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Harry Potter 2 WW Game Thread Harry Potter 2 WW Game Thread

10-29-2010 , 09:51 PM
ah d6 must have been the day i fake peeked lol
Harry Potter 2 WW Game Thread Quote
10-29-2010 , 09:53 PM
Originally Posted by CieloAzor
Guess I was trying to peek the wrong uncleared from the Kwami CFD; mac was on the list too. For some reason, I wasn't seeing eye to eye with WER and Eskimo towards the end. wahoo and legend were usually the ones saying what I was thinking.

Eskimoooooo, why did you celebrate so much when I died.
because i was all set to push you =)
Harry Potter 2 WW Game Thread Quote
10-29-2010 , 09:54 PM
Oh yeah, I felt kind of bad when Hifi died. I had time to expelliarmus her killer and I should have been ready but I wasn't. I kind of beat myself up over that but didn't want to mention it in topic. In hindsight though, I would've missed over 50% of the time and I think it was Tokyo that killed her anyway, so maybe I had no chance.

Glad I was able to save Mark_K later to somewhat redeem myself.
Harry Potter 2 WW Game Thread Quote
10-29-2010 , 09:56 PM
Originally Posted by ESKiMO-SiCKNE5S
because i was all set to push you =)
Pretty sure this wouldn't have worked.
Harry Potter 2 WW Game Thread Quote
10-29-2010 , 09:57 PM
Originally Posted by CieloAzor
Pretty sure this wouldn't have worked.
pretty sure it would have been massively distracting to the village tho.
Harry Potter 2 WW Game Thread Quote
10-29-2010 , 10:04 PM
Originally Posted by biggerboat
Did someone explain the diary yet? What the hell was I supposed to do with it?

Did anyone answer if my redirect did any good?
It was a horcrux keeping Tokyo!! alive. You wanted it destroyed. If the trio knew you had it, they could have destroyed it. After you died it went to Tokyo!!.

Your redirect was successful, but Tokyo!! was blocked first, so it did nothing.
Harry Potter 2 WW Game Thread Quote
10-29-2010 , 10:06 PM
Originally Posted by ewalsh420
dying d1 sucked


thanks cdl and bsball
I died n1 for the second straight Harry Potter game.

The first one I was phone posting from airports while flying across the country. So I was a good vig target.
Harry Potter 2 WW Game Thread Quote
10-29-2010 , 10:12 PM

Harry Potter 2 WW Game Thread Quote
10-29-2010 , 10:13 PM
I love that pic a lot, but the "your" always tilts me just a bit. Am I the only one?

Maybe it's just 'cause he's a puppy and doesn't know any better.
Harry Potter 2 WW Game Thread Quote
10-29-2010 , 10:14 PM
Originally Posted by Senor Cardgage
I love that pic a lot, but the "your" always tilts me just a bit. Am I the only one?
No, your not.
Harry Potter 2 WW Game Thread Quote
10-29-2010 , 10:16 PM
Originally Posted by Senor Cardgage
I love that pic a lot, but the "your" always tilts me just a bit. Am I the only one?

Maybe it's just 'cause he's a puppy and doesn't know any better.
OMG I was going to post this. It tilts me SO ****ING MUCH
Harry Potter 2 WW Game Thread Quote
10-29-2010 , 10:16 PM
Oh man, just remembered. That gold that I shipped to SC the night I died was originally going to dkgojackets. I changed my mind at EOD for no good reason.
Harry Potter 2 WW Game Thread Quote
10-29-2010 , 10:19 PM
I died bit too sooner than I would have liked, but I played horrible so that's ok

anyway I can't imagine how huge amount of work this took from the mods, must have been exhausting to go through all the shop items, night actions, duels and everything

so thanks for modding bsball, cdl & chips
Harry Potter 2 WW Game Thread Quote
10-29-2010 , 10:19 PM
Originally Posted by MinusEV
No, your not.
A+ lol

also i doubt its bc hes a pup (just a grammar fail on the authors part) but i like to think it is. keeps me from being tilted over it
Harry Potter 2 WW Game Thread Quote
10-29-2010 , 10:21 PM
Somebody's got to have the ability to fix it. It tilts me so much more when I search for it and only find the wrong version 100 times.
Harry Potter 2 WW Game Thread Quote
10-29-2010 , 10:22 PM
Originally Posted by CieloAzor
Oh man, just remembered. That gold that I shipped to SC the night I died was originally going to dkgojackets. I changed my mind at EOD for no good reason.
You got killed because we were hoping you a) were leveling and keeping the gold yourself, or b) were shipping it to either dkgo or mac which would give us a lot of gold with noone knowing where it went. You failed on both counts imo.
Harry Potter 2 WW Game Thread Quote
10-29-2010 , 10:22 PM

Somebody beat us to it.
Harry Potter 2 WW Game Thread Quote
10-29-2010 , 10:30 PM
Originally Posted by CieloAzor
Oh man, just remembered. That gold that I shipped to SC the night I died was originally going to dkgojackets. I changed my mind at EOD for no good reason.

Originally Posted by MinusEV
You got killed because we were hoping you a) were leveling and keeping the gold yourself, or b) were shipping it to either dkgo or mac which would give us a lot of gold with noone knowing where it went. You failed on both counts imo.

A) Thanks, and awesome job, Cielo. Unfortunately, I used it on a target who prooooobably wouldn't have gotten lynched anyway, but I guess it never would've been used on mac or dkgo anyway.

B) If I somehow hadn't gotten enough gold for a peek the day after it was passed to me, I had no idea what to do. I half wanted to rand it to a clear villager and half wanted to keep it. I expressed good feelings toward Cielo's decision in-thread, hoping that'd keep you from killing me if I DID keep it, but I knew you'd realize I'd be thinking about it.

But yeah. I (nor anybody else) was going to peek one of the wolves with it anyway. So I guess it's not a huge point.
Harry Potter 2 WW Game Thread Quote
10-29-2010 , 10:31 PM
Wow, I knew we were coming up on 15k but didn't notice when we passed it post-game.

Oops, I forgot to post this earlier; I just noticed it in another window, heh.

Grats on a hell of a lot of posts.
Harry Potter 2 WW Game Thread Quote
10-29-2010 , 10:33 PM
I was almost certain Swiitch was Trelawney so yeah, wasn't that thrilled with the peek choice. I would've wanted WER peeked though, so no biggie.
Harry Potter 2 WW Game Thread Quote
10-29-2010 , 10:34 PM
The wolves were happy to have an excuse to kill Swiitch.

You never know when the next prophecy will spark some thinking.
Harry Potter 2 WW Game Thread Quote
10-29-2010 , 10:34 PM
wow didnt even realize this game ended.

Thanks mods, what an incredible amount of work this must have been, you gys were on point.

I tilted when I missed my AK by seconds while dueling.

I def let my team down, unfortunately, work was super hectic that week.

not sure anyone did this yet, but props to DarthRob, was super active in wolf chat, even after dying.
Harry Potter 2 WW Game Thread Quote
10-29-2010 , 10:36 PM
next prophecy = "There is one v/v and one w/v masonry in the game."
Harry Potter 2 WW Game Thread Quote
10-29-2010 , 10:39 PM
Originally Posted by ESKiMO-SiCKNE5S


holy ****
I loved how you played!

You were in your classic smart villager mode. I love being in games when you're on your game. (and on my side )
Harry Potter 2 WW Game Thread Quote
10-29-2010 , 10:40 PM
mark_k's reads are still bad in postgame i see
Harry Potter 2 WW Game Thread Quote
