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Event 39a Werewolf: The Poggleworth Open Commences Event 39a Werewolf: The Poggleworth Open Commences

10-21-2009 , 07:55 PM
Tel were you a wolf in Gilbert Grape?
Event 39a Werewolf: The Poggleworth Open Commences Quote
10-21-2009 , 07:56 PM
Hey, if it's a mislynch, I was coerced into it.

Event 39a Werewolf: The Poggleworth Open Commences Quote
10-21-2009 , 07:58 PM
Originally Posted by drubell
Hey, if it's a mislynch, I was coerced into it.

by what or whom?
Event 39a Werewolf: The Poggleworth Open Commences Quote
10-21-2009 , 07:59 PM
Through post # 2453

[1] Andynan voted for Telcontar
[0] Birdman10687 voted for VayaConDios
[0] Drontier
[1] drubell voted for Telcontar
[0] GrapeShot voted for Andynan
[0] Halfwitted voted for Telcontar
[0] LuckayLuck voted for VayaConDios
[0] metsandfinsfan voted for drubell
[0] OnThInIcE911 voted for Telcontar
[6] Telcontar voted for VayaConDios
[4] VayaConDios voted for Telcontar
[0] well named voted for VayaConDios
[0] ZomgHax voted for Telcontar

one minute
Event 39a Werewolf: The Poggleworth Open Commences Quote
10-21-2009 , 08:01 PM

Vote count above — corrections if ya got 'em.
Event 39a Werewolf: The Poggleworth Open Commences Quote
10-21-2009 , 08:14 PM
Such drama! Shortly after dawn broke, one among them spoke, softly at first but with words that soon had caught everyone's ear. He had the sight, he said, the ability to see men's true natures. He had found no wolves, other than one who was long dead, he said, but he would vouch for the good souls of several among them.

There was talk of whether it could be, whether perhaps the man was but a lying wolf, but none other stepped forward, and so they proceeded accordingly, deciding from among those whose natures were said still to be unknown, deciding which to hang. The voting was active, but eventually one was chosen.

Telcontar was hanged, and posthumously vindicated, for he had been a villager.
Event 39a Werewolf: The Poggleworth Open Commences Quote
10-22-2009 , 12:48 AM
That morning, few were surprised to find that the one who claimed the sight had not lived to see any more. It was plain from the appearance of the claimant's hut that the beats had come in force, for the door was shattered and the man's possessions littered the ground nearby — as did the man's organs, or at least those that had not been eaten.

Among those posessions were those traditionally associated with those who had visions of things that others could not see: a daily racing form, a television remote control, a tattered paperback copy of
How to Write Creatively about the Arcane... in short, proof positive that the dead man, GrapeShot, had been a seer.

The Dead

sixfour — lynched d1
Luckbox Inc — killed n1

globetrotter — lynched d2
aao — killed n2

filthyvermin — lynched d3
derwipok (seer) — killed n3

bsball8806 — lynched d4
bobman0330 — killed n4

— lynched d5
Ludovic Banhammer — killed n5

Telcontar — lynched d6
GrapeShot (seer) — killed n6

The Living

well named

8 vanillagers, 3 wolves

It is day.
Event 39a Werewolf: The Poggleworth Open Commences Quote
10-22-2009 , 12:50 AM

GL villas.

Event 39a Werewolf: The Poggleworth Open Commences Quote
10-22-2009 , 12:52 AM
horrible lynch
Event 39a Werewolf: The Poggleworth Open Commences Quote
10-22-2009 , 12:53 AM

or drubell

or possibly zomg

or even birdman

not andy or dront today

and no last minute ****
Event 39a Werewolf: The Poggleworth Open Commences Quote
10-22-2009 , 12:54 AM
Originally Posted by drubell
Hey, if it's a mislynch, I was coerced into it.


