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Christmas Cookie Vanilla WW Game Christmas Cookie Vanilla WW Game

12-20-2012 , 10:16 PM
oh and the way hoya is pushing me for my list is just ******ed, notice he hasn't even brought up the "zomg he has easy mislynches in his list" thing he was trying to use against me yesterday, which was like the whole reason for him pushing me in the first place.

Not to mention his "and binkles has cleared mcaids which is just ridiculous" -> "mcaids is trivially easy to read and he's an obvious villager" progression
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12-20-2012 , 10:18 PM
Originally Posted by captain binkles

So this was basically the entirety of Noah's EOD

There are a few things that bother me but it looks better than I'd remembered

so I'll guess I'll just name the things that bothered me and somebody else can try and interpret it

1. Shark probably suspects he was peeked wolf at this point, Noah literally comes in and clears the seer after two posts and he and Shark go at each other. I think that's a pretty standard spot to bus (they go a little bit harder than I sort of expected two wolves to go at each other, but not overly so).

2. Noah's didn't analyse either Anarchist or LKJ's posts, he literally mentioned Anarchist once in like his 4th post. That's in line with a wolf bussing another wolf unwilling to really commit too hard on a villager.

3. He starts going at Shark for the whole "I expect Noah to lead the thread in postcount today if he's a villager" which is clearly both a joke and also a reference that Shark has some idea of Noah's meta. However Noah contradicts himself by saying Shark knew his meta (iirc) and then in his very last post says that maybe he doesn't.

4. Is Shark really dumb enough as a wolf to vote villaNoah there? Perhaps.

5. He mentioned Anarchist once in the hour or so he was itt, I felt this was worth mentioning twice.

6. He said very early today that he didn't read the whole thread overnight, but it implies that he read some. His posts today have no content, I'd expect if villaNoah had read some of the thread that he'd at least be like "we need to look at x today" or something.

1) I didn't clear the seer after two posts, I came into the thread basically begging for help because it was so close to EOD and I hadn't read anything. The three people I remember responding to me were you, tweedy and vix. I'm never going to blindly trust you of those three, I hope you understand why. I've played with vix far more than tweedy and recently, so felt more comfortable just taking him up on following his lead after the few posts of his I did read. As for any theories going forward that I'm a wolf who bussed Shark, well I guess I'm **** out of luck if people are going to think that.

2) This is an interesting thing for you to say given that you know what time I arrived at the thread and that I hadn't had time to read anything. I chose to stay at the front end and post and try to get any kind of feel for anything so I could actually place a vote by EOD rather than get to reading. Pretty much the only reading I managed before EOD was plugging in vix's name and skimming to assess SPAZ level

3) I didn't go after him for that post alone. I went after him for that post in conjunction with his vote on me and made a post about it, which for whatever reason you failed to address here. Also in part because I was clinging to vix, see 1)

4) I don't see your point here at all. I also would have expected you to expand here maybe. Like, in your top part you use reasoning that at this point you think Shark probably suspects he was peeked, you are aware of my meta, why would he vote me there as w/w given those things? ie surely given them if we were w/w it just leads to the thinking above and would make me look bad

5) I really don't even see the point of typing 5) I hadn't read, Annie wasn't in the thread, I hadn't read an Annie post and when I asked for cliffs from the thread vix was talking non-stop about Shark, coupled with the fact that Shark decided to be the way he was with me for whatever reason. You thought it was worth mentioning twice? So I mentioned him once and you include it in a post about things you didn't like but had I mentioned him twice that would have been wonderful and not bothered you? lol

6) I was in and out this morning, honestly didn't even care to try and post content because I had no time. I just wanted to make the effort to let the thread I was going to be gone all day and why rather than just check out of the day completely.

Phil, I gotta say that while I can follow your reasoning in this post, I think a lot of the things you are saying don't sit well because they seem to be predicated on individual things which when taken together can pose a hedgy opinion which is easily retracted when I start posting again but when looked at individually are game role/situationally role neutral at best (ie in the same way I'm questioning you trying to paint a picture here of these things perhaps being wolfy, I'd be equally questioning someone taking any collection of my posts so far and trying to paint a picture of them being overtly villgaery) if you had bothered to take things in context. And you are someone 1) overly familiar with my meta and the way I approach WW in both roles 2) someone that prides themselves in digging deep into context.
Christmas Cookie Vanilla WW Game Quote
12-20-2012 , 10:21 PM
Originally Posted by captain binkles
Noah I was mostly musing on if you sub in as a wolf, get told vix probably peeked shark and then try and create some good interactions with shark while clearing Vix. A lot of it revolves around you only mentioning Annie, the lead wagon, once all day.
I mentioned it in the post I just made anyway but this is poor thinking from you if you are a villager imo. I was only here for the very last hour before EOD.
Christmas Cookie Vanilla WW Game Quote
12-20-2012 , 10:25 PM
I have to go but basically I sort of expected you to at least try and read the lead wagon's posts. I can see a world where you don't as a villager, but it surprised me. You also did say you were going to read LKJ's posts and then didn't.

In terms of bussing, it's a matter of opportunity. Like, if you know shark always gets lynched today and you also don't feel confident posting up a storm as a wolf, maybe you can get a mislynch tomorrow and then get lynched the next day on the back of you bussing.

Shark voting for you there was just really really bad for his prospects in this game, except it got Vix to spazz out and be a reallt obvious seer I guess.

So like, I think the shoe fits for you being a wolf in that spot.

It doesn't make you a wolf, like I said after reading it all I was less sure about you being a wolf than I was when I woke up.

I also think your response is really really villagery, maybe WN or someone can confirm that.

