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Choose Your Own Adventure Vol IV: GAME THREAD Choose Your Own Adventure Vol IV: GAME THREAD

09-24-2020 , 05:14 PM
Originally Posted by crackedquads
Not only voted fanmail (who was masters counterwagon), but before fanmail, filthy made only two other posts in the same hour - both for other players (sgt rj, fnord) that already had one vote in what appears to be an attempt to make those people the lead wagon over master. Filthy made no real time case for voting for any of them. Just three single word votes with no other posts
Yeah he is outed and we can lunch tokyo, vig filthy, lunch bigger, and then figure out the last 2 and neutrals from there.
Choose Your Own Adventure Vol IV: GAME THREAD Quote
09-24-2020 , 05:14 PM
Originally Posted by VoraciousMother
Mod Announcement: In light of exciting events that have alredy taken place in thread and some modly complications that have arisen, there will be no full day event in the thread today. At around 5 pm there will be a mini event with a short voting window closing at 6 pm. At 5 pm all post restrictions will lift.
Choose Your Own Adventure Vol IV: GAME THREAD Quote
09-24-2020 , 05:15 PM
Originally Posted by Uglydelicious
Ease up on being so certain, guy
Choose Your Own Adventure Vol IV: GAME THREAD Quote
09-24-2020 , 05:16 PM
Originally Posted by Birdman10687
i think bigger is probably a wolf, but unless i am mistaken isn't there still a chance that irtm's shot failed and iaafr was targeted by someone else?
There is, which is why I think Filthy is more likely a wolf

But Filthy was kinda outing himself yesterday to try to let Master snipe two villas with his power and Bigger was important enough to bodyguard if he’s a wolf and iaafr died protecting him so Bigger probably a more important wolf if he is one
Choose Your Own Adventure Vol IV: GAME THREAD Quote
09-24-2020 , 05:17 PM
I keep forgetting bsball is a wolf too
Yeah we need to find the neutrals soon

non village equity
Choose Your Own Adventure Vol IV: GAME THREAD Quote
09-24-2020 , 05:18 PM
Originally Posted by fanmail
I keep forgetting bsball is a wolf too
Yeah we need to find the neutrals soon

non village equity
Choose Your Own Adventure Vol IV: GAME THREAD Quote
09-24-2020 , 05:18 PM
I wish for a 4 vig shot that kills me if I miss on a wolf to shoot tokyo, filthy, bigger, bsball
Choose Your Own Adventure Vol IV: GAME THREAD Quote
09-24-2020 , 05:18 PM
I like Birdman's analyses and he seems the surest villager to me. A wolf won't be posting like that. I'm using his list because I agree (mostly) with his arguments. My changes are coloured.





Sun Tzu


Luckbox Inc



He has more experience in general and with some of them in particular, so maybe I shouldn't have moved people about, but I wasn't as confident as he is about some people.
Choose Your Own Adventure Vol IV: GAME THREAD Quote
09-24-2020 , 05:18 PM
Hello frands
Choose Your Own Adventure Vol IV: GAME THREAD Quote
09-24-2020 , 05:18 PM
Originally Posted by HerbieGRD
There is, which is why I think Filthy is more likely a wolf

But Filthy was kinda outing himself yesterday to try to let Master snipe two villas with his power and Bigger was important enough to bodyguard if he’s a wolf and iaafr died protecting him so Bigger probably a more important wolf if he is one
Choose Your Own Adventure Vol IV: GAME THREAD Quote
09-24-2020 , 05:19 PM
Originally Posted by Sun Tzu
You’re definitely neutral, regardless of what your PM says
Choose Your Own Adventure Vol IV: GAME THREAD Quote
09-24-2020 , 05:19 PM
from today, before Gad flipped, looks good imo
Originally Posted by EADGBE
those two posts also sound v to me
Originally Posted by EADGBE
I don't get the Aries stuff, he seems villagy enough on iso.

There are too many words here and the post seems a bit awkward.

Are you trying to keep your story straight for your own benefit?
Originally Posted by EADGBE
fwiw I thought he was villagy for his posts saying 'he doesn't care, he's probably not even going to be villagy', etc. and still dropping a reads list after, which I think is probably more apt to be v posting than w.

