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EVENT 42 Sheep/Peehs Mix & Match (Anyone can play!) DEADLINE 11/15 EVENT 42 Sheep/Peehs Mix & Match (Anyone can play!) DEADLINE 11/15

10-29-2009 , 10:19 PM
This is a POG Championship Event, but is open to anyone who wants to play, whether you've participated in previous events or not. In fact the more the better, as the scoring depends somewhat on the number of players.

Even if you've played sheep and/or peehs before, read the rules carefully as this game is a new incarnation that I don't believe has been done before in this way.

There are 14 questions. You answer each question as either sheep (most popular) OR peehs (least popular correct answer). You must answer at least three questions as sheep and three as peehs, but are free to choose how you want to answer the others.


Submit your answers via PM in an UNnumbered list in this format:

p- answer
s- answer
p- answer

(obv does not have to be in that order)

Here are the questions. Note the “Besides” answers. They’ll count as zero as both sheep and peehs answer. DO NOT answer them.

1. BESIDES Mexico City, name a capital city that shares all or part of the name of its country (English or original language name).

2. Name one of the top 25 performed Holiday songs, according to ASCAP (this is a licensing organization, and does not include some public domain standards like Jingle Bells and Silent Night…it is almost exclusively Christmas songs though, mostly 20th century compositions)

3. BESIDES A.I.G., name a company which has received at least 1 billion dollars in loans or financial relief from the U.S. government in the past calender year (since October of 2008).

4. Name one of the top 21 U.S. Hospitals (according to the most recent U.S. News & World Report survey, which uses several indices and specialties as a basis for the list)

5. Name a country which has qualified for every World Cup Tournament from 1994-2006 inclusive.

6. BESIDES Ray Charles, name a real person who someone won an acting Oscar for portraying (the person must be widely accepted to have existed, and the character needs to be named after the actual person, not just a character based on someone’s life). Just need the real person's name, not the actor or actress.

7. BESIDES Thomas Edison, name someone who has been inducted into the U.S. National Inventors Hall of Fame.

8. Name one of the lowest 20 countries according to the Failed State Index in either the 2008 or 2009 survey (this is a ranking of U.N sovereign nations that uses a variety of social, economic, and political indicators)

9. Name one of the top 20 banana producing nations in the world.

10. Name someone on either the current or previous ‘Forbes Fiction 15’ list (this is a list of the supposed richest fictional characters of all time - from literature, film, TV, comic, games, and other popular culture- generated by Forbes magazine). There are 23 characters in total.

11. BESIDES George H. W. Bush, name a U.S. president who served any time as Vice President before becoming head of state.

12. Name a current Major League Baseball team which has never won 100 or more regular season games in a year in franchise history.

13. BESIDES Stephen King and J.K. Rowling (see note in next post) name an author who has had at least 5 fiction books reach #1 on the New York Times Best Seller list since 1950.

14. Name one of the top 25 most commonly used adjectives in written English language (according to the Oxford Dictionary)

Scoring details are in the next post. If you have any general inquiries about them or the rules, you can ask them in the thread. Anything specific about the questions themselves, PM me.

Last edited by legend42; 11-13-2009 at 06:14 PM.
EVENT 42 Sheep/Peehs Mix & Match (Anyone can play!) DEADLINE 11/15 Quote
10-29-2009 , 10:21 PM
Scoring will work like this. The perfect score for each question is a 10. You obtain a 10 by:

- scoring an ace with a peehs answer where at least 10 players have submitted peehs answers for that question

- answering the sheep (or co-sheep) with your sheep answer when at least 10 players have submitted sheep answers OR having a unanimous sheep answer

The answers will not be grouped, so there is the possibility to score lolaces (and thus a double 10) with the sheep answer.

If you don't answer the sheep or an ace (or less than 10 people answered the same way you went) your score will be calculated as a percentage of the total answers (sheep answers will be rounded up to the next integer, peehs answers will be rounded true to the nearest integer, after subtracting from 10).

So assuming at least 20 people enter, there will always be a perfect 10 available for every question, but may not be for both sheep and peehs.

Incorrect peehs answers will score a zero. Sheep answers don't have to be correct (except for the stated BESIDES answers that will score zero).

Last edited by legend42; 10-30-2009 at 10:59 PM.
EVENT 42 Sheep/Peehs Mix & Match (Anyone can play!) DEADLINE 11/15 Quote
10-29-2009 , 10:23 PM
SHEEPEEHS! loveit. in.
EVENT 42 Sheep/Peehs Mix & Match (Anyone can play!) DEADLINE 11/15 Quote
10-29-2009 , 10:25 PM
can i play?
EVENT 42 Sheep/Peehs Mix & Match (Anyone can play!) DEADLINE 11/15 Quote
10-29-2009 , 10:27 PM
Note about question 13. J.K. Rowling is actually an incorrect answer as some time around her 3rd or 4th Potter book, she was clogging up the #1 spot for so long that the NYT list separated into children's fiction and adult fiction. Just a helpful note, as it seemed kind of misleading not to mention and I was also trying to avoid any ldo sheeps.

