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Detectives United: The Lost Reports Game Thread Detectives United: The Lost Reports Game Thread

10-22-2011 , 07:45 AM
Yeah at the end I knew globe was a wolf

His of course ill vote gder post was so wolfy

Very well played wolves

Frustrating game

Ty Homer

Im glad its over
Detectives United: The Lost Reports Game Thread Quote
10-22-2011 , 07:46 AM

My cfd attempts were correct no?
Detectives United: The Lost Reports Game Thread Quote
10-22-2011 , 11:16 AM
sorry to my wolves for proloning this a week, me not posting last week wasnt intentional i just got drunk. the other weeks i didnt post it was something like, the village doesnt seem to care if i post or not theyll just hang themselves

and 999 word posts are IMO super -ev for the village
Detectives United: The Lost Reports Game Thread Quote
10-22-2011 , 11:29 AM
ok im awake now.

first of all: again homer: thanks for running this. i think it's an interesting twist and could be played again, but probably a bit differently.

gg wolves. globe! i thougth it was you/ibav/gder/?? but i still would've turbolynched dean if i was still alive week six.


it was fun, and i don't mind the exhaustion so much. i was getting *really* frustrated w/ low participation. it became a distraction.

which is interesting, bc low participators, like you gder, feel frustrated by HIGH VOLUME participators (like me/globe/dean/sanga/etc) and say that it's -ev for the village?

i think that's backwards.

it's proably -ev for a *type* of villager, but that's the problem: that *type* of villager probably shouldn't be signing up for this game.

it's nearly impossible to village as is; it makes it so much more impossible when ppl fluff, don't post, don't explain their thoughts, don't work cooperatively with other ppl, and/or let the game devolve into a series of insults and defensiveness.

sorry to bob for driving your lynch. that's just another great WTF moment in this game. you got soo sooo villagery towards the end of the week, but what can the village do? CFD on thrusday? there's this terrible need to commit, and for wagon resolution. (and the flipside was always "well everyone is just about equal parts wolfy, so why not him?" - i mean, i usually have problems clearing ppl in normal games but this game was just impossible. you were all possible wolves. hai globe)

sorry to luckay for never being able to trust you! ahaaaaaaaaaa. that final week you played, i was so fixated on you not posting one day (tuesday imo?) and then kinda mailing it in the next day, when the wagons at that time were 2/2/2/2 and two of them were your top wolves. i couldn't reconcile it (despite i think ibav saying that that's what you do as a villa). sigh.


yeah, idk how you would make the small adjustments, but i would consider playing this again if it was worked on a bit.

gg to all.

very interesting.

mew mew mew
Detectives United: The Lost Reports Game Thread Quote
10-22-2011 , 11:38 AM
Dam globe you're sick
Gg all and thnx homer
I liked the format, I think perhaps even less words might make it better? And maybe keep it to a 13er. Of course I didn't have to go thru a month of failure
Dam I need to stop making conditional reads, I was hot for a while doing it but failing recently
I reallllly thought Aao was a wolf and made a bunch of reads based on that
Detectives United: The Lost Reports Game Thread Quote
10-22-2011 , 11:40 AM
Ya I would've lynched bob too probly
Detectives United: The Lost Reports Game Thread Quote
10-22-2011 , 11:46 AM
thanks homer! i know this was a ton of work to mod. you did a great job, and even when you were sick!

gg wolves

never trusting globe again
Detectives United: The Lost Reports Game Thread Quote
10-22-2011 , 12:14 PM
Originally Posted by TheDean1
fwiw when i called esse a sick wolf it was because he was perceiving things from a villagery perspective even though i disagreed with both his conclusions and the logic to arrive there. i kinda thought maybe he was a villager and i should consider switching to hoya, but he was POE'd and there had to be something weird (like globe being a wolf) for him to not be a wolf so i didn't really invest any thought into it.

woulda been sick if i switched to hoya, but i was mostly just piecing everything possible pairings toward the end and locking in globe as villa kinda ruined that exercise.
I thought your logic and reasoning was good for the most part on the last day or two when you were suspecting esse. I think if I were in your shoes I may have voted for Hoya just because he had essentially given up if he were a villager. 1) I think it's more likely Hoya will stop caring in that spot as a wolf than a villager. 2) If he's a villager and doesn't try, he'll probably cost us the game anyway.

Originally Posted by ibavly
Was a good concept, but it's way too hard to stay focused for weeks of a walls of text every day.

Looking back it would be a shock if the wolves hadn't won.