Event 39a Werewolf: The Poggleworth Open Commences Quote
10-22-2009 , 12:56 AM
Originally Posted by LuckayLuck
I think you're making a good point

(Still though, with vaya's lynch by must lynch being nearly inevitable, I'm giving you very few village points for it)

Also, today gives me just the slightest twinge of doubt in regards to mets being a villager. There has been a lot pointing towards vaya today and mets isn't jumping on any of it. Although, if mets was voting for vaya on the vaya-filthyvermin day I'll feel better (I think he was)
of course i was

i wouldve voted vaya over tel thats for sure look at my list
Event 39a Werewolf: The Poggleworth Open Commences Quote
10-22-2009 , 12:58 AM
Originally Posted by drubell
Ok, the only time he's ever said that in a game was when he was about to get mislynched, mostly due to my mistake mislynching him.

So vcd
Originally Posted by drubell
Tel were you a wolf in Gilbert Grape?
Originally Posted by drubell
Hey, if it's a mislynch, I was coerced into it.

did he not realize the score was so close?
Event 39a Werewolf: The Poggleworth Open Commences Quote
10-22-2009 , 01:01 AM
Originally Posted by metsandfinsfan
I'll tell you what.

You know how pissed off I was am still am after OTI comes into and takes a potshot at me (OH HI, NICE OF YOU TO SHOW UP) by saying I'm Telcontar's wolf partner. At this point I either have to kill Tel (who I already said was probably a villager), or I tie with vcd. If I vote vcd and the tie shows up villa for vcd, I'd still be in a bad position in the game. Turn on your empathy; there was little choice in what I could do. After all, nobody decided to unvote Telcontar after I said he likely wasn't a wolf.

I'm tired of my opinions being ignored and only when I "suddenly look like a wolf" do people pay attention to me. Mets, you ignored my questions before, and I do not like it when people avoid interaction if you're actually trying to wolf hunt. Interaction is the only way to get leans and you haven't talked to me all game.

What cleared OTI, by the way?
Event 39a Werewolf: The Poggleworth Open Commences Quote
10-22-2009 , 01:01 AM
vaya/drubell/zomg (if vaya is vill i prob lynch birdman before zomg)
Event 39a Werewolf: The Poggleworth Open Commences Quote
10-22-2009 , 01:02 AM
Originally Posted by drubell
I'll tell you what.

You know how pissed off I was am still am after OTI comes into and takes a potshot at me (OH HI, NICE OF YOU TO SHOW UP) by saying I'm Telcontar's wolf partner. At this point I either have to kill Tel (who I already said was probably a villager), or I tie with vcd. If I vote vcd and the tie shows up villa for vcd, I'd still be in a bad position in the game. Turn on your empathy; there was little choice in what I could do. After all, nobody decided to unvote Telcontar after I said he likely wasn't a wolf.

I'm tired of my opinions being ignored and only when I "suddenly look like a wolf" do people pay attention to me. Mets, you ignored my questions before, and I do not like it when people avoid interaction if you're actually trying to wolf hunt. Interaction is the only way to get leans and you haven't talked to me all game.

What cleared OTI, by the way?
the first dead seer

what question did i ignore? i was on my phone a lot of the day
Event 39a Werewolf: The Poggleworth Open Commences Quote
10-22-2009 , 01:03 AM
Also there is a connection with drontier and zomg, and I'm sad nobody has brought this up.
Event 39a Werewolf: The Poggleworth Open Commences Quote
10-22-2009 , 01:04 AM
so you voted tele because you were afraid how you would look if you didnt? thats your argument?
Event 39a Werewolf: The Poggleworth Open Commences Quote
10-22-2009 , 01:06 AM
by vote counts, if vayas a wolf then its probably drubell and zomg
Event 39a Werewolf: The Poggleworth Open Commences Quote
10-22-2009 , 01:08 AM
Originally Posted by metsandfinsfan
the first dead seer

what question did i ignore? i was on my phone a lot of the day
Show me the post that cleared him.

I already know that you don't read my posts, which is why I hate when you clutter up the board and bury everything else. After all, why wouldn't you put me on your wolf list without reading my stuff? So I'll just requote it:

Well since Mets is going to start targetting me, I'm going to go ahead and say that, despite people saying early on saying that he's playing his "villa game," I've only played with Mets once before in the LOST game and he had the same gameplay: give a ridiculous amount of "probably a wolf/villager" after the first page without much thought. So I didn't put him on my original "villa" list.

