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Binkles' Walrus Reveal II Binkles' Walrus Reveal II

11-28-2015 , 11:28 AM
anti podium here i come!
Binkles' Walrus Reveal II Quote
11-28-2015 , 11:33 AM
Originally Posted by captain binkles
In 10th Place, scoring 10 Points

El_Timon with Clean by Ryan Adams

Mr. Consistent strikes again with a pretty nifty cover of Taylor Swift's 'Clean'. Like I mentioned, country isn't really my 'thing', but the general sound has grown on me, and I have a soft spot for this sort of style, particularly with this sort of voice where I can't always pick up the lyrics very easily. I want to call it crooning but that seems very inaccurate. Anyway I got this cover as a solid improvement over the original, and the outro with the two guitars is very cool. I feel like there's something I should be able to easily compare it to, but it's escaping me right at this moment.
When I read "Mr. Consistent" I thought you were going to refer about how consistently my songs fall around the 10th place.
Binkles' Walrus Reveal II Quote
11-28-2015 , 11:34 AM
In 17th Place, scoring 3 Points

DonkDonkDonkDonk with C.C. Rider by Mississippi John Hurt

I'm sure this is a lolbinkles, but I don't much love the acoustic strumming bluesy thing in general, and this just doesn't stick out to me at all. It's nice enough to just listen to I guess, but I just find the whole thing to be lacking in depth and dynamism. And while there are plenty of 'simple' songs I really like, usually they have at least one powerful element that I can't really find here.
Binkles' Walrus Reveal II Quote
11-28-2015 , 11:34 AM
Originally Posted by DonkDonkDonkDonk
anti podium here i come!
Good guess

Originally Posted by El_Timon
When I read "Mr. Consistent" I thought you were going to refer about how consistently my songs fall around the 10th place.
Haha, that is what I was referring to, I just forgot to follow up on it :P
Binkles' Walrus Reveal II Quote
11-28-2015 , 11:35 AM
Well at least I didn't finish last, which is all I can hope for in this walrus at this point.
Binkles' Walrus Reveal II Quote
11-28-2015 , 11:47 AM
In 3rd Place, scoring 17 Points

Nick Royale with Story 4: Sleeplessly Embracing by Clipping.

Speaking of powerful, wow. Everything about this is incredibly powerful. Fantastic brass instrumental highlights a very evocative piece of hip-hop story-telling with a very dark storyline. I do love my dark stories, and I think this one, uhh, fits the bill. This is a great mix of lyricism and flow, all over the top of a great instrumental. The elements of noise/electronica are a great touch I think.

My own question is whether this will have the staying power of other songs near the top. But that's future Binkles' problem.

I think you're certainly on the money that it's not 'traditional' hip-hop, although it's probably not the most out there in terms of implementing noise either. I really like Handsome Boy Modelling School but something like Megaton B-boy 2000 was a little too much for me.
Binkles' Walrus Reveal II Quote
11-28-2015 , 11:49 AM
Originally Posted by DonkDonkDonkDonk
Well at least I didn't finish last, which is all I can hope for in this walrus at this point.
I'll send you my bank details in a few
Binkles' Walrus Reveal II Quote
11-28-2015 , 11:55 AM
Originally Posted by captain binkles
Who has some best harmonica songs power rankings for me?

edit: the spotify link doesn't seem to be working for me
search chickee pow! in spotify then.
Binkles' Walrus Reveal II Quote
11-28-2015 , 11:55 AM
In 18th Place, scoring 2 Points

Tchaz with Eléonore by Serge Remion et ses Bois Sirop

I found this an upbeat and fun, kind of quirky listen for the first part of the song. The problem I had in the end was that the novelty wore off quite quickly for me, and while that probably makes light of what is a strong genre (for which I apologise), it became all a bit repetitive for me and lacked the staying power to keep my attention, despite being a fairly short piece.
Binkles' Walrus Reveal II Quote
11-28-2015 , 11:58 AM
Originally Posted by fnord_too
search chickee pow! in spotify then.
It is a bit more normal, but it's also got a pretty pretty good sound going on
Binkles' Walrus Reveal II Quote
11-28-2015 , 12:20 PM
In 2nd Place, scoring 18 Points

Vginaman with Hate It Here by Wilco

Sort by Wilco become music expert, clearly. I had a super hard time deciding if this would finish first or second. And in the end I had to partly write up both of the top two songs before deciding which one I liked more right this moment. Despite this being on the same album as Impossible Germany, a song I hyped up quite a lot earlier, I'd never heard this before, and it's really great.