We didn't even wagon a wolf til gder yesterday
I tried on week d1p3/d1p4! Didn't catch on at all really.

Originally Posted by TheDean1
re-reading was a bitch because you can't click on the "who's posted" link and you gotta ctrl + f it. plus the general format made it hard to follow without actually being in the flow of the daily posts.

i tried to re-read every day and i would start for a few minutes and come up totally empty.

i take it that the xxsooted kill was a FPS SPK?
At one point I thought of putting everyone's posts into their own google documents so I could have all of people's posts in the same place. So like, TheDean1 gets his own google doc with every post he's made, etc...

Would it have been acceptable to share those google docs with the thread if I had wound up making them? I probably would have asked Homer first, but around the time I had that idea I realized I only had a couple more days to live so I didn't do it.
Detectives United: The Lost Reports Game Thread Quote
10-22-2011 , 12:15 PM
posting 999 words to post 999 words is super -ev. its like in school when you get a 1k word essay, a lot of times you have 1.5k words to say and others you have 500. When this happens you either cut stuff you needed and ruin the entirety of your thought process for everyone else, or you post 499 words of fluff.
Detectives United: The Lost Reports Game Thread Quote
10-22-2011 , 12:27 PM
Originally Posted by Silman
My notes I made day1. basically, I had no clue who the seer was.
Neither did globe
so we kinda psuedo-fps'd

night2 we were certain it was animalem
our wolfchat went something like "animalem's the seer" "yep" "killing animalem yeah?" "seers are extra tasty, nom nom nom"
animalem - if you're reading the main thing that you did to be obviously seer is very clearly 180 on filthy overnight, then make up an unbelievable excuse as to why you now think him villa
It's rare for players to fakepeek people they push day1. I do it a fair bit (and did it here with my gder peek) which means if you are seer and you peek someone who you thought was a wolf and find them villa, come to the conclusion a bit more slowly. maybe go along with the lynch at first then call his reaction to the wagoning really villagery, or try make a case on someone else.
Yeah I hear you. I tried to 180 on akson/Dean overnight too and really sell that I was seer. I took akson from like, one of the most likely woofs, to Dean top of my villager list after like two posts. Tried to look like a tasty nommable seer. But you guys are right about animalem.

At one point Jim asked me ib Skype who I thought the seer was, and I was like hmmmm I dunno Ibavly? Jim asked cause he was pretty certain it was animalem.

Originally Posted by globetrotter
idk how to fix this and keep the simultaneous posting aspect, but if I had been a villager i would have been really frustrated by the way the posts were all grouped together. hell, I was frustrated by it as a wolf. not being able to use the "who's posted" or even quote and actual post so people can click through makes it tough.
I would control-f parentheses G to find your posts, for example. Although I think Homer used some special parentheses, so I had to go to one of the intros to your posts, copy that, then find all instances of it on the page to read your posts.
Detectives United: The Lost Reports Game Thread Quote
10-22-2011 , 12:52 PM
Originally Posted by HomerNoonJr

If I ever run anything like this again, which is doubtful, I'll skip the simu posting and give myself (and everyone else it seems) a massive break.
What do you think about having the game thread in a series of google docs? You can post the reveals and vote counts in the game thread on 2p2.

Originally Posted by gder402
sorry to my wolves for proloning this a week, me not posting last week wasnt intentional i just got drunk. the other weeks i didnt post it was something like, the village doesnt seem to care if i post or not theyll just hang themselves

and 999 word posts are IMO super -ev for the village
I think the first paragraph is a reason why the second paragraph is not true. If the wolves get lazy like they sometimes did, villagers can clear themselves in part by effort.

I made long posts for a few reasons

1) Clear myself by effort

2) Share as many thoughts, reads, and ideas as possible

3) Take full advantage of my opportunity to participate, which I figured would be important in an ultra restricted game.

I never tried to make posts long just for the sake of making them long, however. Maybe I did just a little bit on my intro post, I just figured if I have 1000 words I might as well use them for something so I just went through every thought I had about the game. After my intro post, though, it quickly became easy to hit 1000 words.
Detectives United: The Lost Reports Game Thread Quote
10-22-2011 , 01:06 PM
That may be the case but it seemed that people felt like posting 999 words even if 1/4 of them were fluffy or just obscure ideas that shouldnt have been included.
Detectives United: The Lost Reports Game Thread Quote
10-22-2011 , 01:07 PM
Originally Posted by alice16
it was fun, and i don't mind the exhaustion so much. i was getting *really* frustrated w/ low participation. it became a distraction.

which is interesting, bc low participators, like you gder, feel frustrated by HIGH VOLUME participators (like me/globe/dean/sanga/etc) and say that it's -ev for the village?

i think that's backwards.

it's proably -ev for a *type* of villager, but that's the problem: that *type* of villager probably shouldn't be signing up for this game.

it's nearly impossible to village as is; it makes it so much more impossible when ppl fluff, don't post, don't explain their thoughts, don't work cooperatively with other ppl, and/or let the game devolve into a series of insults and defensiveness.
Completely agree with this. This game requires a certain kind of player for it to work.

