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Game of Thrones 4: A Storm of Swords pt 2 - A WW Mish-Mash Game Thread (November 10th, 2014) Game of Thrones 4: A Storm of Swords pt 2 - A WW Mish-Mash Game Thread (November 10th, 2014)

11-10-2014 , 10:02 PM
Originally Posted by Top Tier Tom
Remind me what happened? And who it was
muti said monte was a wolf, he challenged him, no idea why monte accepted.

after muti tries to pass it off saying monte was wolfy, except he was not really wolfy.

also muti coming in and having a qq about the people on his wagon was not a good look either.
Game of Thrones 4: A Storm of Swords pt 2 - A WW Mish-Mash Game Thread (November 10th, 2014) Quote
11-10-2014 , 10:02 PM
Originally Posted by Aaronk56's Son
VMF is the wall. You can't lynch the wall.
what an awesome role would that be?

You are THE WALL
Game of Thrones 4: A Storm of Swords pt 2 - A WW Mish-Mash Game Thread (November 10th, 2014) Quote
11-10-2014 , 10:02 PM
Originally Posted by zdye724
WTF is this

Either you're a villager or you aren't

Roles should be pretty clear about this

There isn't any ambiguity, and the mod made it pretty clear as to which alliance is the village.
Yes but it's not clear which characters are in which factions. You need to stop and think for a minute about what I saying.
Game of Thrones 4: A Storm of Swords pt 2 - A WW Mish-Mash Game Thread (November 10th, 2014) Quote
11-10-2014 , 10:02 PM
Originally Posted by PimpYoRide

lissen up

dis how dis game is, i give you it legit

throw a dart you hit a wolf, dat cool

maybe mucks a wolf, maybe toedder, maybe carcino

but we got information and dis game bout information

we know vmf not a villa

so we kill him

dat how it work

dat how you kill Robik

dere plenty of wolfy mutha****as, yeah
but we kill da ones we know wolfs

I'd be totally on board if the game wasn't so massive with so many factions and carnage. There are so many ways VMF can die, and he will continue to be an easy lynch at every stage of the game, so given how unlikely it is that he has powers I don't feel a pressing need to get rid of him now, when it will cheat us out of good wagon info.
Game of Thrones 4: A Storm of Swords pt 2 - A WW Mish-Mash Game Thread (November 10th, 2014) Quote
11-10-2014 , 10:02 PM
Originally Posted by baudib1
mucks, it looks like TTT, Leo and I all had the same thought about you.

it's troublesome.
You're all being biased bc I haven't been here today
Game of Thrones 4: A Storm of Swords pt 2 - A WW Mish-Mash Game Thread (November 10th, 2014) Quote
11-10-2014 , 10:02 PM
Go ahead and scoff now.
Game of Thrones 4: A Storm of Swords pt 2 - A WW Mish-Mash Game Thread (November 10th, 2014) Quote
11-10-2014 , 10:03 PM
Originally Posted by Crossnerd
The characters in my group are not obvious villager characters. That's all I'm saying.
you should probably stop typing words about this right now
Game of Thrones 4: A Storm of Swords pt 2 - A WW Mish-Mash Game Thread (November 10th, 2014) Quote
11-10-2014 , 10:03 PM
Originally Posted by Crossnerd
The characters in my group are not obvious villager characters. That's all I'm saying.
dis a ****in angleshoot, dont do it no mo
Game of Thrones 4: A Storm of Swords pt 2 - A WW Mish-Mash Game Thread (November 10th, 2014) Quote
11-10-2014 , 10:03 PM
Originally Posted by Krayz
Votes from post 1 to post 4671
Night in 0:59:45

17 VarianceMinefield nutshot2 (8), Thingyman (52), KruZe (123), IAmRobik (66), Sun Tzu (71), HUstylez (11), lilrascal (23), Quick_Ben (49), Aaronk56's Son (50), confirmedtroll (161), PimpYoRide (68), Outed Wolf (24), TehVader (21), Stark Sandwich (66), mexineil (82), zdye724 (78), biggerboat (33)
6 Quick_Ben J.D. (12), vixticator (27), Gamer Dude (61), diskoteque (28), mucksandgravs (46), Crossnerd (63)
4 mucksandgravs insanity31 (35), baudib1 (287), LeonardoDicaprio (173), JDalla (39)
4 mutigers5591 pmarrsouth (5), ChrisV (18), thediceman (40), Vagos (28)
2 carcinoGenetecist Top Tier Tom (330), monstrman (118)
1 younguns87 The Moocher (233)
1 biggerboat SuqAta8 (22)
1 Boner2 VarianceMinefield (149)
1 mexineil ReddBoiler (71)
1 baudib1 killer_kill (27)
1 Outed Wolf Quarrrr (59)
1 Aaronk56's Son aaronk56 (5)
1 KruZe UofU2010 (116)
1 ChrisV mutigers5591 (103)
1 Quarrrr iversonian (12)
1 TheBrokenATM! Boner2 (181)
1 accobra_kid TheBrokenATM! (130)
2 unvote Gadarene (204), TheNothing (196)
12 not voting BillMilll (0), BillNye (5), carcinoGenetecist (18), Charry (18), Duckburg (1), Felix the Cat (0), Larissa (1), Mor_Tilt4mePls (9), necro (1), toedder (39), Yippee ki-yay (28), younguns87 (167)
4 Error accobra_kid (14), iamnotawerewolf (10), DiggertheDog (204), Xaro Von Ducksauce (49)
This is obviously incorrect, it will be fixed in a bit.
Game of Thrones 4: A Storm of Swords pt 2 - A WW Mish-Mash Game Thread (November 10th, 2014) Quote
11-10-2014 , 10:03 PM
hmm, didn't realize that it was such a runaway

