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It came from the 80s Vol. 1 It came from the 80s Vol. 1

06-19-2008 , 11:36 PM

soah and tyler took us through the 90s. Now it's time for me to take you on a little musical journey through my decade, the 80s. (Yes, I'm old).

The songs cross genres, although it will tend to be weighted a little more towards New Wave. Be assured you will find many of the decade's biggest artists missing here for the simple reason that the songs weren't in my collection. Some of the songs are super easy, some of them I have no doubt will be known only by a select few.

I wound up with 62 candidate songs so will do this as two separate quizzes. I only have 10MB on the webspace for this particular account so be forewarned after this quiz has been done that at some point I will wind up deleting these songs and putting out the next quiz.



If you guess the title of a song correctly, you get 1 point. If you
guess the artist correctly, you get 1 point. If you guess both
correctly, you get 3 points. There are 31 songs, so the maximum score is
93 points.

Send me your answers via PM, preferably in this format:

1, Name Of Artist, Name Of Song
2, Name Of Artist, Name Of Song
(comma, comma)
If you only know the name of either the artist or the title, you should
submit your answer like this:

1, Name Of Artist, #

2, #, Title

All ID3 tags have been removed, and the clips will have no vocals to dissuade people from trying to cheat by just googling whatever lyrics are in the clip.

Checking your music library if you feel you recognize an artist/band,
but can't quite place the song, is OK (mostly because it's hard to
enforce any rules about it.) But other than that, no help or research of
any kind.

Discussion is allowed, but please refrain from going into any kind of
detail or revealing hints about any of the songs. Save your scathing
critiques, fond memories, and "oh my god this one time" stories for
after the reveal.

Addendum: further rules discussion

i've included some things below which people have said in previous
quizzes to try and clarify exactly how much "research" you can do to
come up with answers.

If you stumble across one of these songs by pure chance between now and
the deadline, you can use that knowledge. You are allowed to do a very
limited amount of research before submitting your guesses, which can be
said as follows: If you think you know something, you can check to see
if you're right, but you can't just go on fishing for stuff you don't
know. For example, if you know what track number a song is on a certain
album, you can look up its title. If you think you recognize a song, you
can listen to it to see if you're right. However, you can't go to a
music website and start scrolling through lists of bands to see if
something jumps out at you, and you can't spend 8 hours a day listening
to every 90's CD you can find in hopes that you'll recognize something
(unless that's part of your normal daily routine).

Originally Posted by kyro View Post
If I know a song, know the band, can sing a decent part of the lyrics,
but cannot for the life of me think of the title, what's the maximum
allowable research I am allowed to do?
Are you asking if you can google the lyrics?

If you think you know something, you can check to see if you're right,
but you can't just go on fishing for stuff you don't know. For example,
if you know what track number a song is on a certain album, you can look
up its title. If you think you recognize a song, you can listen to it to
see if you're right. This would seem to indicate that you could google the lyrics.
It came from the 80s Vol. 1 Quote
06-20-2008 , 12:45 AM
I'm in with what I got.
It came from the 80s Vol. 1 Quote
06-20-2008 , 12:59 AM
I am either 100% on these, or I have no clue at all. This will be my best finish so far in these quizzes.

I am also old. Anyone gonna do a 70's one???
It came from the 80s Vol. 1 Quote
06-20-2008 , 01:14 AM
halfway done, my EV so far is about 1.7 points
It came from the 80s Vol. 1 Quote
06-20-2008 , 01:17 AM
I went through all of them, but didn't take notes on which ones I knew. I'm lazy and don't feel like going through them again, and researching the songs I recognized. So I will say my score if I submitted is an awful 24, plus 3 songs I recognize, but have no clue about.
It came from the 80s Vol. 1 Quote
06-20-2008 , 01:35 AM
I've already had two PMs - it appears #16 is a repeat from a previous quiz. I have made a refereeing decision and will declare #16 an invalid question for the quiz, leaving 30 songs to be scored.

Thanks to those who have submitted answers so far. Signing off for tonight.
It came from the 80s Vol. 1 Quote
06-20-2008 , 01:39 AM
I don't suppose there will be any chance of a .zip or .rar file with all the songs in it, is there? It's so much easier to download the whole smash and queue them up in my favorite music player.

Oh well. I'll suffer. I'm sure I listened to some of these songs on cassettes, or 45s, depending on how old they are.

Edit: yep. Had #22 on cassette and my mom somewhere still has #23 on 45.

And can I say, for the record, that I ABSOLUTELY CANNOT STAND #12, AND HOPE IT BURNS IN HELL FOR TIME ETERNAL. I'm going to have that hook in my head for the next four days now, OS, thanks a ****ing lot.

Last edited by marchron; 06-20-2008 at 01:59 AM.
It came from the 80s Vol. 1 Quote
06-20-2008 , 01:47 AM
Aaargh. I just realized I owe a huge and public mea culpa to soah and FCBL Comish for saying one thing in PM and then declaring something else here on the thread - and it bothered me enough that I needed to come back down and reboot the computer to clear this up.

Soah and FCBL, I was fully intending to credit the answers for 16 as I said to you in the PMs but then I changed my mind. In the interest of fairness I do think the best thing to do is treat #16 as an invalid question. Neither of you had a correct answer for it, so I don't think this decision does you any harm. It does affect amplify's score, and I'm sorry for that. Hopefully it won't change the overall rankings in any significant way.