Alice, you were super awesome. You had lots of great thoughts and contributions, and lots of lolworthy moments. You cleared yourself extremely well.

Oh and also, I'm happy I finally got to see your villager game Dean! I was pretty convinced you were a wolf for the first half of d3, but you defended yourself well and changed my mind for the most part (unfortunately we had v/v/v wagons that day ). I also realized that you were going to be a valuable villager given your effort and experience, and mislynching you would be very expensive.


Here's a little secret for those of you that don't know:

animalem18 is my wife! I'd been trying to get her to play a game of WW for a while, this was the only structure that could work with her schedule. She's busy most of the day and rarely in front of a computer, but she'd come home in the evenings and earnestly spend an hour or two writing up her post each day. She peeked bobman n2 it turns out, that would've been some useful info for the village to have!
Detectives United: The Lost Reports Game Thread Quote
10-22-2011 , 01:10 PM
Originally Posted by gder402
That may be the case but it seemed that people felt like posting 999 words even if 1/4 of them were fluffy or just obscure ideas that shouldnt have been included.
I think I posted more 900+ word posts than anyone (except possibly Alice?) but I tried to include very little fluff. I wanted to give the other villagers the opportunity to read me as a villager and wanted to share all my reads and opinions on other players.
Detectives United: The Lost Reports Game Thread Quote
10-22-2011 , 01:58 PM
ahahahah sanga that's so funny!

i remember when i read animal's past games and saw that she played both w/ you. and you knew that she was a sick wolf in her first game. so i used that against you in this game. like WHY aren't you more suspicious of this noooob animal who you know she kills as wolf?

i guess bc you have a helluva lot more meta :P

also i love love love the "wife peeks husband n0" <-- that's so cool.

@gder: i heard you mention that before too. i really really really do not think ppl were posting 999 words just to post 999 words.

for me at least, when i would include "999 bitches!" at the end of my post, it was because it took me thirty minutes to EDIT IT DOWN TO 999, not because i was sitting there going hmm, what else can i add to get this word count up a bit more????
Detectives United: The Lost Reports Game Thread Quote
10-22-2011 , 02:08 PM
considering i walked into a game and everyone was on my detective, i am proud of how i played
Detectives United: The Lost Reports Game Thread Quote
10-22-2011 , 02:18 PM
mets, i was fine backing off you after the original oddity of your first post.

i had a hard time with the whole "luckay said this about me" thing, when he didn't. i don't think you ever said "oh i misread that; luckay never voted me" but instead, appeared to hold that belief for a while - - so i think a few of us (me/esse/dean at least) were like "what is going on w/ mets this game?????"

maybe it felt a little like obfuscation, gder style.

speaking of ppl admitting when they're FAVORITE PART of this game was bob calling out globe.

Originally Posted by bob's hilarious post
I imagine globe typing up his post, sending it off to homer, then five minutes later shouting "WHY WON'T YOU RESPOND TO ME!?!" at his cat or his shoe rack or whatever. It amuses me
so ****ing funny

Last edited by alice16; 10-22-2011 at 02:22 PM. Reason: actual post
Detectives United: The Lost Reports Game Thread Quote
10-22-2011 , 02:27 PM
Originally Posted by alice16
ahahahah sanga that's so funny!

i remember when i read animal's past games and saw that she played both w/ you. and you knew that she was a sick wolf in her first game. so i used that against you in this game. like WHY aren't you more suspicious of this noooob animal who you know she kills as wolf?

i guess bc you have a helluva lot more meta :P

also i love love love the "wife peeks husband n0" <-- that's so cool.

@gder: i heard you mention that before too. i really really really do not think ppl were posting 999 words just to post 999 words.

for me at least, when i would include "999 bitches!" at the end of my post, it was because it took me thirty minutes to EDIT IT DOWN TO 999, not because i was sitting there going hmm, what else can i add to get this word count up a bit more????
Hehehe ty. She said she peeked me because she recognized so few other names and went with someone she knew. I didn't think she was seer cause I thought she just had a genuine read on me and then was sponging my defense of filthy.

