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Bridge Bridge

07-12-2013 , 07:23 PM
w/w MPs

Q 9
Q 4
A Q 4 2
A Q 9 8 5

You deal.



Agree or disagree with 1NT? What to lead?
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07-12-2013 , 08:05 PM

I guess a trump
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07-13-2013 , 04:58 AM
Thanks for not posting a hint, forced me to give it another go . I think I have it now.


Duck trick 1. Possible continuations:

1. West switches to the Q covered by K and A.

1a. Defence cash 2 spades and return a trump => ruffing minor suit squeeze from above.

1b. Defence win 1 spade and return a trump.

Draw trumps and lead 8s from dummy. If East wins Js or covers 9s then we have tricks off top. If East ducks, then play the Kd (menace transfer and rectifying count) pitching a club from hand, and after a diamond return, crossruffing results in a minor squeeze in 3 card ending.

2. West switches to a low , play J in dummy.

If covered by Ad ruff, draw 3 rounds of trumps and play spade to the 8s. East wins cheaply and does best by cashing the As, otherwise he will get thrown in with it. East exits a diamond to the Q and K. Now play the 9d to transfer the menace ruffing the Td, ruff a spade and on the final trump in dummy West is again squeezed in the minors, this time with the 5d as a menace!

If the Ad is ducked, then East gets himself endplayed in the above line when a spade is played.

3. West continues with a .

3a. East ruffs and returns trump.

Win in dummy ruff diamond, draw other trump, cash Ac and ruff club. On the second club East is squeezed in the pointed suits. Whichever suit he throws allows us to set up a winner in.

3b. East throws something on clubs.

Play a third club throwing a spade, if West continues then pitch second spade from dummy. We are threatening to crossruff the whole hand, if East throws spades to stop us, then we can ruff out East's spades and draw trumps. If the defence tries to cash a spade then at some point we will lead a trumps off dummy, East splits honours and then after establishing spades we will ruff a club high and finesse in trumps.
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07-13-2013 , 03:40 PM
Originally Posted by PartyGirlUK
Don't think I could bring myself to pass the North hand.
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07-13-2013 , 04:12 PM
Tough to bid with a random and no 2 suit overcalls, and you know it's never getting passed out. Either way I posted it because of the play.
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07-13-2013 , 04:34 PM
Ha! Hadn't even gotten to that point.
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07-13-2013 , 06:02 PM
Originally Posted by Hackdeath
Thanks for not posting a hint, forced me to give it another go . I think I have it now.
I think you figured out one of the lines for why the D5 is necessary. Well done!

You missed one of the cool things about the hand, so I'll spoiler it as a hint below:

E has two 5-card suits and no one else has as many cards in either of those two suits. On this hand, at trick one
it matters which suit he pitches from
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07-13-2013 , 07:41 PM
Originally Posted by DWetzel
Don't think I could bring myself to pass the North hand.
Well if Wetz would bid...

Do you guys have a Michaels cuebid type bid in your system?

Also, not sure I understand the play on that hand. Besides the lead, is there anything else? Or am I missing something?
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07-13-2013 , 09:46 PM
South needs to figure out why you underled an ace at a slam. Lowest diamond screams for a club return... down 1
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07-14-2013 , 05:10 AM
Originally Posted by PartyGirlUK
oh wow
Having a 6-6 not vulnerable and not entering the bidding. That is a bridge crime. 4S is cold.

Either you overcall directly over 1H or you could bid 3H after 1H-2C-3C.

lol south in trick 2.

Horrible play by both.
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07-14-2013 , 07:10 PM
Funniest comment I've ever heard at the table....

Was in a Mentor/Mentee swiss today. NV/NV with me as dealer at imps the auction goes:

1NT(11-13)-(P)-P-(2NT!) alerted as minors

Partner and I both look very confused as we set this 4 tricks. Afterwards, his mentor asks him what he had and he shows like a 12 ct 4423. When asked why he bid 2NT his response was...

