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Ghostbusters WW Game Thread Ghostbusters WW Game Thread

09-14-2009 , 04:12 PM
I just do what is in my best interest to win. It was in my best interest to lie earlier today. Now it is in my best interest to play along since I can't win if I get lynched
Ghostbusters WW Game Thread Quote
09-14-2009 , 04:13 PM
hmm, this is interesting
Ghostbusters WW Game Thread Quote
09-14-2009 , 04:14 PM
dangeraw for now
Ghostbusters WW Game Thread Quote
09-14-2009 , 04:15 PM
More to lose by keeping XXSooted alive than by lynching him imo.

Stay the course.
Ghostbusters WW Game Thread Quote
09-14-2009 , 04:15 PM
Could it just be a coincidence about the RTB and judge? or is it only the judge..Do they usually leave hints like that in the plot posts?

if so

Ghostbusters WW Game Thread Quote
09-14-2009 , 04:18 PM
if we have a seer, seer needs to come out
Ghostbusters WW Game Thread Quote
09-14-2009 , 04:21 PM
Originally Posted by sixfour
if we have a seer, seer needs to come out
Agree. We're very close to locking this up I think.
Ghostbusters WW Game Thread Quote
09-14-2009 , 04:24 PM
Originally Posted by biggerboat
A) You lied to us once, why should we believe you?
B) How would you know the seer has 2 live peeks?
C) A seer with 2 live peeks isn't all that horrible.
ya they are both very good peeks too imo
Ghostbusters WW Game Thread Quote
09-14-2009 , 04:30 PM
I thought quad came out as seer yesterday but i guess not
Ghostbusters WW Game Thread Quote
09-14-2009 , 04:41 PM
can we cut to the chase please
Ghostbusters WW Game Thread Quote
09-14-2009 , 04:49 PM
my question is: How does xxsooted know who the seer's peeks are?

I'm assuming that Egon is the Ghostbusters seer. Egon is still alive. If xxsooted is saying he knows who a seer is, it sure the hell isn't Egon, because the RTB's would have killed him. If xxsooted is telling the truth, I would guess that The Mayor is a seer, and that is who he knows the identity of.

The Mayor,

If you are a seer, and if xxsooted is correct in that you have two live peeks (confirming that xxsooted does in fact know who your peeks are), then it make sense for you to come out and reveal those peeks if xxsooted outs you in the thread. Please have a post at the ready for you to hit the submit button at EOD and if you can, make sure to monitor the thread at EOD to see if xxsooted reveals you. If both of these two things are not true, then we can conclude that xxsooted is lying and you don't need to come out. If your peeks are really easy to interpret from your past posts and you think it will be easy for us to figure it out, you probably don't need to do anything also.

Vote xxsooted
Ghostbusters WW Game Thread Quote
09-14-2009 , 04:51 PM
ilb, stop being anti-village
Ghostbusters WW Game Thread Quote
09-14-2009 , 04:51 PM
Originally Posted by XXsooted
k I'm outing him at 3 pm pacific if I'm still the leading wagon

he has exactly 2 live peeks. I know who he is.
How would you know exactly who he has peeked??
Ghostbusters WW Game Thread Quote
09-14-2009 , 04:53 PM
64 that post made sense to me

Ghostbusters WW Game Thread Quote
09-14-2009 , 04:54 PM
It all depends on who the seer's peeks are.

Hypothetically, lets say the seer has peeked FCBL and XXSooted. There is NO reason for the seer to come out in that case.

I trust the seer to make the right decision about whether to reveal or not.
Ghostbusters WW Game Thread Quote
09-14-2009 , 05:05 PM
Ok guys, I think I was going to have to come out regardless of whether xxsooted knows who I am, but given the chance he does know who I am, and may out me, that is all the more reason to come out myself.

I might as well do it now because a few of you have asked me to do so and I think that will make it less likely the wolves will do anything at this point that will help you to find them.

