomfreysilent cruciod314849
TehVaderwatcherRodolphus LestrangeZomghax AKd315356
mutigers5591day angelHermione Grangersilent AKd316144
killer_killprotectorAugustus Rookwoodhustylez cruciod316337
monstrmanvanillaAmelia Bonesmodkilld316597
fanmailanimagusPeter Pettigrewlynchd316774
Mark_Kday/night trackerSirius Blacknkn316779
mucksandgravsbodyguardNymphadora Tonksnkn316779
TheNothingvanillaDennis Creeveymodkilld416888
CalledDownLight2-time seerRebastan Lestrangerebonk cruciod416998
Yippee ki-yayvanillaSeamus Finnigansmashed skulld417766

That should be all, or is something missing?
Harry Potter 6 Mishmash Game Thread Quote
06-05-2014 , 01:28 PM
Originally Posted by Eurotrash
sure mooch, let me waste a bunch of time cataloguing the poasts that "clear me". ofc i'm going to do it but only because it's you that asked.

(wanna know what you're playin' for?)
all the fixings plz old boy
Harry Potter 6 Mishmash Game Thread Quote
06-05-2014 , 01:28 PM
Originally Posted by The Moochah
My gut is telling me HUStylez is a really good target right now, would like some input.
I generally agree, although I think he put the killer 7th blow on killer. If the wolves knew it needed 7 hits to kill him, would one of them do that?
Harry Potter 6 Mishmash Game Thread Quote
06-05-2014 , 01:29 PM
Originally Posted by Eurotrash
to flytrap's credit he called out Zaids for his shat on i31
wolves can bus, sometimes mildly

it's part of the subterfuge
Harry Potter 6 Mishmash Game Thread Quote
06-05-2014 , 01:29 PM
LEO as a wolf makes perfect sense to me.
Harry Potter 6 Mishmash Game Thread Quote
06-05-2014 , 01:29 PM
Originally Posted by The Moochah
My gut is telling me HUStylez is a really good target right now, would like some input.
I strongly disagree
Harry Potter 6 Mishmash Game Thread Quote
06-05-2014 , 01:29 PM
Originally Posted by LeonardoDicaprio
well if he's been slipping reads in with his charts i prlly skimmed over a lot of them

There things like quoting someone's wolf list and saying "I think x is villa"

Not big "I think x is this for these reasons"

I think this is just his style.

Also, when I was going at him in some posts he was still having good conversation with me in others. I think that is generally more villagery than wolfy.
Harry Potter 6 Mishmash Game Thread Quote
06-05-2014 , 01:30 PM
Originally Posted by RiverFenix
LEO as a wolf makes perfect sense to me.
found another one
Harry Potter 6 Mishmash Game Thread Quote
06-05-2014 , 01:30 PM
Originally Posted by mexineil
I generally agree, although I think he put the killer 7th blow on killer. If the wolves knew it needed 7 hits to kill him, would one of them do that?
If this really happened, I like this point. If that was a bus, HU pretty much has to be a PR wolf.
Harry Potter 6 Mishmash Game Thread Quote
06-05-2014 , 01:30 PM
beaten to a pulp twive

huge blow to head once

smashed skull once as it seems
Harry Potter 6 Mishmash Game Thread Quote
06-05-2014 , 01:30 PM
Originally Posted by The Moochah
You usually don't trust me from the get-go, you usually get on my nerves.

I flat out don't know what to do with you atm but I don't want you dead, that's for sure. And I think you've made a number of very solid villager reads that I've made but haven't explained so we're on the same level a lot of the time.

I'd appreciate it if you'd list your wolf suspects and said a few words about each.
dbmurph22 - probably a lock based on last night
DonkDonkDonkDonk - I expect him to be more interested in a major game. He's been gliding by. I'll read him later when I have time
Gadarene - Secretly hoping he's a wolf. I am too afraid to pull the trigger. He's sounded villagery in spurts. I realize this is a wolf list but I would like to put Gad on here
jonnyd - POE and lack of imprint
rebonkulous - Sketchy from yesterday, snap reaction to your 2 crucios hititng is interesting. Idk. Actually I would gun to my head call him a villager. Hi duckburg!
Tao1 - In his own world, detached. He's a mishmash veteran yet he's amounted to only weak rereads. He can die
younguns87 - Brief emo spurt sounds villagery. Of course he can sound villagery at will. His body of work is very un-yg like. I don't know what to do with him. shrug
Harry Potter 6 Mishmash Game Thread Quote
06-05-2014 , 01:31 PM
Mooch I appreciate your efforts the villa definitely needs someone to rally around and you're doing a great job. The attempt on your life was evidence of that today for sure.
Harry Potter 6 Mishmash Game Thread Quote
06-05-2014 , 01:31 PM
Originally Posted by Willi
beaten to a pulp twive

huge blow to head once

smashed skull once as it seems
Yea, and the giant fight on d2 with Tom could be in same category.
Harry Potter 6 Mishmash Game Thread Quote
06-05-2014 , 01:31 PM
Kinda curious how Dervish is still selling glass vials, but JK Howling said that all of the mandrakes had already been taken.

I would test it out, but if I'm wrong, I've wasted 6 hours of movements and 12 knuts, which is like 40% of my roll.
Harry Potter 6 Mishmash Game Thread Quote
06-05-2014 , 01:31 PM
Originally Posted by flytrap
As far as I know we don't have any info about what happens when non-wizards fire off spells. I think the most likely outcome of that is they get no effect each time.
every player starts with a wand, as per OP

you think muggles start with a wand cuz idk funsies?
Harry Potter 6 Mishmash Game Thread Quote
06-05-2014 , 01:32 PM
Originally Posted by RiverFenix
Mooch I appreciate your efforts the villa definitely needs someone to rally around and you're doing a great job. The attempt on your life was evidence of that today for sure.
Harry Potter 6 Mishmash Game Thread Quote
