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GAMESAPALOOZA 2007 [Game Thread] GAMESAPALOOZA 2007 [Game Thread]

06-29-2007 , 12:06 PM
Player Jump 5 HP
Boiler_bd 14 22
fmxda 15 28
Iron_Yuppie 0 31
LuckayLuck 13 21
metsandfinsfan 12 27
Nicholasp27 15 17
theSmell 12 25
Voj 14 25

Iron_Yuppie failed to submit and was the last to hit the ground. He was shot.

Next deadline is Monday at noon. Please submit early though. We'll go through as many as we can through the weekend.
GAMESAPALOOZA 2007 [Game Thread] Quote
06-29-2007 , 12:08 PM
Player HP
Boiler_bd 22
fmxda 28
LuckayLuck 21
metsandfinsfan 27
Nicholasp27 17
theSmell 25
Voj 25

Next deadline is Monday at noon. Please submit early though. We'll go through as many as we can through the weekend.
GAMESAPALOOZA 2007 [Game Thread] Quote
06-29-2007 , 02:54 PM
I'm going to go ahead and introduce the next game while we finish up this game.

theSmell chooses Elimination Sudoku


You will each receive a PM from me titled, "SUDOKU - DO NOT OPEN TILL READY!" You will solve 2 sudoku puzzles that are enclosed in the PM. (Everyone will be solving the same puzzles.)

The 9 fastest times (including ties) will advance to the next round.

The remaining players will receive another set of puzzles. The 7 fastest times on the second set (including ties) advance to the next round.

The remaining players will receive another set. The 5 fastest times from the third set (including ties) advance to the final round.

The finalists will receive one last set.

The puzzles will get progressively harder from round to round.



Each cell of the sudoku puzzle can be identified by a coordinate. The first number of the coordinate is the row (horizontal) and the second is the column (vertical). They are numbered on the puzzle grid for convenience.

For example, the number in cell (1,2) of the sample is 5.

When submitting your answers, they should be of the following formats:


(1,1) = 364
(1,6) = 228
(1,8) = 2.7




In other words, submit each puzzle twice (once with the coordinates on the side and once as a listing of the answers in the correct order). This is for your protection. I will look first at the listing of the answers (as this will be easier to check). If this is incorrect, I'll then look at the one with the coordinates listed.

If any submitted answers include errors, the contestant will be ranked after all perfect puzzles for that round. Submissions including errors will not advance to subsequent rounds.

First round eliminations will be ranked based upon their finish time. Ties will share a place and the corresponding championship points.

Second round eliminations will be ranked above first round eliminations. They will be ranked by combined first and second round times. Ties will be broken by fastest second round time. If a tie still exists, they will share a place and the corresponding championship points.

Third round eliminations will be ranked above first and second round eliminations. They will be ranked by combined first, second, and third round times. Ties will be broken by fastest third round time, followed by fastest second round time. If ties still exist, they will share a place and the corresponding championship points.

Finalists will be ranked above previously eliminated contestants. They will be ranked by combined time from all four rounds. Ties will be broken by fastest final round time, followed by fastest third round time, followed by fastest second round time. If a tie still exists, they will share a place and the corresponding championship points.


I realize this is a lot of information and there are inevitably questions. Please feel free to ask questions in thread or privately.

Those that need to receive their puzzles before the end of the first game will receive them as soon as I can get them out. If anyone is going to be gone next week, I will send you all puzzles for all four rounds and you can complete them. I will only use the submissions if you advance to the corresponding round.
GAMESAPALOOZA 2007 [Game Thread] Quote
06-29-2007 , 02:56 PM
In case it's not clear, you shouldn't open your PM until you're ready. I'm determining the times based upon the difference between your opening of the PM and your submission.
GAMESAPALOOZA 2007 [Game Thread] Quote
06-29-2007 , 03:09 PM
thank you yuppie for not submitting
GAMESAPALOOZA 2007 [Game Thread] Quote
06-29-2007 , 03:09 PM
6 more rounds ... be interesting to see what people bid now
GAMESAPALOOZA 2007 [Game Thread] Quote
06-29-2007 , 03:09 PM
thank you yuppie for not submitting
GAMESAPALOOZA 2007 [Game Thread] Quote
06-29-2007 , 03:42 PM
What if I submit a wrong solution, correct it, and resubmit like 2 minutes later?
GAMESAPALOOZA 2007 [Game Thread] Quote
06-29-2007 , 03:55 PM
Change to submission guidelines for sudoku:

Each row should be typed out as it appears in your final grid.