Yes, Animalem did own the village in her first turbo, she had decent tone and appeared at least somewhat involved in wolf hunting. It was enough for everyone to just dismiss the chance she was a wolf given she was a noob. However, in her second turbo she was a villager and way more involved, a noticeable difference. I thought she was very involved in this game which is why I had a strong villager lean for her.

Oh and yeah, my "1000thWord" at the end of posts etc were there mainly because I was just satisfied with getting everything into 1000 words, being done with my post, and putting all my thoughts down on paper. Several times I had to go through the thread and delete ~30 instances of the/a/it etc... and find ways to reduce word count without reducing content.

It seriously felt like I was in high school or college writing essays sometimes, especially when I was procrastinating until the last minute, but it was all fun so I didn't mind. Homer can probably attest to how many times he got posts from me at 9:59 or 10:00 PM (is that around the time you guys would submit your posts, btw?).

Earlier in the game I was using an online word counter that counted words differently than MS Word, so what I thought was 1000 words was really like 1041 according to Homer. So I'd have to go back and scan my post for spots where I could cut out a word or two.

But it was all really fun. I wish we had won but I'm satisfied with my effort and the village's effort given the restrictions this game posed on us.
Detectives United: The Lost Reports Game Thread Quote
10-22-2011 , 02:33 PM
Originally Posted by alice16
mets, i was fine backing off you after the original oddity of your first post.

i had a hard time with the whole "luckay said this about me" thing, when he didn't. i don't think you ever said "oh i misread that; luckay never voted me" but instead, appeared to hold that belief for a while - - so i think a few of us (me/esse/dean at least) were like "what is going on w/ mets this game?????"

maybe it felt a little like obfuscation, gder style.

speaking of ppl admitting when they're FAVORITE PART of this game was bob calling out globe.

so ****ing funny
Lol yes that was hilarious. The funniest thing all thread imo was your roadmap. Lol @ "too much diablo dios mio!" What's mew mew mew mean btw?

Second funniest was this line by Dean, I literally lolled for several minutes:

Originally Posted by Dean d2p2
I thought aao was very clearly a villager driven wagon with possible wolves (i.e. anarchist, filthy) sponging toward the end. I hate how mets is just accusing everybody who initiated it of being wolves, because it’s really dreadful criteria for wolf hunting, and he’s not reacting to things the way a villager should. I’d describe his first post as a steaming cocktail of AIDS, syphilis, and gonorrhea. He very well could be a wolf, still wanna see more before jumping to conclusions tho.
I recall Silman saying a number of funny things this game, but not remembering specifics right now. And Luckay's martyr post/rant was pretty funny too.
Detectives United: The Lost Reports Game Thread Quote
10-22-2011 , 02:38 PM
Some of my early posts were from phone app so it was really hard to see who was who

Next times

Separate posts for each post and start and end post with avatar
Detectives United: The Lost Reports Game Thread Quote
10-22-2011 , 02:40 PM
Aao wasn't wolfy for him

And luckay did clear himself

And globe was wolfy by the end of course cause wolfing for 6 weeks is hard
Detectives United: The Lost Reports Game Thread Quote
10-22-2011 , 02:42 PM
and mets you're so damn perfect
Detectives United: The Lost Reports Game Thread Quote
10-22-2011 , 02:54 PM
Originally Posted by essedarius
and mets you're so damn perfect
Not even close to perfect

Why you mad bro

Homer thanks for Modding
Detectives United: The Lost Reports Game Thread Quote
10-22-2011 , 03:02 PM
Originally Posted by metsandfinsfan
Why you mad bro
i dont think this is really fair.

there were points in this game where, in my opinion, you were excessively antagonistic. it may benefit regular ww games, but it was very counterproductive in this format.

overt aggression, antagonism, tunnelled defensiveness/ego-statements, and repeated lines like:

he's so stupid. she must be the dumbest player ever. i can't believe someone is this bad. etc etc etc

they don't have a place in this format. and likely in any format.

so it's a little unfair for you to play antogonistic, and then post game say "why you mad?"

Detectives United: The Lost Reports Game Thread Quote
10-22-2011 , 03:05 PM
Originally Posted by metsandfinsfan
Not even close to perfect

Why you mad bro

Homer thanks for Modding

I agree w/ Alice's post above fwiw.
Detectives United: The Lost Reports Game Thread Quote
