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Choose Your Own Adventure Vol III: Vampyre GAME THREAD Choose Your Own Adventure Vol III: Vampyre GAME THREAD

02-11-2009 , 03:23 PM
Originally Posted by chuckleslovakian
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Judge:Then go outside, but watch where you step.

Chuck:Are you sure it is safe for me to leave?

Judge:I wouldn't recommend it...
The first one was probably the wolf version, because it agve us nothing. This one's most likely the village version.

Search the house imo.
Choose Your Own Adventure Vol III: Vampyre GAME THREAD Quote
02-11-2009 , 03:23 PM
If 64 is legit... i like bob as a wolf.
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02-11-2009 , 03:24 PM
oh, you're the actual seer and not the replacement seer.

didn't you just say we should vig this guy instead?
[unvote Zeturd]
Choose Your Own Adventure Vol III: Vampyre GAME THREAD Quote
02-11-2009 , 03:25 PM
Network problems.... sorry for double post.
Choose Your Own Adventure Vol III: Vampyre GAME THREAD Quote
02-11-2009 , 03:25 PM
Originally Posted by manupod
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02-11-2009 , 03:26 PM
Originally Posted by riverfish1
Random thoughts-

OR is still a wolf

Axel- looking better but not fully cleared yet imo

Atak-he has failed to do some things today that I would expect village atak to do. Furthermore, he has been made aware (Werewolf training thread) that he is much more aggressive as a villager than a wolf. He has shown aggression here, however the type of aggression almost seems manufactured. Old Atak I can see making the post to BEG and OR, not so much new Atak. I think he is manufacturing the aggression to hide his wolfiness. This, combined with what I thought was a pretty poor arguement yesterday makes me wary of him.

Fnord- Posting a lot 'analysis' without much actual content as to who's a wolf who isn't. Most of his posts were regarding eithier the nk or the choice of options to make. I see this as an attempt to appear helpful without spewing anything of importance.
I think riverfish is the only one to mention OrangeRake before me, right?

riverfish is clear
Choose Your Own Adventure Vol III: Vampyre GAME THREAD Quote
02-11-2009 , 03:26 PM
SUn_tsu Patton THe_hitch RvErfish1 AarDvarksrus

Choose Your Own Adventure Vol III: Vampyre GAME THREAD Quote
02-11-2009 , 03:26 PM
i'm saying we should consider letting the vig get a sure hit and lynch someone else.

may be early to come out but imo a lot of people are clear or clearer now
Choose Your Own Adventure Vol III: Vampyre GAME THREAD Quote
02-11-2009 , 03:27 PM
Originally Posted by chuckleslovakian
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02-11-2009 , 03:28 PM
I don't know how you can seriously think I'd lynch OR there as a primary evil, but let's roll with it.

Admittedly, I think I got a bit lucky, and I could've definitely played better (but with the time I had, meh). And y'know, I do think I made a good read there.
Choose Your Own Adventure Vol III: Vampyre GAME THREAD Quote
02-11-2009 , 03:28 PM
Originally Posted by BrownEyedGirl
Patton and Zeturd tried their darndest to save OrangeRake.

I don't know what to make of Patton yesterday, with his question to me and Luckay, regarding OR. And also his comment about, "I'm just going to ignore/stay away from you, BEG, so I don't get myself killed again trying to get you lynched"....has me wondering if he might have come back as a vampire this time around.

He didn't have a problem on day 1 facing/criticizing/arguing with me head on....but now he wants to avoid me? Why? I don't bite...(pardon the pun....couldn't resist...but it's true, I really don't)
Choose Your Own Adventure Vol III: Vampyre GAME THREAD Quote
02-11-2009 , 03:28 PM
wtf manupod are you still drunk?
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02-11-2009 , 03:29 PM
Originally Posted by LuckayLuck
[vote Zeturd] obviously, but I feel that it was weak tight play to come out with one view when you're the replacement seer
Agree, but it's happeend before and he was telling the truth:
Originally Posted by sixfour
bleh, I don't know if this is +ev for village or not, but given what I think I know and that we've got one wolf already, I'm going with it. I'm definitely not going to be about for anywhere near night and I need to get you morans voting correctly.


So stop voting me. I have peeked lastchance as a villager, so stop voting there as well. Moreover, I have also peeked the other seer, and if they are leaving clues, one is nez=wolf. so go there. if it's not that, it's clown=village, and their n0 peek is dead.

Also, everyone else who has claimed seer so far is lying.

nez, never changing.
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02-11-2009 , 03:29 PM
Originally Posted by manupod
Choose Your Own Adventure Vol III: Vampyre GAME THREAD Quote
02-11-2009 , 03:29 PM
Originally Posted by lastchance
I don't know how you can seriously think I'd lynch OR there as a primary evil, but let's roll with it.

