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03-01-2012 , 06:00 PM
Originally Posted by Wyman
I would not be surprised at all if pass were correct, and that would be my choice at any other vul. Here I will bid 4N and play 5m.

Not even close to being worth a slam drive.
Bridge Quote
03-01-2012 , 06:00 PM
yeah but geez i mean 2443 bidding 5H you must either have a lot of cards or a rock for a partner.

Doubling 4S just says "let's not play 4S undoubled." He obviously has some cards, but he doesn't have the shape to pick unilaterally. The initial doubler can easily be 13(45), and 5H would be a disaster. This is why I'd pass at any other colors. But at unfav, 600 just looks too juicy when they may have 7 spades and 1 somewhere else.

BTW, I wouldn't have a problem if advancer wanted to bid 5D over 5C with a 2443, but I just think it's better for overcaller to say "hey, I don't know what's right, but I don't want to defend, why don't you bid your longest suit?"

Last edited by Wyman; 03-01-2012 at 06:01 PM. Reason: @8625
Bridge Quote
03-01-2012 , 06:07 PM
to clarify, i meant what else could 5S be besides pick a slam.
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03-01-2012 , 06:21 PM
I'd want to know whether the cards are hard or soft, but in general if I have 2=4=4=3 and I hear (3S) X – (4S) in front of me, I know partner has either the right shape for this, or a rock. Red/white, I think I'm bidding 4NT and then following with 5D over 5C if that's what I hear — I think unless something else about the hand says "defend", a return double isn't right (unless you have the agreement that it's some sort of responsive on this auction). Partner with anything like what he has here will pass the return double, and it will be wrong a lot of the time.

Therefore, if I'm intervenor and hear the auction given, I pass 4S doubled and get annoyed at partner when we miss 5H on the actual hand. The spade king is the deciding factor — if partner has his double, we are getting at least one spade trick on defense (often two) or have no chance at making eleven tricks in our own suit (or both).

This assumes matchpoints, btw. At IMPs I'm considerably more likely to pass with advancer's hand to avoid a game swing, but my decision doesn't change in intervenor's seat because advancer is expected to make the adjustment.

Last edited by atakdog; 03-01-2012 at 06:29 PM.
Bridge Quote
03-01-2012 , 06:24 PM
Originally Posted by wahoopride
to clarify, i meant what else could 5S be besides pick a slam.
You have 5S and 5NT available to force to slam. I don't know what the difference is, but it's clear that there should be one.
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03-02-2012 , 02:26 AM
You also have 4N followed by something.

In general I just use the cuebid as showing a first round control in case we wanna bid a grand.

Driving to slam is way too aggro though imo, you do not have that much more than a normal X of 3S if you discount your SK fully, and partner was under pressure and would double with all working 10 counts and some working 9 counts. Like I think partner would obv X with xx Axxx KJxx Qxx, who wouldn't?

I think it's a decision on whether to pass or bid 4N not whether to drive to slam or not. Some good points were made in favor of bidding.
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03-02-2012 , 04:01 AM
Originally Posted by FCBLComish
East Deals, NS Vul, you are South

♠ K
K 10 8 4
A 10 4 2
♣ A K 9 5

(3S) X (4S) X
P ?

Is 5S pick a slam here? Is it correct?
imo partner is asking you to pass?? With a hand that I want to play something I would bid 4NT and not dbl. This is not solely for minors by my methods, you could have e.g. a 3451, planning to correct 5C to 5D, showing the reds.

A hand partner could have is something like QTx, Axx, Kxxx, Qxx - way too much to allow them to play 4S undoubled and not interested in playing at the 5-level.

5S would be pick a slam but you miss at least an ace for that.
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03-02-2012 , 07:06 AM
Update on people going to memphis? Pog midnight game? I remember dc-ohio, anyone else?
Bridge Quote
03-02-2012 , 03:51 PM
I fly in 3/18. PM me if you want a number/email to get in touch with me.
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03-03-2012 , 08:25 PM
There is a pretty cool article in this month's ESPN magazine about Bob Hamman's insurance business.
Bridge Quote
03-03-2012 , 09:43 PM
Originally Posted by PlzBeALevel
There is a pretty cool article in this month's ESPN magazine about Bob Hamman's insurance business.
also my current employer, so if anyone has questions i can most likely provide some insight, within reason.

link to our page with the article
Bridge Quote
03-03-2012 , 09:45 PM
Originally Posted by feedmykids
Update on people going to memphis? Pog midnight game? I remember dc-ohio, anyone else?
i'm coming for the second half of the tournament. playing with bob, tho.
Bridge Quote
03-03-2012 , 09:51 PM
First time ever being irritated at a partner on Thursday night in the team league at the club here. We were playing a team who were 4-0 and who had crushed all their games so far.

We were up 17 IMPS halfway through. Halfway through the second set I had


in 4th seat r/w.

