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Gods of Greece Mish Mash (3/5) Game Thread Gods of Greece Mish Mash (3/5) Game Thread

03-08-2012 , 09:53 PM
Bsball shouldn't be lynched today.

Steve should be the #2 wagon though
Gods of Greece Mish Mash (3/5) Game Thread Quote
03-08-2012 , 09:54 PM
poseidon - plz vig captain binkles or mcavoy
Gods of Greece Mish Mash (3/5) Game Thread Quote
03-08-2012 , 09:54 PM
Votes as of post 4126
Night in 00:06

15 necro Steve Yzerman fan (38), Anarchist (4), Bremen (4), ewalsh420 (8), Gadarene (86), iversonian (40), Kruze (7), McAvoy (9), Monkey Banana (36), officedog (10), PlzBeALevel (18), Slighted (11), Sun Tzu (49), Tehtoes (1), XXsooted (2)
5 McAvoy captain binkles (63), JimHalpert (57), Scootaloo (5), TehVader (2), TimeLady (36)
3 bsball8806 HomerNoonJr (24), jonnyd (30), zzthe3rd (12)
1 Bremen Duckburg (54)
1 JimHalpert bsball8806 (60)
1 not voting necro (10)

:00 good :01 bad
Gods of Greece Mish Mash (3/5) Game Thread Quote
03-08-2012 , 09:54 PM
Originally Posted by captain binkles

on the off chance that necro is actually unlynchable today for some reason
too little too late you just wasted a lynch trying to kill me lolvillage

but at least you will get lolcats tomorrow
Gods of Greece Mish Mash (3/5) Game Thread Quote
03-08-2012 , 09:54 PM
A few people on necro (or mac) should move to steve, let's make him 2nd wagon
Gods of Greece Mish Mash (3/5) Game Thread Quote
03-08-2012 , 09:54 PM
Originally Posted by zzthe3rd
poseidon - plz vig captain binkles or mcavoy
sounds like a plan. the other vig take out necro if he survives.
Gods of Greece Mish Mash (3/5) Game Thread Quote
03-08-2012 , 09:54 PM
steve yzerman fan

needs to be the #2 wagon

mac isn't trying hard enough to be powerful

no one wants to vote jim and i suppose we have to wait for no one to kill zz before we can call him a wolf
Gods of Greece Mish Mash (3/5) Game Thread Quote
03-08-2012 , 09:55 PM
I know I'm fluffing tonight, btw. Sorry. I'm a high from winning the other game.

I'd hug MB if I could. I'm *that* happy.
Gods of Greece Mish Mash (3/5) Game Thread Quote
03-08-2012 , 09:55 PM
Originally Posted by zzthe3rd
poseidon - plz vig captain binkles or mcavoy

why not bsball if he's just as likely to be a wolf as necro/mac?
Gods of Greece Mish Mash (3/5) Game Thread Quote
03-08-2012 , 09:55 PM
why would you not want mcavoy to be #2 wagon?
Gods of Greece Mish Mash (3/5) Game Thread Quote
03-08-2012 , 09:55 PM
Originally Posted by captain binkles
A few people on necro (or mac) should move to steve, let's make him 2nd wagon
not steve, mcavoy
Gods of Greece Mish Mash (3/5) Game Thread Quote
03-08-2012 , 09:55 PM
Originally Posted by captain binkles
Bsball shouldn't be lynched today.

Steve should be the #2 wagon though
Why? Catch me up.
Gods of Greece Mish Mash (3/5) Game Thread Quote
03-08-2012 , 09:55 PM
Steve is more likely to be a wolf than Mac
Gods of Greece Mish Mash (3/5) Game Thread Quote
03-08-2012 , 09:55 PM
Votes as of post 4137
Night in 00:05

14 necro Steve Yzerman fan (38), Anarchist (5), Bremen (4), ewalsh420 (8), Gadarene (86), Kruze (7), McAvoy (9), Monkey Banana (36), officedog (12), PlzBeALevel (18), Slighted (11), Sun Tzu (49), Tehtoes (1), XXsooted (2)
6 McAvoy captain binkles (65), iversonian (43), JimHalpert (57), Scootaloo (5), TehVader (2), TimeLady (36)
3 bsball8806 HomerNoonJr (24), jonnyd (30), zzthe3rd (13)
1 Bremen Duckburg (54)
1 Steve Yzerman fan bsball8806 (61)
1 not voting necro (11)

