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Harry Potter 6 Mishmash Game Thread Harry Potter 6 Mishmash Game Thread

06-09-2014 , 08:07 AM
I could be wrong, but I'm guessing Slighted was a ~vanilla at the time of his death?

With Duck's reveal, and what they were talking about yesterday, it seems likely that rebonk is the night counterpart to his role and thus lock clear. Rebonk needs to confirm if this is true or not. If not, then what is he claiming to be.
Harry Potter 6 Mishmash Game Thread Quote
06-09-2014 , 08:08 AM
Apparently some of you thought Hurp didn't kill bigger?

Let me explain why he 99 % did.

1. Hurp isn't bad at this game.
2. Hurp isn't stupid.

Using a hypothetical (you can search that word) scenario, I yesterday explained why keeping up the killrate is good for us. Hurp would know this as well and take the shot unless he was 100 % sure all possible targets were villa. The worst case scenario is taking out an unclear player, best case taking out a wolf. So it really doesn't make any sense to hold back the shot there. We can ask about it postgame, but I'd be surprised if I'm wrong about this.
Harry Potter 6 Mishmash Game Thread Quote
06-09-2014 , 08:10 AM
So Larry has claimed to have a permanent extra unfogivable? And then claims Lee Jordan? Someone correct if I remember something wrong. If not, how does it make sense for Lee Jordan to have an extra unforgivable? This claim does not have enough cream for me. And I think Larry should be the next to die.

If game doesn't end there, next I would kill in probably the following order until game ends:

I don't really see how we are ever going to lose this tbh.
Harry Potter 6 Mishmash Game Thread Quote
06-09-2014 , 08:10 AM
Move to Dark Forest
Harry Potter 6 Mishmash Game Thread Quote
06-09-2014 , 08:11 AM
Harry Potter 6 Mishmash Game Thread Quote
06-09-2014 , 08:11 AM
**** DEAD ****

I get to a computer and I see I'm dead.

**** DEAD ****
Harry Potter 6 Mishmash Game Thread Quote
06-09-2014 , 08:11 AM
Originally Posted by TH10
I could be wrong, but I'm guessing Slighted was a ~vanilla at the time of his death?

With Duck's reveal, and what they were talking about yesterday, it seems likely that rebonk is the night counterpart to his role and thus lock clear. Rebonk needs to confirm if this is true or not. If not, then what is he claiming to be.
You are correct. And my character is pretty obvious now that duck died. I had a strong feeling duck was lily too based on our discussions
Harry Potter 6 Mishmash Game Thread Quote
06-09-2014 , 08:11 AM
Votes from post 27770 to post 27780
Night in 12:49:04

1 RiverFenix The Moochah (2)
1 Larry Legend TH10 (8)
12 not voting RiverFenix (0), rebonkulous (0), MFFNike (0), mexineil (0), LeonardoDicaprio (0), lenC (0), Larry Legend (0), Effen (0), dkgojackets (0), djarm67 (0), Aaronk56's Son (0), 72off (0)
Harry Potter 6 Mishmash Game Thread Quote
06-09-2014 , 08:12 AM
Originally Posted by rebonkulous
You are correct. And my character is pretty obvious now that duck died. I had a strong feeling duck was lily too based on our discussions

You are lock clear then.
Harry Potter 6 Mishmash Game Thread Quote
06-09-2014 , 08:15 AM

You are kinda dumb.

I do not have an extra unforgivable. My vote last night was insanely good. How can you ever think I am the next to die?

You voted for djarm and not slighted.

You are more likely to be a wolf than me.
Harry Potter 6 Mishmash Game Thread Quote
06-09-2014 , 08:15 AM
rebonk, if you're the night equivalent to duck's role how exactly ate the wolves supposed to kill harry potter iyo?
Harry Potter 6 Mishmash Game Thread Quote
06-09-2014 , 08:16 AM
Djarm again as a counter wagon to a wolf and didn't vote for the main wagon...
Harry Potter 6 Mishmash Game Thread Quote
06-09-2014 , 08:18 AM
Originally Posted by Larry Legend

You are kinda dumb.

