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Harry Potter 4 "The Battle Of Pogwarts" MishMash Game Thread Harry Potter 4 "The Battle Of Pogwarts" MishMash Game Thread

02-12-2012 , 10:00 PM
Hotwings why couldn't you have said this 10 minutes ago?
Harry Potter 4 "The Battle Of Pogwarts" MishMash Game Thread Quote
02-12-2012 , 10:00 PM
Originally Posted by hotwings18
1 3 seer. thats all yall

go village
Harry Potter 4 "The Battle Of Pogwarts" MishMash Game Thread Quote
02-12-2012 , 10:01 PM

NIGHT has fallen at Pogwarts!
Harry Potter 4 "The Battle Of Pogwarts" MishMash Game Thread Quote
02-12-2012 , 10:01 PM

hotwannggzzz out
Harry Potter 4 "The Battle Of Pogwarts" MishMash Game Thread Quote
02-12-2012 , 10:05 PM
Final count
20 hotwings18 Aaronk56's Son (94), Chips Ahoy (125), chuckleslovakian (49), Crossnerd (129), Drontier (76), FCBLComish (66), filthyvermin (34), FN2339 (32), fnord_too (174), gder402 (65), jjhender (248), knightrunnermat (34), KruZe (80), Larry Legend (14), McAvoy (59), Nofear3838 (32), schu_22 (12), Tao1 (20), TimeLady (223), VayaConDios (119)
8 BluffingDonkeyz Captain Binkles (191), DonkDonkDonkDonk (72), hotwings18 (17), Loretta8 (106), mjw0586 (26), Tehtoes (4), TheNothing (145), wahoopride (103)
1 derwipok Treep (31)
1 KruZe Swiitch (18)
1 Loretta8 ibavly (8)
1 Nofear3838 Duckburg (84)
1 Swiitch Willd (87)
1 wahoopride derwipok (78)
5 not voting chrja (20), crackedquads (72), BluffingDonkeyz (19), LuckayLuck (107), Quadstriker (9)

15 minutes for corrections to JK Rowling please

Harry Potter 4 "The Battle Of Pogwarts" MishMash Game Thread Quote
02-12-2012 , 10:20 PM
hotwings18 has been lynched! He was


hotwings18, you are The Grey Lady, a Pogwarts ghost and a two time Seer. Your ability to move freely as a ghost allows you to peek a player the nights 1 and 3. You will receive their full role. You are not a wizard. You are immune to Dementors. All ITA spells will miss you. You start the game with 8 Sickles. You are a Villager and win the game by eliminating all non-villagers.

Harry Potter 4 "The Battle Of Pogwarts" MishMash Game Thread Quote
02-12-2012 , 10:23 PM
Our guest tonight on Potterwatch will be DonkDonkDonkDonk. Stay tuned for his thoughts on the Battle for Pogwarts.

Absolutely no one else may post. It is still NIGHT.
Harry Potter 4 "The Battle Of Pogwarts" MishMash Game Thread Quote
02-12-2012 , 10:56 PM
Hey guys, pretty surprised to be selected, to be honest, but I'm glad to be here and glad to be given a opportunity to put in some work! (what about the last week you lazy ass????)

My objectives today will be

1. To re-read a few shady players and try to get a good list of good ITA targets for tomorrow
2. To try and advance our pursuit of the elusive Moldy Voldy
3. To try and look over a few points in the game that seem to not be as they seem.

I can't promise I'll achieve my goals but I'll give it a shot.
Harry Potter 4 "The Battle Of Pogwarts" MishMash Game Thread Quote
02-12-2012 , 11:08 PM
I have selected these people as worth a re-read
1. BluffingDonkeyz
2. Ibavly
3. Aaronk56's Son
4. Filthyvermin

There are events that everything is not as it seems.
1. Bigger's death
2. Rollwave/Kowboy's fiasco

I will then look into potential Moldy Voldy's

As I do this, enjoy

Harry Potter 4 "The Battle Of Pogwarts" MishMash Game Thread Quote
02-12-2012 , 11:08 PM
Ibavly might not be the best re-read, he has a claim that sort of clears him I guess.