Again, sorry, and I hope this doesn't affect anyone's pleasure in taking the quiz.
It came from the 80s Vol. 1 Quote
06-20-2008 , 01:50 AM
wtf I demand justice up in this bitch
It came from the 80s Vol. 1 Quote
06-20-2008 , 01:58 AM
Originally Posted by marchron
I don't suppose there will be any chance of a .zip or .rar file with all the songs in it, is there? It's so much easier to download the whole smash and queue them up in my favorite music player.
Ask and ye shall receive: on

Hopefully this is okay for everyone. I didn't have enough space to host it on my own website.
It came from the 80s Vol. 1 Quote
06-20-2008 , 01:59 AM
amp, if I give you 3 extra points for your avatar does that work?
It came from the 80s Vol. 1 Quote
06-20-2008 , 02:03 AM
Originally Posted by OrigamiSensei
Aaargh. I just realized I owe a huge and public mea culpa to soah and FCBL Comish for saying one thing in PM and then declaring something else here on the thread - and it bothered me enough that I needed to come back down and reboot the computer to clear this up.

Soah and FCBL, I was fully intending to credit the answers for 16 as I said to you in the PMs but then I changed my mind. In the interest of fairness I do think the best thing to do is treat #16 as an invalid question. Neither of you had a correct answer for it, so I don't think this decision does you any harm. It does affect amplify's score, and I'm sorry for that. Hopefully it won't change the overall rankings in any significant way.

Again, sorry, and I hope this doesn't affect anyone's pleasure in taking the quiz.

No worries. I am actually happy I recognized it from another quiz. I still have no idea what it was.
It came from the 80s Vol. 1 Quote
06-20-2008 , 02:04 AM
whatever dude, you are dead to me now

It came from the 80s Vol. 1 Quote
06-20-2008 , 02:05 AM
Originally Posted by OrigamiSensei
Aaargh. I just realized I owe a huge and public mea culpa to soah and FCBL Comish for saying one thing in PM and then declaring something else here on the thread - and it bothered me enough that I needed to come back down and reboot the computer to clear this up.

Soah and FCBL, I was fully intending to credit the answers for 16 as I said to you in the PMs but then I changed my mind. In the interest of fairness I do think the best thing to do is treat #16 as an invalid question. Neither of you had a correct answer for it, so I don't think this decision does you any harm. It does affect amplify's score, and I'm sorry for that. Hopefully it won't change the overall rankings in any significant way.

Again, sorry, and I hope this doesn't affect anyone's pleasure in taking the quiz.
umm, I'm gonna be happy if I even get six points, so don't make any rulings on my account
It came from the 80s Vol. 1 Quote
06-20-2008 , 02:09 AM
Did I get 6 points in Soah's quiz? I think less, even including a pity point.
It came from the 80s Vol. 1 Quote
06-20-2008 , 02:11 AM
both my guesses were wrong... but I've confirmed I had the band right on one. The other I'm not even sure about that much. =/ And one other song I recognize (other than #16) but don't know what it is.

so... 2 points?
It came from the 80s Vol. 1 Quote
06-20-2008 , 02:12 AM
LOL... About time the elders got something around here.

70's? 60's? Anyone?
It came from the 80s Vol. 1 Quote
06-20-2008 , 02:15 AM
I'm good back to about 1700, before that is a little sketchy.
It came from the 80s Vol. 1 Quote
06-20-2008 , 02:16 AM
Originally Posted by FCBLComish
LOL... About time the elders got something around here.

70's? 60's? Anyone?
I'll launch a 50s-00s quiz later, after vacations etc, theme: good music.
It came from the 80s Vol. 1 Quote
06-20-2008 , 02:43 AM
when do you think this will finish? I am stuck on a handful right now..
It came from the 80s Vol. 1 Quote
06-20-2008 , 08:01 AM
oh man, i thought i'd be pretty decent on this one and then it turned out i knew no more than about 8. maybe on relisten i'll do better and not be too ashamed to submit
It came from the 80s Vol. 1 Quote
06-20-2008 , 10:09 AM
I'm thinking I'll do the final standings and reveal sometime tomorrow. Hopefully that gives everyone enough time to play that wants to.

I'll probably do part 2 early next week.

Oh, and I had an idea for another interesting quiz - "instrumental breaks/guitar solos". I need to see if I can come up with 20 or so good songs for it, but no promises.
It came from the 80s Vol. 1 Quote
06-20-2008 , 11:00 AM
I'm still waiting on Zeturd's metal quiz so that I can hope he doesn't do like 29 power metal songs and 1 song that I know.
It came from the 80s Vol. 1 Quote
06-20-2008 , 12:50 PM
Originally Posted by OrigamiSensei
Oh, and I had an idea for another interesting quiz - "instrumental breaks/guitar solos". I need to see if I can come up with 20 or so good songs for it, but no promises.
I was thinking this would be good. To be called, 'take it to the bridge,' imo

I got 4 out of the first five, then four out of the first fifteen.
It came from the 80s Vol. 1 Quote
06-20-2008 , 01:14 PM
Ooh, this is great stuff.

I'm old too, high school and college during the 80's, so this is right in my wheelhouse.

And this time I will actually submit!

So far I'm through 14, I know 11, recognize 2, stumped on 1.
It came from the 80s Vol. 1 Quote