Admittedly, I think I got a bit lucky, and I could've definitely played better (but with the time I had, meh). And y'know, I do think I made a good read there.
Fist pump, you were like Jack Bauer there
Choose Your Own Adventure Vol III: Vampyre GAME THREAD Quote
02-11-2009 , 03:29 PM
one thing that may seem unclear in my claim post is that i mention something regarding fnord that i said was unclear but he'd look clearer in the context of later posts, but i can't seem to recall the later post that stuck in my mind.
Choose Your Own Adventure Vol III: Vampyre GAME THREAD Quote
02-11-2009 , 03:30 PM
Wow, lots to digest today. If there's no counterclaim, I'm thinking we should just believe the sixfour claim and lynch ZeTurd. Sixfour was under a little pressure, but nowhere near enough pressure to claim seer as a wolf and claiming seer as a vanillager with a wolf peek makes no sense either. Also, if there is another seer out there, I would say DON'T COUNTERCLAIM for now as sixfour's almost certainly a wolf when ZeTurd's a villager in this exact scenario.
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02-11-2009 , 03:31 PM
Originally Posted by LuckayLuck
Fist pump, you were like Jack Bauer there
Fist bump, I think your logic there was pretty damn good (and OR-specific). VN.

Also, yeah, BEG def feels like a villager. Wolfs don't vote me there (unless I'm a wolf, rofl).
Choose Your Own Adventure Vol III: Vampyre GAME THREAD Quote
02-11-2009 , 03:32 PM
BTW, I don't like waiting to lynch ZeTurd at all. If sixfour is claiming seer as a wolf, I think that having us wait is about the only way it could succeed. (Still seems like a really bad fake though, I'm guessing sixfour is legit seer.)

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02-11-2009 , 03:32 PM
Sixfour, you are goddamn awful at seering.

That is all.
Choose Your Own Adventure Vol III: Vampyre GAME THREAD Quote
02-11-2009 , 03:33 PM
Originally Posted by lastchance
Sixfour, you are goddamn awful at seering.

That is all.
Or wolfing.
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02-11-2009 , 03:33 PM
Originally Posted by AndrewGreve
I can see the frustration. Its not good for the village. I didnt say there was only one correct way. I said of the multiple ways to do things most are going to be wrong. I meant it in a much broader sense(like every possible way to approch doing something) maybe a little to abstract. My advice of reconsider/reevaluate your position still stands. dont reply to criticism with "thats your way of looking at it". esp when its multiple people, please help me to see more of your thoughts by trying to take what they say and show why they are wrong and you are still right. Or whatever conclusion you come to after considering what others say.
note:this is me trying to work with you. I havent even said you were wrong. I did say the others logic makes sense. show me why I am mistaken.
note2: in hindsight, when you see things clearly in your mind(and are unable to convince others), are they often correct? not meant as an insult, an honest question on how you look back and self-evaluate.
Note1: Me unvoting is a token of me trying too.

Note2 response: I'm not saying I'm 100%, but I can link many, many times that I've been right, and can not get anyone to listen to me. On this site, you can look at Pirates vs Ninjas. There was Missing Pet Tortoise, and I was even right about OR, but it took Luckay's seal of approval, before anyone gave it a moment's thought. I can dig some games up from also, if you want examples....if so, it will have to wait until later, cause I don't have time right now. Also, there are many times that I've been wrong...and fooled by some very clever wolves. I can't put a count on how many times I've been right and how many times I've been wrong. Can you?

How many times have you not listened to someone, and they were right?

Let's just drop the subject, shall we?
Choose Your Own Adventure Vol III: Vampyre GAME THREAD Quote
02-11-2009 , 03:36 PM
BEG, thinking that I could be a primary evil is so laughable I don't even know where to begin.
Choose Your Own Adventure Vol III: Vampyre GAME THREAD Quote
02-11-2009 , 03:37 PM
Its Unlikely (1 in 7 chance) but ZeTurd could be the vampire which escapes lynch

Therefore, we should not lynch ZeTurd and instead get a guaranteed stake in ZeTurd vig kill
Choose Your Own Adventure Vol III: Vampyre GAME THREAD Quote
02-11-2009 , 03:38 PM
Originally Posted by iggymcfly
BTW, I don't like waiting to lynch ZeTurd at all. If sixfour is claiming seer as a wolf, I think that having us wait is about the only way it could succeed. (Still seems like a really bad fake though, I'm guessing sixfour is legit seer.)

This is correct. Note that if ZT comes up village, which I think is possible (I haven't gotten the wolf vibe from him others have), the vig has a guaranteed kill tonight if he wants it, before the game tightens and the odds he is killed or roleblocked go up. Sixfour's suggesting we vig ZT instead of lynching him is therefore slightly wolfy, but not very as it does make sense to have discussion today too.

As should be clear above, the history argues to me that this claim is legit, and going for the in-that-case-sure lynch is good.
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