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[Game Thread] 10/27 Top Tier Vanilla 13er (Short Night) [Game Thread] 10/27 Top Tier Vanilla 13er (Short Night)

10-30-2014 , 03:42 AM
Heron, when did you start feeling comfortable in the game given you're new?

Why are you so sure on Fran?
[Game Thread] 10/27 Top Tier Vanilla 13er (Short Night) Quote
10-30-2014 , 03:51 AM
Seems like not much else to do, normally in this situation I’d give digger his way on this one lynch - if he’s correct then great, if wrong then I’d vote Redd at must lynch.
[Game Thread] 10/27 Top Tier Vanilla 13er (Short Night) Quote
10-30-2014 , 03:58 AM
i am not comfortable and have made nothing but mistakes so far, i am tryin to do better. you could be wolf, your votes fell in line with mine but i dont remember why, besides the last vote on redd, which was in hindsight a better vote than my bATM vote, but you had bATM voted with me night before.

i am not at all sure on fran i was simply put it down as an obvious possible.

8 people left including myself. qq probably going tonight

7 left including myself.

i think digger is villa. 2 wolfs left.

66% chance i pick a villa to team up with by just chance. I could lynch redd, fran, or mucks but I think I am going to follow digger here unless something changes, i don't feel strongly about anybody right now but i am leaning on a redd lynch more then others.
[Game Thread] 10/27 Top Tier Vanilla 13er (Short Night) Quote
10-30-2014 , 04:34 AM
That's fair enough. QQ always dies tonight cause he's always a villager due to being peeked.
[Game Thread] 10/27 Top Tier Vanilla 13er (Short Night) Quote
10-30-2014 , 04:55 AM
Originally Posted by Top Tier Tom
Votes from post 5 to post 595
Night in 0:29:57

6 DiggertheDog FranFran95 (94), ReddBoiler (16), Great Blue Heron (8), mucksandgravs (74), baudib1 (104), DiggertheDog (77)
4 baudib1 q_q (66), Carl_Spackler (32), TheBrokenATM! (22), killer_kill (3)
2 Great Blue Heron LeonardoDicaprio (29), monstrman (50)
1 not voting Sun Tzu (0)

:00 good :01 bad
Originally Posted by mucksandgravs
Originally Posted by Top Tier Tom
Votes from post 5 to post 647
Night in 0:19:55

5 DiggertheDog FranFran95 (99), ReddBoiler (16), Great Blue Heron (8), baudib1 (111), DiggertheDog (81)
5 baudib1 q_q (72), Carl_Spackler (34), TheBrokenATM! (24), killer_kill (5), LeonardoDicaprio (37)
1 Great Blue Heron mucksandgravs (82)
1 not voting Sun Tzu (0)
1 Error monstrman (57)

:00 good :01 bad
Originally Posted by mucksandgravs
I thought we were onto something with the heron votes

Digger I was voting earlier, but he shown flashes of being a villager by the way he's acting towards the pressure that has been put on him. The self vote a minute ago was weird tho
Originally Posted by Top Tier Tom
Votes from post 5 to post 668
Night in 0:14:58

6 baudib1 q_q (73), Carl_Spackler (34), TheBrokenATM! (25), killer_kill (7), LeonardoDicaprio (40), Great Blue Heron (9)
4 DiggertheDog FranFran95 (100), ReddBoiler (16), baudib1 (112), monstrman (60)
1 Great Blue Heron mucksandgravs (86)
1 FranFran95 DiggertheDog (84)
1 not voting Sun Tzu (0)

:00 good :01 bad
Originally Posted by mucksandgravs

Don't know what to do
Originally Posted by mucksandgravs
Originally Posted by Great Blue Heron
I feel BATM/Leo/Mucks are wolves.
Originally Posted by mucksandgravs
Are you just guessing or do you actually believe I'm a wolf?

If you do believe it, then give me a few reasons as to why

Originally Posted by mucksandgravs
GBH not giving me any reasons for why he thinks i'm a wolf makes me think that he doesn't actually think i'm a wolf
I don't feel too strong about this either.
[Game Thread] 10/27 Top Tier Vanilla 13er (Short Night) Quote
10-30-2014 , 05:02 AM
but, with me already thinking digger is villa, q thinking digger is villa and this:

Originally Posted by LeonardoDicaprio
**********NEVER LYNCH DIGGER**********

this is not a peek

if he's a wolf you can blame me in postgame
I am with digger. Chances are 66% he is villa, but with all of the other evidence I think it is a lot higher than that.

Digger, let me kno what you wanna do.
[Game Thread] 10/27 Top Tier Vanilla 13er (Short Night) Quote
10-30-2014 , 05:04 AM
Originally Posted by q_q
Seems like not much else to do, normally in this situation I’d give digger his way on this one lynch - if he’s correct then great, if wrong then I’d vote Redd at must lynch.
I cannot see a situation where I don't pick Redd if that happens.
[Game Thread] 10/27 Top Tier Vanilla 13er (Short Night) Quote
10-30-2014 , 05:04 AM
I don't get why the fact that the seer thought digger was a villager makes him the consensus.
[Game Thread] 10/27 Top Tier Vanilla 13er (Short Night) Quote
10-30-2014 , 05:14 AM
Originally Posted by killer_kill
I don't get why the fact that the seer thought digger was a villager makes him the consensus.
Theres a chance digger is wolf, but there is far greater chance he is not wolf. If he is wolf, I don't think village can win. If he is wolf, day 1 was great for him and followup play was better. He has also put in more effort than anyone else.

QQ will get lynched and tomorrow wolfs will have to convince us to vote villa without being obvious.

