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The Genius Mishmash -- January 25th Game Thread The Genius Mishmash -- January 25th Game Thread

01-30-2016 , 11:54 AM
Originally Posted by Kaze13
Skimming hustlerz d3 I don't see him say anything about having sent garnets anywhere
but presumably he shipped some away?

if nobody claimed receiving garnets from him, that makes it all the more likely that bop received them, since I believe bop and SB were also suggesting that
The Genius Mishmash -- January 25th Game Thread Quote
01-30-2016 , 11:56 AM
Can people claim every transaction with garnets they've had this game?

I started with 2, won 2, got an extra 2 per my role, won 1 through being on the dm, received 10 from yg, bought a peek for 14, sent 3 to tom, won 2, sent 2 to mexi, received 2 from mexi, sent 2 to lissa

Basically the end
The Genius Mishmash -- January 25th Game Thread Quote
01-30-2016 , 11:56 AM
Originally Posted by bopolis
HU was saying you were off limits all of day 3 and he seemed so sure you were going to turn into a vllager.

So yes, I think it is possible he sent you garnets.

Well, this didn't happen

If anyone thinks that happened, then they're wrong

Even though he trusted me, he surely trusted the cleared villagers at the time more, plus I was probably likely to die throughout the night, so it'd be horrible to send them to me
The Genius Mishmash -- January 25th Game Thread Quote
01-30-2016 , 11:56 AM
Originally Posted by Thingyman
but presumably he shipped some away?

if nobody claimed receiving garnets from him, that makes it all the more likely that bop received them, since I believe bop and SB were also suggesting that
why are we presuming he shipped some away in the first place?

That's only in the scenario where there is some sort of 2nd backup to the backup which I think is unlikely.
The Genius Mishmash -- January 25th Game Thread Quote
01-30-2016 , 11:57 AM
It's also possible hustlerz was the nk and mexi was killed via conned and clobbered.
The Genius Mishmash -- January 25th Game Thread Quote
01-30-2016 , 12:01 PM
Votes from post 11111 to post 11305
Night in 9:59:54

2 bopolis Thingyman (54), Slow_Ben (43)
1 Thingyman bopolis (60)
1 not voting Kaze13 (35)
The Genius Mishmash -- January 25th Game Thread Quote
01-30-2016 , 12:01 PM
Everyone needs to out their garnet transactions d3
The Genius Mishmash -- January 25th Game Thread Quote
01-30-2016 , 12:04 PM
Garnets shipped and garnets received btw
The Genius Mishmash -- January 25th Game Thread Quote
01-30-2016 , 12:05 PM
I shipped 2 to mexi, received 2 from mexi, shipped 2 to lissa
The Genius Mishmash -- January 25th Game Thread Quote
01-30-2016 , 12:05 PM
Originally Posted by Kaze13
Can people claim every transaction with garnets they've had this game?

I started with 2, won 2, got an extra 2 per my role, won 1 through being on the dm, received 10 from yg, bought a peek for 14, sent 3 to tom, won 2, sent 2 to mexi, received 2 from mexi, sent 2 to lissa

Basically the end
Started with 2, won 1 from bet, lost 1 from bet, got 2 garnets from QB, sent 4 to Stork, received 1 from The Moocher

Lost the 1 garnet in bet next day, won 2 garnets from first Main Match, won 5 garnets in second Main Match, sent 4 to Stork and sent 4 to Apoc, received 10 from Stork, sent 4 to Stork, sent 6 to Xkf, then at the very end of the twilight window I receive 11 from The Moocher

Send the 11 garnets to CDL, receive 12 garnets at end of day that I send to Tom

win 5 garnets from deathmatch, which I send to jcohen

I believe that should be it
The Genius Mishmash -- January 25th Game Thread Quote
01-30-2016 , 12:06 PM
Originally Posted by Kaze13
Everyone needs to out their garnet transactions d3
Send 11 garnets to CDL, receive 12 garnets at end of day that I send to Tom
The Genius Mishmash -- January 25th Game Thread Quote
01-30-2016 , 12:08 PM
Received four from bop, received another from bop that he "forgot" he had, paid for the Moocher vig

