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Ghostbusters WW Game Thread Ghostbusters WW Game Thread

09-09-2009 , 10:44 AM
Originally Posted by atakdog
I'm going to bed.

At some point, somebody tell me who TJT is, i.e., what if any werewolf he has played and what we know about his game.
I'm kind of a big deal...

Harry Potter - Snape - Villager Vigilante

OMG I CANT BELIEVE I'M OUT OF HARRY POTTER - Wolf - Made it to final 3, but I really screwed up.

10K game thread - villager

Southpark - Mr. Slave - Villager - my vote counted as zero, I gave my vote to someone else every night

Transformers - some weird name - Lost Wolf Vigilante

I think I'm forgetting one. I also have played a couple turbos. I'm about 80% sure we've played together, but maybe not

This took way too much research. My memory is shot...
Ghostbusters WW Game Thread Quote
09-09-2009 , 10:49 AM

ZOMG how did JD live for not realizing that vanillas are neutral? This should get interesting. I want to see more of his reactions.

As for wahoo interactions.

I can't get a read either way off bigger, either wolfy or villa.
He clears OTI imo but OTI is dead unfortunately.

Also, I'm sad because it looks like my hunny BEG is off her game.

Oh yea, coordi also looks wolfy for the n0 peek.
Ghostbusters WW Game Thread Quote
09-09-2009 , 10:50 AM
oops that was page 4 reads
Ghostbusters WW Game Thread Quote
09-09-2009 , 10:52 AM
Originally Posted by BrownEyedGirl
Go ahead and lynch me. I don't even care. Yes, lazy play on my part for sure. I am in 3 games at once, and finding it very difficult to keep up. I was wrong about Bsball.

The reason that I said that is because I did read my pm, and it said vanilla villager, but nothing about neutral team. Plus, I have not played a game in which both descriptions were in one's either vanilla villager or member of the neutral team. I thought there was no way both. This game is just way different than I've ever played before, so let me outta here.....go ahead and lynch me.....cause I'm afraid of ghosts!!! (and this is the weirdest game I've ever played)
From the OP: "You are a vanilla villager, a member of the NYC village, a neutral team. "



Originally Posted by McAvoy
Ok this is something I don't understand. How can the RTB's be neutral but not on our team, I don't understand why we are not on the same team as the Ghostbusters but we win with them. Its almost like they have their own win condition separate from the village. However I think we can win together by eliminating the ghosts. So we need to focus on killing the ghosts.
The writeup, which Mac apparently read, explicitly states the RTB's win condition, which is definitely not the same as the vanilla neutrals. It is impossible not to understand. It is even more impossible (if such were possible) for Macavoy to admit to not understanding. This is absolutely a lie — Mac gets it. Why he feels the need to act like he doesn't get it is less than clear, but he is lying.

Originally Posted by aao
mcavoy is non-evil
Non-vanilla, you meant. How you got non-evil from that, I don't get.

Originally Posted by McAvoy
I'm not sure if we should discuss this any further but the baby thing really stood out to me. Does she and Oscar have a baby in the movie? Why would someone be after her baby?
Again, Mac acting like he doesn't get something that is clear from the writeup. Not the plot basis, which I don't get either, probably because I never saw the sequel, but the game play aspects were pretty apparent, or at least the possibilities were. I don't think he's necessarily fishing for the baby (there's a metaphor), but at least continuing to act clueless. Considerably more likely than rand to be wolf.

Originally Posted by AriesRam
I would also support a wagon on A. He thinks that jd is more likely a villager, but still votes him? Please to be explaining.
Very nice catch.

Meanwhile, JD voting is taking off again despite there being no good reason for voting him.
Ghostbusters WW Game Thread Quote
09-09-2009 , 10:53 AM
Atak, are you 70% voting for aao today?
Ghostbusters WW Game Thread Quote
09-09-2009 , 10:54 AM
browneyedgirl for now. bloody forms are taking longer than expected.
Ghostbusters WW Game Thread Quote
09-09-2009 , 10:54 AM
Originally Posted by TJT11
This took way too much research. My memory is shot...
Pro tip: make a bookmark folder for werewolf games, and save a link to every game you play.
Ghostbusters WW Game Thread Quote
09-09-2009 , 10:56 AM
Meanwhile, JD voting is taking off again despite there being no good reason for voting him.
A) No, its not, really.
B) He does the same thing as BEG did (admittdly to a lesser degree) and you say there is no good reason for voting him.
Ghostbusters WW Game Thread Quote
09-09-2009 , 10:56 AM
Originally Posted by AriesRam
Atak, are you 70% voting for aao today?
Most of my 70% was on digger at that point — I was weighing his villageriness against the signaling.

