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[Game Thread] 11/03 Top Tier Vanilla+ 13er (Short Night) [Game Thread] 11/03 Top Tier Vanilla+ 13er (Short Night)

11-04-2014 , 10:25 AM
Originally Posted by TheBrokenATM!
Obv before killing people who voted zdye we need to clear up the ones who voted against to save him.

Gamer, baudid, etc
Baudib is never ever ever a wolf; trust me on this

Last wolf should just concede and save us the time tbh
11-04-2014 , 10:26 AM
Actually game looks solved even more now. Knowing two wolves this early and lead wolf wagon is just ton of info.
Gonna take a peek
11-04-2014 , 10:26 AM
Just kill gamer.

Gamer game over.
11-04-2014 , 10:31 AM
It ain't me and I am a villager so I can clear myself at any time
11-04-2014 , 10:33 AM
Baudib is correct. I don't just skip EOD as a wolf

It's not my fault my phone decided to be toilet friendly
11-04-2014 , 10:39 AM
Originally Posted by baudib1
Killer you seem so villagery it might be wolfy for you.

everyone makes mistakes every game, it ain't no thing. Let's lynch wolves.
Originally Posted by DiggertheDog
zdye are you my secret wolf?
Originally Posted by DiggertheDog
zdye tell your bro mor tilt to come out of wolfchat
Originally Posted by baudib1
that's a wolfy response zdye
Originally Posted by zdye724

But just because I'm your wolf doesn't make me a wolf, ducy?
Originally Posted by FranFran95
Hi zdye, you wolfing as usual? I will vote you probably 25-40 times this game.
Originally Posted by killer_kill
That seems kinda thin. Anyone can say I'm a villager. Are you saying maybe that you felt zd was deflecting rather?
Originally Posted by zdye724
I wouldn't be surprised if everyone here so far is a villager
Originally Posted by LeonerdoDicrapio
Should I drop my peek of zdye wolf now or wait til later?
Originally Posted by killer_kill
lol jay
Originally Posted by killer_kill
Baud you think Jay came in and fake peeked ZD wolf?
Originally Posted by zdye724
I'm a professional ww player ldo

Neither digger nor Jay seem particularly wolfy
Originally Posted by zdye724
And Fran and killa are both quite villagery so again there might not be any wilves awake

Which means we're going to run around in circles til one shows up
A lot here. Some funny interactions

Fran, digger and Jay spewed villa.
He added killer in there as the wolf. Rest all villas

So I'm clearing
Baudib -- he was also spewed by commentary he had with wolves.

Who I'm missing?
11-04-2014 , 10:46 AM

But monstrman is hungover

I'll try to fight my lynch anyway if you guys wagon me because I'm obvo monstro
11-04-2014 , 10:46 AM
I missed the part where Killer voted UAW or why we're clearing him otherwise.

Monstr, I expect you to clear yourself and also examine our wolf candidates.
11-04-2014 , 10:50 AM
nice work on that batm.

I spent all that time talking to Killer and now he's dead.

I think the most relevant piece of information was that he called Gamer's D1 "forgettable."
11-04-2014 , 10:52 AM
Originally Posted by Gamer Dude
looooooooooooooool welp gg
Originally Posted by Gamer Dude

jay and zdye have been villagery imo.

not one else has been villagery enough. But not overly wolfy either.

I'll take 2 villas off of 2 pages any day though
Originally Posted by Gamer Dude
nobody else seems to be here.

I'll be back later for the loldudes and lolgamers
Originally Posted by TheBrokenATM!
The AIDS the village needs is me. You are Ebola, when u come in we all go into big suits so ur bull**** doesn't get to us.

Wolfy. Caught for the wrong reasons etc

Wolves found:

Originally Posted by UAW710
Gamer Dude


i went there
Originally Posted by Gamer Dude
lol at anyone calling me a wolf for that btw.

all I did was botch seer cover.

Please explain how at all that make me a wolf?
Originally Posted by Gamer Dude
batman, UAW and jay all lose points for jumping on that as a wolf tell.

seems like an opportunity a wolf would try to jump on for a mislynch when I did something which is arguably role neutral.
Originally Posted by Gamer Dude
zdye going at people who were calling him wolfy is something I've seem him do quite often as a villager.