carcino 4 funsies
Game of Thrones 4: A Storm of Swords pt 2 - A WW Mish-Mash Game Thread (November 10th, 2014) Quote
11-10-2014 , 10:03 PM
Game of Thrones 4: A Storm of Swords pt 2 - A WW Mish-Mash Game Thread (November 10th, 2014) Quote
11-10-2014 , 10:03 PM
Originally Posted by thediceman
muti said monte was a wolf, he challenged him, no idea why monte accepted.

after muti tries to pass it off saying monte was wolfy, except he was not really wolfy.

also muti coming in and having a qq about the people on his wagon was not a good look either.
Despite all that I don't think Muti is more than =rand to be a wolf

Don't feel strongly about him either way. Go for it if you think you got something but you should talk about other people too
Game of Thrones 4: A Storm of Swords pt 2 - A WW Mish-Mash Game Thread (November 10th, 2014) Quote
11-10-2014 , 10:03 PM
i wish for varianceminefield to die right now
Game of Thrones 4: A Storm of Swords pt 2 - A WW Mish-Mash Game Thread (November 10th, 2014) Quote
11-10-2014 , 10:03 PM
Wait wait, what if VMF's power was so obviously white walker evil magic because he is like a solo converter faction that rises people as wights. Someone should burn Thingy.
Game of Thrones 4: A Storm of Swords pt 2 - A WW Mish-Mash Game Thread (November 10th, 2014) Quote
11-10-2014 , 10:04 PM
Originally Posted by Crossnerd
Yes but it's not clear which characters are in which factions. You need to stop and think for a minute about what I saying.
i see what you are saying now

if we think VMF is a white walker who freezes people, that character may not necessarily be a wolf

i get it
Game of Thrones 4: A Storm of Swords pt 2 - A WW Mish-Mash Game Thread (November 10th, 2014) Quote
11-10-2014 , 10:04 PM
Originally Posted by baudib1
it's not that. i told you i was grading on a curve.
What does that even mean
Game of Thrones 4: A Storm of Swords pt 2 - A WW Mish-Mash Game Thread (November 10th, 2014) Quote
11-10-2014 , 10:04 PM
Originally Posted by LeonardoDicaprio
dice i really dont think we are lynchign mut today

nor do i think it's a good idea
Game of Thrones 4: A Storm of Swords pt 2 - A WW Mish-Mash Game Thread (November 10th, 2014) Quote
11-10-2014 , 10:04 PM
So VMF slanked away again
Game of Thrones 4: A Storm of Swords pt 2 - A WW Mish-Mash Game Thread (November 10th, 2014) Quote
11-10-2014 , 10:04 PM
get off vmf imo

inb4 he flips wolf

ill be back in 30ish
Game of Thrones 4: A Storm of Swords pt 2 - A WW Mish-Mash Game Thread (November 10th, 2014) Quote
11-10-2014 , 10:04 PM
Originally Posted by thediceman
haha nice
Game of Thrones 4: A Storm of Swords pt 2 - A WW Mish-Mash Game Thread (November 10th, 2014) Quote
11-10-2014 , 10:04 PM
Originally Posted by JDalla
I'd be totally on board if the game wasn't so massive with so many factions and carnage. There are so many ways VMF can die, and he will continue to be an easy lynch at every stage of the game, so given how unlikely it is that he has powers I don't feel a pressing need to get rid of him now, when it will cheat us out of good wagon info.
Let's start a counter wagon

Game of Thrones 4: A Storm of Swords pt 2 - A WW Mish-Mash Game Thread (November 10th, 2014) Quote
11-10-2014 , 10:04 PM
Game of Thrones 4: A Storm of Swords pt 2 - A WW Mish-Mash Game Thread (November 10th, 2014) Quote
11-10-2014 , 10:04 PM
Originally Posted by Aaronk56's Son
Wait wait, what if VMF's power was so obviously white walker evil magic because he is like a solo converter faction that rises people as wights. Someone should burn Thingy.
Game of Thrones 4: A Storm of Swords pt 2 - A WW Mish-Mash Game Thread (November 10th, 2014) Quote
11-10-2014 , 10:05 PM
also pimpbro makes good points but damn, i'm really tired of reading his posts in my lame gangsta voice
Game of Thrones 4: A Storm of Swords pt 2 - A WW Mish-Mash Game Thread (November 10th, 2014) Quote
11-10-2014 , 10:05 PM
Originally Posted by Boner2
So VMF slanked away again
lol. not defending myself every 2 minutews is slanking away?

well played boner, you are not long for this game

when i flip you are dead
Game of Thrones 4: A Storm of Swords pt 2 - A WW Mish-Mash Game Thread (November 10th, 2014) Quote
