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Gap Peehs REVEAL! Gap Peehs REVEAL!

01-30-2010 , 11:28 PM
Thanks for the game TL, and congrats wahoo! I figured the book question was a best-seller list, but I still had no idea which one to choose, so passed it. Mew on the Pokemon was the only non-Pikachu answer I could think of. Zurvan being your last of the POG community cut-off threw me off because I know he just passed 20k posts, and with the 10k extravaganza theme, I figured the gap was POGgers who have between 10-20k posts. I've never opened the community thread, so I had no hope there... But this was still a fun variation.
Gap Peehs REVEAL! Quote
01-31-2010 , 12:09 AM
Thanks for the game TL... rather disappointing showing for me given the number of lists I've researched in running my own gap peehs game... and my expert ace gets stepped on in the book question :-(

Originally Posted by atakdog
Theory question TL and I were discussing:

How hard is the ideal gap sheep question? MY opinion is that the questions should tend to run with about 20–40% incorrects — there has to be a significant penalty to not knowing the answer, and relatedly a tight enough range to produce largish sheeps. By that logic the books question (for example) was too hard, the island question too easy.

The question was inspired by all the worrying in the signup thread about how hard the game was — was this not along the lines people were expecting?
IMO this really isn't the correct question to ask. I think that an entire game of gap peehs (or peehs in general for that matter) should be evaluated as a whole; naturally, quite possibly by design, there will be some questions that are harder than others.

There's another element - is peehs a trivia game with an element of leveling, or a leveling game with an element of trivia? I tend to think the former, and I didn't think this game was too hard by any means. I think that having a perfect showing of no incorrects should be an achievement, and when I design a peehs game I don't intend for it to be easy to achieve that; I think some others believe that it should be common for most people to have all correct answers, making victory more a matter of choosing the right correct answers rather than knowing correct answers. Essentially, I think that "how hard is the ideal gap peehs question" is subjective, and that difficulty is better measured over an entire game than a single question.
Gap Peehs REVEAL! Quote
01-31-2010 , 12:36 AM
Okay - for questions 1 through 3, I had the sheep answer. Of course, this is a peehs, so I'm screwed. I passed on #4, and got the sheep points for that too. I come up with peehs answers for sheep questions, and sheep answers for peehs questions. I'm doomed!

Gratz to wahoo, atak, and RollWave. Big thanx to Time Lady for a great game.

I'm not in last place - Yay!

Last edited by Peggles; 01-31-2010 at 12:51 AM. Reason: add info
Gap Peehs REVEAL! Quote
01-31-2010 , 05:59 AM
lol we had a pass?

well all around this was just a massive fail for me

thanks for running
Gap Peehs REVEAL! Quote
01-31-2010 , 06:13 AM
Originally Posted by atakdog
Theory question TL and I were discussing:

How hard is the ideal gap sheep question? MY opinion is that the questions should tend to run with about 20–40% incorrects — there has to be a significant penalty to not knowing the answer, and relatedly a tight enough range to produce largish sheeps. By that logic the books question (for example) was too hard, the island question too easy.

The question was inspired by all the worrying in the signup thread about how hard the game was — was this not along the lines people were expecting?
40% incorrects sounds waaay high - that's like nearly half, man. I guess i agree with FtC that the questions need to be balanced to one another, but in general i think that i'd prefer to see a much lower percentage of incorrects and much more emphasis placed on astute selection of which correct to go with. I guess gap sheep is a bit of a unique format, so there is a bit more of stress on identifying the category, but you balance that with the passes. Given a couple of passes for things you don't know, i still think that the average number of incorrects per question should be below 20%.

Related: what is the formula for incorrects? And is it adjustible within the sheepulator?
Gap Peehs REVEAL! Quote
01-31-2010 , 06:15 AM
the formula is in the sticky now

Last post
Gap Peehs REVEAL! Quote
01-31-2010 , 08:56 AM
7th! nice!
Gap Peehs REVEAL! Quote
01-31-2010 , 09:52 AM
Originally Posted by kokiri
Related: what is the formula for incorrects? And is it adjustible within the sheepulator?
I think the sheepulator uses fleebrog method automatically. Not sure if you can force it to use something else. In Dudds sheep scorer you type in what an incorrect is worth for each question.
Gap Peehs REVEAL! Quote
01-31-2010 , 04:05 PM
Whether you like your peehs soft or hard, I think it's generally true that the easier it is, the more people will play (if that's a consideration for you).
Gap Peehs REVEAL! Quote
01-31-2010 , 04:07 PM
Originally Posted by mute
I think the sheepulator uses fleebrog method automatically. Not sure if you can force it to use something else.
The thing I love about the sheepulator is that everything is easily adjustable for anyone with any excel skillz at all.
Gap Peehs REVEAL! Quote
01-31-2010 , 05:35 PM
Originally Posted by atakdog
Theory question TL and I were discussing:

