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COLD WAR Mish-Mash Game Thread -- March 16 COLD WAR Mish-Mash Game Thread -- March 16

03-16-2015 , 05:06 PM
Originally Posted by CalledDownLight
you claimed because your peek is dead? this is less reason to claim, not more reason. Explain wtf made you claim.
This sounds about right, that claim is kind of confusing.

Did you leave a peek for ihcjay in the thread /
COLD WAR Mish-Mash Game Thread -- March 16 Quote
03-16-2015 , 05:07 PM
Originally Posted by monstrman
Hardclaim: i am a seer.

I started the game with a n0 and the mechanical information that there is a possibility that up to two godfathers exist in this game.

I chose ihcjay because as is clearly demonstrated in the thread, he can always tell when I'm a pr and if he's a wwolf then great.

Each night subsequent n0 I am allowed to send in a list of players. The minimum or maximum number of names in this list is not specified. I am then told whether or not one of the people in those players is a godfather. I think the most equitable play for this is to pick 3 or 4 so if we do find a gf the PoE becomes very small.

I have been keeping up with this thread every minute of the day watching the clock tick waiting to make this exact post. Most of my reads have not changed ffrom earlier in the game.

I have some tone reads

I think dwetzel is very likely to be a villager and if you don't know why you probably never will.

I think mucks and xkf is v/v because I can sense that mucks is in fact taking that xkf is calling him a wolf personally, and hes still making some what strong reads despite being lower volume than he usually is which iirc he said was happening anyway because irl stuff.

I also think he's a villager because I agree with him somewhat on tn. The way she handled me was just soooooooooooooooooooo hedgy. Soooooooooooooooooooo hedgy.

I still think sleeper is a wolf with puzzles and vmf and I don't care if that sounds tunnel because it felt to me like it caught puzzles off guard when I initially pointed it out and he just got all... odd? I guess is the best word? Probably because he used it ten times when he said I was acting "odd."

the person I am most worried I'm wrong about is still vmf because I just hate to be biased toward a pperson's alignment for the sole reason that they found me to be wolfy and I really don't have anything else that points either direction for vmf.

I think i can make a case for tom to be a villager and a case for tom to be a wolf.

I think tom is falling perfectly into his jovial meta and he definitely appears to be enjoying talking in the thirt person and also he continues to make villagery observations (thought other people have pointed this out).

The thing is he seems to be taking somewhat of a backseat to sleeper which is somewhat jarring, especially since I have a wolf read on sleeper. This is part of my case for tom to be a wolf. I feel like the bolstering between the wolf team seems to center around sleeper, and every time he's in the thread it leaves a wolfy... residue. Like after he's gone you realize that despite the fact his tone was pure, he's said some pretty slimy and disagreeable things.

The most notable of which in my opinion is the way he is handling ashington.

It's just... awful. It's awful. "You're a villager because you're terrible." And you say -I- am making up fake reads?

Not only that but after wolfing with namath in my opinion it seems like his games are night and day different because this seems NOTHING like he was when we were wolfing together. Not even a little bit close, in fact.

Which circles back to my read of sleeper because thought sleeper seems to agree with me on ashington's alignment the way he went about handling this read is probably [u] equally if not more wolfy and fake than anything I've posted this game[/i]

COLD WAR Mish-Mash Game Thread -- March 16 Quote
03-16-2015 , 05:07 PM
Read the monstr claim, I like 80% believe him. the [u] followed by [/i] is either proof he's a villager and it all came out stream of conciousness and wasn't proofread, or he's trying to 3rd level with a small detail and hoping someone picks up on it like I just did.

He'll just get roleblocked tonight by any competent wolf team, but maybe we can watch him if we have a watcher so leaving him alive for now and blasting him in ITAs d3 if he's alive still seems to be the +ev move.

