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Coronavirus Survival Draft B Coronavirus Survival Draft B

03-25-2020 , 10:29 PM
JM said he's pretty busy, so I'm going to take over modding this thread. But in a very hands off sort of fashion.
It's Filthys "turn", but anyone who hasn't made their 3rd pick yet can go ahead and do so.
Starting tomorrow, anyone who hasn't made their 4th pick can go ahead and do so.
The day after (Friday) anyone can make their 5th pick
Saturday their 6th pick
Sunday their 7th pick

If somehow this gets back on track with people picking at a good speed, we'll immediately stop the 'daily picks' but until then, just feel free to keep going.


Current draft order if anyone cares:
Doctor Zeus
D1iabo1ical (snake)
Coronavirus Survival Draft B Quote
03-25-2020 , 10:44 PM
Has to be my turn by now.

Gimme chocolate.

Coronavirus Survival Draft B Quote
03-25-2020 , 10:48 PM
Fun fact, in a BBC table "table=head" works "table=Head" does not work. Strange
Coronavirus Survival Draft B Quote
03-26-2020 , 05:13 AM
Here's a small selection of what I'd be getting with Samuel L. Jackson

Coronavirus Survival Draft B Quote
03-26-2020 , 08:25 AM
Current 'Draft Order':

Doctor Zeus
D1iabo1ical (snake)

But at this point, anyone can make their 4th pick since no one wants to pick at all.
Coronavirus Survival Draft B Quote
03-26-2020 , 09:16 AM
Very well, my fourth pick will be my quarantine partner. I'm taking Liv Boeree.

[x] Hot English accent
[x] Pouting Lips
[x] Banging body
[x] Intelligent (studied Physics/Astrophysics)
[x] Will win us a boatload of money playing online poker during the quarantine
[x] Sex

Coronavirus Survival Draft B Quote
03-26-2020 , 09:55 AM
Solid pick
Coronavirus Survival Draft B Quote
03-26-2020 , 10:01 AM
ITT poggers overrate the chances that hot women would want to have sex with them even if they were quarantined together.
Coronavirus Survival Draft B Quote
03-26-2020 , 10:12 AM
Originally Posted by DonkDonkDonkDonk
ITT poggers overrate the chances that hot women would want to have sex with them even if they were quarantined together.
Like any hot woman could ever resist this.

Coronavirus Survival Draft B Quote
03-26-2020 , 11:22 AM
Ok my skill I'm going to learn is to be a literal wizard with unlimited magical powers
Coronavirus Survival Draft B Quote
03-26-2020 , 11:36 AM
Originally Posted by Carl_Spackler
Ok my skill I'm going to learn is to be a literal wizard with unlimited magical powers
Changed my mind. Wizarding is still on the board.

I've always wanted to learn to play bridge so let's do that
Coronavirus Survival Draft B Quote
03-26-2020 , 12:31 PM
Originally Posted by iraisetoomuch
Current 'Draft Order':

Doctor Zeus
D1iabo1ical (snake)

But at this point, anyone can make their 4th pick since no one wants to pick at all.

I will take:
3rd pick: George RR Martin books. Game of thrones for the win

Coronavirus Survival Draft B Quote
03-26-2020 , 12:34 PM
Originally Posted by Carl_Spackler
Ok my skill I'm going to learn is to be a literal wizard with unlimited magical powers
Originally Posted by Carl_Spackler
Changed my mind. Wizarding is still on the board.

I've always wanted to learn to play bridge so let's do that
You know if you're a wizard you can cast a spell to learn to play bridge? Coronavirus Survival Draft B
Coronavirus Survival Draft B Quote
03-26-2020 , 01:12 PM
Originally Posted by iraisetoomuch
You know if you're a wizard you can cast a spell to learn to play bridge? Coronavirus Survival Draft B
What would take longer, learning to play bridge, or learning to be a wizard?

Asking for a friend.
Coronavirus Survival Draft B Quote
03-26-2020 , 01:22 PM
Originally Posted by Doctor Zeus
What would take longer, learning to play bridge, or learning to be a wizard?

Asking for a friend.
Hogwarts has a 7 year program. Don't know how long it takes to learn bridge.
Coronavirus Survival Draft B Quote
03-26-2020 , 01:27 PM
yeah I've lost interest now as well, apologies
Coronavirus Survival Draft B Quote
03-26-2020 , 01:39 PM
I'm taking


No way spending my quarantine sober. So with beer wine and whiskey gone, I'm taking gin.

Assuming we all get a reasonable supply of tonic.