This will be much easier for you and me.
Leave a blank line between each group of three lines.




Thanks to bojtun for the excellent suggestion! He gets $1000 POG and lots of thank you's from me!
GAMESAPALOOZA 2007 [Game Thread] Quote
06-29-2007 , 03:56 PM
You can submit as many times as you like per round. I will stop the clock on your first correct answer. If you do not have a correct answer, I will stop the clock on the last submission.
GAMESAPALOOZA 2007 [Game Thread] Quote
06-29-2007 , 04:57 PM

Iron_Yuppie failed to submit and was the last to hit the ground. He was shot.

They've put Websense in at my work today, and it blocks 2+2, so I'd be unavailable from 8 to 6 every day, so I think I have to withdraw
GAMESAPALOOZA 2007 [Game Thread] Quote
06-29-2007 , 04:58 PM
u can still play; u submit ur actions at night
GAMESAPALOOZA 2007 [Game Thread] Quote
06-29-2007 , 05:33 PM
Uh I've never done Soduko ever.

Time to start practicing.
GAMESAPALOOZA 2007 [Game Thread] Quote
06-29-2007 , 05:46 PM
IY, let me know if you want to still play or if you want me to find an alternate.

Thanks for letting us know!
GAMESAPALOOZA 2007 [Game Thread] Quote
06-29-2007 , 05:47 PM

This would be a good, free way to practice your sudoku skills. It might be easier to print one out and do it that way, especially if you're just beginning.
GAMESAPALOOZA 2007 [Game Thread] Quote
06-29-2007 , 05:58 PM
u know a good online printable blank grid?
GAMESAPALOOZA 2007 [Game Thread] Quote
06-29-2007 , 06:07 PM
Here's something I just made on my computer. Lemme do some more work on it and see if I can make it bigger.

edit: if you've still got small grids here, just refresh. The big grids should show.
GAMESAPALOOZA 2007 [Game Thread] Quote
06-29-2007 , 06:36 PM
IY, let me know if you want to still play or if you want me to find an alternate.

Thanks for letting us know!
I'll give it a shot.
GAMESAPALOOZA 2007 [Game Thread] Quote
06-29-2007 , 06:42 PM
IY, let me know if you want to still play or if you want me to find an alternate.

Thanks for letting us know!
I'll give it a shot.

Let me know if you'll need a replacement at some point.
GAMESAPALOOZA 2007 [Game Thread] Quote
06-29-2007 , 07:12 PM
lol sudokuments
anyways, it shouldn't have to be said, but no using those nifty sudoku solvers on the internets =p
GAMESAPALOOZA 2007 [Game Thread] Quote
06-29-2007 , 07:23 PM
right. I don't think it'll be an issue.
GAMESAPALOOZA 2007 [Game Thread] Quote
06-29-2007 , 07:23 PM
speaking of issues, I need more jumps!!!
GAMESAPALOOZA 2007 [Game Thread] Quote
06-29-2007 , 09:47 PM
ok suckers I got sudoku on my phone and am currently owning easy mode.

I'm gonna get smoked here.
GAMESAPALOOZA 2007 [Game Thread] Quote
06-30-2007 , 06:32 AM
ok, you morans
you guys are all playing this helicopter jump game wrong

DO NOT SUBMIT YOUR NEXT BID UNTIL YOU HEAR ME OUT for the next jump (if I'm alive, that is). It will be to your advantage, because I am pretty much going to give away what I'm going to jump
GAMESAPALOOZA 2007 [Game Thread] Quote
06-30-2007 , 02:30 PM
I need more jumps!!!
GAMESAPALOOZA 2007 [Game Thread] Quote