How hard is the ideal gap sheep question? MY opinion is that the questions should tend to run with about 20–40% incorrects — there has to be a significant penalty to not knowing the answer, and relatedly a tight enough range to produce largish sheeps. By that logic the books question (for example) was too hard, the island question too easy.

The question was inspired by all the worrying in the signup thread about how hard the game was — was this not along the lines people were expecting?
This game was very well calibrated imo

I agree with Felix that the questions should vary in difficulty, sometimes even greatly. This design was conceived because we had done all the same "Name one of the top 25 xxxx" peehs questions so often, the games were getting stale. This was a way to generate a different answer pool. But it should still work like a normal reverse sheep game, with 15-30 correct choices, ideally with multiple answers on each level.
Gap Peehs REVEAL! Quote
01-31-2010 , 06:29 PM
Woooo I didn't come last! Genuine accomplishment imo.

Gap Peehs REVEAL! Quote
01-31-2010 , 09:05 PM
i didnt know that question was about twitter. I was guessing some sort of money made the last year thing and guessed Lady Gaga, lol
Gap Peehs REVEAL! Quote
01-31-2010 , 11:35 PM
Originally Posted by atakdog
No kidding — a couple of primarily-werewolfers go 1–2. What's the sheep world coming to?
Originally Posted by TimeLady
nich didn't enter and I was running it?
All right, all right--my newfound fascination with ww and my rest after the LPC win (that would be a good subtitle for me btw, mods--inaugural LPC champion, musical idiot savant, whatever you want to call me) have taken away from my peehs entries. I am coming back with a venegance, this I VOW!!!
Gap Peehs REVEAL! Quote
02-01-2010 , 07:13 PM
Originally Posted by TimeLady
List here

Half tempted to mark BPM as a pass, but if you don't read the thread then screw you imo
i read the thread.

but expecting me to name an obscure usa paper is pretty ridiculous.

ill just deduct 11 from my score as i go through so its all good (havent finished reading thread yet)....
Gap Peehs REVEAL! Quote
02-01-2010 , 07:17 PM
oops make that deduct 8
Gap Peehs REVEAL! Quote
02-01-2010 , 07:20 PM
w00t got 4th.... pretty happy considering the difficult level of this.

thanks for running TL, was definitely interesting
Gap Peehs REVEAL! Quote
02-01-2010 , 07:22 PM
Originally Posted by Bulletproof Monk
i read the thread.

but expecting me to name an obscure usa paper is pretty ridiculous.

ill just deduct 11 from my score as i go through so its all good (havent finished reading thread yet)....
I'm not American and managed to come up with a corret answer and I guess there are others as well
Gap Peehs REVEAL! Quote
02-01-2010 , 07:24 PM

ok then tell me an australian newspaper that isnt the australian, the sydney morning herald, the financial review, the age or the herald sun.

Gap Peehs REVEAL! Quote
02-01-2010 , 07:25 PM
I obv don't know that and it has nothing to do with this. You can bitch about stupid questions and I am in favor of that, but if you enter a quiz with such a question you have to take the incorrect for it.
Gap Peehs REVEAL! Quote
02-01-2010 , 08:23 PM
i dont think it is a stupid question, its probably fine for most people.

im not bitching, im just not taking the incorrect and i dont really see how it concerns anyone. if i can see >50% of players answer my above question about australian newspapers then i would possibly reconsider.
Gap Peehs REVEAL! Quote
02-01-2010 , 08:46 PM
The Tazmanian Devil-Times?
Gap Peehs REVEAL! Quote
02-01-2010 , 08:47 PM
The Melbourne Times

Gap Peehs REVEAL! Quote
02-01-2010 , 08:50 PM
The Melbourne Post?
Gap Peehs REVEAL! Quote
02-01-2010 , 09:11 PM
0/3 heh
Gap Peehs REVEAL! Quote
