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[Game Thread] 10/05 Top Tier Vanilla 17er [Game Thread] 10/05 Top Tier Vanilla 17er

10-05-2015 , 01:10 PM
Originally Posted by fraleyight
Hifi was a wolf but i don't get how he's a wolf here :/
fraley, for the record, here are the players ITT who identify as female:

[Game Thread] 10/05 Top Tier Vanilla 17er Quote
10-05-2015 , 01:10 PM
Lol. Hope this is good robik.
[Game Thread] 10/05 Top Tier Vanilla 17er Quote
10-05-2015 , 01:11 PM
Originally Posted by IAmRobik
Anyone who played last game and who isn't voting HiFi needs to explain themselves.
Originally Posted by IAmRobik
You should just follow me onto hifi and take my word for it. you always can change by end of day. i'm not asking you to commit. i'm asking for your support. i'm asking for everyone's support.
Sure. And everyone who doesn't do exactly what you tell them is a wolf.

I'd like for you to make your next five posts while standing on one leg. If you don't provide video proof, you are a lock wolf.
[Game Thread] 10/05 Top Tier Vanilla 17er Quote
10-05-2015 , 01:12 PM
Originally Posted by Ace of Spaids
fraley, for the record, here are the players ITT who identify as female:

Qb is really a female or is this a joke?
[Game Thread] 10/05 Top Tier Vanilla 17er Quote
10-05-2015 , 01:13 PM
If this was a ship instead of a village we would be dead long time ago
[Game Thread] 10/05 Top Tier Vanilla 17er Quote
10-05-2015 , 01:13 PM
The Quick_Ben part is a joke. The other two identify as female last I knew.
[Game Thread] 10/05 Top Tier Vanilla 17er Quote
10-05-2015 , 01:15 PM
Originally Posted by bopolis
This is your first interaction with QB that I can see, anything behind this vote at that point?

Originally Posted by bopolis
interesting list you have here sir

I like that i am both null and wolfy
Originally Posted by FranFran
Quick Ben for pretending he doesn't know I'm not a woman- even though that was addressed in the very last game, for making lol lists with himself on a villager list and bop on both N and W list. and lol early D1 lists in general.
Both pretty meh reasons but jumping on, again with pretty much your first interaction in the space of 20 posts?

Found this row of posts pretty interesting. The back and forth between Fraley in this period seems a bit 'off' too but I'm not sure why?

Again if I'm miles wide of the mark let me know why.
[Game Thread] 10/05 Top Tier Vanilla 17er Quote
10-05-2015 , 01:16 PM

read on bopo so far?
[Game Thread] 10/05 Top Tier Vanilla 17er Quote
10-05-2015 , 01:16 PM
quick note before you read this for those unfamiliar with me outside of turbos - this post format is how i catch up on the thread when I'm behind in non-turbo games. i do it as both a wolf and a villager. a lot of times people automatically give me villager or wolf reads based on format alone, which is really stupid. so judge me based on its content, not its form


Originally Posted by TheBrokenATM!
Posted in wolfchat;
Batman: OMG I'm gonna bully and guilt trip quick Ben and others who totally sucked and read me super wrong last game. If they push me for being wolfy I'll just bring up last game.
I'm not getting lunch this game. Enjoy the carry!

Originally Posted by IAmRobik
Is bopolis a good enough villager to make this type of read or is it more likely coming from a wolf that's trying to justify their TMI read? Additionally, the read is a tad difficult to follow since bopolis calls kawamii a villager earlier for "wrong reasons" and then doesn't change the opinion when kawamii clarified her absence and then reaffirmed the read based off of different rationalization.

Pg 1 things to think about
up to this pt in the thread, which is very early, kawa looks good and bop does not

but is robik a good enough villager to make this type of read or is it more likely coming from a wolf thats trying to justify their TMI read?

Originally Posted by bopolis
You trying to figure my alignment out is villagy.
i find this post wolfy. its like trying too hard to prove he's a villager by calling someone else a villager who is throwing shade on him. which makes sense in my head but I'm not sure if i articulated that well. this just seems a lot more like a wolfy snap reaction - like he's trying to prove he can read people 'objectively' despite being called a wolf, rather than a villager reaction

Originally Posted by fraleyight

i don't like your posting this page. its early though.
nice. i like this not just because it agrees with my own thoughts, but also the directness with which he's calling out bop is not likely the way a wolf would do it

Originally Posted by Quick_Ben

Kawa has more posts on this page than all the other games combined I have played with her. She definitely seems to be out of her wolf range already. Welcome to the village.

