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[Game Thread] 10/16 Top Tier Vanilla+ 18er (Short Night) [Game Thread] 10/16 Top Tier Vanilla+ 18er (Short Night)

10-18-2014 , 05:28 PM
Originally Posted by TheBrokenATM!
I never saw him saying I peeked a wolf.
Maybe he was just saying that for cover reasons? I mean Obv he wasn't the seer.
Maybe they thought he actually peek dwetzel wolf and then dwetzel is a wolf.
Or they thought his peek was gamer and gamer is a wolf
ill get the quote(s)
[Game Thread] 10/16 Top Tier Vanilla+ 18er (Short Night) Quote
10-18-2014 , 05:30 PM
Originally Posted by TheBrokenATM!
Monte nvm.
I will reasse if u are alive tomorrow. If wolves are spk then u are next. Do u agree?
Dwetz is better

Maybe I'm in a group with one or two other ones, but yes, I'm in the rand in all likelihood, depending on how right I am
[Game Thread] 10/16 Top Tier Vanilla+ 18er (Short Night) Quote
10-18-2014 , 05:32 PM
monte thoughts on the corys nk possibly outing gamer as wolf?
[Game Thread] 10/16 Top Tier Vanilla+ 18er (Short Night) Quote
10-18-2014 , 05:35 PM
Originally Posted by Mor_Tilt4mePls
monte thoughts on the corys nk possibly outing gamer as wolf?
I think gamer/zdye wagons are pretty sexy

Grant is never going to clear himself, but gun to my head, he's a villager

Given my track record on those kinds of reads lately, though, you should probably kill grant immediately

But it's how I feeeeeeeeel
[Game Thread] 10/16 Top Tier Vanilla+ 18er (Short Night) Quote
10-18-2014 , 05:35 PM
Originally Posted by DoUEvenLift?
I peeked a wolf as well at it isn't even one of those two

Wolves getting owned ITT
if wolves think cory is seer, then they would need to take this post seriously right

later in the day
Originally Posted by DoUEvenLift?
My thoughts on gamer:

Originally Posted by DoUEvenLift?
baudib middling villager lean

xkf still null but unimpressed

gamer is secret read i can't talk about yet

nothing from grant i have seen is villagery

you still haven't hit the towntells i look for from you

i'll tell you when you do?
[Game Thread] 10/16 Top Tier Vanilla+ 18er (Short Night) Quote
10-18-2014 , 05:36 PM
**** mother ****ing ****

all that might have been a waste sorry
[Game Thread] 10/16 Top Tier Vanilla+ 18er (Short Night) Quote
10-18-2014 , 05:37 PM
Paranoia runs deep
Into this thread it does creep
[Game Thread] 10/16 Top Tier Vanilla+ 18er (Short Night) Quote
10-18-2014 , 05:39 PM
Mor, I remember all that and it's compelling for sure

Did gamer ever respond to Cory's supposed peek? He was pretty vehement when leo incorrectly fakepeeked him wolf last game

I don't recall an acknowledgement this game
[Game Thread] 10/16 Top Tier Vanilla+ 18er (Short Night) Quote
10-18-2014 , 05:39 PM
gad came at me for my redd read in the same fashion he did with batm with the zdye stuff

I'm villa, therefore I think gad was prolly doing the same thing to another villa in batm

I also think mor has been villagery today

That's two players that I normally struggle with. Glad I feel confident in both of those reads
[Game Thread] 10/16 Top Tier Vanilla+ 18er (Short Night) Quote
10-18-2014 , 05:40 PM
Originally Posted by Montecore
I think gamer/zdye wagons are pretty sexy

Grant is never going to clear himself, but gun to my head, he's a villager

Given my track record on those kinds of reads lately, though, you should probably kill grant immediately

But it's how I feeeeeeeeel
thanks, agree with grant likely to flip villa unsure now about gamer so meh

kinda deflated atm so bb sometime after the ucla game
[Game Thread] 10/16 Top Tier Vanilla+ 18er (Short Night) Quote
10-18-2014 , 05:41 PM
HEY MY WIM IS UNDENIABLE I am not falling back into

Okay that's a fair assessment for today I've kinda got sort of a bleeeeeeeeeeeeeh feelomg/vibe going but the game just feels stalled right now

I'm a villager though so I'm gonna try to quash the tinfoil as much as possible.

