Dead Player | Cause | Character | Timing | Notes |
pmarrsouth | Montecore Wish Shot | Patty O'Green (Lucky) | D1 | Didn't out granting of wish for shot; decent low-suspicion shot. |
Reaperlicious | Domer 50/50 Prize Shot | Snarf (Innocent) | D1 | |
Xkf | Role Hunter | Wish Bear (Wish Granter) | D1 | Happened during monte shot interrogation; outed himself, basically. |
Lycant / confirmed troll | Light Manipulator (?) | Wheeljack (Vig Passer) | D1 | Maki probably did this. |
Suqata8 | D1 lynch | Spirits of Evil (Lone Wolf Seer) | D1 | Was a lone wolf whom wolves didn't know about; cannot clear voters, who were in essence voting a wolfy villager if they were wolves. |
bobman0330 | Night 1 | Perceptor (Odd Seer) | N1 | Luffy claimed this. |
fnord_too | Night 1 | Smurfette (Prostitute) | N1 | ? |
Gadarene | Night 1 | Optimus Prime (JOAT) | N1 | Wolves. |
jenningst77 | Night 1 | Pumyra (Healer) | N1 | Probably wolves. |
_Maki | Night 1 | Moonglow (Light Manipulator - caused vig of vote leader) | N1 | Low poster kill? younguns87 probably did this. |
Vagos | Night 1 | Man-At-Arms | N1 | Wolves. |
domer2 | Day Vig | Wild Bill (Pilot - this is an NA swapper) | D2 | Wolves. |
insanity31 | Day Vig | Hawk (Vote Influencer) | D2 | Wolves (?). |
Bloobird | Backfire of CDL Shot | Megatron (Universal Backup) | D2 | Backfire off of CDL. Neutral? Awesome villager? |
vixticator | Event Vig | Brain (Mason) | D2 | Mason with CDL almost for sure. |
ihcjay | ITA | Murky Dismal (Anti-Color JOAT) | D2 | Gamer Dude YOLO cleared himself with this shot. |
accobrakid | ITA | Papa Smurf (Village Life Giver) | D2 | Incorrect consensus. |
CrimsonFox | ITA | Cheetara (Two Life Villager) | D2 | Tailored? |
younguns87 | ITA | Lazy Smurf (Village Slank Vig) | D2 | Shot by Namath |
hardcoreUFO | ITA | Azrael (Wolf Tracker) | D2 | Shot by Xaro |
TheNothing | ITA | He-Man (Village Barbarian) | D2 | Shot by montecore |
corycurren | ITA | Archaeologist Smurf (Village Coroner) | D2 | Shot by Report Card |
Report Card | ITA | Professor Coldheart (Wolf ITA Nerfer) | D2 | Shot by CDL. |
montecore | ITA | Devestator (Wolf ITA Vig) | D2 | Shot by XXX23 at last second, but was consensus. |
That is not as good as it looked while it was happening but obviously we'll take it.
Other notes:
- CDL is lock cleared as vix's mason
- TN was ADAMANT, over and over again, that no one shoot sleepah, and she flipped a role that can receive information; therefore TN, being good at WW and a good teammate, must have received that information
- for the reason above, Sleepah is ~ a peeked villager
- monkey came in today and wrecked wolves