Also, if you would like to use your Joker card on this event (everyone in the world has one) please state so in this thread. It basically doubles your score as far as Championship points are concerned.
EVENT 42 Sheep/Peehs Mix & Match (Anyone can play!) DEADLINE 11/15 Quote
10-29-2009 , 10:28 PM
Originally Posted by MoneyMatt1
can i play?
nice loc
EVENT 42 Sheep/Peehs Mix & Match (Anyone can play!) DEADLINE 11/15 Quote
10-29-2009 , 10:29 PM
Also, in before some smartass says aren't #8 and #9 the same question? There are only 2 countries that overlap in the answer sets. Clues itt !!
EVENT 42 Sheep/Peehs Mix & Match (Anyone can play!) DEADLINE 11/15 Quote
10-29-2009 , 10:32 PM
aren't #8 and #9 the same question?
EVENT 42 Sheep/Peehs Mix & Match (Anyone can play!) DEADLINE 11/15 Quote
10-29-2009 , 10:32 PM
Originally Posted by alice16
nice loc
EVENT 42 Sheep/Peehs Mix & Match (Anyone can play!) DEADLINE 11/15 Quote
10-30-2009 , 11:02 PM
Bumpity bump bump bump.

Let's go. These questions aren't that hard for this game.
EVENT 42 Sheep/Peehs Mix & Match (Anyone can play!) DEADLINE 11/15 Quote
11-03-2009 , 03:07 AM
so yeah, this is still open
EVENT 42 Sheep/Peehs Mix & Match (Anyone can play!) DEADLINE 11/15 Quote
11-03-2009 , 03:09 AM
will be in at some point
EVENT 42 Sheep/Peehs Mix & Match (Anyone can play!) DEADLINE 11/15 Quote
11-03-2009 , 04:00 AM
joker unless i did it before
EVENT 42 Sheep/Peehs Mix & Match (Anyone can play!) DEADLINE 11/15 Quote
11-03-2009 , 06:57 AM
I'm pretty sure I have no idea what I'm doing here.
EVENT 42 Sheep/Peehs Mix & Match (Anyone can play!) DEADLINE 11/15 Quote
11-03-2009 , 08:53 AM
In with some answers.
EVENT 42 Sheep/Peehs Mix & Match (Anyone can play!) DEADLINE 11/15 Quote
11-04-2009 , 05:54 PM
I bump this every other day or so, and sometimes a couple people enter
EVENT 42 Sheep/Peehs Mix & Match (Anyone can play!) DEADLINE 11/15 Quote
11-04-2009 , 05:57 PM
EVENT 42 Sheep/Peehs Mix & Match (Anyone can play!) DEADLINE 11/15 Quote
11-04-2009 , 06:07 PM
You have awhile. Probably can't reveal until after my ww game ends, so figure at least a week. Just want to keep it fresh, because we needs a lots more people playing!
EVENT 42 Sheep/Peehs Mix & Match (Anyone can play!) DEADLINE 11/15 Quote
11-04-2009 , 07:06 PM
ill get in tomorrow most likely
EVENT 42 Sheep/Peehs Mix & Match (Anyone can play!) DEADLINE 11/15 Quote
11-04-2009 , 07:35 PM
Originally Posted by legend42

8. Name one of the lowest 20 countries according to the Failed State Index in either the 2008 or 2009 survey (this is a ranking of U.N sovereign nations that uses a variety of social, economic, and political indicators)
lowest ranking or lowest index? Cause aren't the highest indexes the lowest ranks in the Failed Index Rankings... ie, am I trying to name a failed country or a successful country?
EVENT 42 Sheep/Peehs Mix & Match (Anyone can play!) DEADLINE 11/15 Quote
11-04-2009 , 07:40 PM
most failed countries

it was tough to word that clearly
EVENT 42 Sheep/Peehs Mix & Match (Anyone can play!) DEADLINE 11/15 Quote
11-04-2009 , 09:56 PM
EVENT 42 Sheep/Peehs Mix & Match (Anyone can play!) DEADLINE 11/15 Quote
11-04-2009 , 10:04 PM
research allowed?
EVENT 42 Sheep/Peehs Mix & Match (Anyone can play!) DEADLINE 11/15 Quote
11-04-2009 , 10:32 PM
No research (edited OP, forgot to put that in).

But remember, your sheep answers don't have to be correct. So sometimes a popular guess can score well, even if it's not right. The peehs answers have to be correct.
EVENT 42 Sheep/Peehs Mix & Match (Anyone can play!) DEADLINE 11/15 Quote
11-04-2009 , 10:33 PM
ow my brain
EVENT 42 Sheep/Peehs Mix & Match (Anyone can play!) DEADLINE 11/15 Quote