I wanted to interfere with them and thought 2NT would take up the most space...
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07-14-2013 , 11:35 PM
More NT problems:

w/w MPs

A J 7 5
K 2
K 7
A 8 7 6 5

You're in second seat.


* /minor

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07-15-2013 , 02:32 AM
Originally Posted by dc-ohio
Funniest comment I've ever heard at the table....

Was in a Mentor/Mentee swiss today. NV/NV with me as dealer at imps the auction goes:

1NT(11-13)-(P)-P-(2NT!) alerted as minors

Partner and I both look very confused as we set this 4 tricks. Afterwards, his mentor asks him what he had and he shows like a 12 ct 4423. When asked why he bid 2NT his response was...

I wanted to interfere with them and thought 2NT would take up the most space...
Not sure how that 3NT escaped without a double. Your partner had less than 5HCP?

Originally Posted by Myrmidon7328
More NT problems:

w/w MPs

A J 7 5
K 2
K 7
A 8 7 6 5

You're in second seat.


* /minor

I would have some understanding for 1NT opener if the major suit was hearts, but with clubs and spades and don't see why I would open this 1NT. I can perfectly handle all responses to a 1C opener.

I lead As. But everything sucks really.
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07-15-2013 , 12:02 PM
Originally Posted by Gabethebabe
Not sure how that 3NT escaped without a double. Your partner had less than 5HCP?
Partner had 4 points, but was worried about something like long running clubs and stoppers in the majors for declarer.
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07-15-2013 , 12:31 PM
Originally Posted by dc-ohio
Partner had 4 points, but was worried about something like long running clubs and stoppers in the majors for declarer.
Well, that went off a lot then. Probably played as well as he bid
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07-16-2013 , 08:13 PM
Sick bet with clee, fmk.
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07-17-2013 , 03:45 AM
It was only a few hundred, I wanted to see if I could do it but thought I was a dog, but still thought I was like 25 %.

I think 69 % would be a fair bet.
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07-17-2013 , 07:16 AM
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07-17-2013 , 10:13 AM
Originally Posted by Wyman
70% over 500 hands with bots

He finished at 68 and change after 360 iirc
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07-18-2013 , 10:39 AM
I swear to god this just happened. I'm playing on a random table on BBO. I open 1C in third seat with a crushing one-suiter (xx x AK AKQJxxxx) and LHO overcalls 2H. This proves to be STRONG obviously. Her hand was AJxxx AKQJxx Jx -, ldo.

So far so standardly ******ed. But then....

I open 1S first seat. She bids 2H, alerted. I question the alert and she explains "weak two". No word of a lie.

We end up in 4S on this layout:


6				AJ4
KQ98764				JT3
Q2				AJ83
T93				J86

How I made 11 tricks here I leave as an exercise for the reader. After all you'll never learn if I hold your hand all the time.
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07-18-2013 , 10:52 AM
What was lead?
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07-18-2013 , 11:26 AM
So I played with a new player yesterday at the club. I landed in this spot, and want to see if I took the right line.

w/w MPs


J 8 7 3
A Q 6 4
Q J T 7

A J T 8 5 3
A Q 9
T 9 7 2

Lead: 4
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07-18-2013 , 01:02 PM
Originally Posted by ChrisV
How I made 11 tricks here I leave as an exercise for the reader. After all you'll never learn if I hold your hand all the time.
QD lead, fly ace to give partner their ruff, well, that didn't work, trump from dummy, fly ace to give partner their ruff because ldo you opened a four-card suit or something?
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07-18-2013 , 01:06 PM
Originally Posted by Myrmidon7328
So I played with a new player yesterday at the club. I landed in this spot, and want to see if I took the right line.

w/w MPs


J 8 7 3
A Q 6 4
Q J T 7

A J T 8 5 3
A Q 9
T 9 7 2

Lead: 4
Erm, honor covered and ruffed, and I'll probably try 7D to the Q... I'm probably planning to lose two trumps (ace and a low one to cater to Hx somewhere is > trying to pin 9x) and eventually get to dummy with the last diamond to endplay LHO with their club honor to lead a heart for me, as a general rule, but it depends a lot on how the play goes.
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