Generally he's a wolfy villager to begin with so people calling him wolfy and by extension me wolfy is an excuse to look like their wolf hunting. I'm comfortable with what I've seen from him so far.

I liked what I saw from jay in the couple pages. Posting a lot as usual but gave me the impression he was wolf hunting. Him pushing this me + zdye thing has made me step away from my early villa lean however.
Originally Posted by Gadarene
In your experience, what does zdye do when people call him wolfy and he's a wolf?
Originally Posted by Gamer Dude
I believe I have only seen zdye as a wolf once and afaik he's very UTR.
Originally Posted by Gamer Dude
well seeing as in almost every game I've played with him he's been a villager I don't necessarily have much to go on his wolf game.

but as far as I can tell so far this matches up with how he's played recent games as a villa.

so while my opinion of his wolf game may be outdated my thoughts about his village game are not
Originally Posted by baudib1
I don't think Zdye's posting was all that out of line with his villager game.

However, as a villager he generally autoresponds when people start taking about him or making even the slightest attack on him.

He hasn't really done that so I think he is slightly greater than rand to be a wolf.
Originally Posted by TheBrokenATM!
Shh I'm solving the game so u guys can ignore me.
Actually I'm not telling u the wolves I find. It will find you tho
Originally Posted by TheBrokenATM!

Mind ur biz
Originally Posted by TheBrokenATM!
U my buddy. Maybe u the wolf this time.
But nah. I'm trying to make sense of it. I have some ideas but I need them to out themselves.
I think I got a wolf couple already. Other wolf must not be here lol.
I'm getting to awesome at this... Scary. Two wolfes already
Originally Posted by TheBrokenATM!
Digger the village dog.
Originally Posted by TheBrokenATM!
Originally Posted by TheBrokenATM!
Is not even happy hour.

U got it bro. I'm not a wolf so don't worry.

I don't wanna say my leans. I have a couple but I need them to act nor,al without my pressure
Originally Posted by TheBrokenATM!
Zdye wassup bro. U around?
Originally Posted by TheBrokenATM!
Digger I need u
Originally Posted by FranFran95
Gamer, zdye where are you?
So I missed the killer /zdye partners. But I picked up on gamer/zdye.
Here was that Thought..
Zdye and gamer dissapear once there was heat. I wanted them to talk to me real time but didn't want to tell them.

I'm ****ing good
11-04-2014 , 10:54 AM
I tried to make it seem like digger was peeked villa by me.
I was calling on zdye, knowing he was lurking
11-04-2014 , 10:54 AM
From what I can see your guys' pov is that the wolf candidates are essentially gamer/monstr/baudib at most, but most likely just gamer/monstr so there's not really much to examine.

Baudib I think you're definitely a villager

Batm is deinitely a villager

Digger is definitely a villager

Fran is definitely a villager

Gadarene is gonna be mad when I call him probably a villager but I've been tinfoiling on him all game

Kruze seems likely a villager

UAW is probably a villager

Unless we're misclearing someone which I would expect to be gad for major bussing points but that seems unlikely, Kruze but I still liked the tone in some of his posts, or UAW but that spew seems telling, though I would probably go UAW before those other two people

So fmp the gamestate is kinda boring tbh. Lots of solving already done and I hate the "coasting on poe" stage of the game tbph
11-04-2014 , 10:56 AM
Originally Posted by TheBrokenATM!
A lot here. Some funny interactions

Fran, digger and Jay spewed villa.
He added killer in there as the wolf. Rest all villas

So I'm clearing
Baudib -- he was also spewed by commentary he had with wolves.

Who I'm missing?
Add mortilt

Who is left?
11-04-2014 , 10:57 AM
Originally Posted by monstrman
From what I can see your guys' pov is that the wolf candidates are essentially gamer/monstr/baudib at most, but most likely just gamer/monstr so there's not really much to examine.

Baudib I think you're definitely a villager

Batm is deinitely a villager

Digger is definitely a villager

Fran is definitely a villager

Gadarene is gonna be mad when I call him probably a villager but I've been tinfoiling on him all game

Kruze seems likely a villager

UAW is probably a villager

Unless we're misclearing someone which I would expect to be gad for major bussing points but that seems unlikely, Kruze but I still liked the tone in some of his posts, or UAW but that spew seems telling, though I would probably go UAW before those other two people

So fmp the gamestate is kinda boring tbh. Lots of solving already done and I hate the "coasting on poe" stage of the game tbph
Why do you think Fran is definitely a villager?

