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[Game Thread] 10/05 Top Tier Vanilla 17er [Game Thread] 10/05 Top Tier Vanilla 17er

10-07-2015 , 03:17 PM

the first thought on your last paragraph is I think those were all reasonable positions to have at EOD1 (evidence: I had all of them, except for wanting to lynch hifi, and I can see that as a reasonable opinion to have), but the last part is interesting

on the first part I of course have a vague recollection (and in fact that's part of why I had a decent villager read on robik through yesterday and basically have no idea right now) but I'll try to get to it in more detail
[Game Thread] 10/05 Top Tier Vanilla 17er Quote
10-07-2015 , 03:18 PM
that was to jcohen obv
[Game Thread] 10/05 Top Tier Vanilla 17er Quote
10-07-2015 , 03:21 PM
Originally Posted by IAmRobik
not sure if you want me to address this but:

I thought you were a villager. I didn't agree with your read. I had wrong reads. I liked dwetzel's analysis of bopo and thought that dwetzel was being genuine regardless of whether dwetzel was a wolf or a villager and felt that i could trust that read. Having said that, I had called out bopo to start the game and no one really wanted to give me any advice on it so I basically just left it alone. I quoted to ask for help twice and only viggo responded. #notmyfault
of course its not your 'fault' if you're a villager - you were just wrong - but that doesn't really help me sort out whether you're a mistaken villager or a malicious wolf. and thats something thats very much up in the air for me at this point
[Game Thread] 10/05 Top Tier Vanilla 17er Quote
10-07-2015 , 03:22 PM
but i will say that there was an inordinate amount of insistence on your part that i continue to address dwetz's posts and be swayed by them

and to then get me to go with you on hifi/fran

and that i do not like
[Game Thread] 10/05 Top Tier Vanilla 17er Quote
10-07-2015 , 03:25 PM
Mod Q&A:

Q: Can you find a sub for me?

A: As a mod I prefer not to sub after D2. Try to tough it out. In the event of a no-show situation (e.g. zero posting two days in a row) I'll modkill players as a last resort.
[Game Thread] 10/05 Top Tier Vanilla 17er Quote
10-07-2015 , 03:30 PM
Originally Posted by jcohen
but i will say that there was an inordinate amount of insistence on your part that i continue to address dwetz's posts and be swayed by them

and to then get me to go with you on hifi/fran

and that i do not like
I thought I was right and I pushed my agenda d1. I understand that my case on HiFi was difficult to follow as someone who did not play the last game. And even some of those people were unable to follow it. Nevertheless, I was fairly certain (incorrectly so) that she was a wolf. I wasn't as sold on franfran, but did want to put pressure on him to start producing some content, which I felt he wasn't doing all that much. He even admitted it when he said "i'm an artist and need time" or whatever.

As for listening to dwetzel on bopo, again, I thought he was correct. I wanted you to address it and maybe sway me the other way. I don't really remember you making a strong case on why bopo was a wolf, only to say that he was (again, this could be my fault for not listening as well as I should have given that I was honed in on hifi).

I know it's difficult for you to step in someone's shoes and read for intent, but go back and read what I wrote about bopo on page 1. You even mocked me for making the post. Do you really think that I'm going to half-ass pressure my wolf mate like that. Without blatantly saying "this is wolfy," I put out a feeler to see if people agreed with me. "hey, this reads like TMI and is a really really difficult read for a villager to make. can someone tell me if i'm crazy and bopo is good enough to make this type of read?" You think that's how I push my wolf agenda? I'm either gonna bus my partner or defend them. I'm not gonna throw their name out there to be scrutinized in an effort to not get any credit when he eventually gets lynched.
[Game Thread] 10/05 Top Tier Vanilla 17er Quote
10-07-2015 , 03:36 PM
An analysis of the situation last night:

Ben gets ready to claim:
Originally Posted by Quick_Ben
I think we can all agree I am not really a wagon. Why don't you all jump off of me into either Kawa or ship, if you dont mind.
Me realizing this and asking him to claim to me instead so I can claim on his behalf:
Originally Posted by IAmRobik
Yo QB. Can you give me your top two villagers and top two wolves? Thanks.
Self explanatory imo.
Originally Posted by Quick_Ben
Top 2 villagers QB and BATm