It certainly feels like one of the more approachable Wilco tracks, the lyrics are reasonably straightforward, and the whole thing has a very open and warm vibe. It really lets the melody shine through, and it's a really listenable song. It has that element of Eagles-y rock that I enjoy more than most seem to (cue the Big Lebowski picture), but also mixes things up incredibly well. When everything stops at around 1:45 before suddenly getting much louder and then transitioning into a great guitar solo, it really does a great job reflecting the mood of the whole piece. It's really what helps catapult this song from good to elite imo. The whole 'two guitars playing counterpoint to one another' might be the new 'sort by piano' for me, but it sure does sound great here.
Binkles' Walrus Reveal II Quote
11-28-2015 , 12:22 PM
In 19th Place, scoring 1 Point

Quarrrr with Daddy's Gone by Glasvegas

There were bits of this I liked. His voice worked over the top of the rest of the song quite well I thought, and most of the chorus was really strong, particularly hand in hand with his accent. My big struggle with this song was how samey it was throughout. The monotonic strumming and the tambourine gave everything a very minimalist/build-up vibe, and in general I'm not a huge fan of that, particularly when it never really goes anywhere. Add in all the repeats of "he's gone he's gone he's gone" during the chorus and most of the second half of the song feels almost superfluous to me.
Binkles' Walrus Reveal II Quote
11-28-2015 , 12:25 PM
Which means, for the second time this Walrus

In 1st Place, scoring 19 Points

RAORoman with Come Unto Me by The Mavericks

This is really awesome. The whole song just grabs you from the first note and doesn't let go until the end. It's very high energy, his voice works so incredibly well with this style of song, and it's just an absolute blast to listen to. It also has some fantastic use of the piano accordion, an instrument I generally am not a fan of. And then we also have the Roy Orbison-esque vocals, and the trumpet, and the whole musical journey that is this latin rock and roll tango thing. Everything you could possibly want from this sort of song, it delivers, and then some.
Binkles' Walrus Reveal II Quote
11-28-2015 , 12:26 PM
And with that, I'm heading to sleep. I'll update the scores and stuff later
Binkles' Walrus Reveal II Quote
11-28-2015 , 12:48 PM
Aww nice, really glad you enjoyed that one
Binkles' Walrus Reveal II Quote
11-28-2015 , 12:53 PM
Originally Posted by captain binkles
I think you're certainly on the money that it's not 'traditional' hip-hop, although it's probably not the most out there in terms of implementing noise either.
I almost submitted Get Up by clipping, which is just a repeated sample of a wake up alarm but I thought it might be too minimalistic for your taste Binkles' Walrus Reveal II

It's actually really great though, and there's a lot of other great stuff on their album.

Last edited by Nick Royale; 11-28-2015 at 12:59 PM.
Binkles' Walrus Reveal II Quote
11-28-2015 , 01:13 PM
how could Wilco possibly be outside of anyone's comfort zone? loooool

also, was just listening to that J5 song that other day, hah

Last edited by 72off; 11-28-2015 at 01:14 PM. Reason: i waited like a week for that!? ban binkles ldo
Binkles' Walrus Reveal II Quote
11-28-2015 , 01:26 PM
That's indeed highly suspect
Binkles' Walrus Reveal II Quote
11-28-2015 , 05:55 PM
It was so much in my comfort zone that I felt bad submitting it, thus outside my comfort zone.
Binkles' Walrus Reveal II Quote
11-28-2015 , 10:44 PM
Heh. Surprised I took that one.

Binkles' Walrus Reveal II Quote
11-29-2015 , 01:00 AM
Originally Posted by vginaman
It was so much in my comfort zone that I felt bad submitting it, thus outside my comfort zone.
This is irrefutable logic
Binkles' Walrus Reveal II Quote
12-01-2015 , 07:31 PM
Binkles' Walrus Reveal II Quote
12-01-2015 , 09:30 PM
I'm such a dumb turd, I thought I only had one odesza song saved on the youtubes but I had two and submitted the wrong one. Doesn't help the pic is the same on them, apparently the same album even though they sound quite different..

I'm gonna say it's good though bc it's just as likely binkles would hate the other one more
Binkles' Walrus Reveal II Quote
12-03-2015 , 08:01 AM
Binkles, where have you gone?

edit - just listening to this for the first time ever. maybe should have saved it for a walrus!
Binkles' Walrus Reveal II Quote
12-03-2015 , 07:25 PM
Originally Posted by captain binkles
In 7th Place, scoring 13 Points

Telcontar with Concrete Schoolyard by Jurassic Five

I think you said in a recent post you thought you'd score poorly here/this isn't a genre I liked. Hopefully this helps prove you wrong on both counts I'm actually a big fan of hip hop and Concrete Schoolyard is a classic. Actually, iirc during the last category I linked High Power Rap which is sort of what Concrete Schoolyard is a callback to. That group sound, with each member trading lines, and generally being a little more melodic. In fact, the bridge thingy at ~2:45 in Concrete Schoolyard afaict is a direct reference to the kazoo in High Power Rap (~1:50).

Anyway, I can definitely see why it might be one of the few songs in this genre you like. It's super pleasing on the ear, with a great laidback feel, and it's probably a little unlucky to score this low. Anyway, based on you really liking this, I think you should give a listen to Moment of Truth by Gang Starr and Electric Relaxation by A Tribe Called Quest.
I'm incredibly pleasantly surprised by this. Think you for the two recommendatations too. The Gang Starr song didnt really work for me, but Electric relaxation is exactly my thing. Just a perfect melody for my ears
Binkles' Walrus Reveal II Quote
