Originally Posted by Wyman
AQTxxx / Jx / Axx / Ax
w/w, imps
P - (1S) - P* - (2S)
P - (P) - ??
*do you agree with pass, or are you in the 1N category (I am bidding 1N here, fwiw, but this is actually how the auction went at the table)
Pass the first time - 10. 1NT - 3. Anything else - 1.
Pass the second time, unless you play two-way-doubles (meaning early doubles are either definitely takeout, or definitely penalty; partner can work out which, usually.)
Most likely scenario is that spades are 5-2, with LHO holding Kx and no better bid -- but 4-3 is possible too. Check their card.
With two spades and four hearts, LHO would prefer a forcing notrump (if they play it nonforcing this all makes more sense). RHO could be 5-5 with no much extra, I suppose. But even this seems wrong.
How about 5=4 opposite 2=4 in the majors. That might help explain partner's failure to reopen: he has only three hearts. remember, he has a probable spade void yet did not make would would have been a very safe passed-hand double. He has a bad hand for you in some way.
You either have no fit, far fewer than half the high cards, or both. Making any call other than pass is asking for a minus. One of your opponents has taken a position; that position is wrong. Unfortunately, you can only punish them 50 points at a time -- this time.
If you take offensive action, you may get to your likely eight-card diamond fit (I think partner is 0=3=5=5), but if so, do you seriously believe you can find nine tricks?
If it is a psyche (as I gather it was), then you still aren't missing a game most of the time. This time, I guess you were.