Ok, a couple more hours of family time and then back to crush for a little bit before getting down to serious business tomorrow.
Originally Posted by Quick_Ben
Nice. I had 2 starters out this week, and 4 more guys go down with injuries this week. My season is basically over. I guess this is the good thing of daily fantasy. I need to look inot that.

this seemed like a suspicious pop-in. didn't add anything. will be monitoring QB

Originally Posted by killer_kill
Kawamii hhas done nothing outside of neutral.

Also here for the loldallas
this felt natural, though its thin

Originally Posted by Quick_Ben
Of all the posters on this page I find Fraley, Kawa and Killer the most villager. Everyone else is still within their wolf range I think.

I cant really read BATM, but he is claiming wolf, so until he proves me otherwise I guess I have to take him at his word.


meh. i had the same reaction as a villager, but i suspect it'd also be the easiest line to take as a wolf.

Originally Posted by fraleyight

as a villager i think you put more pressure on people. this game seems like u r either soft clearing or attempting to pocket . like i said its early though
I'm declaring official villager status for fraley

Originally Posted by SirRawrsALot
fraley what is your read on me?

Assuming you're villa, if you end up in a ML situation, are you actually going to make a vote on your own or just piggy back somebody randomly?
Originally Posted by fraleyight
Lol.. i only piggyback in mashes. id consider you n at the moment. I'm jjust throwing ny ideas out as they come. everything's super thin on day 1 and honestly i always prefer lynching slankers on day 1 over "wolfy" posters .
Originally Posted by SirRawrsALot
That's probably a giant leak. Just FYI
this felt odd from rawrs. something to remember if bop ever flips wolf imo - this attack on fraley seems out of nowhere. although idk if its based on some meta they have

Originally Posted by LordJvK
Let's discuss the ridiculous notion that an American (or indeed anyone) could teach me anything about irony.

I might advocate policy lynching Kawa.

Also, BATM has not played well recently.

The village should punish players who make no attempt to clear themselves.

Some basic strategy for ww:

1. Reward players who make an effort to make themselves seem like villagers.
2. Punish players who seem wolfy or make no effort.
3. Once all of those are dead, analyse actions and patterns to nail the deep wolves.
4. Ensure Sir Rawls is dead, just in case.
5. Win.
this is horrible because wolves are obv more likely to "make an effort to make themselves seem like villagers"

I've never seen this tone from lord before. has he evolved? this is like a troll-y form of lord that i didn't think he was capable of


as I'm reading on, he seems quite serious and not troll-y at all, so never mind

start of page 2 is a complete mess with this lord/kawa/rawrs back and forth and should be read as neutral since its more personal than game-based

not sure what to think of all these vigg short posts. its replicating his free-flowiness as a villager, except as a villager i feel like he makes longer posts with more substance instead of having more posts that are short. thin

Originally Posted by Viggorous
but rawrs is like always a villager here btw, and this isnt a peek. i want to see you vote for someone, though
if someone is already always a villager, why would you need to see them do anything?

Originally Posted by Ace of Spaids
Kawami is perhaps the only player I've come across who has a legitimate villager tell. I find it hard to believe she'd post this much as a wolf.

Lord has turned into a real jerk. But this game he reads like he's TRYING to be a jerk. Interesting.
kinda got the same vibe from lord

also kawa could easily post this much as a wolf and I'm sure she has before. its not like she's been posting content so far

also, fran seems good so far

Originally Posted by bopolis

I don't like how you are reiterating that your reads are thin.

It reads to me like you keep putting that in there so you can flip/flop them in the future and I find that wolfy
you don't like someone calling their reads thin on early d1?


Originally Posted by LordJvK
Fraley is another good policy day 1 lynch.

For reasons I've articulated in the past.
a good d1 policy lynch would be to lynch someone who you think is a wolf

Originally Posted by Rebuteo
I'd also like to hear what Kawa thought of Fraley's explanation for his vote on Bopo which saw you jump onto Fraley but then just ignore moving forward?
how come you felt this was the most pressing discussion point at this time in the thread?

