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December 5th Dragon Age Werewolf Mish-Mash sign-up thread December 5th Dragon Age Werewolf Mish-Mash sign-up thread

12-01-2016 , 03:13 PM
See the post above. I have 64 roles but at this point, I do not think I am getting 64 players.
12-01-2016 , 04:07 PM
sorry UD

not a great time because of final papers and exams
12-01-2016 , 04:45 PM
People should signup for this thing! UD put another amazing thing together

Originally Posted by theknightsofneeee
currently playing a game (off site) where there are 20 roles and only 10 players.

when one dies/gets lynched, they become one of the new set of roles (can change alignments too between the roles)

pretty cool actually.

It greatly limits the roles you can hand out in the first place, for example there must be more villagers than usual, ducy?
12-01-2016 , 04:48 PM

Runes have always been a part of the Dragon Age games, so I thought it would be nice to have them here.
Runes are typically earned during the game. Some are awarded in events; I cannot give a vig for every event I run, after all (alright, I could. I just do not want to do it).
Things to know:
  1. With the exception of the Nature rune, all runes, as well as their effects, are claimable.
  2. If you receive a rune, you are usually informed of the fact. There are exceptions to this rule; they can depend on the type of rune, the situation the rune is received, or both.
  3. Once you receive a rune, you automatically equip it (the only exception to this is the Nature rune). This means that the effect the rune grants will stay with you until its effect is used. After it is used, temporary runes dissolve, but permanent runes do not.
  4. Permanent runes may still be dissolved by other means.
  5. You will not be made aware if a rune that you have equipped is dissolved.
  6. The effects of identical runes do not stack.
  7. You may hold a maximum of 3 (three) runes. Once you receive a fourth, the oldest rune you have will automatically dissolve. If you have more than one oldest rune, the choice will be randomised.

Here are the runes that are present in the game, together with the relative effects:

Rune nameEffectDurabilityNotes
AmplificationAll shots that target you in the next ITA session will enjoy a 20% boost to their hit rate.TemporaryIf you receive this rune, you are never informed of it.
ImpactYou gain double rewards from events and your basic ITA hit rate is doubled. However, all ITA shot that you are targeted with will hit at a double hit rate and all votes on you will count twice at End of Day.PermanentIf you receive this rune, you are always informed of it.
You gain an extra life.
TemporaryThe lynch consumes all of your lives. If you lose your extra life, you will only be made aware of this if you were informed that you received this rune in the first place.
CelestialIf you have received this rune and are a villager, you will be allowed to post 10 times per day for 3 days, starting the day after your death. If you are a non-villager, you will be allowed to stay in chat after your deathPermanentIf you receive this rune, you are never informed of it.
CleansingIf you are poisoned or infected by Lycanthropy, this rune will cure you.TemporaryIf you receive this rune, you are never informed of it.
CorruptingYour next night (day) action that affects a single target will be processed as a night (day) vigilante shot.TemporaryIf you receive this rune, you are never informed of it. If you have simultaneously submit multiple actions with a simple target, the action that turns into a vig will be chosen at random.
DefenceIf you received this rune during the night (day) you will survive the first otherwise successful attempt on your life during that (the following) night.TemporaryThis rune does not protect from death caused by diseases.
DevastationOnce you receive this rune, the moderator will rand your next ITA shot up to three times (in case your first or your second rand does not return a hit).TemporaryIf you receive this rune, you are never informed of it
TemporaryIf you receive this rune, you are never informed of it.
PermanentIf you have received this rune, you are never informed of it.
FortuneIf you received this rune during the day (night) you add 20 points for every roll you make in this day/night (night/day) cycle.TemporaryIf you receive this rune, you are never informed of it
FrostIf you received this rune during the day (night) you cannot be day angeled on that (the following) day, should such effects existTemporaryIf you receive this rune, you are never informed of it.
HaleYour next night (day) action will be processed as a night (day) vigilante shot. If you do not have any night and day actions, your next ITA shot will have a 75% basic hit rate.TemporaryIf you receive this rune and are not a vanilla villager, you are informed of it.
You are immune to diseases.
PermanentIf you receive this rune, you are never informed of it. This rune will not remove any diseases that you already had.
PermanentIf you receive this rune, you are always informed of it, and you learn its effects.
MomentumYou receive a second ITA shot, to be used on the day you received it (if you have received it during the day) or during the next day (if you have received it during the night).TemporaryIf you receive this rune, you are always informed of it. If you wish, you may decide to shoot twice in the same ITA session.
NatureGain the Poisontouch modifier, even if you do not have the Rogue codeword.PermanentUnclaimable. If you receive this rune, you are always informed of it. You may choose to dissolve this rune instead of equipping it.
ParalyzeIf your next ITA shot does not hit its target, said target will be roleblocked for the rest of the day and the following night. TemporaryVotes, ITA shots and event prizes are not subjected to this ability.
ProtectionIf you received this rune during the day (night) you will survive the first otherwise successful attempt on your life during that (the following) day.TemporaryThis rune does not protect from death caused by diseases. Day Angels do not protect against the lynch.
SlowYour Night (Day) Actions will process the night (day) after you have submitted them.TemporaryIf you receive this rune, you are never informed of it
StrikingOnly for the next ITA shot you take, your ITA basic hit rate augments by (8N)% where N is the number of that day (if the rune is received during the day) or the next day (if the rune is received during the night).TemporaryIf you receive this rune, you are never informed of it.
TorporIf you receive this rune during the night (day) you cannot be Night Angeled on that (the following) night, should such effects exist.TemporaryIf you receive this rune, you are never informed of it.
12-01-2016 , 05:07 PM
Please let us get fifteen more players. I am excited to try out this game design.
12-02-2016 , 10:04 AM
Sorry UD, I feel bad to keep snubbing your invites; I'm sure this game will be great. Normally I think I'd be willing to push through the burnout and give this a go, but the schedule of the next few weeks unfortunately does make this one a non-starter. Hope you get enough signups to let this one run.
12-02-2016 , 10:30 AM
Originally Posted by LKJ
I'm sure this game will be great.
Not if it doesn't fill.

