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Codebaby Slow Turbo: A Vanilla 13er 12 Years in the Making Codebaby Slow Turbo: A Vanilla 13er 12 Years in the Making

08-17-2020 , 12:07 PM
Originally Posted by dmk
note: i haven't actually verified this

but one of the things luckbox said supporting the abcdefg lynch originally was that he left the thread and had no seer claim/cover, so it was a "safe" lynch. so apparently he hadn't left any hints up until that point

that's all i'm going to say about the matter though, because we should not be seer-hunting
I thought LB's point was when he was asked if he was the seer, EADGBE declined to say he was, but yeah, I have no clue.

& agree that seer hunting is bad. I think it might be a post coming from a wolf trying to act villagery, but not getting the perspective right.
Codebaby Slow Turbo: A Vanilla 13er 12 Years in the Making Quote
08-17-2020 , 12:07 PM
I read CQs early posts yesterday and UD/JM villa seems the obvious SHC, which is good because JM was villagery anyways.
Codebaby Slow Turbo: A Vanilla 13er 12 Years in the Making Quote
08-17-2020 , 12:07 PM
Codebaby Slow Turbo: A Vanilla 13er 12 Years in the Making Quote
08-17-2020 , 12:10 PM
Originally Posted by HerbieGRD
I read CQs early posts yesterday and UD/JM villa seems the obvious SHC, which is good because JM was villagery anyways.
Would be more fun if they shc'd someone more nebulous like an aaron, but oh well.
Codebaby Slow Turbo: A Vanilla 13er 12 Years in the Making Quote
08-17-2020 , 12:11 PM
the NK doesn't help me at all. going into night, my top 3 villas were cq, cc, and ud/jm

i probably slot herbie into the top 3 now that cq is dead

i'm going to do a full re-read throughout the day, but sun is worrisome as well. low posters need to post more
Codebaby Slow Turbo: A Vanilla 13er 12 Years in the Making Quote
08-17-2020 , 12:12 PM
Originally Posted by JMurder3
I thought LB's point was when he was asked if he was the seer, EADGBE declined to say he was, but yeah, I have no clue.

& agree that seer hunting is bad. I think it might be a post coming from a wolf trying to act villagery, but not getting the perspective right.
i'm more referring to speculating on abcdefg's "peek" post that you referenced re: seer-hunting in thread
Codebaby Slow Turbo: A Vanilla 13er 12 Years in the Making Quote
08-17-2020 , 12:13 PM
Originally Posted by JMurder3
& agree that seer hunting is bad. I think it might be a post coming from a wolf trying to act villagery, but not getting the perspective right.
I’m a little annoyed this morning, because I think I was looking very hard for a reason to switch to WN yesterday since he was basically just MIA and as such I may very well have given an overly lenient interpretation to EADGBE’s posts late in the day

However, on this one particular point, I feel this casts very light on EADBGE’s role - I can see how a villager, a wolf, or the seer would make that post, although I think it would be relatively ill-advised in any of those roles
Codebaby Slow Turbo: A Vanilla 13er 12 Years in the Making Quote
08-17-2020 , 12:14 PM
Originally Posted by dmk
the NK doesn't help me at all. going into night, my top 3 villas were cq, cc, and ud/jm

i probably slot herbie into the top 3 now that cq is dead

i'm going to do a full re-read throughout the day, but sun is worrisome as well. low posters need to post more
i want to include irtm in the villa list as well just because he was jiving w/ my reads eod, but tone-wise, i'm not completely convinced. but it doesn't really matter, there are better options today anyway
Codebaby Slow Turbo: A Vanilla 13er 12 Years in the Making Quote
08-17-2020 , 12:15 PM
Originally Posted by dmk
i'm more referring to speculating on abcdefg's "peek" post that you referenced re: seer-hunting in thread
Yeah, I mean if he's a villager he obviously thought it was important to leave his peek/fake peek on the thread for everyone's consumption & obviously properly merged his range between seer & not seer in a way that wolves can spend all day contemplating to the detriment of actually posting in the thread.

Or he's just a wolf.
Codebaby Slow Turbo: A Vanilla 13er 12 Years in the Making Quote
08-17-2020 , 12:15 PM
Originally Posted by JMurder3
Would be more fun if they shc'd someone more nebulous like an aaron, but oh well.
In a way yes, but in another way having you SHC will be helpful since you will probably provide a good deal of insight and analysis that we can mostly assume is genuine, which is valuable
Codebaby Slow Turbo: A Vanilla 13er 12 Years in the Making Quote
08-17-2020 , 12:16 PM
so herbie, our problem right now is that we seem to think we're both villagers, but have wildly different reads

how are we going to reconcile this? if you re-read overnight, do you have any new thoughts re: lb/zurv, or in general
Codebaby Slow Turbo: A Vanilla 13er 12 Years in the Making Quote
08-17-2020 , 12:20 PM
just to consolidate my reads right now, because they're kind of scattered

villa: ud/jm, cc, herbie, irtm
wolf: luckbox, zurvan
neutral: aaron, wahoo, sun, eadgbe
Codebaby Slow Turbo: A Vanilla 13er 12 Years in the Making Quote
08-17-2020 , 12:21 PM
Originally Posted by JMurder3
Yeah, I mean if he's a villager he obviously thought it was important to leave his peek/fake peek on the thread for everyone's consumption & obviously properly merged his range between seer & not seer in a way that wolves can spend all day contemplating to the detriment of actually posting in the thread.

Or he's just a wolf.
But I guess pushing him for it doesn't make any sense because I don't want him to have to answer questions about it.

