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[Game Thread] Little Miss Mafia -- 3 hour days, 21 hour nights [Game Thread] Little Miss Mafia -- 3 hour days, 21 hour nights

07-30-2018 , 07:08 PM
Originally Posted by iraisetoomuch
You're right. It could also mean that you've just gotten significantly worse at the game.

Although, the more I think about it, the more I recall that you are just terrible at reading me. So there's that.
there's a fourth option!

hint: i've already said it twice. it's kind of my catchphrase
[Game Thread] Little Miss Mafia -- 3 hour days, 21 hour nights Quote
07-30-2018 , 07:08 PM
Originally Posted by iraisetoomuch
For post game cred:

Monte, Gad, Frog, JM +1
I like monte and Gad I think
[Game Thread] Little Miss Mafia -- 3 hour days, 21 hour nights Quote
07-30-2018 , 07:08 PM
im gonna chill out a bit and marinate on my jm3 read because i'm kinda working myself into a bit of a fervor about it.

I like frog/gad as villas.

back in a lil bit
[Game Thread] Little Miss Mafia -- 3 hour days, 21 hour nights Quote
07-30-2018 , 07:08 PM
Originally Posted by iraisetoomuch
For post game cred:

Monte, Gad, Frog, JM +1
I tr 2 maybe 3 people in this list. What are these reads?
[Game Thread] Little Miss Mafia -- 3 hour days, 21 hour nights Quote
07-30-2018 , 07:08 PM
Although, as I type that, it contradicts my earlier thought about only 1 wolf on Beck.
And I felt pretty good about that one. And still do.
[Game Thread] Little Miss Mafia -- 3 hour days, 21 hour nights Quote
07-30-2018 , 07:09 PM
Originally Posted by iraisetoomuch
For post game cred:

Monte, Gad, Frog, JM +1
I wish I could experience a team like that
[Game Thread] Little Miss Mafia -- 3 hour days, 21 hour nights Quote
07-30-2018 , 07:09 PM
Originally Posted by bopolis
the question thing isn't a bout logic, just about feeling and souls and i soul read it wolfy and plopped a lil vote on you to see what happens.

And what happened was that you reacted badly.

You talk about how you are "NOT" posting like you were when you were a wolf(and completely duped everyone mind you) and if you are so aware that you are posting differently I am somewhat concerned this awareness is due to you randing wolf again and trying to post differently.

You come off to me like you're a wolf somewhat annoyed for being wolfread for the wrong reasons.
You posted a lot of random words to say "soul read". I reacted fine & villagery. All my posting is fine & villagery. I'm a villager.

Of course I'm aware of the differences between my wolf game & my villa game. We actually had somewhat of a conversation about that in your AMA. I know there are certain things that I can't do as a wolf. Once you pushed me, I tried to figure out if that was a real thought you would have. My conclusion is you shouldn't.
[Game Thread] Little Miss Mafia -- 3 hour days, 21 hour nights Quote
07-30-2018 , 07:09 PM
Originally Posted by Gadarene
has Slighted gotten significantly better at wolfing in the interregnum since i've been gone?

given that there have been ~0-2 games, i'm going to guess the answer is no

in which case his early game-solvy substance is villagery
I’ve only seen a few, like two or three, potentially solvey posts — is that your bar?
[Game Thread] Little Miss Mafia -- 3 hour days, 21 hour nights Quote
07-30-2018 , 07:09 PM
sugabat is wolfy
[Game Thread] Little Miss Mafia -- 3 hour days, 21 hour nights Quote
07-30-2018 , 07:09 PM
Originally Posted by iraisetoomuch
For post game cred:

Monte, Gad, Frog, JM +1
I legit thought you were listing top villagers and was going to say;

tinfoil the JM and youre missing a few more lol

But... yeah nah

how did we come out with opposite ends of the spectrum reads?
[Game Thread] Little Miss Mafia -- 3 hour days, 21 hour nights Quote
07-30-2018 , 07:09 PM
Originally Posted by Forsythio
For questioning a post that seemed to be contributing without actually saying anything or implicating anyone? You meant the opposite, I think
nah, because it seemed like the kind of low-hanging fruit questions that an intelligent wolf would be most likely to pick up and turn into a response post

if that makes any sense
[Game Thread] Little Miss Mafia -- 3 hour days, 21 hour nights Quote
07-30-2018 , 07:09 PM
Originally Posted by Gadarene
has Slighted gotten significantly better at wolfing in the interregnum since i've been gone?