Knock that one off the list
Harry Potter 4 "The Battle Of Pogwarts" MishMash Game Thread Quote
02-12-2012 , 11:15 PM
It's just dawned on me how hard it is to re-read a 20k post thread, oh well I'll do my best, I have all night.
Harry Potter 4 "The Battle Of Pogwarts" MishMash Game Thread Quote
02-12-2012 , 11:39 PM

So right off the bat there are some fluff regarding the practice ITAs and Hoya coming in and shooting him illegally, nothing that really stands out

Originally Posted by BluffingDonkeyz
Only at page 21, however going to bed very soon :b


Slight villalean:
Too many to post

Larry is the only one I'm somewhat certain is a wolf, he's arguments is somewhat vague, he dodges questions etc.

I don't know 99% of you guys playstyle, so I might be fooled on quite a bit, I'll re-evaluate tomorrow
Jesus Christ, I'm pretty overwhelmed by the number of posts
This post is his first in terms of substance, and there are a couple of minor things to take note of
1. has a very direct wolf read of larry that he is pretty certain of, almost too certain of, that makes little sense if you compare it to the vagueness of the other reads
2. Chrja is his no.2 villa - this will be important in a bit.

Originally Posted by BluffingDonkeyz
FML only 3 deaths, all of them being villa, I'm still only at page 27, this activity is killing me :s

I'll reread willd and share thoughts, I guess I'll just skim the pages up till now asap before starting on willd
I'll also read up chrja/ThePlough as I know them from danish ww games and have an idea how their playstyle is, and I'll have an easier time reading them, than trying to read someone new.
Why willd?

but here is one thing to keep in your minds, he says he can read theplough well

Originally Posted by BluffingDonkeyz
Legilimens ThePlough
Then why try to peek him?

Originally Posted by BluffingDonkeyz
Legilimens DonkDonkDonkDonk
Then peeks me.

Originally Posted by BluffingDonkeyz

Game starts out pretty neutral. This specific post (the one above) is giving me a hard time. I can't make up my mind whether it's villagery (as he was one of the first, if not the first to talk about this strategy), or it's completely neutral, as it COULD have been made up before game started/he got his role.
For now I'll leave it slightly slightly villa
The next thing that happens, is that he have an interaction with knightrunnermat, after knight says he has a wolf lean on Chrja.
Chrja turn the discussion towards their history, wondering if they have played together before. E.g:

I have two opposite feelings towards this interaction. First of all, I think it's wolfy, how he turn the discussion into a chitchat worth nothing. Though I like this post very much:

I like it for the reason that Chrja attempts to extract knowledge through their "chitchat" to wether it's a wolfy vote from Knight or not. A wolf could obviously do that play also, using the chitchat for judging another player, but coming from Chrja it strikes me as villa-like.
He then votes Silmen for suggesting that everyone sohuld cast legilimens, except for people that think they have a good chance for AK to work. Chrja's response:

He goes on to say that TL is probaly a wolf, and thereby ends Chrja's D1
His D2 starts out with some random posts, that are neutral.
He's back to voting knightrunnermat, because knight suggests that people using patronus are more likely to be villagers than wolves.
Chrja disregards this, as the wolves could just cast a spell while the dementor is afk,
I've seen how much you guys vote here on 2+2, nonetheless I still don't like that vote on knight, it seems like overexaggerating, which is wolfy in my world.

This I disagree with, villagers usually post what they're thinking, and will be writing more freely. Not the other way around.
Chrja then unvotes knight based on binkles calling him a villager.
Cadaz says that Luckys strategy was pretty villagery and chrja says:

Villapoints for this imo, however if chrja turns out to be wolf this is probaly spew

Seems like a villa that is overwhelmed
He goes on to call me neutral, but I will show my "true colours" within 3-4 days. He also calls ThePlough wolfy based his early vote is uncharacteristic for him. I agree on both, it's neutral for chrja as well.
Currently he got a small villalean from me
this re-read of chrja is a bit of talk a lot, say very little, struggles to make any definitive statements on chrja's role, and goes back and forth from slightly wolfy to slightly villagery. I think this is slightly wolfy to make a multi-quote without saying anything.

Originally Posted by BluffingDonkeyz
Legilimens ThePlough
Originally Posted by BluffingDonkeyz
Legilimens ThePlough
Originally Posted by BluffingDonkeyz
legilimens ThePlough

wait couldn't you read ThePlough???????

that's 4 legilimens he's cast on a player he claims to read well.
Harry Potter 4 "The Battle Of Pogwarts" MishMash Game Thread Quote
02-12-2012 , 11:50 PM
Originally Posted by BluffingDonkeyz
I don't like the fact that Necro says he knows who HP is...
In the books HP is also a horcrux himself
Originally Posted by BluffingDonkeyz
He's a neutral that wins if he finds 2 horcrux'es.
He probaly wins something by dueling, as he's been happy to do so.

