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Bridge Bridge

11-16-2011 , 06:48 AM
Originally Posted by chuckleslovakian
If fmk is my partner I bid 3nt. Else I am following wetzs line
Hah, I would never bid 3N with me fwiw! I'm the guy who says I want my partner to bid 3N with 9 but damn, those spots are pretty sick.
Bridge Quote
11-16-2011 , 08:08 AM
Weak NT runout questions...

My partner and I were using systems on over a double with pass forcing a redouble to either play or start a scramble sequence. We've found we don't like this.

Someone suggested the following system:

Pass: forces redouble
Pass: to play
2C: C+S
2D: D+S
2H: H+S better or longer S
XX: forces 2C to show single suiters
2C: C+H
2D: D+H
2H: H+S better or longer H
This seems better as you can show 2 suiters quickly and can get out or compete when necessary. The question I have, is there is 3 opportunities to bid 2S, either directly, after pass-XX, or after XX-2C. Is there a reason to give these three bids meaning in this system?
Bridge Quote
11-16-2011 , 08:49 AM
The reason is that it's not convenient to use it for anything else. In my own system I roll most game-forcing hands into one of the two spade sequences, which you can do (these hands theoretically happen), but when it comes right down to it any well-equipped scrambling system will have three routes to 2S while one is really enough.
Bridge Quote
11-16-2011 , 09:36 AM
Originally Posted by dc-ohio
Weak NT runout questions...

My partner and I were using systems on over a double with pass forcing a redouble to either play or start a scramble sequence. We've found we don't like this.

Someone suggested the following system:

Pass: forces redouble
Pass: to play
2C: C+S
2D: D+S
2H: H+S better or longer S
XX: forces 2C to show single suiters
2C: C+H
2D: D+H
2H: H+S better or longer H
This seems better as you can show 2 suiters quickly and can get out or compete when necessary. The question I have, is there is 3 opportunities to bid 2S, either directly, after pass-XX, or after XX-2C. Is there a reason to give these three bids meaning in this system?
I don´t like you system at all.
The main reason is that I want to be able to play 1 NT doubled. Opponents often have a problem if it goes 1NT-(dbl)-pass (??). The dbl has a wide range and opponents have margin for error. Opp may pull and find dbler has an 18-count or he might pass and we have 21 HCP together. In your system he can simply pass and await developments, because you are kind enough to tell whether you want to play 1NT or not. Let him guess.

I´d play:


rdbl = clubs and another suit
2C = clubs or not clubs. If they dbl - rdbl shows potentially 3 suits, 2D shows diamonds+major or equal majors (if they dbl 2D you rdbl), 2H=5H+4S.
2D = diamonds or majors, longer S
2H/2S = nat

The consequence is that you cannot play 1NT redoubled. I can live with that - especially because it will hardly ever be the final contract. Also, most teammates are happy with 1NT doubled with an overtrick.

You can add quite some subleties. For instance what is
1NT-(dbl)-rdbl-(pass)-2C and when they dbl: 2D compared with 2D directly? One of them should be to play (5D).
Bridge Quote
11-16-2011 , 10:03 AM
Playing 1NTX doesn't really excite me... when the auction goes


it puts a lot of pressure on 4th seat... most of the time they get out to an unmakeable doubled contract which we only need to beat 1 vul or 2 NV to score better than 1NTx=, or we are getting a huge plus in 1NTXX. Granted, if we can make the overtrick in 1NTX we are losing a little bit when we go +200 vs +280 or 380, but if we can make the overtrick in 1NTX, we're likely setting them at least 500.
Bridge Quote
11-16-2011 , 12:06 PM
I still don´t quite agree with your system, even if you want to hold on the business pass-and-redouble.

imo an immediate bid of 2D/2H/2S must be natural as it has preemptive value. Going the long way through rdbl-2C offers all kinds of opportunities to opponents to bid a new suit.

Also your system does not really take advantage of the wealth of bidding space you have. With cunning passing/redoubling/pulling out of doubles you can show a whole range of two suiters.

Stuff like 1NT-(dbl)-2C showing C+H is just plain bad. Smarter would be something like C+D OR 5D/4M OR 5H/4S. 1NT-opener assumes C+D and gives preference. If 2C is doubled, responder will run if he has 5D/4M or 5H/4S and has 3 bids to show those three options (rdbl, 2D, 2H).

Bidding 2C after rdbl could be C+Major OR 4D+5M. 1NT opener assumes Clubs+Major and bids 2D relay to hear the major, which the responder can pass if he has 4D+5M.

Sooo much space. Gotta use it.
Bridge Quote
11-16-2011 , 01:29 PM
Ugh I miss bridge. Really want to be playing a lot more, but except for this morning, when my alarm was turned off and I overslept til 5:40, I've been up before 5am every day since the Bermuda Bowl started.

I'm going to bed earlier than my kids these days.
Bridge Quote
11-16-2011 , 05:03 PM
Gabe: while what you say about fourth hand having an easier decision over a passed double than a delayed redouble is true in practice, my experience (playing a similar system to that posted) is that it isn't: at IMPs, anyway, some players who would float 1NT doubled will pull once responder willingly redoubles it (in effect) into game.
Bridge Quote
11-16-2011 , 05:27 PM
From the Pub:

Chips Ahoy playing. He has never played bridge. The fact that this hand occurred in a somewhat surreal dream may or may not be relevant. Vulnerability and form of scoring unknown.

x Qxxxx x Qxxxxx

(1C) 1D – (1NT) ?

In practice Chips elected to bid 4H. Depending on vulnerability I think this could work — he's going to find heart support and club ruffing values with partner a whole lot of the time. (Yes, overruffing will be an issue.)

The auction continued:

(1C) 1D – (1NT) 4H
(4S) P – (P) ?

