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DAVID FINCHER Mishmash Game Thread (5/18) DAVID FINCHER Mishmash Game Thread (5/18)

05-20-2015 , 05:34 PM
batm/duck/possibly banks* vs dice/vix
DAVID FINCHER Mishmash Game Thread (5/18) Quote
05-20-2015 , 05:34 PM
Framer/janitor is a nearly broken mechanic if not counter-balanced, so I'd buy that there's a frame-seer

vix/dice lock clear
DAVID FINCHER Mishmash Game Thread (5/18) Quote
05-20-2015 , 05:35 PM
not the most villagery reaction from banks I agree
DAVID FINCHER Mishmash Game Thread (5/18) Quote
05-20-2015 , 05:35 PM
Originally Posted by insanity31
so it's basically BATM/duck vs dice/vix
Banks is the valet of the BATM/duck tag team
DAVID FINCHER Mishmash Game Thread (5/18) Quote
05-20-2015 , 05:35 PM
You realize dice and I didn't plan this in wolf chat in order to get one vig off


DAVID FINCHER Mishmash Game Thread (5/18) Quote
05-20-2015 , 05:35 PM
Originally Posted by thediceman
Now banks, doesn't this look bad for you?

What are the odds you pick the 1 guy who has been affected? You said that yourself
of course im ****ing mad IF you're legit this is the SECOND time I've had a fake peek in a game which is utter and complete bull****.

talk about what you do exactly "you check to see if someone peeks as their actual role?" do you get results like "yes? or no?"? Does it mean that vix is always peeked the opposite? could he still be wolf?

I'm also never a wolf nerd in the history of ever do i take this line.
DAVID FINCHER Mishmash Game Thread (5/18) Quote
05-20-2015 , 05:35 PM
Originally Posted by insanity31
so it's basically BATM/duck vs dice/vix
Why batm/duck? As in the duck part
DAVID FINCHER Mishmash Game Thread (5/18) Quote
05-20-2015 , 05:35 PM
banks soup
DAVID FINCHER Mishmash Game Thread (5/18) Quote
05-20-2015 , 05:36 PM
im basically lock clear, re: BATM

I will share my secret probably
DAVID FINCHER Mishmash Game Thread (5/18) Quote
05-20-2015 , 05:36 PM
well i mean this is a super convenient claim for dice to make at this point if they're trying to save the wolf vig, but vix is more villagery than atm/duck combined so i'm gonna go with killing

the batman
DAVID FINCHER Mishmash Game Thread (5/18) Quote
05-20-2015 , 05:36 PM
Duck fake peeked me wolf d1, and I was framed

It can't be a coincidence. I mean, IT CAN, but that would be unreal.
DAVID FINCHER Mishmash Game Thread (5/18) Quote
05-20-2015 , 05:36 PM
Originally Posted by TehBankertin
of course im ****ing mad IF you're legit this is the SECOND time I've had a fake peek in a game which is utter and complete bull****.

talk about what you do exactly "you check to see if someone peeks as their actual role?" do you get results like "yes? or no?"? Does it mean that vix is always peeked the opposite? could he still be wolf?

I'm also never a wolf nerd in the history of ever do i take this line.
fwiw u did get 2 villagers lock clear with that peek lol
DAVID FINCHER Mishmash Game Thread (5/18) Quote
05-20-2015 , 05:37 PM
DAVID FINCHER Mishmash Game Thread (5/18) Quote
05-20-2015 , 05:37 PM
Originally Posted by TehBankertin
of course im ****ing mad IF you're legit this is the SECOND time I've had a fake peek in a game which is utter and complete bull****.

talk about what you do exactly "you check to see if someone peeks as their actual role?" do you get results like "yes? or no?"? Does it mean that vix is always peeked the opposite? could he still be wolf?

I'm also never a wolf nerd in the history of ever do i take this line.
he could still be a wolf I suppose

would be odd for the wolves to target one of their own like that

I already got a warning from the mod, so im not going into too much detail just to please you and risk being punished.
DAVID FINCHER Mishmash Game Thread (5/18) Quote
05-20-2015 , 05:37 PM
I doubt anyone has an angel but if you do use it on me obv
DAVID FINCHER Mishmash Game Thread (5/18) Quote
05-20-2015 , 05:37 PM
batman is the lynch, duck will be modkilled if he doesnt post, so that's good
DAVID FINCHER Mishmash Game Thread (5/18) Quote
05-20-2015 , 05:38 PM
I already got a warning from the mod,
DAVID FINCHER Mishmash Game Thread (5/18) Quote
05-20-2015 , 05:38 PM
I need protaczion az well zå I kan peek
DAVID FINCHER Mishmash Game Thread (5/18) Quote
05-20-2015 , 05:38 PM
Now I have to stay awake until 8am if I'm alive tomorrow to snipe a wolf lols
DAVID FINCHER Mishmash Game Thread (5/18) Quote
05-20-2015 , 05:38 PM
Originally Posted by thediceman
Why batm/duck? As in the duck part
ducks only posts in this game have been calling vix a lock wolf

read them, there's only 3

which i think means he was setting up a claim with vix being framed
DAVID FINCHER Mishmash Game Thread (5/18) Quote
05-20-2015 , 05:38 PM
Originally Posted by Jar Jar Bakes
I thought so
DAVID FINCHER Mishmash Game Thread (5/18) Quote
05-20-2015 , 05:39 PM
I have no clue what mechanic makes BATM survive my shot

DAVID FINCHER Mishmash Game Thread (5/18) Quote
05-20-2015 , 05:39 PM
Like why didn't it say I missed itt
DAVID FINCHER Mishmash Game Thread (5/18) Quote
05-20-2015 , 05:40 PM
I feel bad for the wolves tbh that was executed really well and I couldn't talk my way out of it
DAVID FINCHER Mishmash Game Thread (5/18) Quote
05-20-2015 , 05:41 PM
Originally Posted by Viggorous
banks why is it such a horrible thing that we arent lynching our dayvig?
i am mad because there is 1 of 2 things happening

either 1) I peeked a wolf and he is now getting bailed out by another wolf which is horrible for town because we essentially let them ride into tomorrow. Vix is not a bad player so this would be really bad for villa and everyone is taking dicemans "I have a role that checks peek its a one shot guess that peek was wrong"
2) I for the 2nd mash in a row have gotten a peek and managed to have a FAKE peek happen in a mash which is rage inducing peeks aren't suppose to be fake they're suppose to be real and pure they're the info that we get from the mod thats true not bull**** wifom "I wonder if this is right" ****. Peeks are like gold you get them and you use them wisely. SO HEL L****ING YEAH IM MAD EITEHR WAY either at town for not seeing through some bull**** or at vagos and mods everywhere for trolling me personally 2 games in a god damn row.
DAVID FINCHER Mishmash Game Thread (5/18) Quote