So he should just show up & be villagery af, but he already said he won't be around much today...smh.
Codebaby Slow Turbo: A Vanilla 13er 12 Years in the Making Quote
08-17-2020 , 12:21 PM
Originally Posted by dmk
so herbie, our problem right now is that we seem to think we're both villagers, but have wildly different reads

how are we going to reconcile this? if you re-read overnight, do you have any new thoughts re: lb/zurv, or in general
I didn’t reread last night, I wanted to see who died this morning first.

I did think on it though, and I agree with you on at least some things right off the bat.

JM and CC as the two clearest villagers right now, I agree

IRTM not an immediate candidate for voting - also agree

I never clear Luckbox for more than a day or a moment at a time, so while I wasn’t going to vote him yesterday after seeing results from last night he’s definitely back on the table for today

Zurvan I will go back and reread thoroughly for content today, because I was mostly looking for tone yesterday and I’m open to the idea that I was led astray by that
Codebaby Slow Turbo: A Vanilla 13er 12 Years in the Making Quote
08-17-2020 , 12:22 PM
Originally Posted by dmk
just to consolidate my reads right now, because they're kind of scattered

villa: ud/jm, cc, herbie, irtm
wolf: luckbox, zurvan
neutral: aaron, wahoo, sun, eadgbe
I was actually just thinking that all 3 wolves might be in that block of neutrals, but I don't strongly wolf read any of them.
Codebaby Slow Turbo: A Vanilla 13er 12 Years in the Making Quote
08-17-2020 , 12:23 PM
dmk, convince me that your read of me isn't based on me saying "another wolf" in a place where you missed the context of it. Like, anything at all.
Codebaby Slow Turbo: A Vanilla 13er 12 Years in the Making Quote
08-17-2020 , 12:24 PM
I had been planning to come in and vote Sun right away today if he was still alive btw, and I still might go that way, wolves killing CQ kinda threw me off, I was hoping they would resolve someone a bit more controversial
Codebaby Slow Turbo: A Vanilla 13er 12 Years in the Making Quote
08-17-2020 , 12:26 PM
Originally Posted by HerbieGRD
I didn’t reread last night, I wanted to see who died this morning first.

I did think on it though, and I agree with you on at least some things right off the bat.

JM and CC as the two clearest villagers right now, I agree

IRTM not an immediate candidate for voting - also agree

I never clear Luckbox for more than a day or a moment at a time, so while I wasn’t going to vote him yesterday after seeing results from last night he’s definitely back on the table for today

Zurvan I will go back and reread thoroughly for content today, because I was mostly looking for tone yesterday and I’m open to the idea that I was led astray by that
ok, thats promising at least. i need to do a thorough reread as well w/out just iso'ing individual people

Originally Posted by JMurder3
I was actually just thinking that all 3 wolves might be in that block of neutrals, but I don't strongly wolf read any of them.
yeah, its possible. maybe. if i had to assign leans on the 4 of them, i'd go villager on wahoo/aaron and wolfy on sun/eadgbe, but i couldn't really give a good reason why. wahoo would be the strongest lean of the 4
Codebaby Slow Turbo: A Vanilla 13er 12 Years in the Making Quote
08-17-2020 , 12:27 PM
The way Sun defended EADGBE yesterday was WEIRD, and it really doesn’t matter whether EADGBE is a villager or a wolf.
Codebaby Slow Turbo: A Vanilla 13er 12 Years in the Making Quote
08-17-2020 , 12:28 PM
Originally Posted by dmk
ok, thats promising at least. i need to do a thorough reread as well w/out just iso'ing individual people

yeah, its possible. maybe. if i had to assign leans on the 4 of them, i'd go villager on wahoo/aaron and wolfy on sun/eadgbe, but i couldn't really give a good reason why. wahoo would be the strongest lean of the 4
There's something in my head that mildly resonates as w/w between Sun & Wahoo, but I need to actually go back & read when I get a chance. For now, work.
Codebaby Slow Turbo: A Vanilla 13er 12 Years in the Making Quote
08-17-2020 , 12:29 PM
Yeah I will be doing my reread later as well - work day and first day of virtual school here, so I’m just posting a bit on lunch break
Codebaby Slow Turbo: A Vanilla 13er 12 Years in the Making Quote
08-17-2020 , 12:30 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
well named

Going to maj him for fun.
Originally Posted by iraisetoomuch
Odds that this ends well dropping rapidly.
Originally Posted by wahoopride
Would be pretty stunning if wn was a wolf after this EoD
Originally Posted by carolinacoder
I've been thinking about this string of posts since last night. Not Dustin's, but including it for context.

But the three that come right after it (presumably without realizing it was night?) stand out. 3 people coming out of the woodwork to comment on the person being voted out is weird. None of them voted for him, so at least they're consistent.

I went back to see how active they all were prior to this. CC & wahoo were posting up to EOD. IRTM's last post that I saw was this one 10 minutes earlier

Originally Posted by iraisetoomuch
wn wagon sort of makes sense since he made 3 posts in 20 game hours, but it's still meh
tl;dr: I think this makes it more likely IRTM is a wolf
Codebaby Slow Turbo: A Vanilla 13er 12 Years in the Making Quote
08-17-2020 , 12:31 PM
I’ll say again I really would have voted Sun off yesterday if I could have waved a magic wand and made it happen
Codebaby Slow Turbo: A Vanilla 13er 12 Years in the Making Quote
08-17-2020 , 12:34 PM
Poor CQ needed this distraction - shame on you wolves
Codebaby Slow Turbo: A Vanilla 13er 12 Years in the Making Quote
08-17-2020 , 12:37 PM
I mean the wn wagon was fairly shameful. I was told 13ers were the cadillac of ww then we basically just didn't play EoD1.
Codebaby Slow Turbo: A Vanilla 13er 12 Years in the Making Quote