I'm curious

Originally Posted by Quick_Ben
I also don't think Lord is serious with his indignation at this point, but I don't think it is role indicative per se. I think it is just an opening he is comfortable going with right now in either role, like when a chess player decides to play the same opening over and over for a period of time.
not sure if good read or tmi

Originally Posted by bopolis
im not saying that you are a wolf because you said this as a wolf. I'm just saying that i'm not reading you as a villa for saying this. I think you are smart enough to know this.

I think you are a wolf because you are giving me a wolf read yet you are talking to me like you know I am a villager.
i don't think he is talking to you like that at all

Originally Posted by FranFran
I never liked people who put themselves on the villagers list, like wtf is that? You, fraley, you are even one level up- you put yourself on a villagers list on the 2nd place. lol
Originally Posted by FranFran
Quick Ben for pretending he doesn't know I'm not a woman- even though that was addressed in the very last game, for making lol lists with himself on a villager list and bop on both N and W list. and lol early D1 lists in general.

a lot of people put themselves at the top of their lists, more for organiation than anything else. also he didn't put himself on the 2nd place in his list, he put himself at the top

this is a bad reason to vote someone

Originally Posted by IAmRobik
You're speaking as though you know QB is a villager.
i think batm iis generally more likely to react by calling someone bad than calling someone a wolf

but we'll see

Originally Posted by Quick_Ben
Moving Robik to villagery pile. He genuinely seems to be trying to play the game.
he has like 3 posts at this point in the thread, and they are all pretty short. id agree that they've been good but I'm sure he could make similar posts as a wolf

Originally Posted by IAmRobik
I didn't mention this earlier, but I really liked bopolis' list early, especially that killer was there, but I don't know if I like his/her reasoning behind calling killer a villager and I didn't think anyone but me would pick it up.
thats pretty random. why does it matter that killer was on the list?

Originally Posted by DWetzel
Hot phone takes:

I think bop and lord are v/v but if there is a wolf in there it's more likely lord; bop has made at least a couple posts that are really hard for wolves to make IMO

Rebuteo, make 30 posts with content today and I'll give you about a 4 day pass. Fail to do so and you might get lunched today. Your call!

Robik seems villagery
Not voting hifi for reasons unrelated to my peek
If I had to vote anyone now it would be QB for that awful list -- not just the part where he lists bop twice, but for the quantity of "N" reads
who cares that he listed bop twice?

who cares about the list in general?

people are focusing way too much on that, when its more of a stylistic thing than a role-indicative thing.

disagree with your bop v lord analysis

and yes id obv like to see Rebuteo post more, which is why i asked him a question earlier in this post

hifi has like 2 posts which are inconsequential - its strange that you and robik have both formed such strong opinions on her this quickly

Originally Posted by bopolis
Fraley saying if lord is a wolf, he wouldnt push vigg.

If lord=w, vigg=v this doesnt really make sense. I thnk a wolf could push any villager in a vacuum and given my previous experience with both, I think they would push each other if they were w/v in either order.

If lord=w, vigg=w the comment kind of makes sense, because he's saying lord wouldn't bus vigg. I think if he intended it this way it is still awkward because if you think lord's not bussing vigg I think it's implied that you think vigg is a wolf. And if thats the cae, why arent you listing him as so?

no matter which order fraley intended, I still think its a wolfy thing to say
i disagree with the every notion that fraley's comment required this much analysis, and i disagree with the analysis itself

it was obviously a meta-based comment and you're treating it like every player is objective and in a vacuum. he was saying he doesn't think lord specifically would push vigg specifically. he wasn't saying any wolf wouldn't push any villager. it was a player dependent read and should not be analyzed in a vacuum

also I've already declared fraley is a villager, so this rubs me the wrong way anyways. there was nothing wrong with that specific comment, which i actually agree with

Originally Posted by fraleyight

how was robik "solvey" after 3 posts? one of them just saying "wolf" and the other completely missing my point?
and this is another thing he's noticing that i noticed too

Originally Posted by fraleyight

lord and viggo can pocket each other relatively easily. they know what the other is looking for to clear each other. They have almost 30 games played with each other.. This would make lord likely villa for even pushing viggo. I'm phone posting so hope that makes sense.
and shocker, it was a meta-based read!

