Originally Posted by captain binkles
Fnord_too: I thought you put in some really good work on potterwatch last night. A few things:
1. McAvoy peeked Aksdal (not the other way around), he also claimed to have peeked donk and luckay I believe
2. Bluffingdonkeyz has been peeked villa I believe
3. Swiitch also hasn't cast a spell (same as exec) although I believe that swiitch has claimed non-wizard
4. I think MJW was likely spewed clear by Halpert, which may have been what you liked about him
1. - oh, ok. That makes sense because I would have hoped to catch Aksdal posting a peek, but mac cant go 10 posts without dropping a fake peek.
2. anyone have the details?
3. I was pretty out of it by the time I got that far down the list
4. This gives me a great idea!
Great Idea Time:
jjhender should put together the following table, which we will help him build.
For every character left, link in the main case on them. How we help is we just pull the case summary together (may just be quoting a post that already has it so he can get the link easily, or MQ a few good posts on the subject, or something like that) So I see his table like:
MJW - villa lean - Link <to summary post of MJW discussion/analysis
It seems like people really prefer in thread tables, and jj is pretty good at those.
I can certainly update the tables I did last night. I will make a basic spreadsheet to help me with nicer tables, because I was definitely doing some things the hard way last night.
But right now I need coffee.