Aao has been very active and I would need to reread it before voting him, but on several occasions I have found myself thinking he had to be a wolf, so I certainly wouldn't hate a him-wagon.
Ghostbusters WW Game Thread Quote
09-09-2009 , 10:56 AM
fwiw, i don't want to vote for atakdog or aao any time soon just based on tone
Ghostbusters WW Game Thread Quote
09-09-2009 , 10:58 AM
And since it is pretty much out there, I think the odds of beg being a ghostbuster are much higher than jd's chances. Or at least her beiong a nonwolf.
Ghostbusters WW Game Thread Quote
09-09-2009 , 10:59 AM
Originally Posted by AriesRam
A) No, its not, really.
B) He does the same thing as BEG did (admittdly to a lesser degree) and you say there is no good reason for voting him.
But that's all JD did, and it was perfectly consistent with sloppy mistake. There is no other reason for voting him.

When BEG did it it was consistent with sloppy mistake too, but she has just confirmed it. Also, the rest of her posting has been somewhat wolfy for her (though not as obvious as I've seen in the past).
Ghostbusters WW Game Thread Quote
09-09-2009 , 10:59 AM

I'm going to recant on 2 things. First my globe is a villager read is downgraded to suspicious.

Originally Posted by globetrotter
and since there is no night tonight, I'm off for now. family stuff for the holidays. I'll catch up later tonight or in the morning.
Originally Posted by globetrotter
it's labor day. I'm going to be gone for most of the day. I had no reads at the time but in the unlikely case that wahoo's protector is killed in thread, my vote is placed somewhere it can do some good in case i don't get back on.

but, since night isn't until tomorrow I will have time to make a real vote so...

I find that wolves are usually very conscious of their whereabouts and tend to explain them even more.

Also digger picks up on this and is now dead. Globe could be the scoleri brothers imo

Originally Posted by DiggertheDog
I can't keep a secret long.

Globetrotter is a full-blown wolf.

Call it pyschic soul-read read but the all my chimp instincts are screaming this guy is WRONG.

He is not a new yorker - book it now.


The second thing I'm going to recant on is JD. I tend to believe his explanation on page 5. Its plausible that he didn't read his role PM properly. I know I don't, I usually don't read the OP on d1 either, I usually try to never read it unless it becomes apparent that I have to. But I'm going to read a few more pages before I fully commit on my JD stance.
Ghostbusters WW Game Thread Quote
09-09-2009 , 11:01 AM
Originally Posted by AriesRam
And since it is pretty much out there, I think the odds of beg being a ghostbuster are much higher than jd's chances. Or at least her beiong a nonwolf.
That last post by her is not a post power-villager BEG would make.

Not a lock read, but I am pretty sure.
Ghostbusters WW Game Thread Quote
09-09-2009 , 11:01 AM
Originally Posted by atakdog
Most of my 70% was on digger at that point — I was weighing his villageriness against the signaling.

Aao has been very active and I would need to reread it before voting him, but on several occasions I have found myself thinking he had to be a wolf, so I certainly wouldn't hate a him-wagon.
He has been pretty villagery to me all game.

That staetment you made (aao/digger contains a wolf 70%) seems very out of character for you. Kinda out of the blue and not really backed by reasoning. (Unless I missed how you connected aao and digger).
Ghostbusters WW Game Thread Quote
09-09-2009 , 11:03 AM
I think BEG needs to be a wagon today
Ghostbusters WW Game Thread Quote
09-09-2009 , 11:04 AM
Originally Posted by TJT11
I think BEG needs to be a wagon today
LOL. I think she already is.
Ghostbusters WW Game Thread Quote
09-09-2009 , 11:05 AM
Originally Posted by atakdog
The writeup, which Mac apparently read, explicitly states the RTB's win condition, which is definitely not the same as the vanilla neutrals. It is impossible not to understand. It is even more impossible (if such were possible) for Macavoy to admit to not understanding. This is absolutely a lie — Mac gets it. Why he feels the need to act like he doesn't get it is less than clear, but he is lying.
I'm glad you brought this up. I've never been in a mish mash where what I'm assuming good guys (ghostbusters) and the villa are not on the same team. I also don't get how we have the same name as the RTB's but they have a separate win condition.

