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Deli Birthday Vanilla 13er Deli Birthday Vanilla 13er

08-04-2021 , 11:03 AM
Originally Posted by A missread issue
yes, I might explain with multi-quotes if I ever get heat.

But basically I had absolutely no reason to bus VR. I had her as villa early, then removed her after re-reading as her content was lacking, I made a post about it. Then she responded in a villagery way so I moved her back to my slightest villa category. Then when her wagon rose, I protected filthy and pushed and voted for VR. I encouraged Charry to switch his vote to VR when wagons were 5-4.

I started to suspect Dustin on d1, but he made a post about agreeing with my villa list and I'm sucker for those so I ended with him being at the least villa on d1. But after the NK, while the thread was still closed, I started re-reading and ended up with Dustin as my sole wolf read. I pushed the idea that a good seer hunter made that kill and that it was only Dustin or bsball, latter of which I had as villa, so it was only Dustin. There were other reasons to have him as a wolf too. Then when the possibility of peek arose, I reminded that people are welcome to vote for Dustin and then the wagon happened.
ok this is pretty good
08-04-2021 , 11:06 AM
Originally Posted by filthyvermin
ok wait a minute. i think im totally confused. i was giving ami villa cred. cuz if im villa that means he's villa too right?

or maybe i have that totally backwards? lol if im villa that means his wolf equity goes way up?

ugh, i forget which it is.
The theory is that if you and AMI are both villagers then the DZ kill is quite surprising since AMI was mathematically the best NK

though given Luckbox was a wolf and knowing his own self obsession the most likely and hilarious scenario is that he killed DZ because he thought DZ peeked him wolf when in fact DZ peeked me villagers and Dustin just played bad and got there.
08-04-2021 , 11:07 AM
like I'm basically convinced at this point that DZ peeked me, Dustin did a horrible job seer hunting and was convinced the most likely peek was DZ -> Luckbox = wolf, and just totally by a stroke of luck (pun intended) DZ actually was the seer but did not actually peek Luckbox
08-04-2021 , 11:09 AM
and what I am still trying to wrap my head around is Kami being convinced that Luckbox was actually DZ's peek. And that is what I meant when I said that I didn't believe that Kami believed what she was saying because the idea that I wasn't the peek is so silly.
08-04-2021 , 11:09 AM
Originally Posted by A missread issue
First post and your two reads are about the two dead wolves, hmm, quite a coincidence.

Yeah I just couldn’t see w filthy coming in like that
08-04-2021 , 11:10 AM
like the only person in the game that I believe would ever believe Luckbox is the peek is Luckbox himself because of how he always wants to be and thinks he is the center of attention in games of werewolf
08-04-2021 , 11:10 AM
Originally Posted by Comrade_Pupper
and what I am still trying to wrap my head around is Kami being convinced that Luckbox was actually DZ's peek. And that is what I meant when I said that I didn't believe that Kami believed what she was saying because the idea that I wasn't the peek is so silly.

I don’t really want to kill her at all but that is a potential tinfoil for late game if she stays alive
08-04-2021 , 11:13 AM
Originally Posted by A missread issue
ok thanks, I believe you. I'll look elsewhere.

guess my POE has only fanmail at this point.

Lol you cmon man
I’m sitting here bouncing ideas back and forth with you and being transparent
08-04-2021 , 11:14 AM
Originally Posted by filthyvermin
why do you think kami and fran are village? i have them both as wolves.
filthy-clear attempt denied
08-04-2021 , 11:14 AM
Originally Posted by fanmail
I don’t really want to kill her at all but that is a potential tinfoil for late game if she stays alive
yeah that is kind of where I am at

I thought she was villagery up until that whole thing about the seer/peeks

and then I thought she was most villagery after that
08-04-2021 , 11:15 AM
Originally Posted by aaronk56
I think LB was the peek.
no you don't
08-04-2021 , 11:17 AM
Pupper you think it’s Aaron?
08-04-2021 , 11:18 AM
Originally Posted by Comrade_Pupper
filthy-clear attempt denied
lol i know there is only one wolf left. but i still think they are both wolves.
08-04-2021 , 11:22 AM
Originally Posted by filthyvermin
lol i know there is only one wolf left. but i still think they are both wolves.

I support this kind od thinking
08-04-2021 , 11:28 AM
Originally Posted by fanmail
Pupper you think it’s Aaron?
I don't know
08-04-2021 , 11:29 AM
I think aaron is the best lunch today

he's obviously never clearing himself
08-04-2021 , 11:30 AM
I'd rather get aaron out of the way now
08-04-2021 , 11:33 AM
Originally Posted by Comrade_Pupper
no you don't
I do. And I posted my reasons earlier today.
08-04-2021 , 11:35 AM
Originally Posted by aaronk56

I do. And I posted my reasons earlier today.
Not sure why that emoji was there. Fat fingers probably.
08-04-2021 , 11:35 AM
Originally Posted by aaronk56
I just want to point out that Dr. Z wasn't professing confusion about Luckbox being a wolf when he said "... Luckbox IS a wolf ... " he was saying that he didn't buy that I would come into the thread posting the way I did to deflect heat on on Luckbox. He is clearing me not hedging on Luckbox.
do you mean this?

this doesn't explain at all how Luckbox is the peek

that post was literally just DZ making a conditional read

"If Luckbox is, in fact, a wolf, then XYZ"

that isn't a peek

and the capitalization theory is laughable
08-04-2021 , 11:48 AM
08-04-2021 , 11:49 AM
If it's not filthy it's most likely birdman
08-04-2021 , 11:53 AM
I actually think birdman should probably be the vote considering anyone good at ww would know birdman wasn't the peek and he insisted he was to try and save luckbox
08-04-2021 , 11:54 AM
08-04-2021 , 11:56 AM
Originally Posted by Comrade_Pupper
like I'm basically convinced at this point that DZ peeked me, Dustin did a horrible job seer hunting and was convinced the most likely peek was DZ -> Luckbox = wolf, and just totally by a stroke of luck (pun intended) DZ actually was the seer but did not actually peek Luckbox
I think comrades over focus on the peek stuff is too much for him to be a wolf