Need to recheck for the rest since I'm on my phone
The Genius Mishmash -- January 25th Game Thread Quote
01-30-2016 , 12:08 PM
started with 2,
used 1 night 1 to make a masonry with monte,
got 4 garnets in the 2nd MM on day2;
sent 4 garnets to apoc but they were returned since it was after the vig was submitted,
sent 4 to monte for vig,
sent an additional 1 i forgot I had for vig(realized this when my balance was sent back to me after xferring the 4)
got 6 garnets in the MM d3;
sent 6 garnets to monte so he could vig,
received 16 garnets from monte because we realized he couldnt vig twice in one cycle,
used 16 garnets for dayvig of mor,
received 5 garnets from lissa twilight n3,
received 6 garnets from monte to send to lissa,
sent lissa 11 garnets(6 monte, 5 from me) day 4 for dayvig, she later sent these to CDL and we talk about it in the thread

thats all my actions
The Genius Mishmash -- January 25th Game Thread Quote
01-30-2016 , 12:09 PM
Received 2 from QB, which he claimed in the thread

Received 8 from killing Ben ao in the dm
The Genius Mishmash -- January 25th Game Thread Quote
01-30-2016 , 12:10 PM
Rec'd 6 from bop

Realized he'd have to vig and shipped him 16

Received 4 from CDL after EOD in twilight
The Genius Mishmash -- January 25th Game Thread Quote
01-30-2016 , 12:12 PM
taking shower now and leaving soon thereafter

I can check in on phone MAYBE sometimes, but otherwise not back until 3 (MAYBE 2.5) hours before EOD
The Genius Mishmash -- January 25th Game Thread Quote
01-30-2016 , 12:57 PM
I guess since kaze's and thingy's role names have been outed in the thread and I already know mine, I should read up on bop's character
The Genius Mishmash -- January 25th Game Thread Quote
01-30-2016 , 01:05 PM
Originally Posted by Thingyman
Flipped characters:

Quoting this for me
The Genius Mishmash -- January 25th Game Thread Quote
01-30-2016 , 01:12 PM
Originally Posted by Bandage Man


Onnnnnn second thought, it seems like this could very quickly turn into a public forum on "each specific player essentially has to be this specific character" despite everyone's best good-faith efforts, so I'm going to shut it down. The game should not be about guessing which characters the moderators would have made which alignment.

No more talking about characters from this point on, period. If you're drawing conclusions based on character-based information, you are free to do it in your own head.

^^^ A friendly reminder.
The Genius Mishmash -- January 25th Game Thread Quote
01-30-2016 , 01:19 PM
Eh I don't even know what to look for

Will peruse a bit more when I get to my laptop
The Genius Mishmash -- January 25th Game Thread Quote
01-30-2016 , 01:19 PM
OK I'll do it silently
The Genius Mishmash -- January 25th Game Thread Quote
01-30-2016 , 01:31 PM
So rereading bop's d1 and it is . . . not good

Thingy seems pure
The Genius Mishmash -- January 25th Game Thread Quote
01-30-2016 , 01:33 PM
forget characters, because you think one might have a certain alignment doesnt neccessarily mean it will have that alignment. In mashes this happens all the time to prevent players from reading the mods.

Also the fact that thingy is using it as a slick angle to push me should come of as alarming.

Have I been "quieter" than other mashes. Seemingly so but not really. I've taken part in almost every MM this game has had. One day I was in MM's for 7 hours and that not including another 2 hours i was around in the thread. I actively try to stay away from the game as much as possible and even doing that i've probably spent 30 hours this week at the computer participating in this game. If you think that is low participation or indicative of me being more wolfy than villagy then I really don't know what to say.

i'm going to spend the next while talking through the game and how i thought about things. im going to be doing other actvities so if you ask questions or have comments and I don't immeadiately respond take that into account
The Genius Mishmash -- January 25th Game Thread Quote
01-30-2016 , 01:35 PM
Yg and mucks both had bop as a wolf too

And Moocher liked one of bop's early posts in a non curmudgeonly way
The Genius Mishmash -- January 25th Game Thread Quote
01-30-2016 , 01:37 PM
I was also on bop about his d1 for a bit, but the thing that got me is how in the world do they have wolf allund go into the dm there?
The Genius Mishmash -- January 25th Game Thread Quote