Top 2 wolves Kawa and ship because they are the wagons.
Originally Posted by Quick_Ben
What about you Robik. Same question.
Originally Posted by IAmRobik
Idk. That wasn't the answer I expected from you though.
[Game Thread] 10/05 Top Tier Vanilla 17er Quote
10-07-2015 , 03:39 PM
[Game Thread] 10/05 Top Tier Vanilla 17er Quote
10-07-2015 , 03:40 PM
heres some info relating to the question everybody's been dying to know: did SIU know (1) that kawa was going to peek her (aka are they w/w) and (2) that kawa was not seer (aka if killer is a wolf)

the facts we have are that kawa claimed a wolf peek fairly early in the day, to the point where SIU should have definitely fought back barring real life reasons

like even if he could've checked his phone and was w/v, you would expect him to say something if killer is a wolf so he'd know kawa isn't seer

basically the whole thing of him laying down and dying is strange to me. i have seen him play a game before where the seer (me) left a wolf peek of him, and then died, and then he still tried to argue he wasn't peeked. so its peculiar for him to go quietly into the night. unless of course, kawamii is a wolf with him

so whats the deal, did he have real life reasons or not? and if not, why didn't he post again? find partial and mostly uncertain answers to these questions below!

these are all of siu's d2 posts

Originally Posted by ShipItUp
Have no time to post today.

my current schedule is not conducive for ww rn.
Originally Posted by ShipItUp
Oh hey qt, looks like it's just you and me.
Originally Posted by ShipItUp
Aaaaaad now it's just you cause I'm in class.

Sorry cohen, but some people are just meant to be alone I guess

Originally Posted by ShipItUp
Yup, I'll explain later.
Originally Posted by ShipItUp
Yeah we're probably not gonna win this.
Originally Posted by ShipItUp
Dwetzel and cohen ate my pecs
Originally Posted by ShipItUp
Jokes on you Cohen I don't even plan on being here for eod.
Originally Posted by ShipItUp
Fwiw Kami is still probably sleeping. So acting like she's already given up is misguided.
he dropped an "ill explain later" so theoretically he was going to have at least some time to check this again. he also never said he was gone for the night. he said he'd miss eod, but he said that in the middle of the day and still had plenty of time to come back and miss eod

he left before kawa claimed

i find it unlikely that he was completely unable to check the thread between kawa's claim and eod based on this

given that, id offer the following as the only explanations of why he didn't post again:

1. killer is a villager, so siu believed kawa was the real seer, and thus arguing wouldn't do him any good because they'd just nk her. although even still, he could have very feasibly gotten kawamii lynched yesterday considering she had votes and several people (most notably dwetz) were being vocal about not believing her claim

2. kawamii is a wolf. if this is the case, it'd be pretty obvious why siu didn't post again - because it was planned. both of them were in a moderate to severe amount of trouble after d1, and it didn't sound like siu had much time to play this game anyways. so it would make plenty of sense for bussing in this fashion to occur

if 3. kawamii is a villager and killer is a wolf, then there should have been much more protesting from the wolves because they'd know for a fact kawamii is lying. i would fully expect SIU to post defending himself - or at the very least laughing at kawamii - in this instance. barring...

4. siu was indeed completely unable to check the thread because of real life reasons

unfortunately its difficult to analyze this given we have no way of analyzing siu's real life availability. we can only judge by his posts which said he'd explain later, and his previous meta - which i have seen him fight back while peeked, and I'm not sure I've seen him lay down and die, or disappear without saying he won't be back. but perhaps others have (have they? speak up)

so if he was physically able to post, saw the kawamii claim, and did not post, then i believe kawa/killer cannot be v/w because that would completely prompt him to post in retaliation

and then #1 vs #2 becomes less clear

its basically just very very strange, to the point of collusion essentially, that SIU would not fight back if he was physically able to and they aren't w/w

and of course we'll never know whether he was physically able to or not

and thats all i got on this

[Game Thread] 10/05 Top Tier Vanilla 17er Quote
10-07-2015 , 03:41 PM
and the ratio of words/time/effort i just devoted to that relative to how meaningful it is for the game is staggeringly high

it seemed interesting, i guess
[Game Thread] 10/05 Top Tier Vanilla 17er Quote
10-07-2015 , 03:44 PM
Siu was busy all day I'm not a wolf u ding dong
[Game Thread] 10/05 Top Tier Vanilla 17er Quote
10-07-2015 , 03:45 PM
jcohen, i wanted to avoid bringing that up at all.

I was going to inquire about the exact relationship between SIU and kawamii but i didn't want to bring a whole ****storm to the game.

