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Dilbert Vanilla 1/27 Game Dilbert Vanilla 1/27 Game

02-01-2011 , 06:22 PM
And I think a wolf will generally not stretch to find a reason to call a wolf a villager. I don't know what the metagame is like these days though. If people no longer find it wolfy to defend a wolf then maybe wolves do it more often now. Though I haven't noticed it in the games I do play that I can recall.

As for mrs. jonnyd, I think most players enjoy being a wolf more initially and later prefer being a villager. She posted 400 times as a villager vigilante in a gimmick account game recently (I may have earlier said she was a wolf in that game, if I did I was misremembering). She posted 10 times d1 as a wolf in HiFi's game and was subsequently subbed out. I don't know the reason.

She hasn't been at either extreme in this game (or in some other recent games, as both roles). As I've read more of her previous games I've reached the sad conclusion that I can't really find a definitive distinction between her wolf and villager games and I didn't read her well. Does that mean my read in this game is bunk? I don't know. Sometimes a player will be a very obvious villager to me in a single game despite normally being unknown. In this game I got a very strong feeling that her posts/reads were spontaneous and entirely unplanned. Attempts to confirm the read have yielded mixed results.
Dilbert Vanilla 1/27 Game Quote
02-01-2011 , 06:30 PM
Also, regarding the boxing in thing: if Telcontar is a wolf then he is playing endgame the only way that he can. Given all that I've posted this game, he has to feel that he has a better chance getting me to lynch you at f3 than mrs. jonnyd, and it's possible to lynch mrs. jonnyd at f5 without my vote. Furthermore, if he chooses not to push her today then he loses momentum on mrs. jonnyd which makes it even harder for him at f3. And most of his defense of you is not actually defense, it's simply that he claims mrs. jonnyd is such a huge wolf that therefore everyone else has to be a villager. He's basically decided you are villager by POE which does not leave him boxed-in at all once his theory is disproven.

However, his behavior is also consistent with how a villager should proceed at this point, given the reads he has posted. Thus, we're still left with the same problem of deciding whether he really believes the stuff he has posted.
Dilbert Vanilla 1/27 Game Quote
02-01-2011 , 06:30 PM
I am tired so I will properly soon go to bed,

soah who do you think we sould lynch today ?

Atak who do you think we sould lynch today ?

mrs who do you think we sould lynch today ?
Dilbert Vanilla 1/27 Game Quote
02-01-2011 , 06:31 PM
More nuggets:
Originally Posted by Telcontar
I'm a bit drunk but,

here, here. At least atak is trying. All chris did day 2 is say he;s going to the pub to try and score with young ones andnplaying werewolf would decrease his chances. we're well into day 3 now, even by euro time.

Like i said before, mrs / chris wagons is the business.
This is telco being open to a wagon (while still apparently obsessing on mrs). May be significant later (I haven't gotten through the day), if he pushes or resists a chris wagon.

Originally Posted by soah
Originally Posted by vuroth
Reread atakdog looking for links. He called a lot of people wolfy day 1, including titan, me (villa read, wolf vote), soah, mrsjd, bb. In fact, he expressed opinion on titan first of all, then on mets, switch, me, xxsooted, soah, mrsjd and bitchibee. He did not express opinion on chrdk, crja (though he answered a chrja question) and telcontar.

Caveat - I *think* telcontar's first post came after atakdog's last.

Still, with how early atakdog went on titan, if they happen to both fall wolves, I would suspect one of the chr's as third wolf - or at least someone he aimed more to ignore.

If titan is villa and atak wolf, then maybe mets/switch for a second wolf, as he weighed in on them, but I didn't see him express a strong v/w opinion on either.

Fwiw, the only person he really seemed to flipflop on was xxsooted, whatever that might mean.
Originally Posted by vuroth
No. I implied you might be villa and titan wolf. If you read meaning into the order of v/w vs w/v, you did so incorrectly.
What happened here?
Looks like what happened here is vuroth couldn't keep straight what he was saying about me and titan. Afaic that shows I'm not a wolf: he'd have been a lot more careful in how he'd bus a packmate. (Recall he was voting me at the time, so he's not calling me a villager in the second quoted post.)