:00 good :01 bad
Gods of Greece Mish Mash (3/5) Game Thread Quote
03-08-2012 , 09:56 PM
Votes as of post 4137
Night in 00:05

14 necro Steve Yzerman fan (38), Anarchist (5), Bremen (4), ewalsh420 (8), Gadarene (86), Kruze (7), McAvoy (9), Monkey Banana (36), officedog (12), PlzBeALevel (18), Slighted (11), Sun Tzu (49), Tehtoes (1), XXsooted (2)
7 McAvoy captain binkles (65), Duckburg (54), iversonian (43), JimHalpert (57), Scootaloo (5), TehVader (2), TimeLady (36)
3 bsball8806 HomerNoonJr (24), jonnyd (30), zzthe3rd (13)
1 Steve Yzerman fan bsball8806 (61)
1 not voting necro (11)

:00 good :01 bad
Gods of Greece Mish Mash (3/5) Game Thread Quote
03-08-2012 , 09:56 PM
dear vig:

please kill jim halpert and you will gain my undying love and affection

kill steve and you get my respect

kill mcavoy and you get my thanks
Gods of Greece Mish Mash (3/5) Game Thread Quote
03-08-2012 , 09:56 PM
and ffs, get of bsball. vote necro, zz.
Gods of Greece Mish Mash (3/5) Game Thread Quote
03-08-2012 , 09:56 PM
Gods of Greece Mish Mash (3/5) Game Thread Quote
03-08-2012 , 09:57 PM
You have to remember that Hoya refused to vote Mac, that's how villagery he found him. Yes Mac is capable of bursts of villaging, and his wolf game has improved. But that's a ****ing strong read
Gods of Greece Mish Mash (3/5) Game Thread Quote
03-08-2012 , 09:57 PM
i mean mcavoyis like a lock vanilla wolf

steve is like 50% power wolf 40% vanilla wolf 10% villager

but i don't want to die
Gods of Greece Mish Mash (3/5) Game Thread Quote
03-08-2012 , 09:57 PM
Originally Posted by bsball8806
steve yzerman fan

needs to be the #2 wagon

mac isn't trying hard enough to be powerful

no one wants to vote jim and i suppose we have to wait for no one to kill zz before we can call him a wolf
steve yzerman fan

dont' let me down, bsball
Gods of Greece Mish Mash (3/5) Game Thread Quote
03-08-2012 , 09:57 PM
Votes as of post 4146
Night in 00:03

13 necro Steve Yzerman fan (38), Anarchist (5), Bremen (4), ewalsh420 (8), Gadarene (86), Kruze (7), McAvoy (9), Monkey Banana (36), PlzBeALevel (18), Slighted (11), Sun Tzu (49), Tehtoes (1), XXsooted (2)
9 McAvoy bsball8806 (63), captain binkles (67), Duckburg (54), iversonian (45), JimHalpert (57), necro (12), Scootaloo (5), TehVader (2), TimeLady (36)
3 bsball8806 HomerNoonJr (24), jonnyd (30), zzthe3rd (13)
1 Steve Yzerman fan officedog (13)
0 not voting

:00 good :01 bad
Gods of Greece Mish Mash (3/5) Game Thread Quote
03-08-2012 , 09:57 PM
Gods of Greece Mish Mash (3/5) Game Thread Quote
03-08-2012 , 09:57 PM
bsball go back to mac, it looks like steve won't go and I don't want you to get lynched today due to steve voting shenanigans
Gods of Greece Mish Mash (3/5) Game Thread Quote
03-08-2012 , 09:58 PM
Originally Posted by officedog
steve yzerman fan

dont' let me down, bsball
eh vote with me tomorrow

vote mac today so i don't have a chance of dying
Gods of Greece Mish Mash (3/5) Game Thread Quote
