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Classic Werewolf AverageSpeed [10th Nov] - GAME THREAD Classic Werewolf AverageSpeed [10th Nov] - GAME THREAD

11-12-2008 , 07:02 PM
I'm switching off XXsooted and onto Sun
Classic Werewolf AverageSpeed [10th Nov] - GAME THREAD Quote
11-12-2008 , 07:02 PM
I gotta run for a bit be back in like an hour
Classic Werewolf AverageSpeed [10th Nov] - GAME THREAD Quote
11-12-2008 , 07:03 PM
Originally Posted by XXsooted
Wouldn't it be better to just let the 50ish% chance I have of dying happen and not say anything about Sun who had very little heat to that point?
The reason you do it isn't because you think a wagon on Sun is actually going to happen, it's because when you die as a wolf it makes Sun look better. The problem wolves tend to have when they make cases against other wolves is that they know they are right and it tends to make the case stronger than the cases they make against villagers.
Classic Werewolf AverageSpeed [10th Nov] - GAME THREAD Quote
11-12-2008 , 07:07 PM
Originally Posted by HerbieGRD
Good, so instead of addressing any of the points I made you decide to insult me instead. Fantastic decision
You are calling me a wolf because my posts in this game are less useful than my posts in the last game.

This is terrible reasoning. For one thing, I was a special last game. For another thing, there were easy, clear-cut things to say from the get-go last game. This game started out with a lot of nonsense.

My posts this game are probably more typical than last game anyway. It makes no sense to just compare two games, especially when I was a special last game.

Do you have a legitimate reason to vote me or not?
Classic Werewolf AverageSpeed [10th Nov] - GAME THREAD Quote
11-12-2008 , 07:07 PM
Also to anyone saying I "haven't found wolves" I would submit that manupod is still very likely to be a wolf and Sun has basically outed himself this afternoon. I still have hope that when the roles are revealed I'll have performed pretty well when it comes to finding wolves
Classic Werewolf AverageSpeed [10th Nov] - GAME THREAD Quote
11-12-2008 , 07:09 PM
Originally Posted by HerbieGRD
Also to anyone saying I "haven't found wolves" I would submit that manupod is still very likely to be a wolf and Sun has basically outed himself this afternoon. I still have hope that when the roles are revealed I'll have performed pretty well when it comes to finding wolves
For your sake, I hope you're a wolf. If you're a villager I am going to make fun of you forever.
Classic Werewolf AverageSpeed [10th Nov] - GAME THREAD Quote
11-12-2008 , 07:12 PM
Originally Posted by Sun Tzu
You are calling me a wolf because my posts in this game are less useful than my posts in the last game.

This is terrible reasoning. For one thing, I was a special last game. For another thing, there were easy, clear-cut things to say from the get-go last game. This game started out with a lot of nonsense.

My posts this game are probably more typical than last game anyway. It makes no sense to just compare two games, especially when I was a special last game.

Do you have a legitimate reason to vote me or not?
There is just so much wrong with this post. YOU DIDN'T KNOW you were a special last game during the part that I read - I explicitly cut off my reread at the point where you came into your powers because I realized that might make you play differently. Also I crossposted with XX saying that he noticed THE EXACT SAME THING from you in DD2. Yet your defense isn't that were wrong, it's that we're "bad villagers", "wolves", or "******s".

Did I miss anything?
Classic Werewolf AverageSpeed [10th Nov] - GAME THREAD Quote
11-12-2008 , 07:14 PM
Herbie, do you have any other reads? Are you going to contribute something useful at all this game?

Everyone should read the game where clowntable pulled this kind of **** and got a wolf sweep doing it.

That **** is not going to happen again.

Villagers, wake up and vote Herbie.
Classic Werewolf AverageSpeed [10th Nov] - GAME THREAD Quote
11-12-2008 , 07:15 PM
Originally Posted by Sun Tzu
For your sake, I hope you're a wolf. If you're a villager I am going to make fun of you forever.
I'm pretty sure I can deal with that. I think I've already played at least two of the worst village games in WW history and I doubt that anything I do here could top either of those.
Classic Werewolf AverageSpeed [10th Nov] - GAME THREAD Quote
11-12-2008 , 07:16 PM
Originally Posted by HerbieGRD
There is just so much wrong with this post. YOU DIDN'T KNOW you were a special last game during the part that I read - I explicitly cut off my reread at the point where you came into your powers because I realized that might make you play differently. Also I crossposted with XX saying that he noticed THE EXACT SAME THING from you in DD2. Yet your defense isn't that were wrong, it's that we're "bad villagers", "wolves", or "******s".

Did I miss anything?
I knew I was not a villager. I don't know where you got that from.

Can you address my points, please, and stop lying about everything?

Classic Werewolf AverageSpeed [10th Nov] - GAME THREAD Quote
11-12-2008 , 07:19 PM
Originally Posted by Sun Tzu
Herbie, do you have any other reads? Are you going to contribute something useful at all this game?
I think I've posted a read on basically everyone in the game by this point. I know that I've contributed far more content than you have.