Again, I don't know who SIU and kawamii are only that it seems that they might be in a relatinoship/married and the thought crossed my mind that there would be some inside information to let SIU not have to suffer. BUT I AM NOT SAYING THIS HAPPENED OR ACCUSING ANYONE OF NOT HAVING INTEGRITY. Just saying that it crossed my mind and I wanted to keep quiet about it (figured it was ok to say something now that you said the word collusion).
[Game Thread] 10/05 Top Tier Vanilla 17er Quote
10-07-2015 , 03:46 PM
why didn't he say that when he left then? he left a good 5-6 hours before eod (off the top of my head). if he knew he wouldn't be able to return, why wouldn't he mention that?

and shouldn't you care about the implications it has on killer's role?
[Game Thread] 10/05 Top Tier Vanilla 17er Quote
10-07-2015 , 03:47 PM
the worst thing I'm accusing them of is being w/w
[Game Thread] 10/05 Top Tier Vanilla 17er Quote
10-07-2015 , 03:49 PM
Originally Posted by jcohen
the worst thing I'm accusing them of is being w/w
k i interpreted the word collusion differently.

I'm not accusing anyone of anything. Just expressing the twisted thoughts that ran through my head.
[Game Thread] 10/05 Top Tier Vanilla 17er Quote
10-07-2015 , 03:50 PM
I've played with killer as a wolf before and that's why I peeked him as a villager because it was obvious he was town. Literally no wolf team would of killed me after the claim day one so it doesn't imply anything about his role.
[Game Thread] 10/05 Top Tier Vanilla 17er Quote
10-07-2015 , 03:50 PM
and i suppose I'm possibly accusing SIU of giving up unnecessarily (which i said under the condition that he was physically able to play and saw kawa's post and didn't respond - meaning chances are it can simply be explained by him not having availability and thus it is not an accusation at all)
[Game Thread] 10/05 Top Tier Vanilla 17er Quote
10-07-2015 , 03:51 PM
it still doesn't explain why SIU never said he'd be gone, and instead left an open "ill explain later" when he left. if he knew he'd have no time, why would he do it like that?
[Game Thread] 10/05 Top Tier Vanilla 17er Quote
10-07-2015 , 03:53 PM
I've played multiple games with him and we clearly don't share roles with each other or break the integrity of the game. I've played ww for over 4 years and know that's not okay/fun. All we talk about when the game is ongoing is unrelated stuff about life lul
[Game Thread] 10/05 Top Tier Vanilla 17er Quote
10-07-2015 , 03:54 PM
Also lul married
[Game Thread] 10/05 Top Tier Vanilla 17er Quote
10-07-2015 , 04:00 PM
I'm not sure you're going to get anywhere with this theory jcohen
[Game Thread] 10/05 Top Tier Vanilla 17er Quote
10-07-2015 , 04:01 PM
Votes from post 1811 to post 2071
Night in 3:59:58

8 bopolis SirRawrsALot (22), jcohen (56), LordJvK (16), TheBrokenATM! (8), DWetzel (26), Ace of Spaids (15), Rebuteo (7), fraleyight (18)
1 DWetzel IAmRobik (54)
3 not voting Kawamii (5), killer_kill (7), Viggorous (1)
1 Error bopolis (16)
[Game Thread] 10/05 Top Tier Vanilla 17er Quote
10-07-2015 , 04:02 PM
Originally Posted by Kawamii
I've played multiple games with him and we clearly don't share roles with each other or break the integrity of the game. I've played ww for over 4 years and know that's not okay/fun. All we talk about when the game is ongoing is unrelated stuff about life lul
Originally Posted by jcohen
it still doesn't explain why SIU never said he'd be gone, and instead left an open "ill explain later" when he left. if he knew he'd have no time, why would he do it like that?

I don't get how you aren't curious about this either, if you're a villager. Did you know SIU wasn't going to be around anymore when you made the fake peek? Or how did you expect him to react?
[Game Thread] 10/05 Top Tier Vanilla 17er Quote
10-07-2015 , 04:04 PM
like, forgive me for thinking it's weird that SIU would just disappear like that
[Game Thread] 10/05 Top Tier Vanilla 17er Quote
10-07-2015 , 04:06 PM
um he told me what his plans for the day were and that he wasnt going to be home until 9pm

but i dont see what that has to do with the game lul
[Game Thread] 10/05 Top Tier Vanilla 17er Quote