Besides read the gad spew like literally chimone

Read the beginning of this game

My emotional response after the turbo I launched into space

I am way too invested in this game to be a wolf here and I will defend myself as hard as I can every time anyone says otherwise

Except jay because I'm pretty sure he almost always calls me a wolf at least once a game and regardless of his role

Well maybe not always but he does a lot

Another reason is that like I said I agree with a lot of the villager reads and I don't really have much to add

It feels like we're coasting on lynching grant and the thread won't change until he clears himself or that happens

Prolly villagery of you guys to tinfoil on me like that though
[Game Thread] 10/16 Top Tier Vanilla+ 18er (Short Night) Quote
10-18-2014 , 05:41 PM
Redd you're starting to be wolfy bro
[Game Thread] 10/16 Top Tier Vanilla+ 18er (Short Night) Quote
10-18-2014 , 05:43 PM
Originally Posted by DoUEvenLift?
secret is out

I have him in lime green
jfc you guys have to be kidding.

every game you just come up with these convoluted theories for why I have to be a wolf.

I don't know how this trend starting but it's a joke
[Game Thread] 10/16 Top Tier Vanilla+ 18er (Short Night) Quote
10-18-2014 , 05:43 PM
I almost feel like the thread kinda freezing around the grant lynch makes him > rand villager though
[Game Thread] 10/16 Top Tier Vanilla+ 18er (Short Night) Quote
10-18-2014 , 05:44 PM
Damn mor, you might be right about this Cory thing

And monte is right about gamer too, he had a great response when he was a villa last game when Leo fake peeked him wolf. Can you see if gamer even reacted at all??
[Game Thread] 10/16 Top Tier Vanilla+ 18er (Short Night) Quote
10-18-2014 , 05:45 PM
Gamer stop lurking so hard and post ffs
[Game Thread] 10/16 Top Tier Vanilla+ 18er (Short Night) Quote
10-18-2014 , 05:45 PM
Originally Posted by Montecore
Mor, I remember all that and it's compelling for sure

Did gamer ever respond to Cory's supposed peek? He was pretty vehement when leo incorrectly fakepeeked him wolf last game

I don't recall an acknowledgement this game
ill look into more but i dont think gamer responded really gave this as a response after being called out for ignoring him

Originally Posted by Gamer Dude
cory the reason I've ignored mentioning you is I wasn't sure where you were going with the whole soul read thing and I wanted you to make the first move
plus gamer had gad on top of his villa list and says he was down to sponge him or dw maybe nothing but just something i noticed while looking up posts really quick
[Game Thread] 10/16 Top Tier Vanilla+ 18er (Short Night) Quote
10-18-2014 , 05:45 PM
why don't you all read the thread folks

now I could probably post up a storm now and exhaust all/most of my posts now if you'd like but I figured reading the thread once or twice and allowing myself to be active tomorrow would better suit the villager.

correct me if I'm wrong though?

actually it probably doesn't matter what I do one of you will come up with a baffling theory that the others will blindly agree too
[Game Thread] 10/16 Top Tier Vanilla+ 18er (Short Night) Quote
10-18-2014 , 05:46 PM
Originally Posted by Gamer Dude
jfc you guys have to be kidding.

every game you just come up with these convoluted theories for why I have to be a wolf.

I don't know how this trend starting but it's a joke
Originally Posted by Mor_Tilt4mePls
**** mother ****ing ****

all that might have been a waste sorry
[Game Thread] 10/16 Top Tier Vanilla+ 18er (Short Night) Quote
10-18-2014 , 05:46 PM

[Game Thread] 10/16 Top Tier Vanilla+ 18er (Short Night) Quote
10-18-2014 , 05:47 PM
for the record cory didnt out right say his peek wolf was gamer but the posts later made it seem likely that it was in fact gamer who was the peek
[Game Thread] 10/16 Top Tier Vanilla+ 18er (Short Night) Quote
10-18-2014 , 05:48 PM
Originally Posted by Gamer Dude

Yeah, never mind on that tinfoil

I'm confident you'll become a clear villager over time, but your pop in posts over the last hour or so seem wolfy
[Game Thread] 10/16 Top Tier Vanilla+ 18er (Short Night) Quote
10-18-2014 , 05:49 PM
Originally Posted by mucksandgravs
Yeah, never mind on that tinfoil

I'm confident you'll become a clear villager over time, but your pop in posts over the last hour or so seem wolfy
we only get a 100 and the thread has more or less been dead.

not quite sure what more you'd like from me until tomorrow
[Game Thread] 10/16 Top Tier Vanilla+ 18er (Short Night) Quote
10-18-2014 , 05:50 PM
just doing my civil of containing the AIDS this village is always so keen on spreading
[Game Thread] 10/16 Top Tier Vanilla+ 18er (Short Night) Quote
10-18-2014 , 05:53 PM
im out
[Game Thread] 10/16 Top Tier Vanilla+ 18er (Short Night) Quote
