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***Breakfast Cereal Wars vanilla+ 13er Game Thread*** ***Breakfast Cereal Wars vanilla+ 13er Game Thread***

07-12-2016 , 09:34 AM
I hope ppl are here before eod

The last hour is the most important part of the day

SK, you prob know this, but you have to shoot a wolf tonight for the game to not end
***Breakfast Cereal Wars vanilla+ 13er Game Thread*** Quote
07-12-2016 , 09:38 AM
time to captain this village

so we got ben peeked and forsy shc

looking at the player list i have no idea who shot mryo but maybe it was killer or danny idk

the heart wants jp to go today but does wolf jp make such a big deal about eod and not lynching kawamii
***Breakfast Cereal Wars vanilla+ 13er Game Thread*** Quote
07-12-2016 , 09:45 AM
i guess i can drop seer cover on dw

i dont really think hes wolfy but when he quoted my reads list to co sigh that did ping me i use to call these lolcat kinda posts but more so wolfing style points is more accurate

guess this doesnt matter if jp flips wolf but tinfoil starts to flow when 4 ppl flip and no wolves are found
***Breakfast Cereal Wars vanilla+ 13er Game Thread*** Quote
07-12-2016 , 09:51 AM
pretty lol that ben could be the ck and still n0 by ship
***Breakfast Cereal Wars vanilla+ 13er Game Thread*** Quote
07-12-2016 , 09:53 AM
forsy what do you think of dw i noticed to drop some knowledge about how hes a good wolf but dont think ive seen you take a stance yet
***Breakfast Cereal Wars vanilla+ 13er Game Thread*** Quote
07-12-2016 , 09:54 AM
Originally Posted by DWetzel

The peek quoted in 407 is a lot more likely peek than what you just got quoted.

And it means Benji is a villager

Do try to keep up, there are so many terrible people in this game and some of them have to be on my team and that depresses me
Ah I see now. I was in page 1 looking for Kruze peek though
***Breakfast Cereal Wars vanilla+ 13er Game Thread*** Quote
07-12-2016 , 09:54 AM
Fwiw I am not 100% wedded to the JP vote but if there is one post of talk about not touching the SK instead of actual game conversation I'm going to just make a necessary assumption that he's not on my team because if he is then I lose anyway

There's exactly one explanation that makes some sense for yesterday, and it is still aidsy but if I hear it I'll probably back off
***Breakfast Cereal Wars vanilla+ 13er Game Thread*** Quote
07-12-2016 , 09:54 AM
Originally Posted by TheBrokenATM!
Ah I see now. I was in page 1 looking for Kruze peek though
Originally Posted by KruZe
If I have to choose between Kawamii and killer at EOD, I'm going Kawamii.
forsy v
***Breakfast Cereal Wars vanilla+ 13er Game Thread*** Quote
07-12-2016 , 09:55 AM
More where your head is at right? Can u quote the shc peek?
***Breakfast Cereal Wars vanilla+ 13er Game Thread*** Quote
07-12-2016 , 09:56 AM
***Breakfast Cereal Wars vanilla+ 13er Game Thread*** Quote
07-12-2016 , 09:56 AM
Oh lol. Great job kruuuuuuuuze
***Breakfast Cereal Wars vanilla+ 13er Game Thread*** Quote
07-12-2016 , 09:57 AM
It still feels like I have a lot of villagers and not enough potential wolves

Am I underestimating Danny maybe? He was my n0 but he was my n0 because I felt pretty good about his tone
***Breakfast Cereal Wars vanilla+ 13er Game Thread*** Quote
07-12-2016 , 10:00 AM
So we have
JP as not wolfs.

That means anyone we hit outside of this is 80% of a non villager. So SK should always shoot in the wolf pile and he has a 75% chance of hitting. Is grim but the odds of the game going another day are almost guaranteed.
***Breakfast Cereal Wars vanilla+ 13er Game Thread*** Quote
07-12-2016 , 10:00 AM
>.> i think danny killed myro
***Breakfast Cereal Wars vanilla+ 13er Game Thread*** Quote
07-12-2016 , 10:01 AM
Dwetzel from ur POV if you someone had info that JP is a villager and obv I am too.
The game is basically solved to u.
***Breakfast Cereal Wars vanilla+ 13er Game Thread*** Quote
07-12-2016 , 10:01 AM
Why MOR? Was she pushing him?
***Breakfast Cereal Wars vanilla+ 13er Game Thread*** Quote
07-12-2016 , 10:05 AM
no more that myro seems pretty much villa read by everyone and i think only killer and danny didnt have take on him

plus danny has a post about myro going hard at kruze but didnt like the logic or something

acutally nvm i guess he shoots jp
***Breakfast Cereal Wars vanilla+ 13er Game Thread*** Quote
07-12-2016 , 10:21 AM
Good morning all
***Breakfast Cereal Wars vanilla+ 13er Game Thread*** Quote
07-12-2016 , 10:22 AM
Not a great night by the look of things.
***Breakfast Cereal Wars vanilla+ 13er Game Thread*** Quote
07-12-2016 , 10:22 AM
***Breakfast Cereal Wars vanilla+ 13er Game Thread*** Quote
07-12-2016 , 10:23 AM
Probabky killer too (if batm flips wolf) Wolf batm loves to buss.
***Breakfast Cereal Wars vanilla+ 13er Game Thread*** Quote
07-12-2016 , 10:26 AM
Maybe Danny too. Wouldn't surprise me if most of the Wolves were off wagon. Wolves have a tendency to be more right N1 than villagers I find, especially when a mislynch is in progress.
***Breakfast Cereal Wars vanilla+ 13er Game Thread*** Quote
07-12-2016 , 10:27 AM
Maybe not more right per SE, but they do tend to not be on wagon with a runaway mislynch
***Breakfast Cereal Wars vanilla+ 13er Game Thread*** Quote
07-12-2016 , 10:30 AM
Votes from post 402 to post 448
Night in 9:32:44

1 TheBrokenATM! Quick_Ben (6)
1 Jon Paul DWetzel (5)
7 not voting BenjaminAO (4), DannyKGB (0), Forsythio (6), Jon Paul (0), killer_kill (0), Mor_Tilt4mePls (8), TheBrokenATM! (15)
***Breakfast Cereal Wars vanilla+ 13er Game Thread*** Quote
07-12-2016 , 10:32 AM
Originally Posted by TheBrokenATM!
Dwetzel from ur POV if you someone had info that JP is a villager and obv I am too.
The game is basically solved to u.
If I had that info then yes, it would be killer/QB/Danny/Mortilt

Problem is I don't feel like, for instance, Mortilt has much wolf equity just based on his posting

Which means that POE you propose would have to be wrong somewhere

I'd be more or less fine with killer and QB dying, Danny I really liked yesterday but maybe I was giving too much credit to tone, so it's not all THAT far off
***Breakfast Cereal Wars vanilla+ 13er Game Thread*** Quote