I do not have an extra unforgivable. My vote last night was insanely good. How can you ever think I am the next to die?

You voted for djarm and not slighted.

You are more likely to be a wolf than me.
Well there was talk about it yesterday. Pretty sure someone said you did have an extra one. Was that just one day and from the item then as well?

I told you yesterday I didn't really have preference on who would die first of my suspects. It is loltastic that you are saying I wasn't willing to lynch Slighted there. I was just voting on who the lock clears were, and since I had to be posting vote counts, it was pretty difficult to try to follow the thread as well and then I ended up on djarm with all the late votes.

I'm definitely not more likely wolf than you here.
Harry Potter 6 Mishmash Game Thread Quote
06-09-2014 , 08:18 AM
Originally Posted by The Moochah
rebonk, if you're the night equivalent to duck's role how exactly ate the wolves supposed to kill harry potter iyo?
Kill me first, or ITA him today
Harry Potter 6 Mishmash Game Thread Quote
06-09-2014 , 08:19 AM
Could Effen and TH10 be the final 2 wolves?
Harry Potter 6 Mishmash Game Thread Quote
06-09-2014 , 08:19 AM
Harry was untouchable until duck just died; that is the reason he is still alive
Harry Potter 6 Mishmash Game Thread Quote
06-09-2014 , 08:20 AM
Originally Posted by Larry Legend
Could Effen and TH10 be the final 2 wolves?

I'm not a wolf, and I doubt Effen is either.
Harry Potter 6 Mishmash Game Thread Quote
06-09-2014 , 08:21 AM
Come into thread pushing someone who voted a wolf in a 1 vote deciding lynch at :00 and give a kill list that if you are a wolf could presumably win you the game.

Yea, you def don't have an agenda today.
Harry Potter 6 Mishmash Game Thread Quote
06-09-2014 , 08:21 AM
Originally Posted by Larry Legend
Could Effen and TH10 be the final 2 wolves?
That was my guess yesterday, and I still think that. I believe at least one of them certainly is, and decent chance both.
Harry Potter 6 Mishmash Game Thread Quote
06-09-2014 , 08:22 AM
Harry Potter:

Looks like now is the time to claim, everyone knows who you are tho, but you prolly had quite a few actions this game and might know something important, think about it.
Harry Potter 6 Mishmash Game Thread Quote
06-09-2014 , 08:22 AM
Originally Posted by Larry Legend
Come into thread pushing someone who voted a wolf in a 1 vote deciding lynch at :00 and give a kill list that if you are a wolf could presumably win you the game.

Yea, you def don't have an agenda today.
There were two votes after you, so yea, you are trying to give your vote way too much credit here.

I admit I have an agenda, to kill wolves.
Harry Potter 6 Mishmash Game Thread Quote
06-09-2014 , 08:24 AM
Originally Posted by The Moochah
Harry Potter:

Looks like now is the time to claim, everyone knows who you are tho, but you prolly had quite a few actions this game and might know something important, think about it.
I agree
Harry Potter 6 Mishmash Game Thread Quote
06-09-2014 , 08:24 AM
Originally Posted by The Moochah
Harry Potter:

Looks like now is the time to claim, everyone knows who you are tho, but you prolly had quite a few actions this game and might know something important, think about it.
Fine, I'm Harry Potter.

I'm a vanilla villa though. Which is strange given the lore.
Harry Potter 6 Mishmash Game Thread Quote
06-09-2014 , 08:25 AM
Aaronk56's Son

All non slighted voters.

We have some villas there:

That leaves:

The wolves are in the second list
Harry Potter 6 Mishmash Game Thread Quote
06-09-2014 , 08:27 AM
Originally Posted by Larry Legend
Aaronk56's Son

All non slighted voters.

We have some villas there:

That leaves:

The wolves are in the second list
Th fact that you are pushing based on wagons is #notagoodlook. First, we don't even know if djarm is a villa. Second, your vote could've easily been an accidental bus. You saw wagons were clear enough, then placed vote on slighted thinking it would look good for you later. But then the two late votes ruined that.
Harry Potter 6 Mishmash Game Thread Quote