Auction went


Even with my support and the spade ace partner still went for 800 and we lost by 4.

I was pretty mad (on the inside).
Bridge Quote
03-04-2012 , 11:01 AM
nice of random bbo drooler to think his AJTxxxx with one outside K is worth redoubling at the five level. don't think i've taken someone for -2200 and 20 imps for quite a while
Bridge Quote
03-05-2012 , 12:01 AM
****in' swiss....

We're 2nd going into the last round, trailing the leaders by 5 VP, and 4 VP ahead of 3rd.

Final round we're playing the 1st place team, and since the 3rd place team has already played the 4th and 5th place teams, they are up against the 6th place team. We win a tight match by 8 IMPs, giving us 24 VP and 156 for the 7 round swiss. 3rd place team blitzes and gets 30 for 158 stealing 1st overall.

5-1-1 for the day, only loss came to the team that won and we only lost by 3 IMPs that match
Bridge Quote
03-05-2012 , 12:39 AM
Just played a fun one (not very hard, but amusing) at the kitchen table:




Rubber bridge, legs all around, I opened 3H, doubled and all passed. (Against these opps, this does not mean there's a heart stack.) LHO is semi-competent. RHO is not.

The imperfect defense:
  • Diamond king led, winning
  • Queen of diamonds, overtaken by the ace.
  • Low club, my queen holds. (These things happen.)
Now ace of hearts fetches the jack from LHO; a second heart finds them 2–2. RHO wins the king and attempts to cash her club ace.

After you ruff, you're in hand with:




Take the rest of the tricks.
LHO seems to be left with 97 of diamonds, and may stop clubs (or the jack may drop). He also probably has the spade ace. You may have a squeeze in the minors, with the added bonus that the spade ace may confuse matters.

Run hearts, pitching spades. On the last spade you will have to judge the position, but assuming you're right about the diamond lie (and this RHO would never overtake the diamond queen, so you are) you will know whether to retain the diamond 8 or the club ten. I suppose it's also barely possible that your spade 7 could become good, but in practice LHO held onto the ace, clarifying matters even more.

Obviously the hand doesn't go this way against competent opponents, but so be it.

Edit to note: The defense should take seven tricks. Would your partnership?

Last edited by atakdog; 03-05-2012 at 12:54 AM.
Bridge Quote
03-05-2012 , 04:53 PM
well that's a cool bbo session, get told to "**** off idiot" and then bink one of those 40 player individuals with three tops and 83% in the space of half an hour.

idk, if the other guy had have either a) doubled or b) bid 2NT over lho's 1M with his AKxxx in both minors, i might have found a 5 sac. i guess i'm an idiot for not being psychic
Bridge Quote
03-05-2012 , 06:40 PM
He overcalled 2D instead? depending on the rest if the hand I sort of like that; I prefer my two-suit bids to be weak-or-strong. I realize a lot of good players think it otherwise, and I'm not completely sold either way.


In other news, partner (my stepbrother) and I just had our best game ever (he has no school today), with nearly 60%. The surprising thing is that I didn't have a whole lot to do with it — it was one of those sessions in which one seat has few critical decisions, and today I was in that seat.

Partner now sitting on a whopping 3.38 MPs, he tells me.
Bridge Quote
03-08-2012 , 08:16 AM
Sunday to sunday in Memphis. Don't think I'll get to a game before then. 67.66 MPs needed for life master.

the only major events (for me) I'm in are the Red Ribbon pairs and NAP flight C finals.

I can do this right?
Bridge Quote
03-08-2012 , 12:54 PM
Cute hand yesterday passing time on my iPhone (iBridgeBaron). This is a double-dummy problem. Who prevails, declarer or defense?

Contract: 6NT
Opening lead: 3S


7643           J5
Q9864          73
QT3            J92  
J              K109865

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03-08-2012 , 12:55 PM
something is wrong Duplication of diamonds, clubs missing
Bridge Quote
03-08-2012 , 12:57 PM
Well, given that heart suit consists of 14 cards including two jacks, two nines, and two deuces, and there are 16 diamonds in the pack, it's a little hard to analyze.
Bridge Quote
03-08-2012 , 12:58 PM
Sorry, fixed now.
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03-08-2012 , 01:07 PM
Originally Posted by benz33
Sorry, fixed now.
very easy hand. Take first trick and cash AK of diamonds. If west maintains the high diamond, you go to Qs, cash Ac, throwing a heart, cash all spades and throw west in with the last diamond to lead into the heart tenace. If East maintains the high diamond, play 2 hearts and another spade, throw him in to lead into club tenace for the 12th trick.
Bridge Quote
03-08-2012 , 03:50 PM
And here I was with a brilliant retort of "well, what if they both dump the diamonds, no throw in then, muahaha!"... and then I counted to twelve.
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