He sounds nothing like he did in the All-Seers game.
11-04-2014 , 10:57 AM
There's a pretty severe case of lolvillage going on here
11-04-2014 , 10:58 AM
Lol that makes wolf team only possible to be gamer or monster?

Lynch one and Vig the other. Gg
11-04-2014 , 11:00 AM
Originally Posted by Gamer Dude
There's a pretty severe case of lolvillage going on here
We can afford myslynching u.
Even monster but I feel strongly about you.
If not u guys then kruze bussed or is idk who
11-04-2014 , 11:01 AM
Originally Posted by Gamer Dude
There's a pretty severe case of lolvillage going on here
Really? Tell me more.

Considering that we're a perfect 2 for 2 in killing wolves and will win this game 99.999999999 percent of the time, I don't think lolvillage is the term you're looking for.
11-04-2014 , 11:01 AM
Gonna take a break. Be back later to solve the game
11-04-2014 , 11:01 AM
Originally Posted by Gadarene
Why do you think Fran is definitely a villager?

He sounds nothing like he did in the All-Seers game.
I don't actually know tbh. I mean now that you mention it I've seen him wolf before and it was muted spam and trolly, and my biggest tell from his villaver game is that he digs a tunnel and chills in it all game and i havent exactly seen that but mayve he just decided to chane up his game or something idrk, but the spew batman posted looked pretty good for him imo so I just ran with it
11-04-2014 , 11:02 AM
Originally Posted by TheBrokenATM!
Lol that makes wolf team only possible to be gamer or monster?

Lynch one and Vig the other. Gg
Fran can be a wolf. I want to doublecheck about whether UAW can be a wolf.

But yeah, regardless, village has done an amazing job so far.
11-04-2014 , 11:03 AM
Originally Posted by monstrman
I don't actually know tbh. I mean now that you mention it I've seen him wolf before and it was muted spam and trolly, and my biggest tell from his villaver game is that he digs a tunnel and chills in it all game and i havent exactly seen that but mayve he just decided to chane up his game or something idrk, but the spew batman posted looked pretty good for him imo so I just ran with it
I disagree that the posts BATM quotes spew Fran villa.
11-04-2014 , 11:05 AM
I don't really like ending my streak of never getting mislynched or vig get as a villager tbh and I know I didn't do a very good job of clearing myself yesterday but I promise I'm a villager and I'm in solve mode so please don't hold my d1 crimes against me for the rest of forever and coast on poe saying "we can afford to mislynch you monstr" because I'd seriously rather get it right and continue to be obvious monstrman. I mean in the seers game I didn't clear myself d1 very well either.

I really just don't want to coast on poe because I've seen so many villages explode from doing it also
11-04-2014 , 11:06 AM
Originally Posted by Gadarene
Really? Tell me more.

Considering that we're a perfect 2 for 2 in killing wolves and will win this game 99.999999999 percent of the time, I don't think lolvillage is the term you're looking for.
it is because other than the seer peeking a wolf and the vig killing one.

the rest of the village has really just flailed around pointing their finger in the path of least resistance.

Like you can't honestly tell me that being in great shape right now is because the village has displayed pristine wolf hunting skills?
11-04-2014 , 11:07 AM
Originally Posted by Gadarene
Really? Tell me more.

Considering that we're a perfect 2 for 2 in killing wolves and will win this game 99.999999999 percent of the time, I don't think lolvillage is the term you're looking for.

This reminds me of a funny story:
When I was younger we played flag football in the streets of New York. We challenge other blocks to play us. My street wasn't so busy so we played there.
We ROFLstomped a team in front of their girls who came to watch them. It was something like 35-7 or 42-7.
We won.
They laughed at us and started making fun of the fact we played a gay game and won. And try to make fun of us for playing "flag football" instead of the real thing.

Moral: people laugh at others when ashamed or because is better to laugh at other than urself, specially when people are already laughing at you.