So yes, it was a dream and all — but if this auction actually occurred at the table, what would y'all think? My own view is that opener has to have psyched with nothing but a spade preempt, but that gives partner a hell of a moose. But for opener to be telling the truth, he has to be at least 5=0=2=6 and be nuts, or 6=0=0=7 and not be. And I'm not buying partner passing over 4S with a club void and the hearts he'd have to have.

Who's lying?
Bridge Quote
11-16-2011 , 05:37 PM
Originally Posted by atakdog

Who's lying?
We are?

Most likely BBO random explanation is that LHO is playing Precision and RHO isn't.
Bridge Quote
11-16-2011 , 06:08 PM
Lol, that could be it.

I should note that Chips says many of the cards were actually just scraps of paper that may or may not have been clubs, so that could have something to do with it too.
Bridge Quote
11-16-2011 , 06:13 PM
4h seems good if the scraps of paper that are clubs are actually hearts
Bridge Quote
11-16-2011 , 06:16 PM
I may well be available to play tonight, in case anyone's interested.
Bridge Quote
11-16-2011 , 06:25 PM
Count me in I think, but not until about 8:00 CST. I sense a team game coming.
Bridge Quote
11-16-2011 , 06:27 PM
Me too, bsball is out of town til Sunday

Good for bridge though since it means i never leave my apt
Bridge Quote
11-16-2011 , 06:37 PM
just a small thoght about bbo. why is it that most people play 4 card majors. also why do most people bypass a 4 card major to bid nt? is it that random or have i been away to long?
Bridge Quote
11-16-2011 , 06:41 PM
Originally Posted by atakdog
Who's lying?
the Turkish one
Bridge Quote
11-16-2011 , 06:42 PM
Originally Posted by loumike
just a small thoght about bbo. why is it that most people play 4 card majors. also why do most people bypass a 4 card major to bid nt? is it that random or have i been away to long?
Because they're ****ing terrible, that's why. Seriously, don't overthink it.

Originally Posted by Wyman
the Turkish one
This made me lol. It's funny because it's true.
Bridge Quote
11-16-2011 , 06:44 PM
Originally Posted by loumike
just a small thoght about bbo. why is it that most people play 4 card majors. also why do most people bypass a 4 card major to bid nt? is it that random or have i been away to long?
4cM is ACOL usually, a popular style in Western Europe. Also many North Americans are relaxing the 5cM requirement in 3rd and 4th chair for preemptive and/or lead-directing reasons.

Also, a style where opener always rebids 1N with a balanced hand is becoming more and more normal.
Bridge Quote
11-16-2011 , 06:57 PM
If you play Walsh style, wherein after a 1C opening responder bypasses diamonds in preference for a four-card major unless he has GF strength and more diamonds than the major, opener should often (imo) rebid 1NT in preference for a four-card major after 1C – 1D. You can't ever miss a 4–4 fit this way; if your hand suggests that you don't want to look for the 4–3, there's no particular reason not to bypass (though your minor suit shape may suggest that 1NT will not be best, and you honors may argue for your partner declaring).

Last edited by atakdog; 11-16-2011 at 07:08 PM.
Bridge Quote
11-16-2011 , 07:07 PM
Which reminds me of a ploy I've thought about but never run:

White/white (best). You are balanced, out of opening notrump range (weaker is the most obvious; stronger is tricky, as you'll see), with exactly one four-card major; it's best if it's spades. You have no or few tenaces, so you don't mind partner declaring. Your four card major is weak enough that you have no interest in a 4–3 there. Your holding in the shorter major is either empty, or Ax(x); it's a lot safer if you have exactly three. You have a minor suit shape that dictates that that you open 1C. For an example, let's say you have T9xx Axx Ax Axxx.

After 1C – 1D, I think there's a case for bidding 1H here. Partner will rarely raise (he'd need a black suit stiff for that to look right, probably) and your spade holding suggests that he may well have a stopper there. You'd very much prefer a heart to a spade lead against notrump, and you'd like partner to declare. You'll know what to do over any notrump rebid. And even if you hear the truly bad response, 2H, you can pass (at these colors) and often be saved by your opps balancing with 2S.

I think it could also be right with 4=2=3=4, though you're going to face a raise more often, and maybe 4=3=1=5 if you plan to sit for 2H. Whether you can risk it with a 19 count that intends to pop 1NT to 3 and is just trying to rightside things and induce a favorable lead is another question — example hand for that would be Axxx Ax AJx ATxx.
Bridge Quote
11-16-2011 , 07:21 PM
In fact, with that in mind I'd like to hear from others about psychs they know to be useful and successful. Not just random randomness that works only when the opposition is drunk or stupid — I would like to think I can beat drunk and stupid people without psyching. But if any of the experienced players have favorite psych situations or moves, please do tell.
Bridge Quote
11-16-2011 , 07:38 PM
r/w lho deals and opens 1 club. auction goes like this. 1c-1h-x-?. you hold qx,xxxx,xxxx,jxx. i decide that 1 spade is best. lho rebids 3 clubs. partner who isn't in on the joke bids 3 spades. lol goes into the tank and bids 4 clubs, and it goes all pass. partner leads the aceof hearts and dummy hits with akjx,x,axxx,k10xx. declarer yells for director and says we cant have spades cuz she has 4 and her partner does too. director asks dummy what were you thinking about with that hand. she says she was waiting to double four spades. club bridge gotta love it.
Bridge Quote
11-16-2011 , 07:43 PM
If you have a partner who will bid 3S, red, with three dead and (apparently) something like an eight count in a non-fit auction, you can't risk psychs like that.
Bridge Quote
11-16-2011 , 07:52 PM
the power of the system we play knows no bounds.
Bridge Quote
