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[Game Thread] 1980s Toon Mash Werewolf [Game Thread] 1980s Toon Mash Werewolf

01-12-2015 , 09:18 PM
Domer was the first to make a case on Namath, put together a MQ of his early posts and they were quite struggly.

Nt sure about anything later today that made the wagon take form.
[Game Thread] 1980s Toon Mash Werewolf Quote
01-12-2015 , 09:18 PM
Originally Posted by TheNothing
I agree but would like to know what jochen saw to point out he should be lynched

And cfd'ing someone like cornmag, who did nothing but talk about the meta of non 2p2 players, would be infinitely better
[Game Thread] 1980s Toon Mash Werewolf Quote
01-12-2015 , 09:19 PM
Originally Posted by TheNothing
Who have you played with before? Didn't you come from another forum?
I think I've played with most of the people here at one point or another. Technically yes, I was in the 2nd game of mafia champions for some reason.
[Game Thread] 1980s Toon Mash Werewolf Quote
01-12-2015 , 09:19 PM
Originally Posted by LKJ
I feel like you do FWIW. I'm struggling to have a favorite lynch option.
Cohen or suq

but cohen is voting suq

so now I'm conflicted as well
[Game Thread] 1980s Toon Mash Werewolf Quote
01-12-2015 , 09:19 PM
On phone through EOD. Terrible game so far for village lol.
[Game Thread] 1980s Toon Mash Werewolf Quote
01-12-2015 , 09:19 PM
Originally Posted by Caedus
and now i see what dice did
even worse than the nothin hes been doin til then
I can't figure out what you are trying to say here
[Game Thread] 1980s Toon Mash Werewolf Quote
01-12-2015 , 09:19 PM

Didn't expect to see confirmed troll be a town role. Namath seems to be on a lot of logical people's radar, might be a good shot.
[Game Thread] 1980s Toon Mash Werewolf Quote
01-12-2015 , 09:19 PM
lol, what do you mean by "explain that post diceman"

he's mad, he posted an alphabetical list to screw with us, you think he's gonna be like "yeah as LUCK WOULD HAVE IT, those are my reads"?
[Game Thread] 1980s Toon Mash Werewolf Quote
01-12-2015 , 09:20 PM
Originally Posted by Vagos
My read of Namath is giving me mixed feelings

Can the ppl who want to lynch him most say why?
hes one of the 3 guys who stood out to me, cant remember why
maki n troll were the other 2
[Game Thread] 1980s Toon Mash Werewolf Quote
01-12-2015 , 09:20 PM
Originally Posted by killer_kill
On phone through EOD. Terrible game so far for village lol.
why are you speaking in third person about the village?
[Game Thread] 1980s Toon Mash Werewolf Quote
01-12-2015 , 09:20 PM
Originally Posted by ihcjay
Cohen or suq

but cohen is voting suq

so now I'm conflicted as well
I haven't played with cohen much and I'm bad at reading Suq. These aren't disagreements with you, but I just doubt I can confidently jump aboard.
[Game Thread] 1980s Toon Mash Werewolf Quote
01-12-2015 , 09:20 PM
Originally Posted by monstrman
I understand why you might think that but I've seen vote just be a busy villager before
He spent a lot of time on that painful MQ. I don't think that is typical of him? Not sure, also not sure about his methodology for putting the post together. But he seems like a pretty sharp guy and I think he knows that responding to posts individually is much more effective than that monstrosity he put out. Then not really being around to interact (which I know he can do) kind of looks like he pulled a crunkus. Would love to see him change my mind with some sizzling villagin in the last 45 minutes.
[Game Thread] 1980s Toon Mash Werewolf Quote
01-12-2015 , 09:20 PM
Originally Posted by mucksandgravs
I wonder if wolves knew the lead wagon would die at 8pm
it was 99% to be the village day vig

wolves vigged xkf
village vigged CT

montecore vigged pmarr, prize from xkf claimed

domer2 vigged reaper, movie prize

vagos claims his wish was granted, which is the only unexplained action of the day
[Game Thread] 1980s Toon Mash Werewolf Quote
01-12-2015 , 09:20 PM
Originally Posted by thediceman
I spent a long time putting this list of reads together.
wolf team

well named
I have 6 posts ITT. Show me a read.
[Game Thread] 1980s Toon Mash Werewolf Quote
01-12-2015 , 09:20 PM
I am exagerating.

People want me to make fake reads so they can feel I am involved.

That list is a whole bunch of fake reads. Something I have been assured is a villafery thinv to do
[Game Thread] 1980s Toon Mash Werewolf Quote
01-12-2015 , 09:20 PM
everyone who's joining my wagon right now

i can verifiably clear myself tomorrow

so be patient and let me work pls
[Game Thread] 1980s Toon Mash Werewolf Quote
01-12-2015 , 09:21 PM
these are all of suq's posts. he's basically talking without saying anything

Originally Posted by SuqAta8
Originally Posted by SuqAta8
Have some hot readz from what ive read so far

Domer's introductory tone seems wolfy. Crimson just seems wolfy in general. Bloo seems villa. Jay is neutral atm

Havent decided on mutigers or fnord. Rest is rand as well
crimson is always "wolfy in general." then he mentions ihcjay, mutigers, and fjord without saying a thing about them.

