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Harry Potter 4 "The Battle Of Pogwarts" MishMash Game Thread Harry Potter 4 "The Battle Of Pogwarts" MishMash Game Thread

02-11-2012 , 10:11 AM
Ok so if Silman was strong in duels before he's probably literally unbeatable now.
Harry Potter 4 "The Battle Of Pogwarts" MishMash Game Thread Quote
02-11-2012 , 10:12 AM
Originally Posted by Loretta8

iirc, jjhender said he knew your role name but not whether or not you were a villager, he was mildly suspicious of you being neutral.

also, the daily prophet accused you of neutraling, have you read that yet?
Originally Posted by TimeLady
Daily prophet also claimed that he was antioch peverell, who died yesterday

let's not believe everything they say
Still hanging around and watching TV. I agree with both of these to some extent.

I had it around 75/25 for Silman originally, but I would up it to somewhere around 85/15 given the wolves want him dead.

I'm going to be mostly lurking keeping an eye out for ITAs, but I plan to spend real time around here at some point.
Harry Potter 4 "The Battle Of Pogwarts" MishMash Game Thread Quote
02-11-2012 , 10:12 AM
TL gimme your read of me.
Harry Potter 4 "The Battle Of Pogwarts" MishMash Game Thread Quote
02-11-2012 , 10:12 AM
Originally Posted by fnord_too
TL, duck should also be on the lock list (highly likely villager) for killing Andy.

I caught this a while after putting it up.
I'm not 100%. Easy way to get village points, to kill an outted wolf. I did the same last game (killed a resurrected wolf digger with a bomb) and didn't get clear for it.

I'm not...1000% sure of Duck. I don't think it's lock, I think it's like Larry. Very veyr unlikely, but possible.

Also, if you think I'm a lock villager, then Quadstriker is a lock villager.
Harry Potter 4 "The Battle Of Pogwarts" MishMash Game Thread Quote
02-11-2012 , 10:13 AM
Originally Posted by captain binkles
TL, nice work. Of that list I think the following is a decent ITA list:

crackedquads (?)
derwipok/Wizard-50 (?)
PokerForALivin (?)
wahoopride (?)
hotwings needs to die

not against a.ert dying or crossnerd either.

Those would be my top 3.
Harry Potter 4 "The Battle Of Pogwarts" MishMash Game Thread Quote
02-11-2012 , 10:13 AM
Originally Posted by captain binkles
TL, nice work. Of that list I think the following is a decent ITA list:

crackedquads (?)
derwipok/Wizard-50 (?)
PokerForALivin (?)
wahoopride (?)
I am on board with crossnerd, hotwings, pfal and wahoo more than the others.

not peeks, just reads/feelings
Harry Potter 4 "The Battle Of Pogwarts" MishMash Game Thread Quote
02-11-2012 , 10:13 AM
Originally Posted by Willd
Ok so if Silman was strong in duels before he's probably literally unbeatable now.
what makes you say this?
Harry Potter 4 "The Battle Of Pogwarts" MishMash Game Thread Quote
02-11-2012 , 10:13 AM
Originally Posted by fnord_too
TL, duck should also be on the lock list (highly likely villager) for killing Andy.

I caught this a while after putting it up.
I find one thing more convincing than this.

I'll let TL come up with it - or I'll find it myself.
Harry Potter 4 "The Battle Of Pogwarts" MishMash Game Thread Quote
02-11-2012 , 10:13 AM
Originally Posted by TimeLady
Daily prophet also claimed that he was antioch peverell, who died yesterday

let's not believe everything they say
wait what?

missed that antioch peverell died

prophet reporter should get arrested for libel imo
Harry Potter 4 "The Battle Of Pogwarts" MishMash Game Thread Quote
02-11-2012 , 10:14 AM
derwipok I believe has been villagery, but he is an exceptionally good wolf so hmmph.
Harry Potter 4 "The Battle Of Pogwarts" MishMash Game Thread Quote
02-11-2012 , 10:14 AM
Originally Posted by TimeLady
Thought: if wolves have some sort of stealing power (the ability to steal items), then it is possible that they are in possession of the invisibility cloak, elder wand and resurrection stone, as well as some other items. This may explain why they were left out of the respective brothers write ups (but not completely), and also wouldn't lock clear ibavly.

It does intrigue me that unless we have some claim from ibavly that the stone limits who can be resurrected, that he chose to bring back chrja and not CPHoya or something like that. Perhaps he bought chrja back in an attempt to get younguns killed. Since he died village, I'm kinda suspect now.