I think the 'anti-village play' mechanics stuff you are fixated on here is probably just role neutral.
but the rest of his posts are mostly not that interesting.

From the other thread:
Originally Posted by EADGBE
I think Montys been more villagy now. Kind of suspicious of guys like this w/ no meta villa reading me.

I don't think i've been objectively villagy at all?
Originally Posted by EADGBE
I'm not the worst lunch. My WIM is pretty low and will remain so. I generally just mail it in in mashes tbh.
I go back and forth on "this is too much self deprecation for it to be honest" and "yeah, I can imagine a villager thinking that"

Also I just realized it he was tied for lunch over there so he is probably very v.
Choose Your Own Adventure Vol IV: GAME THREAD Quote
09-24-2020 , 05:19 PM
Originally Posted by Sun Tzu
who would you replace yourself with and/or what else do you not like there?
Choose Your Own Adventure Vol IV: GAME THREAD Quote
09-24-2020 , 05:20 PM
Originally Posted by fanmail
I wish for a 4 vig shot that kills me if I miss on a wolf to shoot tokyo, filthy, bigger, bsball
Coming right up

Hard claim Genie
Choose Your Own Adventure Vol IV: GAME THREAD Quote
09-24-2020 , 05:20 PM
I'd be cautious clearing EAGBDE because of the 2/3 voter role
Choose Your Own Adventure Vol IV: GAME THREAD Quote
09-24-2020 , 05:20 PM
Originally Posted by Sun Tzu

Choose Your Own Adventure Vol IV: GAME THREAD Quote
09-24-2020 , 05:20 PM
Originally Posted by HerbieGRD
You’re definitely neutral, regardless of what your PM says
are you trying to make me want to punch you in the face?
Choose Your Own Adventure Vol IV: GAME THREAD Quote
09-24-2020 , 05:20 PM
Originally Posted by HerbieGRD
There is, which is why I think Filthy is more likely a wolf

But Filthy was kinda outing himself yesterday to try to let Master snipe two villas with his power and Bigger was important enough to bodyguard if he’s a wolf and iaafr died protecting him so Bigger probably a more important wolf if he is one
yeah actually i guess you are right

bigger is probably the more correct play

Choose Your Own Adventure Vol IV: GAME THREAD Quote
09-24-2020 , 05:20 PM
Hey everybody
Choose Your Own Adventure Vol IV: GAME THREAD Quote
09-24-2020 , 05:21 PM
Originally Posted by fanmail
who would you replace yourself with and/or what else do you not like there?
I do like you having me there

assuming you're a villager, it's going to take a long time for you to live down this tunnel and have a right to an opinion on my role
Choose Your Own Adventure Vol IV: GAME THREAD Quote
09-24-2020 , 05:22 PM
also, i've been voting for bigger most of the day, and saying he needs to die before i do
Choose Your Own Adventure Vol IV: GAME THREAD Quote
09-24-2020 , 05:22 PM
I agree that traz and coder need to go into the wolf pile

And it's a little annoying we don't really have a good way to kill them and are going to have to rely on the neutrals
Choose Your Own Adventure Vol IV: GAME THREAD Quote
09-24-2020 , 05:22 PM
Originally Posted by filthyvermin
If you are a villager then your natural vote hopping just happened to align almost exactly with what, in retrospect right now, it looks like the wolves were planning. And at this point if you’re a villager we need to know because we’re kinda conditionally clearing some people based on you being a wolf that we may need to unclear if you aren’t
Choose Your Own Adventure Vol IV: GAME THREAD Quote
09-24-2020 , 05:23 PM
Originally Posted by Montecore
I'd be cautious clearing EAGBDE because of the 2/3 voter role
what do you mean?
Choose Your Own Adventure Vol IV: GAME THREAD Quote
09-24-2020 , 05:23 PM

just in case vote counter didn't get it. i won't be changing my vote, and supposedly i won't be here for eod

so someone else please pm correction if it doesn't count. thanks
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