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[Game Thread] 10/05 Top Tier Vanilla 17er [Game Thread] 10/05 Top Tier Vanilla 17er

10-06-2015 , 09:22 AM
Originally Posted by Viggorous
What does that mean?

Lord saved Kawamii last night. He told her what to do and she did it.

Then you see those posts from when the game opened. That also looks like Lord told her what to do and she followed his lead.
[Game Thread] 10/05 Top Tier Vanilla 17er Quote
10-06-2015 , 09:23 AM
"Trying" = selfvoting.

Good to know.
[Game Thread] 10/05 Top Tier Vanilla 17er Quote
10-06-2015 , 09:23 AM
Ace, use your ****ing loaf. Look at my wolf games. When do I ever play to "look wolfy"? The fact I "look wolfy" should be the biggest tell you have that I'm a villa.

Bop continues to interest me and I might have an ISO in a bit.
[Game Thread] 10/05 Top Tier Vanilla 17er Quote
10-06-2015 , 09:24 AM
Originally Posted by TheBrokenATM!
Last night I was not around, I prob never vote kawa there cuz she was trying,
But when I saw the flip I wanted to kill her today. But this morning the way people are treating her like a done deal it means she's likely villa here.
Quote the posts where you think she was trying.
[Game Thread] 10/05 Top Tier Vanilla 17er Quote
10-06-2015 , 09:24 AM
Claiming seer d1 is not horrible if u want to be alive. She's not seer but it's not wolfy
She didn't act like a seer so she didn't draw NK.
Also Fran Fran cover was legit and he peeked me, I think kawa said she peeks her boyfriend which makes it less likely true. But I'm not sure about her peek
[Game Thread] 10/05 Top Tier Vanilla 17er Quote
10-06-2015 , 09:25 AM
Also, Sir Rawrs

His push last page or so has been objectively horrible. If he's a villa he should be straight up ashamed of himself, and if he's a wolf, he has no brain, since if he does succeed in a mislynch he has no real excuse for the push.

Continues to be awful.

I didn't really put anyone on ignore. I also don't give a toss about the rankings thing. The fact you are trying to capitalise on any of that crap is really bad Rawrs. I lay traps, why do you walk into them?
[Game Thread] 10/05 Top Tier Vanilla 17er Quote
10-06-2015 , 09:25 AM
Originally Posted by LordJvK
Ace, use your ****ing loaf. Look at my wolf games. When do I ever play to "look wolfy"? The fact I "look wolfy" should be the biggest tell you have that I'm a villa.

Bop continues to interest me and I might have an ISO in a bit.
You want me to vote for you when you look like a villager and lock clear you when you look like a wolf? Stop trolling.
[Game Thread] 10/05 Top Tier Vanilla 17er Quote
10-06-2015 , 09:26 AM
Ace, just trust me for once. I do t have a lot of time.
Just vote rawrs. I'll make a case later today, gotta go to work.
[Game Thread] 10/05 Top Tier Vanilla 17er Quote
10-06-2015 , 09:26 AM
As for the wagons yesterday,

Until 7:45 it was Hifi/me which are v/v

Then Kawamii shoots into first and then it settles into kawamii/hifi with only one off wagon voter. I would tend to think this would mean that we had a wolf wagoned since we know for a fact that at least 3/4 wolves were on one of the wagons.

Then kawamii just claiming seer at the EoD is bonkers. Especially since she never got lynched. I would think if there was any chance of her being the seer or even correct about her peek the wolves would hop on her wagon and ensure her lynch. I think that either kawamii is a wolf or her peek is a wolf
[Game Thread] 10/05 Top Tier Vanilla 17er Quote
10-06-2015 , 09:27 AM
I'm ok with kawammi and rawrs wagons.
I wanna see everyone pick a side and don't be lazy. Don't just vote kawammi cuz she sucks. I know she's prob the worst player in this lineup.
Rawrs is great player and should know better.
[Game Thread] 10/05 Top Tier Vanilla 17er Quote
10-06-2015 , 09:28 AM
Ah man, can't believe I fell for a trap. I feel like I was wolfing really good this game and now it's all over.
[Game Thread] 10/05 Top Tier Vanilla 17er Quote
10-06-2015 , 09:28 AM
I definitely don't understand how lord can say the wagons are easily v-v unless he has TMI or he is completely bull****ting his reads.

[Game Thread] 10/05 Top Tier Vanilla 17er Quote
10-06-2015 , 09:29 AM
Originally Posted by TheBrokenATM!
Ace, just trust me for once. I do t have a lot of time.
Just vote rawrs. I'll make a case later today, gotta go to work.
I'll see what I think after you make your case, thanks.
[Game Thread] 10/05 Top Tier Vanilla 17er Quote
10-06-2015 , 09:29 AM
Originally Posted by bopolis
I definitely don't understand how lord can say the wagons are easily v-v unless he has TMI or he is completely bull****ting his reads.

Did he actually say this? Because I distinctly remember him saying that nobody could have know that HiFi was a villager.
[Game Thread] 10/05 Top Tier Vanilla 17er Quote
10-06-2015 , 09:30 AM
rankings game rankings game rankings game rankings game rankings game
[Game Thread] 10/05 Top Tier Vanilla 17er Quote
10-06-2015 , 09:30 AM
Originally Posted by Ace of Spaids
You want me to vote for you when you look like a villager and lock clear you when you look like a wolf? Stop trolling.
You are meant to be Mr. Meta right? Mr. Read Old Games and form opinions based on them.

