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Game of Thrones 4: A Storm of Swords pt 2 - A WW Mish-Mash Game Thread (November 10th, 2014) Game of Thrones 4: A Storm of Swords pt 2 - A WW Mish-Mash Game Thread (November 10th, 2014)

11-12-2014 , 09:45 PM
TehVader probably a decent shot
Game of Thrones 4: A Storm of Swords pt 2 - A WW Mish-Mash Game Thread (November 10th, 2014) Quote
11-12-2014 , 09:45 PM
Originally Posted by biggerboat
Is this a faction claim?
Game of Thrones 4: A Storm of Swords pt 2 - A WW Mish-Mash Game Thread (November 10th, 2014) Quote
11-12-2014 , 09:45 PM
everyone shoot at me

i dont think you should risk it
Game of Thrones 4: A Storm of Swords pt 2 - A WW Mish-Mash Game Thread (November 10th, 2014) Quote
11-12-2014 , 09:46 PM
Originally Posted by Vagos
I forget who it was, but enough ppl said I should back off Charry that I did
No one said they peeked charry. Charry said he was peeked by iversonian, which obviously means nothing at this point. Fwiw ivers also peeked me villager, which I also think means nothing.
Game of Thrones 4: A Storm of Swords pt 2 - A WW Mish-Mash Game Thread (November 10th, 2014) Quote
11-12-2014 , 09:47 PM
Originally Posted by Outed Wolf
from the little i've read I don't like iver or JD here. JD's reactions were pretty pure today. The only caveat is whether he had "too much info" when he shot down the wolf. Does anyone remember whether the lead up to the kill (previous days' interactions/investigation? or a fabricated w/wy spat that ends in him killing the wolf? ->someone should look this up just in case)

The scoop on diskoteque seems fishy. he hasn't done anything right?
it went like this..digger asked for a 3 person list. I listed gamer (and 2 now-dead villagers) on my list.

I didnt shoot either of the villas at least
Game of Thrones 4: A Storm of Swords pt 2 - A WW Mish-Mash Game Thread (November 10th, 2014) Quote
11-12-2014 , 09:47 PM
Originally Posted by mexineil
TehVader probably a decent shot
That's who I'm shooting aorn, but it didn't get put on the lists.
Game of Thrones 4: A Storm of Swords pt 2 - A WW Mish-Mash Game Thread (November 10th, 2014) Quote
11-12-2014 , 09:47 PM
Ashington I hope you are making the decision to shoot me based on actually reading all of my posts. I have put efforts into this game and I don't want to die by a yolo. If you have points to make about me being a wolf please bring them up and I will do my best to explain/prove that I am not a wolf.
Game of Thrones 4: A Storm of Swords pt 2 - A WW Mish-Mash Game Thread (November 10th, 2014) Quote
11-12-2014 , 09:47 PM
seriously tho if you let me live i'll give you more peeks that you wont listen to
Game of Thrones 4: A Storm of Swords pt 2 - A WW Mish-Mash Game Thread (November 10th, 2014) Quote
11-12-2014 , 09:48 PM
Originally Posted by LeonardoDicaprio
seriously tho if you let me live i'll give you more peeks that you wont listen to
Y u no recruit me?
Game of Thrones 4: A Storm of Swords pt 2 - A WW Mish-Mash Game Thread (November 10th, 2014) Quote
11-12-2014 , 09:49 PM
Originally Posted by Kaze13
No one said they peeked charry. Charry said he was peeked by iversonian, which obviously means nothing at this point. Fwiw ivers also peeked me villager, which I also think means nothing.
how many seers do we have?
Game of Thrones 4: A Storm of Swords pt 2 - A WW Mish-Mash Game Thread (November 10th, 2014) Quote
11-12-2014 , 09:49 PM

Vagos - shooting chuckles
Quarrr - shooting thediceman
monstrman - shooting Sun Tzu
Stark Sandwich - shooting Kruze
carcinoGenetecist - shooting fran
HUStylez - shooting ak56
Kaze13 - shooting TehVader
Game of Thrones 4: A Storm of Swords pt 2 - A WW Mish-Mash Game Thread (November 10th, 2014) Quote
11-12-2014 , 09:49 PM
Originally Posted by LeonardoDicaprio
seriously tho if you let me live i'll give you more peeks that you wont listen to
it was already said best by someone on d1

The Village:
Game of Thrones 4: A Storm of Swords pt 2 - A WW Mish-Mash Game Thread (November 10th, 2014) Quote
11-12-2014 , 09:49 PM
Originally Posted by Vagos

fwiw, I'm just gonna propose that on the off chance the lynch is borked in some way, I will take care of Leo and we will leave chuckles for tomorrow

This way there isn't any confusion of people panicking and aborting their own shots and then we overlap like 4 shots on Leo

this sound ok?