But if you can't play, you can't. No worries.
12-02-2016 , 10:50 AM
Guess it's spammin' time
12-02-2016 , 10:57 AM
Originally Posted by Montecore
Guess it's spammin' time
I already spammed more than 60 people. Please do not spam anyone yourself, lest you accidentally invite someone I do not really want to play.
12-02-2016 , 11:35 AM
This sounds like a really great game with cool and thoughtful design. I hope it gets to run.
12-02-2016 , 12:53 PM
Finally got internet back.

Took my provider 1 month instead of 1 week.

So yeah I should be good to go.

12-02-2016 , 12:59 PM
12-02-2016 , 04:21 PM
I'll spam some Mu people.
We just played a dragon age game a week ago or so
12-02-2016 , 04:30 PM
12-02-2016 , 04:31 PM
Originally Posted by TheBrokenATM!
I'll spam some Mu people.
We just played a dragon age game a week ago or so

Originally Posted by UncleDynamite
I already spammed more than 60 people. Please do not spam anyone yourself, lest you accidentally invite someone I do not really want to play.
12-02-2016 , 06:14 PM
Try posting a thread on mu ud, might be visible to more people
12-02-2016 , 06:49 PM
Originally Posted by No Lynches
Try posting a thread on mu ud, might be visible to more people
Is there a thread when people spam for their games, even on other sites?
Creating a new thread there feels kind of wrong, as I have never done anything at or for MU. Plus I have spammed some MU players (Pizza, HorribleSoab, NeedMoreManasi, SpankGangsta, t om) already.
12-02-2016 , 07:08 PM
UD, there is a subforum on MU specifically for threads advertising off-site games
12-02-2016 , 07:36 PM
it will be a travesty if this doesn't fill.


Usual commentary about availability -- I travel a lot during the work day making availability spotty and unpredictable. I will be able to meet participation requirements, though if I ever manage more than 100 posts a day I should be shot with extreme prejudice.

Now, please give me all your runes.

Edit: Also, the wikipedia entry is crap. Anyone got a Dragon Age for Dummies site bookmarked?
12-02-2016 , 07:44 PM
Originally Posted by Booker Wolfbox

Edit: Also, the wikipedia entry is crap. Anyone got a Dragon Age for Dummies site bookmarked?

Though I think it will be a bit confusing if you know nothing about Dragon Age.
No worries, though, you do not need to know any lore to play the game.
12-02-2016 , 07:49 PM
  1. Ace of Spaids
  2. Adam33
  3. AllInBluff
  4. ApocPS
  5. baudib1
  6. Beck Novo
  7. Booker Wolfbox
  8. Capt Hindsight
  9. Champ2947
  10. ChrisV
  11. cjkalt
  12. domer2
  13. Duckburg
  14. DWetzel
  15. HUstylez
  16. iraisetoomuch
  17. iversonian
  18. jumpluff
  19. KruZe
  20. lilrascal
  21. Lissa2
  22. LordJvK
  23. mexineil
  24. mutigers
  25. Monkey Banana
  26. Mor_Tilt4mePls
  27. Panther_
  28. pokerbobo
  29. RAORoman
  30. Slow_Ben
  31. SpankGangsta
  32. Stork..
  33. StuckinARutt
  34. Telcontar
  35. TheBrokenATM!
  36. TheNothing
  37. theknightsofneeee
  38. Yawn

A reminder: this runs if we get at least 50.
Given the penchant of some players to sign up during the last day, this has some chance to run now.

But even if we miraculously get to the threshold ahead of time, keep signing up. The game will be better if I won't have to cut so many roles.
12-03-2016 , 07:25 AM

I just joined the site to play this game. I have every intention and time to play this. /in

Oh god, this site is so confusing though, can't even figure out where to change avatar and stuff.
12-03-2016 , 07:49 AM
someone get dankhank in here, he was GOAT
12-03-2016 , 09:48 AM
If this game were even over 50 I would out due to work this week

But I really want it to run and I can still give better than the worst levels of time

So slank cover x2
12-03-2016 , 03:11 PM
Originally Posted by Solas

I just joined the site to play this game. I have every intention and time to play this. /in

Oh god, this site is so confusing though, can't even figure out where to change avatar and stuff.

You will need to enable PMs.

In order to do so, click on "My 2+2". Now click on "Group Memberships" and request access to the group called "POG Messages".

Originally Posted by ApocPS
someone get dankhank in here, he was GOAT
Spammed him days ago.

Originally Posted by Panther_
If this game were even over 50 I would out due to work this week

But I really want it to run and I can still give better than the worst levels of time

So slank cover x2
So in the unlikely scenario we go over 50, I should just boot you from the playerlist?

I will if that is what you want, but I do not see much difference in terms of thread volume between 50, and, say 55.