He's probaly powerful too,
my thoughts is that he is grindelwald (or whatever he's called) and he is actually looking for the deathly hallows or something like that. I base this on the fact that he at one point posted something like "I really like my wand" or something like that, which makes me assume he has the elder wand, and there's 3 deathly hallows, so him looking specifically for 2 seems about right.

I do not like him, last time I let a neutral stay in the game, I lost it, because of that neutral
he is pretty reluctant to give his opinion on anyone, but when it comes to pushing necro to the block, he's all over it. I think necro would be scary for the wolves as well as the village and both teams would want him gone, as necro said he was looking for horcruxes.

Originally Posted by ThePlough
Why just why would you use this on somebody you know as well as me?
Originally Posted by BluffingDonkeyz
You're afk And I always have trouble reading you, thought I'd do myself a favour. Besides if you were villa as well, I'd have someone that knows me, who I could discuss thoughts with
Reasoning doesn't hold up at all.

Originally Posted by BluffingDonkeyz
legilimens ThePlough
Originally Posted by BluffingDonkeyz
legilimens ThePlough
because he keeps doing it!!

Originally Posted by BluffingDonkeyz
It's pretty ambivalent whether it's a good thing NLSoldier died or not imo.
His PR, capable of removing NA permanently from a given player, sure seems prowolf, as we're more villagers.
Thinking of his role, I have to be honest, I don't like the "Let's go after UTR people!!", as we could see some of our very strong villas (like HP) could be hiding like that.

I'm not saying we shouldn't follow up on the UTR players, however I'm saying we should be cautios, in case there's others like NLSoldier out there, who'll probaly target them.

Overall the night sucked balls, reading through vlad atm to see if he "cleared" anyone.
finally some more content and he's telling everyone to be cautious about the UTRs, that's all.
Harry Potter 4 "The Battle Of Pogwarts" MishMash Game Thread Quote
02-12-2012 , 11:51 PM
duckburg and chrja, you're still alive, and you might know BD's game better than I, is he playing his villa/wolf game? Answer in the morning.
Harry Potter 4 "The Battle Of Pogwarts" MishMash Game Thread Quote
02-13-2012 , 12:06 AM
Originally Posted by BluffingDonkeyz
Looked through Vlad's post, and these was the only ones I could see connected to his monitor-ability:

Timelady is obviously a nobrainer, and reading through his posts he supported FCBL, however it's one of the first times (if not the first time) he mentions kowboys (If he's been cleared at that point, feel free to enlighten me)

He mentions 3-4 times that he wants Aksdal lynched, which is the most suspecious thing as I recall Aksdal being peeked?

Here he's talking about Jim and Vix, this was after Jim was outed and Vix has been..well wolfy all the time. I'm not sure how much credit to give this post
here he professes to have thought vix was wolfy but he never posted about that read at all.

Now that I think of it, he hasn't followed up on his 99% wolf larry read at all.

Originally Posted by A.Ertbjerg
Lynching UTR's seems to be a good strat in mishmashes generally. It's way harder to keep up and keep posting as a wolf so villa should encourage people to post.
Originally Posted by BluffingDonkeyz
I don't disagree. I just say we should be somewhat cautions, neither of us (in case you're villa, I don't recall seeing you before? Who did you sub?) wants one of our stronger PR's to end up with no powers.
worthless interaction, nothing about this is in anyway clearing.

Originally Posted by BluffingDonkeyz
Having a hard time whether to give Aksdal wolfpoints or not, after vlad's accusations
soft pushes aksdal

Originally Posted by BluffingDonkeyz
legilimens ThePlough
uses his ITA for the nth time trying to peek ThePlough

Originally Posted by BluffingDonkeyz
Imo, using the word 'probaly', in that context, indicates he has above 50% chance of hitting AK. Did he just out that he has around 50% AK or more?
Then, he says he assumes he was below 50% AK, because dryice has decent agility. Once again indicates he's above 50%

Here however he contradicts himself (assuming what I said in 1st quote is right).
Why would he lie immediately after? And what kind of villa has such a high % on his killing curse?
I'm inclined to think this looks ok for him because how he's played so far I don't think he's in much of a mood to come at silman like this, although I guess the wolves wanted silman dead as he seemed powerful.