Relevent It's Always Sunny

Coronavirus Survival Draft B Quote
03-26-2020 , 05:19 PM
Originally Posted by Doctor Zeus
What would take longer, learning to play bridge, or learning to be a wizard?

Asking for a friend.
Bridge longer, probably. My parents play. I'm normally a quick study on games, but bridge takes a real commitment.
Coronavirus Survival Draft B Quote
03-27-2020 , 12:08 PM
My companion will be The Rock
Coronavirus Survival Draft B Quote
03-27-2020 , 01:18 PM
No idea what's going on here so I'm just making a pick. Also think eleanor snaked my culinary skills pick in the wrong draft even though I have all the cooking appliances for my hobby.

For TV Show, I'm taking ESPN 30 for 30

So much high quality docs. There's about 100 of them out and they are all an hour long, so lots of really good viewing material. (

Coronavirus Survival Draft B Quote
03-27-2020 , 01:28 PM
DrafterSleep TimeFood to hoardSomething to learnBeverageBooksTV showFamous companionMovies
Nicholasp272:30 am to 9:30 amPasta (2)xxStephen King (3)The Office (1)xx
eleanor608 pm to 3 amxCullinary Skills (3)Beer (1)xxxRobin Williams (2)
DonkDonkDonkDonk9 pm to 4 amPizza (1)xGin (4)xIt's Always Sunny In Philadelphia (2)xBrad Pitt (3)
Carl_Spackler1 am to 8 amChicken (3)Playing Bridge (4)Coffee (1)xxxPhillip Seymour Hoffman (2)
bolt21122 am to 9 amxxCola (1)xThe West Wing (3)Liv Boeree (4)Will Ferrell (2)
iraisetoomuch12 am to 7 amRibs (3)xxxThe Simpsons (1)xMichael Caine (2)
Bloobird6 pm to 1 amEggs (1)xChampagne (3)xxxJohn Ratzenberger (2)
xander biscuitsxxDIY Skills (2)xxSNL (3)xSamuel L Jackson (1)
filthyvermin3 am to 11 amxxxxGame Of Thrones (2)Ariana Grande (1)x
BiteMeFish12 am to 7 amxxxxStar Trek: TNG (1)xTom Cruise (2)
eyebooger11 pm to 6 amChocolate (3)xWine (1)xxxAlfred Hitchcock (2)
rickroll2 pm to 9 pmxxxxFuturama (1)xChristopher Lee (2)
Doctor Zeus7 pm to 2 amFish (1)xxGeorge RR Martin (3)xThe Rock (4)Ian McKellan (2)
JMurder31 am to 8 amSteak (2)xxxxxMatt Damon (1)
housenuts11 pm to 6 amxxWhiskey (1)xESPN 30 for 30 (3)Tori Black (4)Harrison Ford (2)
Relevant-Info-Only7 pm to 2 amxxxxxLindsay Lohan (1)Morgan Freeman (2)
D1abol1cal9 am to 4 pmxxxxSeinfeld (1) Robert De Niro (2)

Last edited by housenuts; 03-27-2020 at 01:34 PM.
Coronavirus Survival Draft B Quote
03-27-2020 , 01:33 PM
Originally Posted by DonkDonkDonkDonk
ITT poggers overrate the chances that hot women would want to have sex with them even if they were quarantined together.
This couch in my man-cave
Originally Posted by housenuts
is going to get a lot of action with my #4 pick and companion Tori Black

Most images are NSFW so I'll let you do your own research. Here's a few SFW

Coronavirus Survival Draft B Quote
03-27-2020 , 05:35 PM
It's Friday, so everyone an make their 5th pick. As well as their 4th if they haven't made it yet.

For Something to Learn I'm going to take Woodworking. It's a pretty baller skill in general, I'll have lots of time to hone my craft, and when we're done I'll still be able to use the skill.

Coronavirus Survival Draft B Quote
03-27-2020 , 08:42 PM
For TV show, I'll take The Wire because it's awesome and I've only watched it once. Looking forward to the re-watch.
Coronavirus Survival Draft B Quote
03-27-2020 , 09:28 PM
Originally Posted by bolt2112
Very well, my fourth pick will be my quarantine partner. I'm taking Liv Boeree.

[x] Hot English accent
[x] Pouting Lips
[x] Banging body
[x] Intelligent (studied Physics/Astrophysics)
[x] Will win us a boatload of money playing online poker during the quarantine
[x] Sex

I know absolutely nothing about this woman, but I like her. She has kind eyes and there seems to be a real soul glinting out through them.

I expect sex is probably on the table during the quarantine assuming everyone remains diligent in the hygiene department.
Coronavirus Survival Draft B Quote