If you want somewhere to look quickly Noah, nofear made a post about you today calling you an obvious villager.
Christmas Cookie Vanilla WW Game Quote
12-20-2012 , 10:25 PM
okay then, a lot of it revolves around you subbing in an hour before EOD and only mentioning the lead wagon once :P
Christmas Cookie Vanilla WW Game Quote
12-20-2012 , 10:26 PM
Binkles I'm just gonna be honest. I just can't even read your posts anymore because they're beyond the point where they simply don't make sense, to the point where they're flights of fantasy that have nothing to do with anything. I just can't read them or engage them.

If you're a villager, which you're obviously not, but if you are, stop it. Just being honest, I've never seen you worse than this.
Christmas Cookie Vanilla WW Game Quote
12-20-2012 , 10:27 PM

"I think a lot of the things you are saying don't sit well because they seem to be predicated on individual things which when taken together can pose a hedgy opinion which is easily retracted when I start posting again"

what motivation do I have to do that as a wolf?

Don't really worry about answering that, it's a fairly rhetorical question

hoya/nofear/shark is my best guess right now
Christmas Cookie Vanilla WW Game Quote
12-20-2012 , 10:27 PM
Heh, I'm heartbroken

cya all later
Christmas Cookie Vanilla WW Game Quote
12-20-2012 , 10:30 PM
my plan is to let you two sort that **** out at f3
Christmas Cookie Vanilla WW Game Quote
12-20-2012 , 10:32 PM
You know, saying I like you hefty doesn't mean you couldn't stand to lose a few ****ing pounds
Christmas Cookie Vanilla WW Game Quote
12-20-2012 , 10:33 PM
i was in macy's today and there was a mirror and I was like **** I am so fat
Christmas Cookie Vanilla WW Game Quote
12-20-2012 , 10:33 PM
Ghetto vote count (#1735)

Shark Sandwich 5 (Annie, Birdie, Hoya, Deco, Mac)
tweedybirdd 2 (bankles, Sando)

Not voting: Noah, nofear, tweedy, well named

Night is in 27 minutes, 10:00 is good, 10:01 is bad.
Christmas Cookie Vanilla WW Game Quote
12-20-2012 , 10:34 PM
Christmas Cookie Vanilla WW Game Quote
12-20-2012 , 10:37 PM
Originally Posted by captain binkles
what motivation do I have to do that as a wolf?
Because I clearly posted that I have irl stuff that came up. As a wolf, if that irl stuff causes me to be AFK for a long time and spreads into me being AFK tomorrow, I am the easiest mislynch in the world at that point because of my wolf meta. Further motivation would be that because of my village meta, when I return to the thread I become a difficult mislynch for wolves. And when I made that statement that you quoted, what I mean by it is that I'm trying to think of that post from the point of view of whether you as a wolf would make a post like that including things that can be collectively applied to my wolf meta during a continued absence but individually picked apart to fit back into what would obviously at that point become how I think someone honestly trying to discern my role would be viewing them when I flip AFK villager in that scenario.
Christmas Cookie Vanilla WW Game Quote
12-20-2012 , 10:39 PM
why does it extend into tomorrow?
Christmas Cookie Vanilla WW Game Quote
12-20-2012 , 10:41 PM
It's sort of hard when Noah and Nofear are both basically AFK and that's usually the best reason there is to lynch them.
Christmas Cookie Vanilla WW Game Quote
12-20-2012 , 10:42 PM
Originally Posted by well named
why does it extend into tomorrow?
It doesn't. But no-one knew that when I made the post. So from a wolf perspective, if I am going to be a mislynch this game my being AFK and not knowing how long it would last is the best/perhaps the only opportunity to maneuver into a position where it might be possible.
Christmas Cookie Vanilla WW Game Quote
12-20-2012 , 10:44 PM
WN, contrast Phil's long post about me today with something I just read from tweedy which was basically a throw away post that cliffed 'wanna see Noah post when he gets back, he'll be easy to read'. I find that a far more villagery approach to me being gone.
Christmas Cookie Vanilla WW Game Quote
12-20-2012 , 10:45 PM
Originally Posted by CPHoya
It's sort of hard when Noah and Nofear are both basically AFK and that's usually the best reason there is to lynch them.
I'm not AFK anymore though, I'm right here in the thread so why would you make this post including me?
Christmas Cookie Vanilla WW Game Quote
12-20-2012 , 10:46 PM
if bankles is a wolf it's going to be hard for me because we've mind melded all game

so that one is up to you guys
Christmas Cookie Vanilla WW Game Quote
12-20-2012 , 10:47 PM

you pretty much just told him that I'm never a wolf here and he became more convinced that I am, how are you "mindmelding"

also your mindmeld lynched LKJ for some reason
Christmas Cookie Vanilla WW Game Quote
12-20-2012 , 10:48 PM
Originally Posted by well named
if bankles is a wolf it's going to be hard for me because we've mind melded all game

so that one is up to you guys
Please see my informative article in the WW academy for guidance
Christmas Cookie Vanilla WW Game Quote
12-20-2012 , 10:48 PM
Ghetto vote count (#1735)

Shark Sandwich 5 (Annie, Birdie, Hoya, Deco, Mac)
tweedybirdd 3 (bankles, Sando, well named)

Not voting: Noah, nofear, tweedy

Night is in 12 minutes, 10:00 is good, 10:01 is bad.
Christmas Cookie Vanilla WW Game Quote
12-20-2012 , 10:48 PM
well I meant besides that obviously

I guess if it makes you feel better tonight I feel like I'd lynch bankles over you if it was a wn/bankles/hoaya f3 which god forbid happens
Christmas Cookie Vanilla WW Game Quote
12-20-2012 , 10:49 PM
we could still do this tweedy lynch guize
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