Originally Posted by BluffingDonkeyz
We can't be certain, that he's not lying about gaining life though
Originally Posted by BluffingDonkeyz
I'm leaning that way as well.
I don't know if he's busy IRL or anything, but this is way off his meta.
Though I don't like killing the one guy that reads me the best in this game lol
Originally Posted by BluffingDonkeyz
Chrja, what're your thoughts regarding ThePlough?
Originally Posted by BluffingDonkeyz
Now if you actually READ what I was writing, instead of twisting what I say, or misinterpreting what I say.
I'm NOT calling ThePlough a villager. I've mentioned that twice, I also said I have a wolflean on him.
If I misunderstood you, and you meant Chrja, then it's pretty obvious. I had a villalean on him, which you'd know had you read what I've been posting.
I'm still leaning towards you being villa due to your dedication and constant provilla advices, but may I remind you, you are not clear at all, so quit acting like it.

Rofl, you're just being real arrogant now, and coming off as an ***hole. I've not once called myself, nor acted like I'm a big star or anything fancy. Feel free to quote me if I said so. I think you're going way over the line with your attitude...
You've litterally NO clue, what so ever, how much skypeWW me and ThePlough have played together, nor how he played with/against eachother in the PN games. You're not in a position you judge me like that, and you're certianly not in a position that allows you to be an ******* towards me.
Nor have I claimed I read you guys better than you read each other, I've said my reasons

You asked which reasons I had, I answered you. I realize you have to push me in order to read me, but there's several other ways of doing it..

I know I'm new at WW, I know that I'm nothing compared to playerbase of 2+2. But I will not come here again if this is the attitude I meet..
Originally Posted by BluffingDonkeyz
And if you'd go through the PN games, you'd see that ThePlough always pushes me hard. Combine that with tons of time spent on SkypeWW together, I'd call it meta. You might disregard it, but I do not.
He again professes to read him well. Am I missing something here? he's used 8 legilimens on a player he can read better than anyone else in the game??

Originally Posted by BluffingDonkeyz
I've been peeked villa yay, I just noticed lol
Originally Posted by BluffingDonkeyz

I need to read this, and then I think I'm going to move on, I spent a long time on BD and I'm pretty sure he's a wolf and there are other things I need to get to this night
Harry Potter 4 "The Battle Of Pogwarts" MishMash Game Thread Quote
02-13-2012 , 12:13 AM
yeah i see nothing clearing about tehvader's claim

Very good ITA target tomorrow imo - BluffingDonkeyz
Harry Potter 4 "The Battle Of Pogwarts" MishMash Game Thread Quote
02-13-2012 , 12:16 AM
I've decided after that that I'm going to forgo reading live players with lots of posts and work on looking at some spew from dead wolves.
Harry Potter 4 "The Battle Of Pogwarts" MishMash Game Thread Quote
02-13-2012 , 12:25 AM
I actually have one last question for BD, if it was your prerogative to peek theplough, why did you randomly peek me?
Harry Potter 4 "The Battle Of Pogwarts" MishMash Game Thread Quote
02-13-2012 , 12:32 AM
Originally Posted by TehVader
I'm supporting a binkles lynch here, epic duelling today though was fun to read through.

(yes I know this is not an official vote)
Originally Posted by TheNothing





Originally Posted by TehVader
Good post is good
first thing I noticed re-reading tehvader, is this.

I think this lock clears binkles (not that the amount of work that he's putting in doesn't clear him), thenothing posts that we should keep binkles alive during ITA3 so we can lynch him during the night, and also that we shouldn't attempt any unforgivable curses on vix during ITAs, and mr. wolf here agrees that that's an amazing plan.

He professed to not knowing what was going on, but his heart must have skipped when he read that post.

I think that also looks good for thenothing.
Harry Potter 4 "The Battle Of Pogwarts" MishMash Game Thread Quote
02-13-2012 , 12:48 AM
Originally Posted by TehVader
Checking back in to see if anything has changed, we're on chrja now right?

Also binkles, why is pokerforalivin cleared by bigger spew while I'm only possibly spewed?
Originally Posted by TehVader
Cliffs on this rollwave wagon?