But yeah, feel free to keep attacking me, it used to tilt me but now I find it mostly amusing
Classic Werewolf AverageSpeed [10th Nov] - GAME THREAD Quote
11-12-2008 , 07:21 PM
Are you going to address my points?

Please give a reason for thinking I'm a wolf.
Classic Werewolf AverageSpeed [10th Nov] - GAME THREAD Quote
11-12-2008 , 07:22 PM
Originally Posted by HerbieGRD
I think I've posted a read on basically everyone in the game by this point. I know that I've contributed far more content than you have.

But yeah, feel free to keep attacking me, it used to tilt me but now I find it mostly amusing
Yeah, I can see why you would find this game amusing.

The villagers, on the other hand, are getting frustrated.
Classic Werewolf AverageSpeed [10th Nov] - GAME THREAD Quote
11-12-2008 , 07:23 PM
Sun, I took this post from your awakening

Assumed dead after being shot (see pre-game story write-up), until now Bryce Larkin has been merely a vanilla villager. The Bad Guys, in an effort to retrieve the Intersect, saved Bryce Larkin and had kept him in a medically induced coma. The CIA and NSA intercepted a transfer of Bryce before the Bad Guys could awaken him -- but in doing so, awakened him and allowed the "rogue" Agent to escape.

To mean that you thought you were a vanillager until you awakened. I could be wrong about that (and since you're so insistent that I'm "lying" I probably am)
Classic Werewolf AverageSpeed [10th Nov] - GAME THREAD Quote
11-12-2008 , 07:24 PM
Originally Posted by Sun Tzu
I knew I was not a villager. I don't know where you got that from.

Can you address my points, please, and stop lying about everything?

I'm quoting this since you seem to have missed it.
Classic Werewolf AverageSpeed [10th Nov] - GAME THREAD Quote
11-12-2008 , 07:24 PM
Originally Posted by zhaorx
If atakdog is indeed the seer and manupod is indeed the angel, it is pretty ironic that i targeted those two people.
I don't think ironic is the word that comes first to mind, though I realize you can argue it that way too.
Classic Werewolf AverageSpeed [10th Nov] - GAME THREAD Quote
11-12-2008 , 07:24 PM
Originally Posted by Sun Tzu
Are you going to address my points?

Please give a reason for thinking I'm a wolf.
The fact that you don't happen to like my reason doesn't mean that my reason doesn't exist.

Would you like for me to look through DD2 and see if I notice the same thing there (since I'll admit that I was probably wrong about you not knowing you were a power role in Chuck)
Classic Werewolf AverageSpeed [10th Nov] - GAME THREAD Quote
11-12-2008 , 07:27 PM
Tell me if this would make you think you are a vanillager:

Originally Posted by Madtown
You are Bryce Larkin.

You are a CIA Agent that went rogue, destroying the Intersect -- a computer compiling all US intel in a single location, all of which was encoded into thousands of images. After destroying the computer, you sent the only copy of the images to your former friend and roommate, Chuck Bartowski. You were then shot by John Casey, and are presumed dead.

Clearly, you are alive. But given your current "presumed dead" status, you have no powers. You currently win with the village.

You will receive further instructions when you are revived on the morning of Day 3 -- assuming you are able to avoid being detected and killed for that long.
Classic Werewolf AverageSpeed [10th Nov] - GAME THREAD Quote
11-12-2008 , 07:28 PM
Originally Posted by HerbieGRD
The reason you do it isn't because you think a wagon on Sun is actually going to happen, it's because when you die as a wolf it makes Sun look better. The problem wolves tend to have when they make cases against other wolves is that they know they are right and it tends to make the case stronger than the cases they make against villagers.
In light of this, it's very villagery how Herbie asked me how confident I am that Sun is a wolf.
Classic Werewolf AverageSpeed [10th Nov] - GAME THREAD Quote
11-12-2008 , 07:29 PM
Originally Posted by HerbieGRD
The fact that you don't happen to like my reason doesn't mean that my reason doesn't exist.
I already pointed out why your reason makes no sense. You haven't addressed that.
Classic Werewolf AverageSpeed [10th Nov] - GAME THREAD Quote
11-12-2008 , 07:30 PM
It doesn't matter that I was wrong about whether you knew your role or not - I'm not going to "lie" about something that is easily disputable if I know it to be false no matter what my role is. Because contrary to what you claim to believe, I'm not actually ******ed
Classic Werewolf AverageSpeed [10th Nov] - GAME THREAD Quote
11-12-2008 , 07:32 PM
So I ask you again - do you want me to go back and look at one of your actual vanillager games to see if I notice the same thing? Because part of my reasoning was that xx crossposted and claimed to have reread that game and noticed the exact thing I noticed when I read you in Chuck.
Classic Werewolf AverageSpeed [10th Nov] - GAME THREAD Quote
11-12-2008 , 07:33 PM
back on xxsooted
Classic Werewolf AverageSpeed [10th Nov] - GAME THREAD Quote
11-12-2008 , 07:34 PM
BEG is probably a wolf too.
Classic Werewolf AverageSpeed [10th Nov] - GAME THREAD Quote
