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Choose Your Own Adventure Vol III: Vampyre GAME THREAD Choose Your Own Adventure Vol III: Vampyre GAME THREAD

02-10-2009 , 01:42 PM
good morning.

firstly apologies for not voting yesterday, I feel asleep and woke up at about 10:07 server time.

some thoughts from my read through:

Originally Posted by BrownEyedGirl
Orrysay aboutway ethay arningway earlierway. Iway asway
ostingpay omfray ymay onephay, andway Iway idday otnay eesay
ethay ulesray omfray ethay odmay.
"I was posting on my phone and didn't see the warning from the Mod"

OK. You still managed to respond to posts later in the thread that were written in Pig Latin. The post about the day even Had BOLD RED TEXT in it and was quoted not long after being posted by axel in it's entirety. Does not compute.

(noted subsequent Clowns quetion to BEG re make of phone, that sounds like a w/w question setup via 24hr chat from where I am sitting)

I do think later posts from BEG sound villagery, obv her post after VR's warning was an unfortunate x-post, but the "I missed the mod notice" bit doesn't ring true. With wofls having chat24 you don't get many villager points for this.

Originally Posted by Bulletproof Monk
actually you lost cos you outted yourself d1, played badly, and put yourself in an impossible position, if Bobo hadn't faked with two wolf peeks I would have shot you anyway

Originally Posted by Chucky Choose
matrix, if the wolf pm explicitly stated there were 3 factions, while the villager pm didnt,how do u conclude atak is village??
Because his entire line of thinking revolves around the fact that the villager didn't read their rolePM's - ergo he is implying he got a villager role PM and was perfectly capable of understanding it.

Originally Posted by lastchance
Like why? More detail = always good.

In a game this size where there are 40odd players if everyone posted too much detail the thread would be next to unreadable for all but the most dedicated. I am actively trying to reduce my postcount, cos I think if I post my normal amount then it's not gong to help, there are almost 1000 posts and we haven't got halfway through day 2.

Originally Posted by OrangeRake
To be honest, i haven't really been following the thread too closely (cue complaints/ban ect)....make me a case.....
Originally Posted by LuckayLuck
Rake, vote Patton because you like my picture
Originally Posted by OrangeRake
Why Patton?

Did you draw that last night during teh turbo and I didn't realize?
Originally Posted by OrangeRake
Luckay I might help you if your avatar looked like my avatar
OR - in this vein please quit tarding up the thread flirting with Luckay and posting rapid series of two line responses to people, it's almost like you are trying to get the signal lost in the noise.

Originally Posted by clowntable
I may not make it to the end untill nightfall, I'm on page 6. Read the last couple of posts as well so I hope there's no quirk or anything going on now. If so let me know asap.
More wofl points. You are asking to be told if anything quirky happened, but won't make it to the end, so are requesting PM's??


Originally Posted by iggymcfly
I agree that BrownEyedGirl's probably not a vampire. Also, are we really mad that we got kicked out of the Latin school? Tell me that wouldn't have been wearing REALLY thin posting in pig-latin 3 hours from now. I think it should be a bonus for BEG if anything.
HAd the group made it through the Pig Latin phrase it's likely that a better set of rewards would have been available.

This iggy post means to me that BEG and iggy are both on the same team - whatever team that is.

Originally Posted by clowntable
Forced randing makes it harder for wolves to read seers and I'm fairy sure that there will be no better option than randing tonight.
Wolves have extra info so they could use their knowledge to use night actions more efficiently from the getgo which is now negated because they can't target anyone 100% accurately.
More weirdness from Clown.

Forced randing???? - the wofls have a chance of hitting who they targetted. They don't need or have to rand anything. The result might not have been what they were expecting, but potentially they could miss and hit a better result, and they get to kill the next night presumably without any such kill modifiers. The whole darkness thing is a wash anyway it doesn't confer any advantage to either side imo.

Will catchup some more later.
Choose Your Own Adventure Vol III: Vampyre GAME THREAD Quote
02-10-2009 , 01:46 PM
In regards to yesterday's "day" event being 3 options to help one of the three factions power roles.
At first it seemed like a good idea. but after rereading the OP post on village faction events. how each group can never rand() a 2nd event till the other groups get their event, I assume that these rand() events are the link to faction powers. It makes sense from a balencing perspective. This way no village power-role can be "power-leveled" to max abilites in 3 days. Also todays event's options seem to agree with my theory.
Choose Your Own Adventure Vol III: Vampyre GAME THREAD Quote
02-10-2009 , 01:51 PM
Iggy is still a wolf. His entry post was really wolfy and nothing he said afterwards made me change my mind.

Well Named, Atakdog and Gusmahler are all villagery.