Why do you think for a SECOND that as a wolf, when I could have slanked off and not even posted, I'd come back EoD, vote late and even cheer Kawa on to vote in self-pres?

Are you mental to think I do that as a wolf?

This push is bad Ace. It isn't justified and if you are responsibile for mislynching me it's based on your bad read, not my bad play.

Here's a general principle:

Things that look really wolfy are more likely to be villa. Things that look neat, correct, unimpeachable are more likely to be wolf.

This is down to cognitive bias of having complete information and a natural inclination to avoid losses and risks for most people.

It takes a certain type of player to a reckless as a wolf, and I've never been that sort of player.

It worries me that you seem to be getting no better at making meta-based reads when you seem to have dedicated so much time to it.
[Game Thread] 10/05 Top Tier Vanilla 17er Quote
10-06-2015 , 09:32 AM
From the EoD,

I like how vigg wanted to CFD lord and I like how Dwetz also tried to get a lord vote going.

I also like how QB pointed out that people where say Ace was wolfy but no one was voting for him. I was trying to get Ace/hifi wagons going but nobody wanted to hop on Ace with me.

I think we should definitely be lynching into

[Game Thread] 10/05 Top Tier Vanilla 17er Quote
10-06-2015 , 09:35 AM
Originally Posted by TheBrokenATM!
I'm ok with kawammi and rawrs wagons.
I wanna see everyone pick a side and don't be lazy. Don't just vote kawammi cuz she sucks. I know she's prob the worst player in this lineup.
Rawrs is great player and should know better.
I've stopped caring about knowing better.

Kawamii is a selfish player that puts herself about the team countless times. She just a distraction and it's win/win. We either lynch a wolf or we lynch a villager that's doing nothing but making this game harder than it should.
[Game Thread] 10/05 Top Tier Vanilla 17er Quote
10-06-2015 , 09:35 AM
Originally Posted by LordJvK
You are meant to be Mr. Meta right? Mr. Read Old Games and form opinions based on them.

Why do you think for a SECOND that as a wolf, when I could have slanked off and not even posted, I'd come back EoD, vote late and even cheer Kawa on to vote in self-pres?

Are you mental to think I do that as a wolf?

This push is bad Ace. It isn't justified and if you are responsibile for mislynching me it's based on your bad read, not my bad play.

Here's a general principle:

Things that look really wolfy are more likely to be villa. Things that look neat, correct, unimpeachable are more likely to be wolf.

This is down to cognitive bias of having complete information and a natural inclination to avoid losses and risks for most people.

It takes a certain type of player to a reckless as a wolf, and I've never been that sort of player.

You used a lot of words when you could have just said, "Yes, clear me when I look like a wolf and lynch me when I look like a villager."

You do dumb stuff as a villager. You do dumb stuff as a wolf. We all do. Deal with it.

Originally Posted by LordJvK
It worries me that you seem to be getting no better at making meta-based reads when you seem to have dedicated so much time to it.
Now you are insulting my intelligence. Again, stop trolling.
[Game Thread] 10/05 Top Tier Vanilla 17er Quote
10-06-2015 , 09:36 AM
Also, some bright spark might say "yeah, but Lord, you were reckless in Baldur's Gate and you tried to push a near-lock clear player in benneh in the recent mash".

Well in Baldur's Gate I had no clue what was going on.

And in the mash I'd been near-outted by Weatherguy's FPS, had my back against the wall, and needed to come up with something, knowing I was likely always shot / lynched anyway.

These aren't indicative of how I tend to play wolf.

At least one of the people pushing me is a wolf, trying to work out who. I'm not sure if I'd want to push me as a wolf. So trying to figure out the sort of person who might.
[Game Thread] 10/05 Top Tier Vanilla 17er Quote
10-06-2015 , 09:38 AM
i find it seriously weird how u urself pick 2 examples from mashes nobody (probably) would bring up lol
[Game Thread] 10/05 Top Tier Vanilla 17er Quote
10-06-2015 , 09:39 AM
what happened to the lord I know?
[Game Thread] 10/05 Top Tier Vanilla 17er Quote
10-06-2015 , 09:40 AM
Originally Posted by SirRawrsALot
Did he actually say this? Because I distinctly remember him saying that nobody could have know that HiFi was a villager.
he said that the wagons were v-v in one of his first posts today
[Game Thread] 10/05 Top Tier Vanilla 17er Quote
10-06-2015 , 09:41 AM
Originally Posted by SirRawrsALot
I've stopped caring about knowing better.

Kawamii is a selfish player that puts herself about the team countless times. She just a distraction and it's win/win. We either lynch a wolf or we lynch a villager that's doing nothing but making this game harder than it should.
I agree that we are better off getting rid of these players sooner rather than later because they can make games unwinnable at F3 (aka "The RAOR Roman spot"), and wolves will never NK them.

However, we lost one in HiFi, and maybe can't afford to lose a second.

That said, knowing Kawa's role would be very beneficial since we can gain some info based on light reads of her.

I don't see how anything she did wasn't role neutral. Odds say more likely villa, and since wagons were neck and neck, wolves probably had a lovely EoD where they could make pushes on HiFi voters, while hiding out in wagons.

I still think most likely Kawa is v and that we'll find wolves by looking at players who were clearing her lightly yesterday.
[Game Thread] 10/05 Top Tier Vanilla 17er Quote
10-06-2015 , 09:42 AM
Viggo, apologies, I am unusually tetchy at the moment. Back to the teaching term and all that. Not a lot of sleep.
[Game Thread] 10/05 Top Tier Vanilla 17er Quote
