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04-07-2010 , 01:40 PM
ok, i solve the game

there are ~13 wolves and we're probably at must-lynch
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04-07-2010 , 01:40 PM
tom martell

I could add other people who are just kind of neutral at this point too, like tel, riverfenix, or youzmain

I think I've cleared relatively few people so far this game actually
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04-07-2010 , 01:40 PM

Sun Tzu

These are kinda in order:

chrisrjdk - Strongest villager lean, posting very similar to how he does as a villager and he hasn't wolfed in a while so I imagine he'd be more obviously different than this (Not insulting your wolf game, honest ) Only thing that's kinda meh is him voting for Boo at EOD last night with this post, after this vote count, so if Scuzzle is a wolf I'm more suspicious of chris

metsy - Him spazzing out is pretty villagery, but not something that's outside his wolf range, but his persistance at the Scuzzle/Sun this earlier today is pretty villagery (frustrating when someone doesn't understand your perfectly legitimate point isn't it?), and I kinda like his read on J.D iirc.

UAW - didn't mention him yesterday much but after rereading he's playing pretty much opposite to how he played last week when I wolfed with him, so I'm fairly happy giving him a villager lean. I remember his posts in the previous game were slightly more formal and serious whereas in this game he's posted, and he's been giving good evidence for his reads/moving through the thread and commenting which I don't recall him doing before. (like here, here and here

xxsoooooted - lol @ me for giving a villager read because they agree with me, but yeah. **** that I'm doing it.

Youmzain - I got a feeling that this guy is a villager (call it a "tone read" since that's what all the cool kids do), and a pretty good one at that. So yay, please don't lynch him kthxbai.

RiverFenix - still strikes me as a villager, his 5 posts itt have been pretty villagery (including this one), but I'm kinda worried I'm blinded by the fact he defended me so hopefully he posts more today and I can clear him more happily.

well named - when I was rereading the stuff that happened earlier, I was thinking "+1" to a surprising number of wellnameds posts, so he gets blue status for now.

Luckbox Inc - weak leans itt. Pretty much made a few posts I've thought have been villagery but not much else.

kwami42 - is more wolfy than villagery, but is busy, so hopefully when is more free he can come post and I can move him out the orange zone. Though I agree with whoever it was (can't remember) who said that his posts itt haven't been standard kwami (this and this)

J.D - reading more villager than wolf atm, but not quite enough for him to be blue. Him not voting boo at EOD yesterday (and saying it's because he's the claimed seer) is pretty villagery when it was definitely concievable for a wolf to get away with voting him, plus he asked some vilalgery qquestions throughout the day about peoples reads.

coordi - haven't noticed him, could be a wolf, idk, I think he usually plays this way though.

aao - meh, idk what to think, don't think he's posted today but didn't think he was wolfy yesterday so yeah.The speed at which his wagon was saved is minorly concerning though

wahooooopride - this post firstly confuses the hell out of me so idk what to think about it at all, plus fluffaments early on and still fluffing today is wolllfy.

Jonnyd - The whole posting lots of fluff at the beginning of the game and then not pposting much after that is pretty wolfy imo, especially since when he arrived back in the thread later in the day there was stuff to comment on. Plus he votes Boo.

Scuzzlebutt - Is still a wolf imho, plus, although I hate lynching to resolve, it would help to know his role sooner rather than later, and we can't currently let him live for too much longer. I know I was the one pushing it yesterday but the fact that his wagon took off so deftly yesterday after the boo/aao claim is kinda weirding me out slightly and with 24 hr chat could very well be wolf lead, so when he posts today I hope to get a better read.

Tom Martell - seems to be making long posts that don't really say a lot and/or agrees with the thread consensus. this was also pretty wolfy imo since he's giving an excuse for why his reads won't be good. And this followed by this looks bad since he's freely admitting he' voting a villager, and it looks even worse if Scuzzle = wolf.

ElliotR - his posts today have just been lol, it's hard to think he could post them as a villager. Won't fight his lynch.

Telcontar - And now folks, some awful reasoning. I thought he looked pretty bad at EOD yesterday (I can't remember what exactly, but it made me post this and I don't do that randomly, so I trust myself that I was actually not insane last night. AND (really terrible reason number two), Telcontar mentioned in a previous game that he was trying to tone down his smiley usage but this game has used loads of them, which to me indicated that he's not a villager because he tends to be associated with them as a villager so he'd do it as a wolf? Crazy? Almost certainly. But I'm putting it here anyway.

soah and dmk - I genuinely have no idea re: these two what to think, but off the top of my head I'd say dmk is ever so slightly more likely wolf.