Well Named seems to be playing his villager game. Atakdog is sounding villagery, I don't understand why he was getting so much heat yesterday - he's also someone who will be easier to read later on in the game. Gusmahler is sounding very villagery today.
Choose Your Own Adventure Vol III: Vampyre GAME THREAD Quote
02-10-2009 , 01:51 PM
Originally Posted by matrix

Because his entire line of thinking revolves around the fact that the villager didn't read their rolePM's - ergo he is implying he got a villager role PM and was perfectly capable of understanding it.
i got a villager pm and had no idea how many factions there were.
Choose Your Own Adventure Vol III: Vampyre GAME THREAD Quote
02-10-2009 , 01:54 PM
If we aren’t doing mark/resnick, then we should be doing tower/iggy
Choose Your Own Adventure Vol III: Vampyre GAME THREAD Quote
02-10-2009 , 01:55 PM
Originally Posted by matrix
OR - in this vein please quit tarding up the thread flirting with Luckay and posting rapid series of two line responses to people, it's almost like you are trying to get the signal lost in the noise.
This is standard OR.

I used to think that OR only flirted like this as a wolf (I used to pretty much call her a wolf within her first 5 posts, based on how flirtatios she was), but she'll do it in any role. Using this as a reason for thinking she's a wolf is not good.
Choose Your Own Adventure Vol III: Vampyre GAME THREAD Quote
02-10-2009 , 01:57 PM
Originally Posted by Chucky Choose
i got a villager pm and had no idea how many factions there were.
I noted most of those posts by atak for later. I dont understand why anyone beside doran got much heat. It would be very easy to not know how many factions there were if you didnt read the OP carefully.
atak was very aggressive and very sweeping in those posts.
Choose Your Own Adventure Vol III: Vampyre GAME THREAD Quote
02-10-2009 , 01:57 PM
Originally Posted by Chucky Choose
If we aren’t doing mark/resnick, then we should be doing tower/iggy
I am definitely on board for an iggy lynch. Why RT though? He doesn't seem to be really villagery, but I don't find him all that wolfy, either.
Choose Your Own Adventure Vol III: Vampyre GAME THREAD Quote
02-10-2009 , 01:57 PM
Originally Posted by axel_nld
Build Army: Chooses one player each night to feed upon. If human, that player will convert to the Renegade Team, unless they have a special immunity. The Renegade must feed every night to keep his newborn vampire flock alive. If the Renegade attempts to feed upon a Noble Vampire, a Blood Heir, The Adept, The Archpriest, or someone the Priest is protecting, his conversion will fail, and his most recent convert, if any, will starve from lack of food.

Secondary Power: Drain Life: After the Renegade has built his team to three, the team may choose to kill instead of convert for their nightly feed, avoiding the risk associated with a conversion feeding. They do not need to maintain a team of three in order to kill. Once they have achieved Drain Life, they retain the power throughout the game.**

Notes: The Original Renegade is immune to NK by the Nobles or the Hunter. To exit the game he must be lynched. The Renegade is not rand()ed in the original roleset, but will be pulled from one of the Blood Heirs at the beginning of night 1.
There may be too many unknowns to discuss this yet, but my thinking is:

1. The Renegade was successful, and now has one member on his team....and the other two kills are Vig and Vamp.

2. Renegade was unsuccessful and the other is a vamp vig shot

3. Renegade Successful and Vig successful.....vamps missed.

4. Renegade missed.....vamps hit.

Did I miss anything?
Choose Your Own Adventure Vol III: Vampyre GAME THREAD Quote
02-10-2009 , 01:59 PM
Originally Posted by Chucky Choose
fnord, cmon, whos a wolf!?!
My best guesses for wolves right now are:
swiitch - need to go back and see why I think that
BPM - He's a tough nut to crack though. Still my lean is wolf
Axel - he had a bunch of posts yesterday I did not like.
There was one more but I cannot think of them right now.
Choose Your Own Adventure Vol III: Vampyre GAME THREAD Quote
02-10-2009 , 02:00 PM
Originally Posted by Chucky Choose
i got a villager pm and had no idea how many factions there were.
This is atakdog we are talking about. Mr Methodical.

My whole argument is that atak gets his PM - he then carefully reads the OP's - then sets up his SOD - writes a bunch of notes and plans strategies for how to play - then the game starts.

He is channeling some of his methodology onto other people in some regard and thinking that everyone in a game such as this people would spend a little time at least making sure they knew what was what and what the rules/roles were. If atak can glean that there were three factions from his PM then why couldn't everyone else?

Conversely your approach is feel based, seat of the pants, freewheeling, make it up as you go along, and you are wondering why anyone bothers with all that reading rules stuff when ww is ez.
Choose Your Own Adventure Vol III: Vampyre GAME THREAD Quote
02-10-2009 , 02:00 PM
Some reads:

BEG- Villager (by tone)
MATRIX- Villager (soul read)

Most of the people posting are very villagery.