Back from dinner.

I was thinking this and was glad to see someone else thought of it.
Game of Thrones 4: A Storm of Swords pt 2 - A WW Mish-Mash Game Thread (November 10th, 2014) Quote
11-12-2014 , 09:50 PM
Originally Posted by DiggertheDog
Yeah aaron needs to die and so does dice both killed villas today.
So anyone who killed a villager is by default a wolf?

Interesting opinion.
Game of Thrones 4: A Storm of Swords pt 2 - A WW Mish-Mash Game Thread (November 10th, 2014) Quote
11-12-2014 , 09:51 PM
Originally Posted by Vagos
I forget who it was, but enough ppl said I should back off Charry that I did
Charry said himself that he was peeked.

He was peeked by ivers, who also peeked someone else.

Basically he was not really peeked.
Game of Thrones 4: A Storm of Swords pt 2 - A WW Mish-Mash Game Thread (November 10th, 2014) Quote
11-12-2014 , 09:53 PM
ivers - can you confirm/deny any peeks you may or may not have?
Game of Thrones 4: A Storm of Swords pt 2 - A WW Mish-Mash Game Thread (November 10th, 2014) Quote
11-12-2014 , 09:55 PM
Stark I will say this, I get better as the games get deeper, you can expect MORE game solving stuff from me in the days to come, I'm not going to go away unless I'm dead. The efforts will continue and it will become more and more clear each day I'm alive that the WOOFS will be the ones that will have to resolve me, if you can find it in your heart to shat some other poor fool.
Game of Thrones 4: A Storm of Swords pt 2 - A WW Mish-Mash Game Thread (November 10th, 2014) Quote
11-12-2014 , 09:58 PM
Originally Posted by KruZe
Stark I will say this, I get better as the games get deeper, you can expect MORE game solving stuff from me in the days to come, I'm not going to go away unless I'm dead. The efforts will continue and it will become more and more clear each day I'm alive that the WOOFS will be the ones that will have to resolve me, if you can find it in your heart to shat some other poor fool.

What this guy said.

Some scrubs deciding to off me should not be acceptable. Especially as it is Quarr and he is shady and hell and I already called him a wolf.

You guys are allowing him to take out someone who suspects his so he can tray and slide by another couple of days.
Game of Thrones 4: A Storm of Swords pt 2 - A WW Mish-Mash Game Thread (November 10th, 2014) Quote
11-12-2014 , 10:01 PM
sup bishes

my sleep schedule is kind of wack

seems I'm still alive

who are we killing?
Game of Thrones 4: A Storm of Swords pt 2 - A WW Mish-Mash Game Thread (November 10th, 2014) Quote
11-12-2014 , 10:01 PM
Votes from post 7943 to post 9819
Night in 0:59:52

11 LeonardoDicaprio Stark Sandwich (69), KruZe (40), diskoteque (42), iamnotawerewolf (15), carcinoGenetecist (80), TehVader (12), Vagos (83), Kaze13 (160), lilrascal (16), biggerboat (40), Quarrrr (94)
3 Sun Tzu monstrman (116), iversonian (17), ChrisV (30)
1 aaronk56 HUstylez (63)
10 not voting aaronk56 (16), Charry (29), chuckleslovakian (0), FranFran95 (2), J.D. (46), LeonardoDicaprio (85), mexineil (76), Outed Wolf (45), Sun Tzu (1), thediceman (51)
1 Error DiggertheDog (161)
Game of Thrones 4: A Storm of Swords pt 2 - A WW Mish-Mash Game Thread (November 10th, 2014) Quote
11-12-2014 , 10:01 PM
Originally Posted by confirmedtroll
Gently pepper Crossnerd's angus
Originally Posted by biggerboat
Kill the wolf claimer diskoteque with fire
Originally Posted by LeonardoDicaprio
Kill the wolf claimer mucks with fire
Originally Posted by UofU2010
Murder the wolf confirmedtroll
Originally Posted by Duckburg
I dont see it on the new one...

Hey - I heard you didn't include me on your D1 list?

the bright side is that you're still being considered villager.

Tell me who your two most villagery persons from D1 is.

Pull the tampon hard and brutal on Crossnerd
Originally Posted by TheBrokenATM!
shoot confirmed troll as I sob, killing your wolf pup is sad
Originally Posted by mutigers5591
send quarrr back to estonia
Originally Posted by monstrman
Please just murder CarcinoGeneticist so someone in this game can die
Originally Posted by aaronk56
shoot Killer_kill
Originally Posted by monstrman
Please just murder CarcinoGeneticist so someone in this game can die
Originally Posted by aaronk56
shoot Killer_kill

boldly shoot him
Originally Posted by Krayz


You are Podrick Payne. You have been assigned to accompany Brienne of Tarth to rescue Sansa and Arya Stark. You are masons with Brienne of Tarth. Your power rating is: 6. You are a villager. You win by eliminating all other factions."