Originally Posted by mrs. jonnyd
definitely chrj (or whatever) for however he voted friday night (jumping on at the last second or something

yes i'm probably acting wolfy but

a) don't you think my wolfmates would tell me to get my butt posting in the thread if i was a wolf and
b) do you think i would be making as many mistakes (forgetting stuff, etc.) if i had a wolf team to rely on?

i guess these small games can't hold my attention like the big mishmashes and that's why i haven't really been putting time into but i can assure you i'm village

also i think it's weird for telcontar to say me or titan had to be a wolf cuz after i thought about it for 2 seconds no wolf would go that hard after someone who they know is a villager .. they wouldn't .. so it has to be v/v violence
Revisiting this one: chris was a wolf. Chris was the one who had made the late vote she seems to be talking about (he majoritied titan). For her to be a wolf with chris, she'd have to
  • have decided to bus him (reasonable given his contributions, though problematic with a seer alive and less likely on a pretty inexperienced wolf team, which that would be);
  • gotten mixed up about the name of the person she was busing, or angleshot the error;
  • faked annoyance when called on it (by swiitch; she said he was "so annoying") and induced to swiitch to the actual busing target;
  • soon thereafter switched to her other packmate, vuroth.

This all seems pretty unlikely to me.
Dilbert Vanilla 1/27 Game Quote
02-01-2011 , 06:34 PM
Originally Posted by chrja
I am tired so I will properly soon go to bed,

soah who do you think we sould lynch today ?

Atak who do you think we sould lynch today ?

mrs who do you think we sould lynch today ?
At this point everything is pointing toward telco for me, not because he's been wolfy (that weird read of chris is the only affirmative thing I've seen), but because I keep finding affirmative reasons to think the other two are villagers.

I'm still reading, though.
Dilbert Vanilla 1/27 Game Quote
02-01-2011 , 06:37 PM
Originally Posted by atakdog
mrs. jonny: tomorrow, could you please list the games you've played, and anything you think we should know about them?
oh man .. i have no idea .. i'll have to get back to you on that

also i just got home from the vet my dog is throwing up and i have a million things to do but i will definitely answer all your questions .. just need like half an hour to get going
Dilbert Vanilla 1/27 Game Quote
02-01-2011 , 06:40 PM
Another thing of some importance is that vuroth only mentioned mrs. jonnyd in one post, which was the one I quoted earlier about the low post count people. I do think that one post makes her more likely to be villager, but this is balanced out by the fact that he hasn't mentioned her at all aside from that.

Aside from not mentioning her, I also asked myself why he did not choose to push her, given that she would have been a good mislynch target if she's a villager. Unfortunately, this too doesn't provide a good answer. If she's a wolf then of course he doesn't want to lynch her, but if Telcontar is the wolf then he may feel that he shouldn't be following a wagon that his partner already has a large hand in (plus the fact that in spite of all the talk about her, no one ever started a wagon, and there were plenty of villager wagons to choose from).
Dilbert Vanilla 1/27 Game Quote
02-01-2011 , 06:45 PM
Originally Posted by atakdog
Other stuff:

I was wrong about telco's mrs pursuit looking seerlike if she's a wolf, at least as of d2. His being alive is a null tell wrt mrs being a wolf.

I've already pretty much settled on soah village, but for the rceord I have a pretty hard time believing wolf vuroth makes this over the top post about wolf soah. And it's not like soah could have written it either, as tbh soah would have done a far better job.

Phlbbt. No wolf fellow would tell her to do this and it's about the lynch, not the NK, so it wouldn't even be that good an angle, so it's probably a null tell — she's out of it with respect to the game, and we don't know whether that's wolfy or villagery for her.

We've argued about this already. I still believe this is a pretty bad post, but now that we've seen more of mrs's game I have somewhat less of a problem with it.

I hate "too wolfy to be a wolf" analysis, but maybe this is the time for it.