I have a slight lean on wanting to vote redd tomorrow. I think he is wolfy, but there are other people I think are wolfy too. I also don't like his play so given the chance to choose between wolf targets I am not sure about, I will pick the one who I don't like how they played first if it's a tossup anyway.
[Game Thread] 10/27 Top Tier Vanilla 13er (Short Night) Quote
10-30-2014 , 05:33 AM
Hi guys, unfortunate lunch, redd not self preserving is weird, but probably villagery? Or not? Can't decide what's the logic behind thst action.

Digger please don't try to be the leader, I appreciate your work, you most certainly improved and you are not playing awfuly as in beginning, but all of your conclusions were wrong up to today, so step back a bit so we don't lose.

QQ what are your thoughts on redd after this last eod?

What about Heron who seems to try jard with his long villagery posts lately? Feels like he is adapting to later stages of the game, seems fishy a bit.

Carl also never became clear, also he defending me yesterday was a bit fishy, I felt he is doing it to look more vakuable if we lunch me because he maybe knows Im a villager.
[Game Thread] 10/27 Top Tier Vanilla 13er (Short Night) Quote
10-30-2014 , 05:35 AM
I mean maybe digger would not be that bad leader,maybe he's just wolfing well. In that case, its not awful, on the contrary you doing good for now, even though, Leo helped you a lot in that case and we will flame him in post game .
[Game Thread] 10/27 Top Tier Vanilla 13er (Short Night) Quote
10-30-2014 , 05:39 AM
Originally Posted by killer_kill
I don't get why the fact that the seer thought digger was a villager makes him the consensus.
It’s not.
[Game Thread] 10/27 Top Tier Vanilla 13er (Short Night) Quote
10-30-2014 , 05:43 AM
Digger being a wolf would explain a lot of things, such as 0% of correct pushes, I mean how 'unlucky' you need to ne to push one villager after another.
[Game Thread] 10/27 Top Tier Vanilla 13er (Short Night) Quote
10-30-2014 , 05:47 AM
Originally Posted by FranFran95
Digger being a wolf would explain a lot of things, such as 0% of correct pushes, I mean how 'unlucky' you need to ne to push one villager after another.
Who were the villagers he pushed?
[Game Thread] 10/27 Top Tier Vanilla 13er (Short Night) Quote
10-30-2014 , 05:47 AM
qq can you please shortly reply to my question about redd heron and carl? You can include thoughts on digger too. It would be helpful for me to have thoughts from this stage from a confirmed villager if you get NK'd tonight.
[Game Thread] 10/27 Top Tier Vanilla 13er (Short Night) Quote
10-30-2014 , 05:47 AM
Originally Posted by FranFran95
qq can you please shortly reply to my question about redd heron and carl? You can include thoughts on digger too. It would be helpful for me to have thoughts from this stage from a confirmed villager if you get NK'd tonight.
I made plenty of posts try reading them.
[Game Thread] 10/27 Top Tier Vanilla 13er (Short Night) Quote
10-30-2014 , 05:49 AM
Pretty sure Digger isn't a wolf. There's not really many situations where the d1 wagons are 6-6 with a wolf.
[Game Thread] 10/27 Top Tier Vanilla 13er (Short Night) Quote
10-30-2014 , 05:50 AM
Originally Posted by q_q
Who were the villagers he pushed?
He was pushing me, then he started a baudib lunch afterwards he steped back a bit and switched back to me when he saw baudib lunch can go without him too, then succeded with lets lunch redd or batm thing, now he switching back to me. Such a bad performance that I need to think of him as a possible wolf again.
[Game Thread] 10/27 Top Tier Vanilla 13er (Short Night) Quote
10-30-2014 , 05:52 AM
Originally Posted by q_q
I made plenty of posts try reading them.
ok thanks for confirming, I'm on my phone in town, jist wanted to make sure you left your fresh thoughts of they kill you.
[Game Thread] 10/27 Top Tier Vanilla 13er (Short Night) Quote
10-30-2014 , 05:57 AM
Originally Posted by FranFran95
Carl also never became clear, also he defending me yesterday was a bit fishy, I felt he is doing it to look more vakuable if we lunch me because he maybe knows Im a villager.
carl also defended me during the game and i never said anything negative or wolfy about him. if you are villa maybe you start trying to see if there is anything there.

judging by previous posts i think digger is pretty locked on you and you have been locked on him. i think you know im a villager, so let me know who you think i should vote for and why and i promise to keep an open mind (you might want to try your second guess).
[Game Thread] 10/27 Top Tier Vanilla 13er (Short Night) Quote
10-30-2014 , 05:58 AM
(your second guess shouldn't be digger)
[Game Thread] 10/27 Top Tier Vanilla 13er (Short Night) Quote
10-30-2014 , 07:01 AM
q_q; it's what's for dinner.

He was:

A Villager.


[Game Thread] 10/27 Top Tier Vanilla 13er (Short Night) Quote
10-30-2014 , 07:02 AM

gg qq
[Game Thread] 10/27 Top Tier Vanilla 13er (Short Night) Quote
10-30-2014 , 07:04 AM
Chances of any players coming into the thread for the next hour other than digger = 0-5%


Fran is playing Zoom

Mucks couldn't make it cause his phone had no battery and he was driving to work

Redd had to sleep

Carl just will not bother

Heron will be fishing in his birdnest

Killer hardly turns up anyhow
[Game Thread] 10/27 Top Tier Vanilla 13er (Short Night) Quote
10-30-2014 , 07:05 AM
Hello Digger
[Game Thread] 10/27 Top Tier Vanilla 13er (Short Night) Quote