She was an other at the time of her death. The other faction has been eliminated.
Originally Posted by Charry
she was an "other" what does that mean?
Originally Posted by biggerboat
confirmed troll is a wolf
leo is a wolf
duck might be a wolf
charry might be a wolf
uofu is a villager
Originally Posted by Charry
should I have just posted once itas were done or what? geez
Originally Posted by Boner2
Kill killer kill B
Originally Posted by thediceman
shoot confirmedtroll
Originally Posted by Vagos
Bring me accobra's head
Originally Posted by Quarrrr
Killz LeonardodiCaprio
Originally Posted by Charry
who should use my shat on?
Originally Posted by Quick_Ben
i am throwing a deadly feather at boner2 for the lulz
Originally Posted by killer_kill
poor gold onto CT's face gently

Tom you shouldn't shoot me as I really have no idea why you want to kill me to begin with. I wasn't pushing Moocher at all. I did have a push on Baudib but that's prob cause I always think he's wolfy. The only thing I've said wrt you is that I wasn't sure why Baud cleared you so quickly.
Originally Posted by Charry
waiting to see resolve here before firing on mucs or ben
Originally Posted by Charry
hey tom, is boner a villager? why or why not?
Originally Posted by Gamer Dude
oh well glgl

push chrisV out of a plane without a parachute
Originally Posted by Krayz
The King is dead:

You are Tommen Baratheon, second in line to the throne. You are vanilla. Your power rating is: 2. You are a villager. You win by eliminating all other factions.
Originally Posted by KruZe
pinch the back of BATM's arm really hard
Originally Posted by Top Tier Tom
Teach mucks how to be villagery
Originally Posted by Charry
Shoot Ben
Originally Posted by KruZe
pinch the back of TheNothings arm REALLY HARD
Originally Posted by SuqAta8
do bad stuff to quick ben
Originally Posted by iversonian
kill killer kill until he is killed
Originally Posted by Krayz
shats close in 10 minutes
Originally Posted by SuqAta8

duckburgXNDead converted villa
quick benbonerMiss
kruzebatmXpost already dead
tttmucksHit no death
charryquick benMiss
suqquick benMiss
Originally Posted by Stark Sandwich
Have The Stallion Who Mounts the World mount ChrisV
Originally Posted by Outed Wolf
shoot killer_kill
Originally Posted by vixticator
Kill confirmedtroll
Originally Posted by Aaronk56's Son
Omg I got home and posted in the thread.

shoot duck

screw this guy
Originally Posted by Krayz


You are Stannis Baratheon. You are an even night vigilante. Your power rating is: 10. You are the Baratheon Wolf Faction. You have a night kill every night. You win by reaching parity with the village and eliminating all other factions.
Originally Posted by aaronk56
Nice shot son. But are you Targaryen?
Originally Posted by Krayz

UofU2010 has been burnt by mother****ing dragons:

You are Brienne of Tarth. Entrusted with Oathkeeper, your role is to seek out Sansa and Arya Stark to return her to Catelyn Stark. You are masons with Podrick Payne. Every night you may search 3 players to attempt to find Arya or Sansa. If you do you will join with them. Your power rating is: 9. You are a villager. You win by eliminating all other factions."

TheNothing has been killed by a thrall:

You are the High Septon. You may bless any character giving them 5 extra battle prowess the next day. Your power rating is: 2. You are a villager. You win by eliminating all other factions."
bump day 2 first ITA for spew
Game of Thrones 4: A Storm of Swords pt 2 - A WW Mish-Mash Game Thread (November 10th, 2014) Quote
11-12-2014 , 10:01 PM
whatever you do, never kill KruZe
Game of Thrones 4: A Storm of Swords pt 2 - A WW Mish-Mash Game Thread (November 10th, 2014) Quote
11-12-2014 , 10:02 PM
I'm fairly comfortable not killing charry tonight on grounds of the Groupthink Theorem TM Hurpies.

It is the bonus chapter in my new book.
Game of Thrones 4: A Storm of Swords pt 2 - A WW Mish-Mash Game Thread (November 10th, 2014) Quote
11-12-2014 , 10:02 PM
hey sun sup
Game of Thrones 4: A Storm of Swords pt 2 - A WW Mish-Mash Game Thread (November 10th, 2014) Quote
11-12-2014 , 10:02 PM
sun tzu you are dying sorry

that opening cemented it too
Game of Thrones 4: A Storm of Swords pt 2 - A WW Mish-Mash Game Thread (November 10th, 2014) Quote