I know you know my wolf game very well from Lost Wolves where you modded but have you read many of my villa games? I do alot of the same things as a villa as I do wolves, except as a wolf, I have some big tells. The most obvious as a wolf, is I try not to talk about myself.

I also usually try to wagon a wolf early to build credability with the village.
Ghostbusters WW Game Thread Quote
09-09-2009 , 11:06 AM
Originally Posted by atakdog
That last post by her is not a post power-villager BEG would make.

Not a lock read, but I am pretty sure.
Ok, but I dont see how wolfbeg ever makes that mistake (the same one jd made.) Or why she keeps not acknowledging it. I am always one to say wolfchat is overrated by the village, but I cant imagine wolfbeg being so unaware. But I agree that her more recent psots havent been as slamdunk villagery as I thought her first few were. So, yeah, I dunno.
Ghostbusters WW Game Thread Quote
09-09-2009 , 11:07 AM
Originally Posted by AriesRam
After quickly scanning tabako, I think his psot where he called digger wolfy but quoted something that implied he was villa, is one that a wolf would not make.

So villa lean on tabako, if somehow that sentence wasnt clear. But please post more, I remember you being pretty sharp in some other game.
Explain why please.

Originally Posted by McAvoy
Its plausible that he didn't read his role PM properly. I know I don't, I usually don't read the OP on d1 either, I usually try to never read it unless it becomes apparent that I have to. But I'm going to read a few more pages before I fully commit on my JD stance.
Meh — he's said this before, and I tend to believe him. Mac seems to believe he can be a werewolf hero without knowing the specifics of game mechanics, because of his godlike tone reading abilities, so my above posts about his not getting the writeup aren't necessarily right. No Mac wagon, please.
Ghostbusters WW Game Thread Quote
09-09-2009 , 11:10 AM
Originally Posted by atakdog
Explain why please.
When wolves want to accuse someone, they come better prepared than tabako did here. They dont quote posts, and then say "this actually implies my target is a villager, but I am going to keep saying I think he is a wolf".
Ghostbusters WW Game Thread Quote
09-09-2009 , 11:10 AM

I don't like the way dnky voted for JD. dnky is definately on my suspicious list.

Regardless of JD's role, I think it will be a great way for us to get reads off people, how they reacted to him. Im starting to think vig killing him to clear up his role would be a good thing.
Ghostbusters WW Game Thread Quote
09-09-2009 , 11:11 AM
Originally Posted by McAvoy
I know you know my wolf game very well from Lost Wolves where you modded but have you read many of my villa games? I do alot of the same things as a villa as I do wolves, except as a wolf, I have some big tells. The most obvious as a wolf, is I try not to talk about myself.

I also usually try to wagon a wolf early to build credability with the village.
My impression was that you do talk about yourself as a wolf, but I'd have to go check Lost Wolves to be sure.

I do know your village game — I have seen it in the game in which you faked seer when Subandi and I were seers, and the poker werewolf game. In poker werewolf I thought you were pretty on top of a complex set of game mechanics (though I don't know for sure, because we wagoned you pretty fast for being... well, well leave that one alone.) But see above; I'm fine with you for now.
Ghostbusters WW Game Thread Quote
09-09-2009 , 11:12 AM
Originally Posted by McAvoy

I was going to say whoever killed Digger was a moran because Wahoo more less spewed him villager on page 2. Also more importantly, I'm going to strongly refute JG's argument that it is FPS'ing wolves.
I have a funny feeling that Wahoo does NOT know who the wolves are.
Ghostbusters WW Game Thread Quote
09-09-2009 , 11:14 AM
re: tabako

I have no lean either way on him, but if he's a villager he has very good reads. I watched him in transformers and he was spot on the whole game.
Ghostbusters WW Game Thread Quote