I need to go look at LOTR again, though unfortunately that was her first game. Other wolf games of Mrs, anyone?
i was a wolf in Harry Potter II

I played in Heat but I don't remember it so I probably was villa.
I was villa in the Halloween MishMash Masquerade.
I was wolf in LoTR (first game).

that's all i can remember for now. basically i love being a wolf so i'm usually really active and i hate being a villager so it's not as fun and i don't do as well (usually cuz people like telcontar just call me wolf until i die)
Dilbert Vanilla 1/27 Game Quote
02-01-2011 , 06:46 PM
Originally Posted by chrja
I am tired so I will properly soon go to bed,

soah who do you think we sould lynch today ?

Atak who do you think we sould lynch today ?

mrs who do you think we sould lynch today ?
I don't know. I have at least some reason to clear all of them. As it seems most likely that I will be the one making the decision tomorrow, I'd prefer that the others make the decision today so that if they choose wrong I have better information to use in my decision tomorrow. At 7:30 I will post final thoughts in case they kill me instead of you tonight.
Dilbert Vanilla 1/27 Game Quote
02-01-2011 , 06:46 PM
Originally Posted by mrs. jonnyd
i was a wolf in Harry Potter II

I played in Heat but I don't remember it so I probably was villa.
I was villa in the Halloween MishMash Masquerade.
I was wolf in LoTR (first game).

that's all i can remember for now. basically i love being a wolf so i'm usually really active and i hate being a villager so it's not as fun and i don't do as well (usually cuz people like telcontar just call me wolf until i die)
why were you subbed out of HiFi's game?
Dilbert Vanilla 1/27 Game Quote
02-01-2011 , 06:48 PM
Here's the close of the chrja/chris mixup sequence:
at :55 —
Originally Posted by Swiitch
Also Mrs johnnyd is trying to vote chrja for something that chrisr did.

Chrisr was the one who voted titan late, to send him to majority.

In before mrs claims that she was confused and that this was just another mistake of hers.
At :58 —
Originally Posted by soah
mrs. jonnyd and chrisrjdk are off-limits according to me
At :59 —
Originally Posted by mrs. jonnyd
ughhh you're so annoying! i obviously didn't look it up because i wasn't even sure of chrja 's name!

and if it was chrisr than i vote him

Also at :59 —
Originally Posted by mrs. jonnyd
ughh soah .. i believe him

i'll go atak for now
So for mrs to be a wolf with chris, she would have had either to fake mixing up his name, wait until a villager called her on it, switch to her packmate, then switch off within less than a minute (effectively saving him but getting no credit for voting him, surely,


actually mix up who was who, not realize that it was her packmate whom she was calling out for the late vote and who had majoritied a villager the previous night, admit her error, but be so unsubtle about it that she switched away form her "intended" target with a single minute.
Dilbert Vanilla 1/27 Game Quote
02-01-2011 , 06:50 PM
Originally Posted by soah
why were you subbed out of HiFi's game?
I don't remember what game it was (the theme) but I remember it happening .. I was just way too busy and didn't have time to commit to it. I did actually enjoy playing tho .. if I remember correctly it was a pretty good wolf pack.
Dilbert Vanilla 1/27 Game Quote
02-01-2011 , 06:52 PM
Originally Posted by atakdog
Here's the close of the chrja/chris mixup sequence:
at :55 —

At :58 —

At :59 —

Also at :59 —

So for mrs to be a wolf with chris, she would have had either to fake mixing up his name, wait until a villager called her on it, switch to her packmate, then switch off within less than a minute (effectively saving him but getting no credit for voting him, surely,


actually mix up who was who, not realize that it was her packmate whom she was calling out for the late vote and who had majoritied a villager the previous night, admit her error, but be so unsubtle about it that she switched away form her "intended" target with a single minute.
no i mean i definitely wanted to vote chrisrjdk but since soah somehow was the only one to realize i was villa .. and pretty quickly too .. i felt obligated to listen to him .. it was just coincidence that he posted not chrisrjdk at like the same time i voted him
Dilbert Vanilla 1/27 Game Quote
02-01-2011 , 07:06 PM
End of day Sunday:

About an hour before eod, after swiitch's claim:
Originally Posted by mrs. jonnyd
i'm heading out for the night .. no one will settle on a vote that i can sponge so i guess i pick vuruth because there will be the least controversy around that
This was a switch off me; it's strange to say since a me-vote wouldn't have been controversial, but it would be pretty silly for a wolf to bus here with me in danger (sooted was an obvious vote against me, and soah seemed to be wavering between me and vuroth)

Originally Posted by soah
Again, the outcome was in doubt and he could easily have voted me consistent with the reasoning he'd expressed in the thread.