Originally Posted by Kawamii
Where tf is jco too

i don't wake up early in the morning

also im not sure if we've ever played a non-turbo together

Originally Posted by DWetzel
this post, sense it makes not

the post you quoted did not have an argument. it can't make sense or not make sense. it was just a read. you could call it wrong or incorrect, but you can't say it doesn't make sense when he didn't even make an argument in it

Originally Posted by DWetzel
actually, on further read I'm going to rescind all the potentially nice things I thought about hifi
that was fast

i don't get how there is so much talk over someone who has barely posted

i don't get how you formed a strong defense of her in the first place, or how you dropped that defense

confused jcohen

Originally Posted by FranFran
I dont get this HiFi thing robik
same page

and now I'm caught up
[Game Thread] 10/05 Top Tier Vanilla 17er Quote
10-05-2015 , 01:16 PM
Meh, I gave up on trying to find the quotes from hifi in that game, but if you recall, she spent the whole time hard pocketing AAO. Going so far as to apologize for hard pocketing him before night killing him (and doing the same in post game).

Now look at how she's interacting with lord this game:

Originally Posted by HiFi
Originally Posted by LordJvK
Wolves so far:

- Viggo
- Bop

Bop's posts feel too much that they are playing to the gallery and making a case for others to follow than someone trying to actualy work something out.
If you get lynched this game I'm going to be mad.
Given her successful pocketing antics last game, after this post from Lord:

Originally Posted by LordJvK
I'm very hot at spotting potential pockets. No wolves will be allowed to pocket me.
I came to the conclusion that she would take it as a personal mission to pocket him. It's like she takes pride in this aspect of her wolf game and takes his statement as a challenge. Note that the aforementioned post was #204, and her 2 posts were #205 (intro) and #215 (post basically hard clearing lord --> in the same manner she took up her hard defense of aao).

[Game Thread] 10/05 Top Tier Vanilla 17er Quote
10-05-2015 , 01:19 PM
Originally Posted by Rebuteo
This is your first interaction with QB that I can see, anything behind this vote at that point?

Both pretty meh reasons but jumping on, again with pretty much your first interaction in the space of 20 posts?

Found this row of posts pretty interesting. The back and forth between Fraley in this period seems a bit 'off' too but I'm not sure why?

Again if I'm miles wide of the mark let me know why.
i think your miles wide of the mark because your own analysis is ending with ?s instead of .s

as a villager, all you need to do is explain your thoughts. you don't need to say 'I'm not sure why" - you can just sit back and think about it for 20 seconds and then post whatever is in your head

its your thought process that is important, moreso than your conclusion at this stage

so tell us what you are thinking. don't tell us "this seems off but I'm not sure why." if something seems off to you, there is obviously a reason. just think about it and then post that reason. we need to see how you are thinking and how you are making conclusions on players
[Game Thread] 10/05 Top Tier Vanilla 17er Quote
10-05-2015 , 01:20 PM

its way too early to be recruiting votes for someone. on early d1, we should be focusing more on breadth than depth. it wouldn't do us any good for the entire thread to vote the same way right now - its better for everyone to just vote whoever they are most suspicious of at this point

there is plenty of time for consolidation later
[Game Thread] 10/05 Top Tier Vanilla 17er Quote
10-05-2015 , 01:21 PM
I didn't read your whole big catchup post jcohen, but i think you're a villager for this:

which makes sense in my head but I'm not sure if i articulated that well.
I find myself feeling that way as a villager way more than a wolf and always feel the need to explain that I feel this way as a villager but not as a wolf.
[Game Thread] 10/05 Top Tier Vanilla 17er Quote
10-05-2015 , 01:22 PM
Originally Posted by jcohen
i think your miles wide of the mark because your own analysis is ending with ?s instead of .s

as a villager, all you need to do is explain your thoughts. you don't need to say 'I'm not sure why" - you can just sit back and think about it for 20 seconds and then post whatever is in your head

its your thought process that is important, moreso than your conclusion at this stage

so tell us what you are thinking. don't tell us "this seems off but I'm not sure why." if something seems off to you, there is obviously a reason. just think about it and then post that reason. we need to see how you are thinking and how you are making conclusions on players

Yeah sorry, it mainly just seemed very softballing, especially the 'people putting themselves on villager lists' fluff.