I am coming out early in the hopes that the village will have the necessary time to make the most +ev play.

I am the seer.

I do in fact have two live peeks. They are:
bsball - villager
The_GF - villager

along with FCBL, that gives us three cleared villagers (and myself of course, but I assume I will not live through the night).

Fortunately, and even more reason I must come out now and feel I cannot risk being one of the two anti-village nk's tonight, I have found a wolf; A power wolf. And he is someone who is on many of the village lean lists I have seen recently.

DannyKGB is vigo the carpathian. He is also a seer, and can peek a player each night and determine that player's faction and role.

Do with this information whatever you feel is best. In my opinion, Vigo and xxsooted should not live through the night. One needs to be lynched, and the other nk'd. And as much as I hate giving the wolves one last peek, I think the extra nk (which can't do xxsooted any good b/c he can't hit both GBs - and is therefore likely to take out a cleared villa for spite) is more important to prevent.

So my recommendation:
lynch xxsooted - we prevent a nk against the village and will clear up the RTB situation for sure (and likely wipe out the faction altogether).

GB's need to hit Danny tonight -
he'll get his one last peek for the wolves, but then he is finished and the wahoo situation will be clear.

If all goes well you will be left with mac, wahoo (whatever his situation may be), and the librarian (maybe slimer) left and 3 cleared villagers tomorrow. Hopefully that will be enough.

Of course, there is no reason for me to make this claim if I were not the seer. I have 0 heat on me right no, I am on most if not all of the villa lean lists I have seen lately, and if I wasn't the seer I would risk xxsooted blowing my cover as well.

sorry xxsooted. fwiw I think you played well and you were just doing what was in your best interests at the time, so no hate towards you. but you will understand now that it is in our best interests to kill you off at this time.
Ghostbusters WW Game Thread Quote
09-14-2009 , 05:08 PM
so you have 3 live peeks
Ghostbusters WW Game Thread Quote
09-14-2009 , 05:10 PM
lynch xxsooted shoot danny

unless xxsooted decides he wants to try and win, and then he can shoot mcavoy for us and we can lynch danny
Ghostbusters WW Game Thread Quote
09-14-2009 , 05:10 PM
actually, it is fairly simple:

More than likely, xxsooted is the last RTB.
More than likely, xxsooted is going to be anti-village from here on out.
More than likely, there is no way for the RTB's to win, so he is gonna take it out on the village.
More than likely, xxsooted is going to out the seer at 8 PM EST on the dot (assuming he is telling the truth)
More than likely, the "seer" that xxsooted knows about is not a ghostbuster (cause they would have killed him if it was)

If I were a seer, I would just make sure that my peeks are easy to figure out once I died, or else I would have a post at the ready at EOD in case xxsooted outs me.

I would totally be in favor of letting xxsooted live if he promises to take out McAvoy. But I doubt he'd do that.
Ghostbusters WW Game Thread Quote
09-14-2009 , 05:12 PM
he should now

he has no more leverage

he can still win if the wolves run good or the village mislynches a GB
Ghostbusters WW Game Thread Quote
09-14-2009 , 05:13 PM
gotta go back to class

danny for now

by the time i get back, if xxsooted isn't swearing to shoot mcavoy tonight than i'm switching back to lynching him
Ghostbusters WW Game Thread Quote
09-14-2009 , 05:14 PM
lol, just saw above.

damn, I thought danny was for sure a villager. Nice!
Ghostbusters WW Game Thread Quote
09-14-2009 , 05:14 PM

Please out your seer as there are probably 2.
Ghostbusters WW Game Thread Quote
09-14-2009 , 05:15 PM
Originally Posted by tabako
so you have 3 live peeks
yes. bsball and The_GF are villa

Danny is vigo
Ghostbusters WW Game Thread Quote
09-14-2009 , 05:15 PM
BTW, awesome game globe. Well done.
Ghostbusters WW Game Thread Quote