And now dinner
Clue- *The WW GAME THREAD* Quote
04-07-2010 , 01:41 PM
Originally Posted by metsandfinsfan
At the beginning of the day, i 100% wanted to vote scuzzle so we cant then ascertain sun's role. sun's refusal to entertain the thought is what caused the mets/sun inthread quarrel.

but let me walk you through it again

or let me ask you

as a villager, do you fake seer 2 minutes before night to save someone because you have a slight village toneread on them? do you save this person when it will result in someone who has claimed seer to get lynched?

i already heard sun's explanation for it

im asking if you would do it

im also asking you how you think me saying all day that we should resolve scuttle now and not later means that im a wolf with scuttle
I disagree that scuzzle's role sheds any light whatsoever on sun. And I'm focused more on your suggesting that the reason the woofs didn't kill sun was because his "peek" was wrong.
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04-07-2010 , 01:42 PM
Originally Posted by soah
wasn't I responding to your posts like an hour after you made them?

now that I'm caught up, I'm gonna go eat, then when I come back I guess I can spend an hour catching up again
you couldn't give a quick list of wolves once you were caught up?
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04-07-2010 , 01:42 PM
wahoo's name isn't meant to be at the top, I forgot to take it off (I deleted when I had read them)
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04-07-2010 , 01:42 PM
This is only at end of page 11 but it seems to be dominating the conversation and perhaps I'm missing something.

Originally Posted by metsandfinsfan
wahoo and sun tell me how accurate this all is

im the serial killer
i decided to kill the n00b to make myself semiclear because then the wolves will kill me which is just so awesome
sun is the seer
scuzzlebutt is vanilla
the wolves knew all this, but decided to kill wineveryrace anyway

is this all correct?
Seers get n0 rand between villas. KC posts a peek of mets = villa, WER doesnt leave peek. KC and WER are NKed. SK would never hit someone that implicates himself as villa for two reasons, he wont be in the list of villas on rand n0 (and cant think a peek of him villa is from a seer on D1) and hed become a NK target for the wolves later on. However, wolves will always seer hunt. Therefor wolves seer hunted KC and mets is cleared villa and WER was killed for some other reason.

is this all correct?
Clue- *The WW GAME THREAD* Quote
04-07-2010 , 01:42 PM
soah and dmk - I genuinely have no idea re: these two what to think, but off the top of my head I'd say dmk is ever so slightly more likely wolf.
what is it that makes me slightly more wolfy than soah right now?
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04-07-2010 , 01:44 PM
Originally Posted by ElliotR
I disagree that scuzzle's role sheds any light whatsoever on sun. And I'm focused more on your suggesting that the reason the woofs didn't kill sun was because his "peek" was wrong.
if his peek is right, he's not a candidate to be killed?
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04-07-2010 , 01:44 PM
Originally Posted by well named
hmm. You might be making the same mistake about mets that apparently I was.
plz explain because mets' posts aren't convincing me.
Clue- *The WW GAME THREAD* Quote
04-07-2010 , 01:45 PM
Originally Posted by RiverFenix
This is only at end of page 11 but it seems to be dominating the conversation and perhaps I'm missing something.

Seers get n0 rand between villas. KC posts a peek of mets = villa, WER doesnt leave peek. KC and WER are NKed. SK would never hit someone that implicates himself as villa for two reasons, he wont be in the list of villas on rand n0 (and cant think a peek of him villa is from a seer on D1) and hed become a NK target for the wolves later on. However, wolves will always seer hunt. Therefor wolves seer hunted KC and mets is cleared villa and WER was killed for some other reason.

is this all correct?
yes, but it's apparantly too irrational to believe
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04-07-2010 , 01:46 PM
Scuzz>elliot and I'm almost always right about elliot

Btw phone posting/reading blows. Mets is a ****** for doing this constantly
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04-07-2010 , 01:46 PM
Originally Posted by TimeLady
Tom Martell - seems to be making long posts that don't really say a lot and/or agrees with the thread consensus. this was also pretty wolfy imo since he's giving an excuse for why his reads won't be good. And this followed by this looks bad since he's freely admitting he' voting a villager, and it looks even worse if Scuzzle = wolf.
Will just observe that you think me agreeing with you to vote someone out for self-voting is somehow me voting someone out who i think is a villager.

I thought boo was being wolfy, and on the off-chance that was wrong, he was a self-voting villager fake claming seer so was not good for the village.

Please characterize properly.
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04-07-2010 , 01:46 PM
Originally Posted by dmk
you couldn't give a quick list of wolves once you were caught up?
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04-07-2010 , 01:47 PM
I dont know river's role either, but he;s the 3rd person to use normal logic in this thread all game, so im not voting him for a while (me and dmk are the other 2)
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04-07-2010 , 01:47 PM
Originally Posted by soah
being SK is hard
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04-07-2010 , 01:48 PM
im catching up a bit

my take on mets is that he is a villager astray, and if he plays like this as a wolf im never going to catch him, and i dont have the patience to read him (understand him)

suns claim was an obvious reaction to boo radly spewing.