I haven't voted as often as I usually do because I already know the wagons are full of fail. The filthy one just looked worse and worse as it went on, but the margins were too big for me to change anything. I had a vote on Pointer but after I actually INTERACTED with him, he appeared more villa than wolf. So I dropped my vote.

Today I'm actually here to defend myself from another ******ed mislynch (didn't people think my reasoning was sound earlier? What changed your mind? Just wanted to start an AFK kill again?). However, I'm also still working, so my responses will be laggy.

So instead of coming out of left field with an accusation without even interacting with me once during the whole game, how would you like to reason with me? My game is pretty simple; I catch wellnamed "seer clue" early on, I sponge that a few round, I post that "this bothers me" when wellnamed begins to drop luckay which meant I was wrong, then I wanted to start their wagons. It's not really some sort of master wolf plan.

Have any of my suspicions even gone past a vote or two? No. That usually means that my work is independent from other players, i.e. wolves. I thought you would know this sort of thing. Have I been leading the village around into mislynches? No, that's other people doing that.

Yes I have played with Tel several times. I do not have a read one way or another on him; I never do. I said this on page 1, but of course people read half the thread and then accuse people for god-knows-why.

I have already given the reasoning for everything I have done in this thread. People making wild assumptions without reading me are just fishing or just looking for a target to latch on after a bunch of villagers are clear. It's pretty transparent.
Mets, I've only played one game with you before and you were a wolf in it. You have done the same thing in this game you did then; throw out names and "probably villa/wolf." So I don't know what makes you so clear, but your lack of reading before voting has been costing us villagers. And why would you try to throw me out without ever interacting with me? And boy, that's hard to do since you've been posting your mind the entire game.
Event 39a Werewolf: The Poggleworth Open Commences Quote
10-22-2009 , 01:08 AM
Originally Posted by drubell
Do you have reasoning for this? I had questioned the D1 final vote before and all of the answers on why sixfour was lynched instead of drontier didn't really feel concrete to me.
is this what you were saying i didnt answer? cause i answered it with a question

Originally Posted by metsandfinsfan
why was dustin killed
and then luckay answered it

Originally Posted by LuckayLuck
one could say that dustin was killed because the wolves peeked drontier village

lynch vaya
Event 39a Werewolf: The Poggleworth Open Commences Quote
10-22-2009 , 01:09 AM
Originally Posted by metsandfinsfan
so you voted tele because you were afraid how you would look if you didnt? thats your argument?
I was put into a no-win situation when OTI showed up going "dru/tel" team.
Event 39a Werewolf: The Poggleworth Open Commences Quote
10-22-2009 , 01:13 AM
Originally Posted by drubell
Show me the post that cleared him.
no. why dont you read the thread. its been quoted a million times.

I already know that you don't read my posts, which is why I hate when you clutter up the board and bury everything else. After all, why wouldn't you put me on your wolf list without reading my stuff? So I'll just requote it:
i read every single post

Mets, I've only played one game with you before and you were a wolf in it. You have done the same thing in this game you did then; throw out names and "probably villa/wolf." So I don't know what makes you so clear, but your lack of reading before voting has been costing us villagers.
the only villager "I" got lynched was pointer. and it was based on the nightkill. how you can say that means i didnt read the thread is beyond me.

And why would you try to throw me out without ever interacting with me? And boy, that's hard to do since you've been posting your mind the entire game.
i believe i said i had you as villager most of the game on tone; especially after your vote analysis vote.

but when we got to the end here, i cant find a wolf team without you being on it
Event 39a Werewolf: The Poggleworth Open Commences Quote
10-22-2009 , 01:14 AM
I can. drontier/zomg.
Event 39a Werewolf: The Poggleworth Open Commences Quote
10-22-2009 , 01:15 AM
Originally Posted by drubell
I was put into a no-win situation when OTI showed up going "dru/tel" team.
do you think vaya is a wolf? If yes, then vote him

voting someone to try and make yourself look good is not villagery. its wolfy. so if your a villager, its dumb as hell. especially with the "Well when he comes up villager its not my fault i was coerced" post.
Event 39a Werewolf: The Poggleworth Open Commences Quote