Originally Posted by SuqAta8
Monkey what about jay makes you think he's being wolfy so far?
i hate these type of questions, or at least the way its worded. i would prob just ask "why is jay a wolf" instead of making it this wordy. instead these questions are so easy to make when you're a wolf either defending a villager so you have the truth on your side, or if monkey's right about jay its making him reassess his correct read. so either way its beneficial

Originally Posted by SuqAta8
Eh. Thats why hes neutral to me right now. Hes balanced his troll game decently well in his past few games
great, a neutral read with no lean one way or another

Originally Posted by SuqAta8
Just sounded wolfy, dont really know how else to explain it. Havent played with him in a while so i could be seeing things that arent there
this says nothing

Originally Posted by SuqAta8
Inb4 mb and domer are wolf bros
neither does this

Originally Posted by SuqAta8
Telc prob villa btw
Originally Posted by SuqAta8
I liked the progression of your votes on mutigers and the explanation. Wolf prob just keeps hard pressing or randomly switching
i completely disagreed with this at the time

Originally Posted by SuqAta8
Was waiting for this lol
Originally Posted by SuqAta8
im still working

lol at 27 pages

whats the current thread state

vanity searched and saw that mb and yg think im wolfing for calling telc a villager in the first 3 pages of the game. and vagos randomly dropped a vote on me?

Originally Posted by SuqAta8
so thats the basis of your argument for why im a wolf?

seems pretty lazy imo
Originally Posted by SuqAta8
has anyone even died yet
Originally Posted by SuqAta8
you as well

unfortunately i cant immerse myself into the game right now because i have a lot to do
Originally Posted by SuqAta8
Originally Posted by SuqAta8

hows wolfing going so far?
Originally Posted by SuqAta8
prob not gonna end up voting someone today

havent read like anything
and not even gonna vote. so whats the point?
[Game Thread] 1980s Toon Mash Werewolf Quote
01-12-2015 , 09:21 PM
Luffy just moved up the lynch order
[Game Thread] 1980s Toon Mash Werewolf Quote
01-12-2015 , 09:21 PM
Votes from post 7 to post 2966
Night in 0:39:56

11 Namath12 insanity31 (21), Caedus (20), Gamer Dude (48), Gadarene (104), LKJ (90), domer2 (184), killer_kill (58), CalledDownLight (110), Vagos (116), Montecore (136), Captain Luffy (41)
4 Captain Luffy bobman0330 (35), Cormag (11), CrimsonFox (45), monstrman (64)
3 SuqAta8 Monkey Banana (63), TheNothing (189), jcohen (45)
3 Montecore younguns87 (112), well named (41), mucksandgravs (115)
3 jcohen fnord_too (79), ihcjay (133), CPHoya (152)
3 LKJ vixticator (38), thediceman (72), Puzzles (10)
2 Puzzles Booker Wolfbox (19), jenningst77 (70)
2 thediceman XXX23 (19), FranFran95 (15)
1 Maki_ LaDurpus Owldridge (58)
1 jenningst77 Clovdyx (44)
1 domer2 accobra_kid (10)
1 mucksandgravs hardcoreUFO (10)
1 Monkey Banana bright_sensor (47)
13 not voting _Cass_ (21), Duckburg (1), Hallia (0), Kowalski (17), Makenzye (1), Maki_ (5), Myrologue (2), Nordlending (0), Report Card (6), sleepah (14), SuqAta8 (17), Vi. (9), Yakmelk (7)
3 Error Bloobird (112), Telcontar (55), Namath12 (49)
[Game Thread] 1980s Toon Mash Werewolf Quote
01-12-2015 , 09:21 PM
Originally Posted by CPHoya
lol, what do you mean by "explain that post diceman"

he's mad, he posted an alphabetical list to screw with us, you think he's gonna be like "yeah as LUCK WOULD HAVE IT, those are my reads"?
i mean that I want him to explain why he would clutter the thread with that post and waste people's time

not posting fake reads is a pretty standard rule of villaging
[Game Thread] 1980s Toon Mash Werewolf Quote
01-12-2015 , 09:21 PM
Originally Posted by fnord_too
He spent a lot of time on that painful MQ. I don't think that is typical of him? Not sure, also not sure about his methodology for putting the post together. But he seems like a pretty sharp guy and I think he knows that responding to posts individually is much more effective than that monstrosity he put out. Then not really being around to interact (which I know he can do) kind of looks like he pulled a crunkus. Would love to see him change my mind with some sizzling villagin in the last 45 minutes.
I don't think anything, usually.

Especially not this time if you know what I mean.
[Game Thread] 1980s Toon Mash Werewolf Quote
01-12-2015 , 09:21 PM
Originally Posted by Maki_
I think I've played with most of the people here at one point or another. Technically yes, I was in the 2nd game of mafia champions for some reason.
I was gonna say find the people you've played the most with and see how they are playing. Do you trust them? Are they playing off? Go from there.
[Game Thread] 1980s Toon Mash Werewolf Quote
01-12-2015 , 09:21 PM
What in the actual ****, monstr

You sponge a guy who hasn't been here when you have an in thread mason.

It's over bro
[Game Thread] 1980s Toon Mash Werewolf Quote
01-12-2015 , 09:21 PM
Has cdl made a halfway decent post the entire game ?
[Game Thread] 1980s Toon Mash Werewolf Quote
01-12-2015 , 09:21 PM
look at that runaway wagon glglgl
[Game Thread] 1980s Toon Mash Werewolf Quote