Originally Posted by ElliotR
Scuzzle is >> rand to be a wolf because Sun is alive, and I know that I as a woof faced with possible peeks from some unknown and sun would be tempted to kill sun if for no other reason that to get a strong strong player out of the way. That having been said, when I've seen Sun play seer he has never left an obvious peek like that so if anything that would make me think that it was UNLIKELY that Sun was really seer regardless of Scuzzle's role. So Sun surviving is only slight wolf points for scuzzle.

Now, if I am capable of the above thought process, then surely mets is. But what he has posted today is instead all based on the assumption that (a) woofs would take sun's "peek" at face value and (b) scuzzle is a woof. To me getting to that frame of mind only happens if you are a woof and KNOW that scuzzle is also a woof.


this jumped out to me as a wolf trying to go for jackpot if mets is a villager.

id like to see a eliot r wagon opposed to me, or mabye one of the utr guys that show up to fuel under my fire tom and kwami

Originally Posted by Tom Martell
Need to review the Boo wagoning situation more closely. I want to see what set off his incoherent raging and self-voting. I was drawn in by the self-voting more than anything, but whoever set that off could be wolfy. If I had to lynch someone this moment it would be Scuzzle but I don't have a strong personal read there, just following through on yesterday.

in terms of who I would save, for today it would be Sun I think. I have a very polarized range for him and want another day or two to resolve it.
Originally Posted by Tom Martell
dmk, can you explain the rationale for sun tzu? I am rereading the origins of the boo wagon now. I know sun was instrumental in keeping it on target, so looking at it closely. was it more than just that?

Originally Posted by Tom Martell
If scuzzle is wolf (especially power wolf) then I think we immediately lynch Sun for trying so hard to save him, right? Did anyone else tryhard on scuzzle?
Originally Posted by kwami42
Haven't reread yet, but I see there's been discussion about why Scuzzlebutt was a wagon. I voted him early on because he just kept sponging off people and jumping on random wagons others had started. Then I left for the rest of the day so I didn't get a chance to see if he decided to change that style at all.
if you actually where reading my posts you would remember that i plainly stated that i had no intention of changing that style:
Originally Posted by Scuzzlebutt
im gonna keep jumping all day
i'd rather see kwami than tom, since he was the one that jumped on me and basicly started my wagon yesterday after timelady had been voting me.

sun and wn strikes me as villagers
Clue- *The WW GAME THREAD* Quote
04-07-2010 , 01:49 PM
hey mets, seeing as how you have 1/6 of the posts in the thread, can you just stop posting for a while. You can perhaps instead spend your time reading through all of this noise you've helped generate to get some reads and stuff so that you don't need to make another 400 posts today telling us we need to lynch for information, since apparently we don't yet have any in this mess already. I'm serious btw.
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04-07-2010 , 01:49 PM
hi scuzzle
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04-07-2010 , 01:50 PM
Originally Posted by soah
hey mets, seeing as how you have 1/6 of the posts in the thread, can you just stop posting for a while. You can perhaps instead spend your time reading through all of this noise you've helped generate to get some reads and stuff so that you don't need to make another 400 posts today telling us we need to lynch for information, since apparently we don't yet have any in this mess already. I'm serious btw.
ive read through it all. and i dont think i was the cause of it.

and scuzzle just got here, so id like to interact with him a bit

ive already said you can put me on ignore if you want soah. i wont be insulted
Clue- *The WW GAME THREAD* Quote
04-07-2010 , 01:52 PM
If we had happened on a wagon on a wolf day 1, would the other wolves really tryhard to defend him? Isn't that too risky / likely to lead us back to them? Maybe 1 goes out on a rescue op and the rest brick their votes? Perhaps we should be investigating those who didn't vote with either major wagon more closely.
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04-07-2010 , 01:53 PM

why are you giving wolf points for voting boo?
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04-07-2010 , 01:54 PM
It is kinda annoying to read a days worth of posts from one person

Especially when the posts generally consist of repeating rants and ramblings and insults
Clue- *The WW GAME THREAD* Quote
04-07-2010 , 01:54 PM
Originally Posted by metsandfinsfan
ive read through it all. and i dont think i was the cause of it.

and scuzzle just got here, so id like to interact with him a bit

ive already said you can put me on ignore if you want soah. i wont be insulted
hi mets you are the cause of it, that said, ask me questions easy ones please
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04-07-2010 , 01:54 PM

goodbye everybody

have fun
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