I'm sad to see binkles still alive, people didn't just give him a free pass for appearing on potterwatch right? (apologies if he's been spewed clear somehow and I've missed it, hard to keep track of this thread)
This in turn implicates rollwave as a possible wolf with his death pm messed up

Rollwave was some sort of suicide bomber esque roll that if lynched would be able to select one player and reveal as that person's role and that player would vanish at night, I think this makes a bit of sense with how little he fought his lynch and how un-rollwave-like he was all game.

the above post spews binkles really clear, I think the wolves tried hard to get him lynched.

Originally Posted by TehVader
No idea how the vote is looking but RollWave gotta go before henrik

Originally Posted by TehVader
Crucio iversonian
Crucio crackedquads
looks good for CQ
Harry Potter 4 "The Battle Of Pogwarts" MishMash Game Thread Quote
02-13-2012 , 01:10 AM
ok I've been thinking about this moldy voldy thing

He's obviously in this game and he's obviously totally elusive.

If I were making a Moldy Voldy role the two things I'd make sure he was good at are - killing and not dying.

Yet where are his kills?

The silent spells are missing like mad - and those that have hit have mainly been crucios, none of the night write ups suggest the work of moldy voldy, and there isn't any person who's seemingly especially good at avada kadavra that isn't a confirmed villager. I find it hard to believe that he wouldn't have the highest AV% in the game, it makes no sense.

Usually he's been outed a long time before this point in the game. This is really confusing me.
Harry Potter 4 "The Battle Of Pogwarts" MishMash Game Thread Quote
02-13-2012 , 01:14 AM
He's usually outed by this point because I guess,

A) he's very hard to kill
B) he can kill during ITAs pretty indiscriminately during that time
C) he takes attention away from the wolf pack.

I have a hard time imagining him staying hidden if all these conditions were met in this game. So where the **** is he?
Harry Potter 4 "The Battle Of Pogwarts" MishMash Game Thread Quote
02-13-2012 , 01:16 AM
the one thing that would make a little bit of sense although somewhat implausible is if he was behind the silent spells and he is running like a million buy ins below ev.
Harry Potter 4 "The Battle Of Pogwarts" MishMash Game Thread Quote
02-13-2012 , 01:23 AM

if my music doesn't entertain you through these long dark times of my ramblings, maybe a video of a puppy getting rescued from a pipe will touch your heart.

Harry Potter 4 "The Battle Of Pogwarts" MishMash Game Thread Quote
02-13-2012 , 01:39 AM
I was looking through the write ups to see if I could find evidence of the work of moldy voldy

Originally Posted by JK Rowling
Mark_K was walking around with ambitious plans and tried to make a good deed. The Dark Lord however, was aware of the intruder and the confrontation was short and deadly.

I found this, this is obviously a moldy voldy kill

The phrasing is weird though, it's Mark_K who's intruding on the dark lord, maybe this means that he kills people who target him?

Originally Posted by JK Rowling
zdye724 was excited. Very excited, too excited to note that a slim, blond-haired youngman entered. There was a deadly spell and zdye724 was no more.

Cadaz was pleased. He heard some good news. His master was happy. The good news made him sloppy and he failed to note the creatures that came and took him.

Kowboys4 was worried a lot, shadows were approaching him, from several sides. He cast defensive spells but not enough as one curse pierced his defense. One of the shadows brought a large object and Kowboys4 was put into it and carried away to some unknown destiny.

Kowboys4 has vanished from the game!!

Gadarene went back to the place of the crime to cover the tracks of their deed. He was very careless, as he did not note that he was crept up from behind and slain.
Unbeknowst to Scabior, his kills were all 100% if submitted within 5 minutes. Mods just wanted him to hurry up

The wild eyed man had a list of people he trusted. Several people were approaching him that he did not trust. He cast a deadly spell and one fell dead. It was poor Mrs. Figg.
Mod Note: younguns87 did not know the identity of Harry Potter.
no kill here

Originally Posted by JK Rowling
Avada Kedavra! A deadly spell was cast and ricocheted on poor unsuspecting timistere, killing her instantly. A man bowed over her and said "Oops". He turned over the body, one eye rolled weird and he said "zomg, I run bad".

Bremen was not very cautious this night. He was killed by dark forces.

Insufficient defenses built around his home caused the death of PlzBeALevel. Evil creatures entered and took him while he slept.

Rules note:
Duelist rewards can not be stopped or moved to another target by any ability, including the Cruciatus Curse and the Imperius Curse.

no kill here
Harry Potter 4 "The Battle Of Pogwarts" MishMash Game Thread Quote