This one came very late (literally the last minute; it also majoritied vuroth):
Originally Posted by Telcontar
well since sooted voted him.

Lame reasoning and it was also clear that vuroth was dying. (chrja had also just pointed out that vuroth's vote wouldn't count.)

The wolf voted vuroth Sunday, but mrs's and soah's votes meant more than telco's. I think this would be a fairly poor to bus with the alternative being me, as I'd been called wolfy all game but it was probably apparent that I was getting more active and might be dangerous down the road.

I'm having a hard time seeing how I can vote anyone other than telco today, notwithstanding that his tone has seemed villagery — the other two's actions have been, if not totally clearing, very pro-village, while telco has sounded good but not actually helped.
Dilbert Vanilla 1/27 Game Quote
02-01-2011 , 07:09 PM
And I realize that if telco is lynched today and it's wrong, I'm talking the remaining villager into voting me tomorrow. Let's hope it doesn't come to that.
Dilbert Vanilla 1/27 Game Quote
02-01-2011 , 07:10 PM
what up! i can't wait til telc comes out wolf and i come out villa and i can laugh in his face AGAIN (and have more proof that he has absolutely no idea how to read me)

Dilbert Vanilla 1/27 Game Quote
02-01-2011 , 07:11 PM
if telcontar is villa i'll cry but then i guess atak would be my next choice (i really think you're villa but i also know that you're good and could pull off being a wolf) and soah i still think is 100% villa
Dilbert Vanilla 1/27 Game Quote
02-01-2011 , 07:13 PM
Originally Posted by mrs. jonnyd
what up! i can't wait til telc comes out wolf and i come out villa and i can laugh in his face AGAIN (and have more proof that he has absolutely no idea how to read me)

Originally Posted by mrs. jonnyd
if telcontar is villa i'll cry but then i guess atak would be my next choice (i really think you're villa but i also know that you're good and could pull off being a wolf) and soah i still think is 100% villa
I guess you realized the first post sounded pretty bad?
Dilbert Vanilla 1/27 Game Quote
02-01-2011 , 07:13 PM
Actually, I missed highlighting the best part of the first one.
Dilbert Vanilla 1/27 Game Quote
02-01-2011 , 07:14 PM
Originally Posted by atakdog
I guess you realized the first post sounded pretty bad?
why is it bad? i mean in my mind he's 100% wolf but obviously there's always some chance he's not ..
Dilbert Vanilla 1/27 Game Quote
02-01-2011 , 07:14 PM
what's the best part?

idk i don't see anything wrong with it

i'm villa, he thinks i'm wolf, he = wrong.
Dilbert Vanilla 1/27 Game Quote
02-01-2011 , 07:15 PM
mrs, you are pretty sure telco is reading you wrong here?
Dilbert Vanilla 1/27 Game Quote
02-01-2011 , 07:15 PM
Originally Posted by mrs. jonnyd
what's the best part?

idk i don't see anything wrong with it

i'm villa, he thinks i'm wolf, he = wrong.
You think he thinks you're a wolf?
Dilbert Vanilla 1/27 Game Quote
02-01-2011 , 07:16 PM
Votes Player Voted For
0 atakdog voted For
0 chrja voted For
1 Mrs. Johnny D voted For telcontar
0 Soah voted For
1 Telcontar voted For Mrs. Johnny D

Night in 1:15.

We are in the middle of a blizzard. If we lose power, I'll use my last bit of cellphone battery to notify everyone. Go on without me!!! *gasp*
Dilbert Vanilla 1/27 Game Quote
02-01-2011 , 07:17 PM
soah, I could use a sounding board for this one.
Dilbert Vanilla 1/27 Game Quote