Luckay Luck
Choose Your Own Adventure Vol III: Vampyre GAME THREAD Quote
02-10-2009 , 02:01 PM
I am in favor of the whole group going.

If we sent just a would we determine who to send. What if we send a vamp. Since the vamps are among the group....noone can be trusted. Plus, if we leave some behind, they could be unprotected and get ambushed. Everyone needs to go. If the judge gets irritated, then give him a scone. HA!
Choose Your Own Adventure Vol III: Vampyre GAME THREAD Quote
02-10-2009 , 02:03 PM
Originally Posted by FCBLComish
Some reads:

BEG- Villager (by tone)
MATRIX- Villager (soul read)

Most of the people posting are very villagery.

Luckay Luck
LUCKY! That was the other person I was thinking of.
Choose Your Own Adventure Vol III: Vampyre GAME THREAD Quote
02-10-2009 , 02:03 PM
Originally Posted by Swiitch
This is standard OR.

I used to think that OR only flirted like this as a wolf (I used to pretty much call her a wolf within her first 5 posts, based on how flirtatios she was), but she'll do it in any role. Using this as a reason for thinking she's a wolf is not good.
I'm not calling her a wofl - I am calling on her to quit spamming the thread so much, some players in this game can spend all day everyday playing if they so choose. A bunch of players have real life work/family etc that gets in the way of playing WW 24/7. The thread is going to be next to impossible for "Part Time" WW players to follow and play well if there are going to be 1000 posts/day with 2/3 of them being fluff.
Choose Your Own Adventure Vol III: Vampyre GAME THREAD Quote
02-10-2009 , 02:03 PM
Originally Posted by BrownEyedGirl
2. Renegade was unsuccessful and the other is a vamp vig shot
this imo. Only option where the vig doesnt waste his limited nks on a rand() night.
Choose Your Own Adventure Vol III: Vampyre GAME THREAD Quote
02-10-2009 , 02:06 PM
The only way renegade's failure results in a death is if the target is a blood heir. Wouldn't that be in the write-up?
Choose Your Own Adventure Vol III: Vampyre GAME THREAD Quote
02-10-2009 , 02:06 PM
Originally Posted by matrix
I'm not calling her a wofl - I am calling on her to quit spamming the thread so much, some players in this game can spend all day everyday playing if they so choose. A bunch of players have real life work/family etc that gets in the way of playing WW 24/7. The thread is going to be next to impossible for "Part Time" WW players to follow and play well if there are going to be 1000 posts/day with 2/3 of them being fluff.
My mistake. I thought that when you mentioned her trying to intentionally raise the signal to noise ratio that you were calling her a wolf (or at least wolfy).
Choose Your Own Adventure Vol III: Vampyre GAME THREAD Quote
02-10-2009 , 02:08 PM
I feel like one of the walking dead this morning. Wait, crap.

I've only skimmed from like 6 on yesterday, I'm probably going to be low volume today, but I'll do my best.
Choose Your Own Adventure Vol III: Vampyre GAME THREAD Quote
02-10-2009 , 02:10 PM
Originally Posted by gusmahler
The only way renegade's failure results in a death is if the target is a blood heir. Wouldn't that be in the write-up?
only if the vig uses the water i believe. the stakes are kill all right?
Choose Your Own Adventure Vol III: Vampyre GAME THREAD Quote
02-10-2009 , 02:17 PM
I meant that the only way Renegade can kill now is if he targets a blood heir.
Choose Your Own Adventure Vol III: Vampyre GAME THREAD Quote
02-10-2009 , 02:18 PM
Originally Posted by gusmahler
The only way renegade's failure results in a death is if the target is a blood heir. Wouldn't that be in the write-up?
well i mis-read your post.
Choose Your Own Adventure Vol III: Vampyre GAME THREAD Quote
02-10-2009 , 02:20 PM
Originally Posted by FCBLComish
Some reads:

BEG- Villager (by tone)
MATRIX- Villager (soul read)

Most of the people posting are very villagery.

Luckay Luck
what is this garbage?

two village reads, one by tone, one by 'soul' read? this post is essentially NOTHING but a blind vote for luckay.

Choose Your Own Adventure Vol III: Vampyre GAME THREAD Quote
02-10-2009 , 02:20 PM
is there a particular format for the vote in subject line or in the actual msg when voting for the day event choices?
The most important part is the account which receives the pm, not anything in the subject line or body.

It might be nice to make the subject line "thank you KM!", though, since she is doing all the tabulation work.

Choose Your Own Adventure Vol III: Vampyre GAME THREAD Quote
02-10-2009 , 02:24 PM
Sorry guise I can't really get too into this thread just yet as there is a lot on my plate.....but I will use Atak as a reference to say that I do actually come around later in games to kick some serious ass...until then I will try and keep the noise down....ty
Choose Your Own Adventure Vol III: Vampyre GAME THREAD Quote