My main concern is distracting the village on stuff that may be more obvious to others, so I wanted to convey the unsure I had at that point.
[Game Thread] 10/05 Top Tier Vanilla 17er Quote
10-05-2015 , 01:23 PM
Originally Posted by jcohen

its way too early to be recruiting votes for someone. on early d1, we should be focusing more on breadth than depth. it wouldn't do us any good for the entire thread to vote the same way right now - its better for everyone to just vote whoever they are most suspicious of at this point

there is plenty of time for consolidation later
Consolidation later leads to CFDs that end in seers having to claim and stupid **** like that. I'd rather have people know how I feel and hop on board early so that we don't let the 100%!wolf out of our grips

I'm not actually THAT confident, but I do think that it's >rand that she's a wolf based off of the evidence that I presented.
[Game Thread] 10/05 Top Tier Vanilla 17er Quote
10-05-2015 , 01:25 PM

not a huge fan of this read robik. if you're on to something i dont see it.
[Game Thread] 10/05 Top Tier Vanilla 17er Quote
10-05-2015 , 01:25 PM
Originally Posted by jcohen
how come you felt this was the most pressing discussion point at this time in the thread?

I'm curious

It was the first/only thing I'd found at that time through pure interactions/mechanics and I wanted to bring it up. Again, with no history with any player in here day 1 will be tough for me, so I'm attempting to make notes on things like that as I go and raise tham as and when it seems appropriate, much like the interaction you commented on above.

I see Kawa came back, posted a lot of nothingness and ignored it though.
[Game Thread] 10/05 Top Tier Vanilla 17er Quote
10-05-2015 , 01:25 PM
Rebuteo, please bold and red 5 people who are most likely to be a wolf. You don't have to explain why, and if you don't have 5, just color the extras in orange. You don't have to be right either, as this is just an exercise.

Ace of Spaids
[Game Thread] 10/05 Top Tier Vanilla 17er Quote
10-05-2015 , 01:27 PM
You guys, i put my list the way i did for a reason. i will post it again here

[Game Thread] 10/05 Top Tier Vanilla 17er Quote
10-05-2015 , 01:27 PM
Originally Posted by Rebuteo
This is your first interaction with QB that I can see, anything behind this vote at that point?
QB is short for Quick Ben
[Game Thread] 10/05 Top Tier Vanilla 17er Quote
10-05-2015 , 01:27 PM
Originally Posted by Rebuteo
Yeah sorry, it mainly just seemed very softballing, especially the 'people putting themselves on villager lists' fluff.

My main concern is distracting the village on stuff that may be more obvious to others, so I wanted to convey the unsure I had at that point.
don't be concerned about distracting us. the main thing every villager can do is to form opinions on others and give reasons for those opinions so we could all see

so whenever something catches your attention as being suspicious, you should point it out
[Game Thread] 10/05 Top Tier Vanilla 17er Quote
10-05-2015 , 01:29 PM
Originally Posted by IAmRobik
Consolidation later leads to CFDs that end in seers having to claim and stupid **** like that. I'd rather have people know how I feel and hop on board early so that we don't let the 100%!wolf out of our grips

I'm not actually THAT confident, but I do think that it's >rand that she's a wolf based off of the evidence that I presented.

i suppose if i was super confident in a single wolf read i might be taking a similar line. i know i would be on d2 and beyond. d1 id rather start with a wider array of everyone though, and I'm not really that worried about any cfd or eod chaos because we're not likely to lynch a wolf on d1 anyways. basically on d1 i care more about the process than the result

also the seer should not be claiming under any circumstance on d1, no matter what happens
[Game Thread] 10/05 Top Tier Vanilla 17er Quote
10-05-2015 , 01:29 PM
Originally Posted by fraleyight
You guys, i put my list the way i did for a reason. i will post it again here

You're trying too hard to be noticed bro. Go look at how I did it. Subtle, didn't talk about it. didn't point it out. when people brought it up, i basically just ignored them and said "let's talk about other **** that's actually important."
[Game Thread] 10/05 Top Tier Vanilla 17er Quote
10-05-2015 , 01:30 PM
I like cohens long post. either its a pocket attempt or a mind meld. It feels genuine though.
[Game Thread] 10/05 Top Tier Vanilla 17er Quote
10-05-2015 , 01:30 PM
Originally Posted by jcohen

i suppose if i was super confident in a single wolf read i might be taking a similar line. i know i would be on d2 and beyond. d1 id rather start with a wider array of everyone though, and I'm not really that worried about any cfd or eod chaos because we're not likely to lynch a wolf on d1 anyways. basically on d1 i care more about the process than the result

also the seer should not be claiming under any circumstance on d1, no matter what happens
You're spending too much time trying to teach him how to play. Spend more time discerning his alignment imo.
[Game Thread] 10/05 Top Tier Vanilla 17er Quote