given that there have been ~0-2 games, i'm going to guess the answer is no

in which case his early game-solvy substance is villagery
lol bro. when was i not a good wolf?
[Game Thread] Little Miss Mafia -- 3 hour days, 21 hour nights Quote
07-30-2018 , 07:10 PM
Originally Posted by Beck Novo
Limestone a confident v rn

these lucid posts are just too common and too genuine imo to be faked
my team of villa reads is coming together quite nicely
[Game Thread] Little Miss Mafia -- 3 hour days, 21 hour nights Quote
07-30-2018 , 07:10 PM
Originally Posted by bopolis
im gonna chill out a bit and marinate on my jm3 read because i'm kinda working myself into a bit of a fervor about it.

I like frog/gad as villas.

back in a lil bit
definitely like what I'm seeing from gad so far, not sure on frog yet
[Game Thread] Little Miss Mafia -- 3 hour days, 21 hour nights Quote
07-30-2018 , 07:10 PM
Originally Posted by Gadarene
nah, because it seemed like the kind of low-hanging fruit questions that an intelligent wolf would be most likely to pick up and turn into a response post

if that makes any sense
I suppose
[Game Thread] Little Miss Mafia -- 3 hour days, 21 hour nights Quote
07-30-2018 , 07:11 PM
Originally Posted by BenjaminAO
I wish I could experience a team like that
my place, 10 pm, Saturday night, sailor

bring your inflatable hamster

Originally Posted by Beck Novo
I’ve only seen a few, like two or three, potentially solvey posts — is that your bar?
i actually added game-solvy at the last second and thought, "someone is going to give me **** for this" withdrawn, counselor. but substantive stands!
[Game Thread] Little Miss Mafia -- 3 hour days, 21 hour nights Quote
07-30-2018 , 07:11 PM
Originally Posted by Forsythio
my team of villa reads is coming together quite nicely
Can I get a tl;dr so I don't have to dig up each read?
[Game Thread] Little Miss Mafia -- 3 hour days, 21 hour nights Quote
07-30-2018 , 07:11 PM
[Game Thread] Little Miss Mafia -- 3 hour days, 21 hour nights Quote
07-30-2018 , 07:12 PM
doesnt know what ride or die means, but uses interregnum...
[Game Thread] Little Miss Mafia -- 3 hour days, 21 hour nights Quote
07-30-2018 , 07:12 PM
Originally Posted by iraisetoomuch
For post game cred:

Monte, Gad, Frog, JM +1
Your theory is me, Monte & Frog, 3 of the 5 (?) wolves (is the # of wolves a known thing?) are all pushing Beck at the same time early d1?
[Game Thread] Little Miss Mafia -- 3 hour days, 21 hour nights Quote
07-30-2018 , 07:12 PM
Originally Posted by FrogSC2
I legit thought you were listing top villagers and was going to say;

tinfoil the JM and youre missing a few more lol

But... yeah nah

how did we come out with opposite ends of the spectrum reads?
Given that I've been thinking you're a possible wolf all game, it would be natural for us to have different reads.
[Game Thread] Little Miss Mafia -- 3 hour days, 21 hour nights Quote
07-30-2018 , 07:12 PM
[Game Thread] Little Miss Mafia -- 3 hour days, 21 hour nights Quote
07-30-2018 , 07:12 PM
Originally Posted by Slighted
lol bro. when was i not a good wolf?
i love this

not in an alignment-indicative way, i just like the type of person who could have this response to that post
[Game Thread] Little Miss Mafia -- 3 hour days, 21 hour nights Quote
07-30-2018 , 07:12 PM
Actually, I don't suppose. I guess you're saying a wolf asks my question because it is a question that he thinks a villager would ask. I (obviously) contend that it actually is a question a villager would ask.

I also don't really see why it's a low hanging fruit unless it relates to his meta.
[Game Thread] Little Miss Mafia -- 3 hour days, 21 hour nights Quote
07-30-2018 , 07:13 PM
Originally Posted by Slighted
doesnt know what ride or die means, but uses interregnum...
i'm an ivory tower type

i'm in Europe, after all
[Game Thread] Little Miss Mafia -- 3 hour days, 21 hour nights Quote
