Originally Posted by younguns87
like your questions dont even make sense and you dont even care about the answer. The condescending tone is a nice addition as well
Obviously I shot at him cause I thought that would make him a wolf. I was in no danger of dying until today so I didnt think it would really matter, and even IF i did die, I think River would have received the necessary heat anyways.
Then today when I ask him about it, he seemed villagery in his responses and believed he made the right play, so Im thinking he just is a misguided villager
Yes he could be a wolf immune to day spells but like you dont really care about any of this.
My point is that if River is a wolf it seems like a dumb play to claim a vig on a wolf that you didn't kill, because then the vig would shoot you. It's also a dumb claim to make if you're villa tho which is why I mentioned another option.
I am asking you about this because you have presumably been thinking about this for the last 2 days.
And I want you to note that several wolves have mocked me itt and mocked my reads and they are now dead, it makes me paranoid that I've made some crappy lists and the talk in wolfchat has been about lolmoocher and some of that chatter has carried over into the thread, for examples of this see tehvader, zdye and CDL and a couple of other people in this game that are still alive.
I'm not being condescending at all, I'm trying to save your life if you're a villager and your responses to me, mocking me, do not make me think you're a villager. Normally I would clear people for this attitude but too many wolves have acted this way towards me already.