COLD WAR Mish-Mash Game Thread -- March 16 Quote
03-16-2015 , 05:07 PM
I left a peek for ihcjay in the thread

Hoya; your opinion to me means literally less than nothing at this point. I've come to accept that if you're a villager you're just being pretentious and obtuse and if yyou're a wolf that explains why you're being pretentious and obtuse.
COLD WAR Mish-Mash Game Thread -- March 16 Quote
03-16-2015 , 05:07 PM
Originally Posted by Xkf
you really are a wolf, huh?
COLD WAR Mish-Mash Game Thread -- March 16 Quote
03-16-2015 , 05:08 PM
Originally Posted by monstrman
I don't care if lynching hoya today is bad because he's asserted that I'm a wolf all game long and i don't recall him ever being this hilariously wrongly bad about my alignment in my life.

I'm open to discussion, sleeper, but I am a villager.
I thought I ALWAYS TUNNEL YOU and NEVER CATCH YOU and am just PUSHING BUTTONS about your role all the time, now I'm WRONG and that makes me a wolf

like I mean I understand that you're already outed and this is your survive one day gambit, but jesus christ dude
COLD WAR Mish-Mash Game Thread -- March 16 Quote
03-16-2015 , 05:08 PM
I have no clue why he claimed but my role is similarly not very believable...even wolfy
COLD WAR Mish-Mash Game Thread -- March 16 Quote
03-16-2015 , 05:08 PM
Let me draw a nk who cares my role is so low equity

Go right ahead wolf team. I dare you.
COLD WAR Mish-Mash Game Thread -- March 16 Quote
03-16-2015 , 05:08 PM
Originally Posted by Effen
Read the monstr claim, I like 80% believe him. the [u] followed by [/i] is either proof he's a villager and it all came out stream of conciousness and wasn't proofread, or he's trying to 3rd level with a small detail and hoping someone picks up on it like I just did.

He'll just get roleblocked tonight by any competent wolf team, but maybe we can watch him if we have a watcher so leaving him alive for now and blasting him in ITAs d3 if he's alive still seems to be the +ev move.

I'm also not sure I believe it entirely but I think I believe you when you say it's probably +EV
COLD WAR Mish-Mash Game Thread -- March 16 Quote
03-16-2015 , 05:09 PM
this is such trash
COLD WAR Mish-Mash Game Thread -- March 16 Quote
03-16-2015 , 05:09 PM
I was about ready to rescind my wolf read of hoya at :00 because he's never actually demonstrated an ability to read me properly (and i'm acknowledging i am a new player and we have limited experience together) despite him having what should be some pretty obvious wolf/villager tells on me based on our vanillas together

So confused now with monstr's post
COLD WAR Mish-Mash Game Thread -- March 16 Quote
03-16-2015 , 05:09 PM
Originally Posted by monstrman
I left a peek for ihcjay in the thread

Hoya; your opinion to me means literally less than nothing at this point. I've come to accept that if you're a villager you're just being pretentious and obtuse and if yyou're a wolf that explains why you're being pretentious and obtuse.
where is the peek?

Originally Posted by monstrman
Let me draw a nk who cares my role is so low equity

Go right ahead wolf team. I dare you.
how is a seer who also gets to be a godfather hunter low equity?
COLD WAR Mish-Mash Game Thread -- March 16 Quote
03-16-2015 , 05:09 PM
Originally Posted by Namath12
Beat: It's LBJ so half the village dies in Vietnam
i am back and will be around till eod.

this post made me lol irl.

villa leans for making me lol.

monstr im confused why you would claim if your only peek is dead?
seems bad.
COLD WAR Mish-Mash Game Thread -- March 16 Quote
03-16-2015 , 05:09 PM
Gamer I appreciate your interest in my posts, they will come soon.

I hope you step your game up beyond providing commentary and being the I want to see these people post more patrol.
COLD WAR Mish-Mash Game Thread -- March 16 Quote
03-16-2015 , 05:10 PM
the seer claim in that post is the only wolfy part
COLD WAR Mish-Mash Game Thread -- March 16 Quote
03-16-2015 , 05:10 PM
monstr since you hard claimed seer d1