Oh, that reminds me, I had a thought about Younguns earlier. It would take some research though and I'm not entirely sure it's pro-village to reveal what I think may be the case (plus I can't be certain it's correct). In fact, it almost certainly isn't correct. Nevermind, heh.
Harry Potter 4 "The Battle Of Pogwarts" MishMash Game Thread Quote
02-11-2012 , 10:14 AM
Originally Posted by captain binkles
TL, nice work. Of that list I think the following is a decent ITA list:

crackedquads (?)
derwipok/Wizard-50 (?)
PokerForALivin (?)
wahoopride (?)
I'm good with most of this list, but if I were to put it in order I'd move wahoo to the back of the list solely because of bsball's fake-peek of him before he got killed.
Harry Potter 4 "The Battle Of Pogwarts" MishMash Game Thread Quote
02-11-2012 , 10:16 AM
also not sold on silman being villa
not trusting his claim of being peeked until we resolve jjhender

and just because he offers to shoot or duel anyone we want, not clearing him for that either. if he gets stronger with kills, he's not going to care WHO he kills.

def not on my top list aorn but still don't trust
Harry Potter 4 "The Battle Of Pogwarts" MishMash Game Thread Quote
02-11-2012 , 10:16 AM
**********NOT IN THE GAME*****************

Congrats TheNothing on getting a Sickle, I have been wondering if you would get one since you have the most posts. I enjoyed watching you miss every time

**********NOT IN THE GAME*****************

Last edited by smooth101; 02-11-2012 at 10:17 AM. Reason: GL everyone
Harry Potter 4 "The Battle Of Pogwarts" MishMash Game Thread Quote
02-11-2012 , 10:16 AM
Hey, just caught up with the thread, so we have a 1 day weekend?.

Originally Posted by captain binkles
Fnord_too: I thought you put in some really good work on potterwatch last night. A few things:

1. McAvoy peeked Aksdal (not the other way around), he also claimed to have peeked donk and luckay I believe

2. Bluffingdonkeyz has been peeked villa I believe

3. Swiitch also hasn't cast a spell (same as exec) although I believe that swiitch has claimed non-wizard

4. I think MJW was likely spewed clear by Halpert, which may have been what you liked about him
I am a non wizard too, but now I see people can fire blank spells, I will fire a blank spell at whoever you guys decide during an ITA.

How many ITA's during the weekend, 3 or 6??.
Harry Potter 4 "The Battle Of Pogwarts" MishMash Game Thread Quote
02-11-2012 , 10:17 AM
Originally Posted by TimeLady
what makes you say this?
An assumption that MB started with the elder wand, was never successfully disarmed and Silman killed him, which would mean Silman is now the rightful owner of the wand.
Harry Potter 4 "The Battle Of Pogwarts" MishMash Game Thread Quote
02-11-2012 , 10:18 AM
Originally Posted by Duckburg
With a YouKnowWho and the bad You Know How.

Couldn't we call the one who should not be named, Joey or something?

It would be easier, so no one makes a mistake.
Originally Posted by JK Rowling

Gadarene went back to the place of the crime to cover the tracks of their deed. He was very careless, as he did not note that he was crept up from behind and slain.
Gadarene, you are Scabior, a snatcher. You are a Day Vigilante. The Taboo jinx has been cast and will trigger when a player says the name "Voldemort". If you find such a player, you may send a PM to JK Rowling with the instructions to kill that player. If your PM is send the same time stamp (hh:mm) or one minute later (hh:mm+1), you will kill 100%. If your PM is sent hh:mm+2 = 95%, hh:mm+3=90%, hh:mm+4=85%, hh:mm+5=80%. PMs arriving later will be ignored. You may use this ability one time per day, not later than 1 hour before EOD and not on day 1. You start the game with 8 Sickles. You are a Wolf and win the game by achieving parity with the village.
Unbeknowst to Scabior, his kills were all 100% if submitted within 5 minutes. Mods just wanted him to hurry up
So I should have advocated for neutering the wolf dayvig?

Yeah I like FPS, but that's just plain stupidity..
Harry Potter 4 "The Battle Of Pogwarts" MishMash Game Thread Quote
02-11-2012 , 10:19 AM
Originally Posted by fnord_too
TL, duck should also be on the lock list (highly likely villager) for killing Andy.

I caught this a while after putting it up.
Hiya Fnord. Did you see my post above (apologies if you've replied to it and I missed it?). I really liked the work you did last night.

Also I'm flattered you think my villa/wolf games are indistinguishable. I disagree with you there, but a lot of people who have played with me for the first time seem to have thought the same as you. I only have one long wolf game to go off here though, so it's difficult to have much evidence.

Originally Posted by TimeLady
hotwings needs to die

not against a.ert dying or crossnerd either.

Those would be my top 3.
They're my top 3 too, the question marks are the ones I least want to die. Aksdal seemed convinced that CQ was a villager, and most of his reads have been spot on this game. In fact, I'm just about ready to take CQ off the list just for that reason.

Originally Posted by TheNothing
I am on board with crossnerd, hotwings, pfal and wahoo more than the others.

not peeks, just reads/feelings
Hmm, I felt like PFAL was spewed villa very early (in Hoya's video). Wahoo I'm unsure about.

Originally Posted by TimeLady
derwipok I believe has been villagery, but he is an exceptionally good wolf so hmmph.
I'm also unsure about Derwi, but I'm also not at all familiar with his game.
Harry Potter 4 "The Battle Of Pogwarts" MishMash Game Thread Quote
02-11-2012 , 10:20 AM
Originally Posted by TheNothing
also not sold on silman being villa
not trusting his claim of being peeked until we resolve jjhender

and just because he offers to shoot or duel anyone we want, not clearing him for that either. if he gets stronger with kills, he's not going to care WHO he kills.

def not on my top list aorn but still don't trust
I agree with silman not being villa.

I remember everyone talking about how no one was supposed to ITA JimHalpert so we could have a lynch candidate for concensus. Then Silman comes in and is like Jim I like you wanna see you go out with a bang, lets duel. Wtf?. That's so anti village.

He's a neutral or a wolf still seriously (less likely obviously because of the paper), he's acting the same way necro did earlier. He also claimed to be just shotting villas, and loved duels.
Harry Potter 4 "The Battle Of Pogwarts" MishMash Game Thread Quote
02-11-2012 , 10:20 AM
I see we have a number of uncleareds in the thread.
Timelady, what do you think of the idea of me going back to my duelling pewpew ways?
Harry Potter 4 "The Battle Of Pogwarts" MishMash Game Thread Quote
02-11-2012 , 10:21 AM
Originally Posted by captain binkles
Fnord_too: I thought you put in some really good work on potterwatch last night. A few things:

1. McAvoy peeked Aksdal (not the other way around), he also claimed to have peeked donk and luckay I believe

2. Bluffingdonkeyz has been peeked villa I believe

3. Swiitch also hasn't cast a spell (same as exec) although I believe that swiitch has claimed non-wizard

4. I think MJW was likely spewed clear by Halpert, which may have been what you liked about him
1. - oh, ok. That makes sense because I would have hoped to catch Aksdal posting a peek, but mac cant go 10 posts without dropping a fake peek.

2. anyone have the details?

3. I was pretty out of it by the time I got that far down the list

4. This gives me a great idea!

Great Idea Time:

jjhender should put together the following table, which we will help him build.

For every character left, link in the main case on them. How we help is we just pull the case summary together (may just be quoting a post that already has it so he can get the link easily, or MQ a few good posts on the subject, or something like that) So I see his table like:

MJW - villa lean - Link <to summary post of MJW discussion/analysis

It seems like people really prefer in thread tables, and jj is pretty good at those.

I can certainly update the tables I did last night. I will make a basic spreadsheet to help me with nicer tables, because I was definitely doing some things the hard way last night.

But right now I need coffee.
Harry Potter 4 &quot;The Battle Of Pogwarts&quot; MishMash Game Thread Quote
02-11-2012 , 10:21 AM
Originally Posted by TimeLady
I'm not 100%. Easy way to get village points, to kill an outted wolf. I did the same last game (killed a resurrected wolf digger with a bomb) and didn't get clear for it.

I'm not...1000% sure of Duck. I don't think it's lock, I think it's like Larry. Very veyr unlikely, but possible.

Also, if you think I'm a lock villager, then Quadstriker is a lock villager.
I killed like 3 outed wolves in HP3 as a wolf.
Harry Potter 4 &quot;The Battle Of Pogwarts&quot; MishMash Game Thread Quote
02-11-2012 , 10:21 AM
Originally Posted by exec771
I agree with silman not being villa.

I remember everyone talking about how no one was supposed to ITA JimHalpert so we could have a lynch candidate for concensus. Then Silman comes in and is like Jim I like you wanna see you go out with a bang, lets duel. Wtf?. That's so anti village.

He's a neutral or a wolf still seriously (less likely obviously because of the paper), he's acting the same way necro did earlier. He also claimed to be just shotting villas, and loved duels.
hi wolf
Harry Potter 4 &quot;The Battle Of Pogwarts&quot; MishMash Game Thread Quote
02-11-2012 , 10:22 AM
Originally Posted by jjhender
I'm good with most of this list, but if I were to put it in order I'd move wahoo to the back of the list solely because of bsball's fake-peek of him before he got killed.
Yeah, agreed. Somebody clear should fix the list and make it pretty. I think Wahoo and CQ at least should be taken off for now though.

Originally Posted by Duckburg
So I should have advocated for neutering the wolf dayvig?

Yeah I like FPS, but that's just plain stupidity..

Harry Potter 4 &quot;The Battle Of Pogwarts&quot; MishMash Game Thread Quote
02-11-2012 , 10:22 AM
Originally Posted by TimeLady
derwipok I believe has been villagery, but he is an exceptionally good wolf so hmmph.
This is completely true. derwi scares the hell out of me. The only reason I wouldn't have him higher on the POE list is because of how spazzy Wizard-50 was during the practice ITAs. It didn't seem likely to me that he would be a wolf.
Harry Potter 4 &quot;The Battle Of Pogwarts&quot; MishMash Game Thread Quote