please continue using your 2000 word single posts instead of spreading them out

easier to scroll through that way
COLD WAR Mish-Mash Game Thread -- March 16 Quote
03-16-2015 , 05:11 PM
"hey guys I'm a seer with no peek and, on a related note, also no votes, and I already claimed to be a godfather seer while I was tilting last night, so I claimed FULL SEER in addition because I don't have a peek, seemed optimal to me what else is this role good for amirite ¯\_(ツ)_/¯"
COLD WAR Mish-Mash Game Thread -- March 16 Quote
03-16-2015 , 05:11 PM
Originally Posted by Sleeper Service
I thought I ALWAYS TUNNEL YOU and NEVER CATCH YOU and am just PUSHING BUTTONS about your role all the time, now I'm WRONG and that makes me a wolf

like I mean I understand that you're already outed and this is your survive one day gambit, but jesus christ dude
This is not my d1 gambit to survive and I have a feeling you've just been sticking your foot in your mouth all game.

I don't really take kindly to just being casually called all these terrible names for literally no reason. I literally DO NOT CARES at this point.

You can take your opinion of your play, your disrespectful attitude toward myself and my game and you can literally just shove it.

I mean way up there. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaay up there. I mean ALL THE WAY up there.
COLD WAR Mish-Mash Game Thread -- March 16 Quote
03-16-2015 , 05:11 PM
some reads i don't think i've mentioned in the thread:

namath is quite likely to be a villa for many reasons and i've seen small TOAN things from jjb that make me lean villa

i don't understand the suq wagon at all. his first couple posts pinged me as slightly wolfy, but since then he has been a lot more engaged than i've seen him be as a wolf

i got kruze as wolfy. the post he made wrt batm was ridiculous and way too try-hard for him. and just nothing villagery at all since then

i was waiting to jump on the gad train, but i haven't seen a single villagery post from him either.

gamer/xnerd/shinobi prolly villa too
COLD WAR Mish-Mash Game Thread -- March 16 Quote
03-16-2015 , 05:11 PM
Originally Posted by monstrman
Let me draw a nk who cares my role is so low equity

Go right ahead wolf team. I dare you.
YOu're a seer, so they'll deal with you.

Tonight probably RB and maaybe NK, we can have someone watch you (should that exist).

You'll then say you were roleblocked tomorrow, which, whatever.

But you can't be roleblocked twice in a row (usually), so they'll have to NK you n2, and if you're alive for whatever reason, you can tell us which group of 4 does/doesnt have the godfather, and what your peek was, and then we can blow your head off.

Cool beans?
COLD WAR Mish-Mash Game Thread -- March 16 Quote
03-16-2015 , 05:11 PM
i think monstr is >>>rand villa and i think Hoya is >rand villa
COLD WAR Mish-Mash Game Thread -- March 16 Quote
03-16-2015 , 05:11 PM
monstr would you argue that as a seer you would play more carefully and therefore it's expected that people may pick up on that and be suspicious of you because of it ?
COLD WAR Mish-Mash Game Thread -- March 16 Quote
03-16-2015 , 05:12 PM
also lol at monstr arguing that my read of ashington thin villager is "AWFUL" and "TERRIBLE" while at the same time saying that ashington is nothing like he was last time monstr wolfed with him

like come on
COLD WAR Mish-Mash Game Thread -- March 16 Quote
03-16-2015 , 05:12 PM
Originally Posted by Sleeper Service
"hey guys I'm a seer with no peek and, on a related note, also no votes, and I already claimed to be a godfather seer while I was tilting last night, so I claimed FULL SEER in addition because I don't have a peek, seemed optimal to me what else is this role good for amirite ¯\_(ツ)_/¯"
I have no idea what you're talking about because 1) I claimed a peek of jay all day I never claimed full seer

Lol you
COLD WAR Mish-Mash Game Thread -- March 16 Quote
03-16-2015 , 05:13 PM
Originally Posted by Sleeper Service
"hey guys I'm a seer with no peek and, on a related note, also no votes, and I already claimed to be a godfather seer while I was tilting last night, so I claimed FULL SEER in addition because I don't have a peek, seemed optimal to me what else is this role good for amirite ¯\_(ツ)_/¯"
yup it's crazy

not wolfy though
COLD WAR Mish-Mash Game Thread -- March 16 Quote
